Victory in Christ
All the demon armies on Earth at satan's command, operating in the collective spirit of anti-Christ, are ultimately and completely defeated. Christ said, "IT IS FINISHED."
Our Creator sent the Lord Jesus Christ to break the spell, to destroy the works of darkness, once and for all. And that is what He did! Victory is in Christ!
Blood sacrificing of human beings and animals - who are both filled with the Creator's Spirit (breath of life) - was taught to men by fallen angels...
torture and murder of humans and animals continues by the wicked seed of cain - hybrid bloodline of the nephilim - to this present day!
True human history is filled with evil ruling classes deceiving, oppressing, torturing, murdering and mass killing humans with no remorse or any shred of conscience...
The modern masonic/khazarian system of "democracy" presenting a civilized front through its various institutions is a facade for the same murderers and cannibals who eat and drink the flesh/blood of their victims. This is no topic for the faint of heart, but one that's so important for Humanity at large to acknowledge and accept so that millions of untold/undocumented lives can be saved! Just look to Hollywood Witchcraft "films" and the tube/TV programming to see just how these psychopaths get away with their crimes!
Due to the seed of cain's agenda to present half truths mixed with lies of the gods they serve, there are people who think the god who demanded blood sacrifice is the true Creator, but this is false! The true Creator represented by Christ on Earth challenged the religious and political rulers as He knew well the level of greed and depravity which control all those filled with the anti-Christ spirit. Those who are peace-makers, the meek/kind, humble, and those whose feet do NOT run swiftly to shed innocent blood are they who will inherit the Earth to summarize a few of the Beatitudes. He clearly taught it is the prideful and violent, the haughty and merciless who will be removed.
The institution of Religion was created to attempt to block Humanity from having a pure relationship with God by using lies, propaganda inserted into books deemed holy scripture, and legalism to ensure that the "rules" associated with Religion would steer people away from spiritual growth. People's pure understanding of and relationship with God The Creator of the heavens and Earth was shoved into a box by culture and then presented as "choices" of which one to join!
The Bible I can say is indeed missing many books such as the Wisdom of Solomon and others which should be there, while some books were included with the intent to control minds and harm the human spirit rather than encourage it. Religion and acts in the "name of god" have done much damage to people over many centuries. Those who have a personal relationship with Christ based on experience, faith, and the truth of the Holy Spirit's guidance are closer to the true Creator than a zionist wolf in the pulpit. One reason you can be sure that Christianity the religion at face value cannot be trusted is because of 33 degree masons like Billy Graham marketed it. Masonry is a SEED OF CAIN (Tubal-Cain) mafia and are the BUILDERS of the NWO, Luciferian one-world religion.
There are so many layers of lies being cleared from the collective field of consciousness that many people will not be able to accept that some things they've believed all their lies have been deception. You can trust fully that the Holy Spirit teaches only TRUTH!
Our Creator sent the Lord Jesus Christ to break the spell, to destroy the works of darkness, once and for all. And that is what He did! Victory is in Christ!
Blood sacrificing of human beings and animals - who are both filled with the Creator's Spirit (breath of life) - was taught to men by fallen angels...
torture and murder of humans and animals continues by the wicked seed of cain - hybrid bloodline of the nephilim - to this present day!
True human history is filled with evil ruling classes deceiving, oppressing, torturing, murdering and mass killing humans with no remorse or any shred of conscience...
The modern masonic/khazarian system of "democracy" presenting a civilized front through its various institutions is a facade for the same murderers and cannibals who eat and drink the flesh/blood of their victims. This is no topic for the faint of heart, but one that's so important for Humanity at large to acknowledge and accept so that millions of untold/undocumented lives can be saved! Just look to Hollywood Witchcraft "films" and the tube/TV programming to see just how these psychopaths get away with their crimes!
Due to the seed of cain's agenda to present half truths mixed with lies of the gods they serve, there are people who think the god who demanded blood sacrifice is the true Creator, but this is false! The true Creator represented by Christ on Earth challenged the religious and political rulers as He knew well the level of greed and depravity which control all those filled with the anti-Christ spirit. Those who are peace-makers, the meek/kind, humble, and those whose feet do NOT run swiftly to shed innocent blood are they who will inherit the Earth to summarize a few of the Beatitudes. He clearly taught it is the prideful and violent, the haughty and merciless who will be removed.
The institution of Religion was created to attempt to block Humanity from having a pure relationship with God by using lies, propaganda inserted into books deemed holy scripture, and legalism to ensure that the "rules" associated with Religion would steer people away from spiritual growth. People's pure understanding of and relationship with God The Creator of the heavens and Earth was shoved into a box by culture and then presented as "choices" of which one to join!
The Bible I can say is indeed missing many books such as the Wisdom of Solomon and others which should be there, while some books were included with the intent to control minds and harm the human spirit rather than encourage it. Religion and acts in the "name of god" have done much damage to people over many centuries. Those who have a personal relationship with Christ based on experience, faith, and the truth of the Holy Spirit's guidance are closer to the true Creator than a zionist wolf in the pulpit. One reason you can be sure that Christianity the religion at face value cannot be trusted is because of 33 degree masons like Billy Graham marketed it. Masonry is a SEED OF CAIN (Tubal-Cain) mafia and are the BUILDERS of the NWO, Luciferian one-world religion.
There are so many layers of lies being cleared from the collective field of consciousness that many people will not be able to accept that some things they've believed all their lies have been deception. You can trust fully that the Holy Spirit teaches only TRUTH!
The kingdom of darkness on Earth today trusts in it's satanic military might, it's chariots and horses, and not in our Creator. The anti-Christ armies are a hive mind of "Mr. Smiths" uploaded within the matrix paradigm in attempts to keep the human spirit down and our minds in a perpetual state of fear consciousness. Military contractors and alphabet agencies are employed most heavily to come against those who have escaped the fear prison matrix through trust in Christ. This Soul has been redeemed!
To trust God solely as the Source of our security and provision is a foreign concept to those still under the spell. They will not understand the language of freedom because a programmed mind can most often only repeat what it has been told. It is under the control of the fear matrix "gatekeepers." Prayer, faith and a complete surrender to Christ is the answer & the solution. When we turn from our own will to a complete dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and actions we become Servants in the Kingdom of God! PSALM 84:10-11 "For a day in Thy courts is better than a thousand; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold, From those who walk uprightly." |
Walking in Victory
As a child of the true Creator whose heart and mind belong to CHRIST of Nazareth, just know satan and his armies' goal is to put you into a mental state of fear consciousness. He wants you to be afraid, on edge, confused, and wants to destroy your life by coercing you into making choices from this place of fear.
That is why so many entities are involved! It takes an entire group of organized criminals to try and stop the mission of LOVE, PEACE, & JOY a Child of God is on Earth for.
While the satanic slaves walk around with their backpacks on and with slander in their mouths, they cannot harm any Soul that belongs to God.
Yes, they can create mental/emotional trauma through their AI/Military/CIA theater programming.... but the Holy Spirit will show you down to the details exactly what these soulless creatures are doing, and how to be self-controlled throughout because He will use the experience to show forth His Authority through you!
The answer to Victory against extrajudicial, treasonous DOD contract hit targeting by satan's armies is to turn fully to Christ.
TRUST CHRIST completely.... fully.... know you are safe. Allow your mind to be renewed daily in His peace. Expect good always because God WILL use everything satan is doing to harm us for our good. FOCUS only on Christ and thank Him all the day long. Use the mind to see you are anchored in safety to Christ as our feet are crushing these serpents.
The demons will act up and get worse because His Light shining through you is their worst nightmare. They know that perfect love casteth out fear, and without you being in fear their activity is in vain.
The reason it is so hard for some people to believe in targeting and covert torture is because they are the same people who cannot fathom that the FBI/CIA and Military has been covering up human and child trafficking for over a century and adrenochrome production through the torture and slaughter of children! Once people acknowledge that adrenochrome is the drug of choice for their favorite IDOLS, they will see how torture is actually a "norm" in elite circles.
Serving Christ by serving others further shapes you into the Christ-like character. A pure, undefiled heart.
The god of blood sacrifice in the bible is NOT the true Creator who is Love. The ashkeNAZI Jewish god is actually Ba'al, molech, and Set/Osiris/Horus, many names for this evil... BAPHOMET. The one that kaballah leads them to. Be aware that the god of Oprah Winfrey and the evil ones over the banking industry are indeed worshiping the god of Blood Sacrifice, and not the true Creator. Learn from the Holy Spirit, because this deception runs deep!
We as targeted Souls, like the Psalmist, have cried out to our Creator and we are heard by the heavenly host. God will send Holy Angels to encamp around you. Your job is to keep full dependence upon Him as you walk in obedience to the voice of our Creator. The Holy Spirit guides and leads as we daily put on our Spiritual Armor found in Ephesians Ch 6.
That is why so many entities are involved! It takes an entire group of organized criminals to try and stop the mission of LOVE, PEACE, & JOY a Child of God is on Earth for.
While the satanic slaves walk around with their backpacks on and with slander in their mouths, they cannot harm any Soul that belongs to God.
Yes, they can create mental/emotional trauma through their AI/Military/CIA theater programming.... but the Holy Spirit will show you down to the details exactly what these soulless creatures are doing, and how to be self-controlled throughout because He will use the experience to show forth His Authority through you!
The answer to Victory against extrajudicial, treasonous DOD contract hit targeting by satan's armies is to turn fully to Christ.
TRUST CHRIST completely.... fully.... know you are safe. Allow your mind to be renewed daily in His peace. Expect good always because God WILL use everything satan is doing to harm us for our good. FOCUS only on Christ and thank Him all the day long. Use the mind to see you are anchored in safety to Christ as our feet are crushing these serpents.
The demons will act up and get worse because His Light shining through you is their worst nightmare. They know that perfect love casteth out fear, and without you being in fear their activity is in vain.
The reason it is so hard for some people to believe in targeting and covert torture is because they are the same people who cannot fathom that the FBI/CIA and Military has been covering up human and child trafficking for over a century and adrenochrome production through the torture and slaughter of children! Once people acknowledge that adrenochrome is the drug of choice for their favorite IDOLS, they will see how torture is actually a "norm" in elite circles.
Serving Christ by serving others further shapes you into the Christ-like character. A pure, undefiled heart.
The god of blood sacrifice in the bible is NOT the true Creator who is Love. The ashkeNAZI Jewish god is actually Ba'al, molech, and Set/Osiris/Horus, many names for this evil... BAPHOMET. The one that kaballah leads them to. Be aware that the god of Oprah Winfrey and the evil ones over the banking industry are indeed worshiping the god of Blood Sacrifice, and not the true Creator. Learn from the Holy Spirit, because this deception runs deep!
We as targeted Souls, like the Psalmist, have cried out to our Creator and we are heard by the heavenly host. God will send Holy Angels to encamp around you. Your job is to keep full dependence upon Him as you walk in obedience to the voice of our Creator. The Holy Spirit guides and leads as we daily put on our Spiritual Armor found in Ephesians Ch 6.
Psalm 149
5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.
6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand;
7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;
8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.