November 2023 - Ohio Documentation
November 2023 - Ohio TI Program Documentation
The community we moved into is in a geographical region that provides a higher standard of living than many states at this time.
It is also one I know very well because I was born and grew up here (in this County). It's home, regardless of those running things.
A smaller place for us is best economically during this One-World-Order, anti-Christ matrix system that's causing homelessness and destruction in its wake - as it intended to. This mobile home community is also perfect for documenting how this Domestic Terrorist COPS Program runs in EVERY location a TI resides. The speed limit is 15mph on roads here for reference.
God's Remnant Church is well aware of what 'time' it is... as the dragon/beast pursues us we are given over for a time's time and a half time - Biblically speaking. Dear Saints, assuredly we know that we truly belong to God - sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise - when the world's system is sent against us.
The Devil and his demon armies, plus the hybrid humans that have taken this mark of the beast (mentally and in deed/action), are after the Persecuted Individual's mind most specifically to control and kill us - just as all military operations are trying to 'get inside the head' of their enemies with plans to exterminate them.
They want to take us down mentally through gaslighting, satanic ritual abuse, and if they can't make us kill ourselves because we become aware that the MOB is after us... they aim for entrapment and distraction of all kinds.
Distracting us with their theater performances, ritual abuse/harassment, and gaslighting is to prevent us from keeping our minds and focus on the Creator... on Christ... and the power/authority we have through Him while we are here. If we remain focused on how much bigger God is, these distractions cannot take root. Scriptures teaching us to renew our minds in Christ by the Holy Spirit and not to be unaware of the devil's schemes/tactics are extremely relevant! I ignore tactics and then keep documentation for all of you and those who have yet to see this black budget Military TI Program in action to spread awareness.
The Sheriff's Dept and local Fusion Center - likely combined with greater Cincinnati (Hamilton County, OH) had already prepped the current residents - that a 'dangerous, enemy of the state' was moving in. It is truly ludicrous that so many grown human beings go along with the reigning anti-Christ system of human sacrifice.... it is literally one big club, that worships the god of this world. They are a hivemind - collective consciousness of evil because they are in Covenant with death and not with Christ.
I have been kind and open when speaking with all of my new neighbors, hoping not all of them have believed the slander/lies and chosen to participate. I have introduced myself to all of those nearby and most are already participating in it in one way or another. There are God's People however, that are positioned all over the Earth (and nearby) which I have not even met yet.
I have been observing the attacks in a detached manner - which is a skill we must have for these end days strategies against the Saints of God. We do not let them steal our joy, but rather know what we are looking at, hearing, and comprehend in our hearts that we are Christ's Beloved, so it's all part of our service on Earth.
"So we can say for sure, “The Lord is my Helper. I am not afraid of anything man can do to me.”
Hebrews 13:6 ~ New Living Translation
Here I have documented the activities that are right out of their book for my fellow Persecuted Souls to be familiar with, and for those who don't know yet what these 'covert' activities look like from day-to-day for a blacklisted US Citizen. The evil have already lost the war - Christ has the only Real Authority.
Since the day we moved in I have witnessed activity and I know exactly what I'm looking at...
For the purpose of our new home's documenting I'll use details to make the documentation clearer here.
Our new humble abode is a mobile home about halfway down our street vertically-oriented, as they all are in this part of the community's park. The home directly across from ours with young CBAs shares their driveway with the son of the neighbors on their right, whom I have met. Since it is the one where all of the street theater began at - and where the only 'grown-ups' reside - I use HQ1 to document their property adjacent from ours and where the young kids live across from us is HQ2. HQ2 residents have a white minivan in their driveway since November 2023 with the same '30-day tag' on it. Always an indicator of criminal activity and the fact that they were coming and going at 3am also. Most of the 'lightshow' assignments are theirs. Coincidentally (lol), on HQ2s left is a Pest Control employee... or as Management said to me, the exterminator. (Quite a pattern, eh?)
Perhaps, they have serious cockroach and bug issues in this community... and/or perhaps, like everywhere else they are one of the many levels of Organized Crime protection. My evidence indicates the latter. They are alerted and contracted by military in every community when a blacklisted TI moves into.
On our right, are some more young mexican boys that were nice in front of me but then started doing assignments before long and very obviously by December 10, 2023. One is seen in the vehicle tampering video on August 17th, 2024 on the HQ4 webpage. Their home is next to our driveway for reference and I use HQ3 for documenting those. They have 4 vehicles, one which parks in front of HQ2. By Summer 2024, they each have moved Mexican females in with them that participate in contracted persecution.
On our left HQ4, are residents who have been overtly hostile and heavily involved with noise campaigns/psy-ops since we arrived in our moving truck. Their home is directly across from the Pest Control property. Their driveway is next to ours and have been using our lot to put their trash bin on.
They used to keep their dog inside all the time but after the Agent/Subcontractor in the white van (who trespassed doing masonic handshake in front of our home on 1/4/24) this poor dog has been trained to bark excessively and is just being let out to run wherever, kept outdoors even in the cold. I have tried speaking to them but unfortunately, they ignore me and are very rude... as is all those who appear to be involved with the "community policing' persecution efforts.
HQ4 that are hostile and refuse to acknowledge us or ever say hello back, had "deliveries" by UPS and USPS the week after we moved in - their 'light-flashing' device and assignments (which all CBAs have now) started shortly after this. They also must have been given instructions to dismantle the mexican female's blue vehicle, as the whole bumper has been sitting on the ground since Nov 2023. HQ4 CBAs put it back into play for assignments in April 21, 2024. HQ4 and HQ2 both have mexican females that participated in the Sheriff's theater performance on 2/29/24. All of these kids are still doing assignments for the fusion center, just some bad acting for the home cams. All CBAs are granted immunity by the criminals running the covert persecution COPS Program.
Typical noise assignments are for the CBA are to go out to vehicles and slam doors, open trunks, open hoods, gas engines and typically 'plausibly deniable' activities to fit with their MO... except that they do it on command. They do their given assignments in response to the TI, illegally persecuted citizen as they are being surveilled illegally at all times inside/outside their home. Many assignments and life sabotage activity is planned out far in advance, but you will notice that CBAs who live next door and across/adjacent do assignments to coincide with the activities of the persecuted 'target' and cause as much distress/trauma as possible.
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------- >>> Jesus Christ defeated Satan on the Cross of Calvary once and for all. It is Finished! <<<------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have been praying (as always, without ceasing) for the home, the land, the community, and region through common and spiritual warfare intercession. Cleansing a new home is imperative and the history of the property it is on can effect new owners if left undone due to unknown and unrepentant evils and/or bloodshed. The kingdom of darkness has a counterfeit geographical hierarchy, just as the True Creator has all over the Earth - which is God's.
Due to the frequency and blatant targeting activity within such a short time since we moved in, I was prompted to place cams and begin collecting the documentation here in a much faster time than I had imagined! (I wouldn't even need this website if America wasn't ruled and owned by the Mob.)
To break down the TI Program Activity here which will be viewable shortly for November and December 2023, the HQ1 and HQ2 properties have done the Target Turnarounds, and all CBAs participating in street theater.
- Light flickering (light shows) psy-ops from parked cars and CBAs at HQ2 and HQ4
- HQ1 - Porch Perp assignments and vehicle noise campaigns from their driveway and/or 'delivery vehicles.'
- HQ2 - vehicles pulling up at our home, gassing engines, noise assignments, unsupervised teens, drug activity, light-show perps.
- Pest Control Property vehicle assignments and DEWs military, Mrs Pest Control meltdown tantrum theater (works for the county)
- HQ4 - noise harassment, lightshow theatrics
- Multiple CBAs vehicle engine start-ups and revving violently (frequency harassment), 60mph in residential
- CBAs using masonic 'props' (children and dogs) in assignments for theater assignments.
None of these tactics am I unfamiliar with, and because No Weapon Formed Against Me shall prosper... I am going to keep enjoying life, bringing awareness about this black budget military domestic terrorist operation, and standing in the power of Christ until it is my time to go home to the Creator.
Update for December 2024 -
It was revealed through the Holy Spirit that each home I have lived in since 2009, has been in a Satanic Stronghold where TRAFFICKING is being covered up, so God is allowing the persecution for exposure of the kingdom of darkness. (Tell Him, 'send me, I'll go' and see what happens!! Warfare)
This page will be populated with the rest of November entries as it is feasible with my schedule, and the December 2023 photojournalism page has much more already to see! See featured entries on Moving In to New Ohio Home webpage also.
These THUGS are not used to their terrorism not working and hate to be exposed in the LIGHT of Truth, yet we as followers of Christ are called to expose their works and have no part in their wicked deeds. Their time is VERY short now. No longer can their demonic operations be hidden in the shadows.
November 9th, 2023-November 15th, 2023 (WEEK 1 - in new home)
11-09-23 - On the day we arrive with U-Haul still in tow, HQ2 CBA caught on camera coming through our lot and out of our driveway at 11:45pm. (Videos of him and older boy) using back of our home's lot to walk through, although they are both drivers with transportation. 11-15-23 - 3:22am SRA occult timestamp drive-by 11-17-23 - Street theater with Sheriff's 'calling card' on it |
November 16th, 2023 - November 22nd 2023 (WEEK 2 - in new home)
11-20-23 - More trespassing by HQ2 CBAs |
November 23th, 2023 - November 30th, 2023 (WEEK 3 - in new home)
11-24-23 - Perp in minivan pulls up in front of HQ2 and Sheriff provides the confirmation, this is one of theirs. (see previous years of documenting with reference to the coordination of vehicles for street theater assignments). Around 5pm, video shows Sheriff parked down road on left at neighbor next door to HQ1 Property going in quickly. The TI Program spreads the slander and informs residents that they will be doing some official business against a 'dangerous' new resident, and often they are recruited to participate or just don't say anything which makes them complicit. And sometimes, it's literally just another intimidation tactic. They had several weeks to inform our nearby residents before we moved in. 11/25/23 CBA Handler in truck drives along female CBA as she walks into our driveway and then turns around and comes right back again onto our leased property. The traffic the Covert COPS Program sends will always be 'deniable' because everyone could be just walking somewhere... but. The foot traffic and vehicle traffic sent to a persecuted Soul's residence will be heavy, repetitive and intentional. Pattern recognition is one of the common traits among those of us entered into the Military Intel's human experimentation Masonic Dagger Program. HQ2 CBA boys trespassing after dark. |