Kenite Lies

Most bible scholars have been taught that the Hebrew translation of the Bible is correct by modern-day Religious Rulers... ie. the Vatican and Rabbis.
However, the GREEK text is much more accurate and true to our Lord, Jesus Christ...
The SEPTUAGINT with Apocrypha.
Test the Spirits and Examine the Fruit for yourselves, we are exhorted in Scripture.
Dr. Lorraine Day has a wealth of researched information concerning these original manuscripts and has written a 900+ page book called, "Who Rewrote the Bible?"
The mistranslations in our modern Bible are numerous and intentional by these Khazarians (Kenites). Her website is a Goldmine for real Christians!!
Lucifer seeks worship over the true Creator, the Great I Am in any way possible... including the ignorance of God's people.
The SERPENT SEED are those descendants of Cain, the nephilim. They are hybrids of half-human and half fallen angel.
Those involved with their "mystery schools/satanic societies" are known as the Brotherhood of the Snake.
Those "nations" who are warring, who practice genocide, murder, and all manner are evil against innocent people are the Seed of Satan, the SERPENT SEED. And this verse from Genesis says that the true God who created humankind has His own seed that has not been defiled by Satan, which shall "bruise the head" of his seed.
God's seed (all of His Remnant People) display the Fruit of the Spirit and are Spiritual Warriors as we are called at this time to not only stand in Christ's power but do damage to the kingdom of darkness.
His glory and authority over satan's kingdom is manifested through those indwelled by Christ.
However, the GREEK text is much more accurate and true to our Lord, Jesus Christ...
The SEPTUAGINT with Apocrypha.
Test the Spirits and Examine the Fruit for yourselves, we are exhorted in Scripture.
Dr. Lorraine Day has a wealth of researched information concerning these original manuscripts and has written a 900+ page book called, "Who Rewrote the Bible?"
The mistranslations in our modern Bible are numerous and intentional by these Khazarians (Kenites). Her website is a Goldmine for real Christians!!
Lucifer seeks worship over the true Creator, the Great I Am in any way possible... including the ignorance of God's people.
The SERPENT SEED are those descendants of Cain, the nephilim. They are hybrids of half-human and half fallen angel.
Those involved with their "mystery schools/satanic societies" are known as the Brotherhood of the Snake.
Those "nations" who are warring, who practice genocide, murder, and all manner are evil against innocent people are the Seed of Satan, the SERPENT SEED. And this verse from Genesis says that the true God who created humankind has His own seed that has not been defiled by Satan, which shall "bruise the head" of his seed.
God's seed (all of His Remnant People) display the Fruit of the Spirit and are Spiritual Warriors as we are called at this time to not only stand in Christ's power but do damage to the kingdom of darkness.
His glory and authority over satan's kingdom is manifested through those indwelled by Christ.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." ~ Genesis 3:15
We are certainly at the least in the beginning of Tribulation period and God's Spirit is being poured out upon HIS children because the devil is making war with the Saints. The New Agers are those deceived by satan's "thousand points of light" rhetoric and leading people off to be their own gods. This is all Egyptian Pharoah deception which masons adhere to.
The Bible translation has been tampered with by the SERPENT SEED, who have indeed added and removed things from the Word of God because theirs is the father of LIES. They have no morality, zero. When people say someone is "Soulless" or has no empathy, it is likely someone from the descendants of Cain they're referring to. Mass murderers. People who sacrifice their own children to Moloch or the god being used as the end of Christian prayers, "amen," "amon," or "ammon." The Serpent slithered his way right into the communion God has with His people because he doesn't care how he gets glory as long as he can take it away from the true God.
This information came from a group post found on my least favorite platform, FB. But it is still available to research, though the truth is usually hidden by many trying to hide it. Paid trolls by the millions are on all social media platforms. Satan hates God's children and will do anything to destroy the truth because he is aware that TRUTH destroys lies... and LIGHT destroys the darkness (ignorance).
The Bible translation has been tampered with by the SERPENT SEED, who have indeed added and removed things from the Word of God because theirs is the father of LIES. They have no morality, zero. When people say someone is "Soulless" or has no empathy, it is likely someone from the descendants of Cain they're referring to. Mass murderers. People who sacrifice their own children to Moloch or the god being used as the end of Christian prayers, "amen," "amon," or "ammon." The Serpent slithered his way right into the communion God has with His people because he doesn't care how he gets glory as long as he can take it away from the true God.
This information came from a group post found on my least favorite platform, FB. But it is still available to research, though the truth is usually hidden by many trying to hide it. Paid trolls by the millions are on all social media platforms. Satan hates God's children and will do anything to destroy the truth because he is aware that TRUTH destroys lies... and LIGHT destroys the darkness (ignorance).
Jesus is the Truth
I have chosen to change the end of my prayers with "And it is so," "Praise God," "Glory to God Most High," or simply, "Thank You Father/Christ/Holy Spirit."
Christians who follow Jesus will find truth because they are not following after the traditions of men.
I pray that you are blessed by this knowledge so you can see some of the many ways in which deception is working WITHIN the church during these last days.
Christians who follow Jesus will find truth because they are not following after the traditions of men.
I pray that you are blessed by this knowledge so you can see some of the many ways in which deception is working WITHIN the church during these last days.
Son of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophesy against them;" ~ Ezekiel 25:2