TI Controlled Opposition 'Support' Organizations
There has recently (in 2023) been a lot of YouTube and Social Media activity from certain so-called Targeted Individual communities that claim to be bringing lawsuits in America and Internationally to end this black budget Intel Program. Two specific organizations are Targeted Justice and PACTS (People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance).
My research into both of these 501c3 government tax-exempt public "support organizations" for Targeted Individuals is that they are controlled opposition front groups.
I have contacted both of them for information and support at least once and neither are legit.
Both organizations focus only on the DEW (directed energy weapons) or "Havana Syndrome" testimonies and they trust that lawsuits will make a difference - as though petitioning organized criminals to stop ever works? - rather than calling out this military Masonic Program. [Ironically, Havana Florida is where a major transnational narcotics - and possibly also Human - Trafficking operation exists. You will notice the Masonic lodge right next door to their police department, so everything criminally can be streamlined there. Adrenochrome production is suspected also, and even advertised by their all chrome-driving drug drop-off vehicle!]
The founder of PACTS International has a proud military background in fact, and is from Israel according to one of the recent videos they uploaded.
Jerusalem, like the Vatican, is where child trafficking and sacrifice continues... not to mention the their ongoing genocide and torture of Palestinians.
He wants to focus on the UN (United Nations) as an answer, which of course has been the satanic/luciferian plan all along!
My research into both of these 501c3 government tax-exempt public "support organizations" for Targeted Individuals is that they are controlled opposition front groups.
I have contacted both of them for information and support at least once and neither are legit.
Both organizations focus only on the DEW (directed energy weapons) or "Havana Syndrome" testimonies and they trust that lawsuits will make a difference - as though petitioning organized criminals to stop ever works? - rather than calling out this military Masonic Program. [Ironically, Havana Florida is where a major transnational narcotics - and possibly also Human - Trafficking operation exists. You will notice the Masonic lodge right next door to their police department, so everything criminally can be streamlined there. Adrenochrome production is suspected also, and even advertised by their all chrome-driving drug drop-off vehicle!]
The founder of PACTS International has a proud military background in fact, and is from Israel according to one of the recent videos they uploaded.
Jerusalem, like the Vatican, is where child trafficking and sacrifice continues... not to mention the their ongoing genocide and torture of Palestinians.
He wants to focus on the UN (United Nations) as an answer, which of course has been the satanic/luciferian plan all along!
Targeted Individuals Supports
Because we know that the entire anti-Christ system matrix is working together to "neutralize/destroy" those of us on their 'Counterintelligence' Blacklist, our first and only truly reliable support is Christ. Calling upon the Holy Spirit and the name of Christ is front-line Spiritual Warfare. In Christ's Authority, binding, rebuking, loosing, and establishing in the Spiritual Realm is how we stay in right position.
My research into the occult details that these black witches and satanists do blood rituals before and after their spirit realm assignments against their targets and therefore we want to include renouncement and cancellation of all rituals performed by these enemy camps and the kingdom of darkness. "Through the power of Christ, I cancel all rituals and assignments established against me and my loved ones in the spirit realm, rendering them null and void, brought down to the ground, fruitless. I break the power of all rituals and sacrifices performed against us in every timeline, realm, age, dimension, past, present and future, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth through His Blood and Authority. And it is so."
The communist party rules through all states now in America - whether a city/county appears to be republican or democrat doesn't matter. The state bows to Lucifer and is founded upon the Babylonian Ritual of Human sacrifice.
Remain in prayer and dependent on our Creator! No weapon formed against us shall prosper...
Ultimately, all of these satanic schemes fall to the ground fruitless.
There are more perps sent around us than true TIs, and if you are a true TI, you are going to see, hear and experience targeting tactics that are meant only for you so that even people who are with you will write them off as coincidences. You know though. Hold that knowledge and then lay it down at the Cross because this level of military psy-ops is coming straight from the pits of hell - which in this case are the deep-underground military bases... Fallen Angels and Nephilim are reported to be protected there and are the source of much of the human trafficking activity on earth today! (Which is why military worship is so prevalent - top secret evils and missing children go underground!!!)
Therefore, keep your relationship with God number 1! The Holy Spirit will discern for you immediately whether someone can be trusted or whether they are sent by the Program. The devil tries to sow as much fear, doubt and hatred as possible into our psyches. Know that you won't be able to trust the lies coming from any of the external masonic theater around you... it is trying to create a false belief system within you and illusion of isolation around you. DO NOT AGREE with anything coming from the kingdom of darkness. Agree only with those things that Christ has said and that which is confirmed by the Holy Spirit. ♥
Always remember that God is far more powerful than the AI Babylonian Matrix system attempting to program us...
He can absolutely bring good people into your life in time that will be supports! Pray for this and align your thinking that it is already so.
Do not let the Program's goals alienate and isolate you though, because while roughly 1/3 of humans and hybrid demons participate, there are at least 2/3 who are oblivious (still yet unaware because it's mostly covert) and others who are actively serving the Lord Jesus Christ! We have much more invisible support than you can imagine!!
Spiritual warfare is getting to the place now where what is taking place in the invisible Spiritual realms is coming through and manifesting into the physical in real-time!
And God the Creator has already defeated satan, the ruling fallen angels, and their seed of satan deceivers/murderers on Earth. You are on the right side of this war!
God Bless You and Keep You!
My research into the occult details that these black witches and satanists do blood rituals before and after their spirit realm assignments against their targets and therefore we want to include renouncement and cancellation of all rituals performed by these enemy camps and the kingdom of darkness. "Through the power of Christ, I cancel all rituals and assignments established against me and my loved ones in the spirit realm, rendering them null and void, brought down to the ground, fruitless. I break the power of all rituals and sacrifices performed against us in every timeline, realm, age, dimension, past, present and future, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth through His Blood and Authority. And it is so."
The communist party rules through all states now in America - whether a city/county appears to be republican or democrat doesn't matter. The state bows to Lucifer and is founded upon the Babylonian Ritual of Human sacrifice.
Remain in prayer and dependent on our Creator! No weapon formed against us shall prosper...
Ultimately, all of these satanic schemes fall to the ground fruitless.
There are more perps sent around us than true TIs, and if you are a true TI, you are going to see, hear and experience targeting tactics that are meant only for you so that even people who are with you will write them off as coincidences. You know though. Hold that knowledge and then lay it down at the Cross because this level of military psy-ops is coming straight from the pits of hell - which in this case are the deep-underground military bases... Fallen Angels and Nephilim are reported to be protected there and are the source of much of the human trafficking activity on earth today! (Which is why military worship is so prevalent - top secret evils and missing children go underground!!!)
Therefore, keep your relationship with God number 1! The Holy Spirit will discern for you immediately whether someone can be trusted or whether they are sent by the Program. The devil tries to sow as much fear, doubt and hatred as possible into our psyches. Know that you won't be able to trust the lies coming from any of the external masonic theater around you... it is trying to create a false belief system within you and illusion of isolation around you. DO NOT AGREE with anything coming from the kingdom of darkness. Agree only with those things that Christ has said and that which is confirmed by the Holy Spirit. ♥
Always remember that God is far more powerful than the AI Babylonian Matrix system attempting to program us...
He can absolutely bring good people into your life in time that will be supports! Pray for this and align your thinking that it is already so.
Do not let the Program's goals alienate and isolate you though, because while roughly 1/3 of humans and hybrid demons participate, there are at least 2/3 who are oblivious (still yet unaware because it's mostly covert) and others who are actively serving the Lord Jesus Christ! We have much more invisible support than you can imagine!!
Spiritual warfare is getting to the place now where what is taking place in the invisible Spiritual realms is coming through and manifesting into the physical in real-time!
And God the Creator has already defeated satan, the ruling fallen angels, and their seed of satan deceivers/murderers on Earth. You are on the right side of this war!
God Bless You and Keep You!