December 2021 - Enemy of the State Zersetzung Activity
Having uncovered quite easily the Federal Narcotics Trafficking Operation in this PUD on the Florida/Georgia border, as no one here was trying to hide anything...
I began documenting not only the Targeted Individual blacklisting treason activity but also their narcotics running activity, plus the local "authorities" here cooperating with the CIA/FBI and local Mafia running it.
These types of depraved, soulless entities are used to their terrorism and crimes against humanity being enough to destroy an individual's will to live and their mental state completely. It is what CIA/FBI trauma-based mind control was invented to do, gaslight individuals and eventually entire populations of people. Anyone paying attention can clearly see this displayed through the corona-hoax, antiChrist vaccination ID system which has been attempted on every country since 2020, according to their Agenda 2030 Luciferian One World Government plans. Isolating human beings through lies, slander, false accusations, and using anti-Christ state agencies to provide faux dossiers to back up these claims... and then running the Zersetzung No-Touch Torture Program free of any interference, is a reality for hundreds of thousands of us. A false demonic AI interface and not a true reality, though.
Some people are blacklisted simply because a freemason or high-level occultist "nominated" them. Some TIs are whistleblowers. Some have made a cop look bad in a masonic court by challenging their "ticket" and hiring an attorney. Most are of Christ's Lineage with O- and other RH negative (no primate hybrid) bloodtypes. Many TIs are simply standing in their own sovereignty as Children of the Father, serving Christ and refusing to bow down to Satan/Lucifer/Ba'al`, the god of this world.
In my home state of Ohio, the freemason who lived next door to me was provided with a street intersection camera to point directly into my driveway. The house across from him was sold to an FBI agent (contractor) with his family, and they proceeded to implement Zersetzung demonic assignments against me and my family. When I moved to Florida a few years later, a forested lot across the street from me was totally cleared and a brand new manufactured house put there for their FBI agent contractors to operate from. Regardless of where you choose to live, the agents of evil will follow, as you my fellow Targeted Individual and Sister/Brother IN CHRIST are Not Of This World. We are here shining the Light of God and the wicked here cannot hide from it. They WILL meet their Maker. The same Judeo-Masonic Mafia that runs this Satanic Ritual Abuse program also runs mainstream religion, which is why your relationship with Christ must be personal and led by the Holy Spirit - for many evil spirits pretending to represent God are in this antiChrist system posing as angels! You can discern easily with God's Spirit though. The Zionist wolves in the pulpit are deceiving many!
We as Christ's Lineage are persecuted, thrown into the Fiery Furnace through the Devil's anti-Christ system and are covertly tortured daily... yet He Who IS in us is far Greater, than he who is in the world. And we will never bow before their Babylonian god of pornography, debauchery, deception, and murder. There IS a 4th Man in the fire.
US Law and Codes are broken by those above the law ...
This is why God's Law is the only true law, because many man-made laws were created to keep organized criminals in business, and mafia rule status quo.
December 2021 - Cointelpro Zersetzung Demonic Activity
December 1, 2021
9:30pm - Street lamp on my property which is controlled by the Cointelpro agents here in QR, was turned way low and then back on again (in an attempt to remind me that I am under surveillance and should be afraid of their awesome power).... But, I'm just really not that impressed. And, if you knew the God I serve, you too wouldn't walk in fear. I choose Love, I choose Christ. :) |
December 3, 2021
Today I spent most of the day outside working and even waved at FBI Cointelpro Agent Smith when he came out for his porch perp activity. Saw a young black male CBA walk past holding a backpack in the front and not long after he went by for his assignment, the Seed of Cain/Cane perp appeared. Pray for the deluded sold souls because if they've reached this type of low, they really do need our prayers! After I had gone back inside a young white male drove into the court, through the contractor's lots, coinciding with one of their traffickers in grey vehicle driving toward FL QR exit. They have one black male trafficker that drives 6 different vehicles depending upon which type of drug he's delivering. There are several other white males and white females like the Thompsons that drive several different vehicles for their "business activity out here in Gadsden County & Grady County Georgia. The Mexican drug cartel members across from Agent Smith & Deb's surveillance house (on the right of my home) were building something in their backyard today. Look forward to seeing what tricks they'll try to pull with this new structure. Just like in politics, nothing happens in a TI's immediate environment by accident. It's all planned. Videos also of Mustang Thug & mafia comrades in the court next to me with their car speakers. |
December 4, 2021
Target Turn-around by white truck CBA abd Thompson Trafficker in white car, further incriminating themselves. Another Target Turnaround at 6:48pm - video shows possibly/likely the same mason/CBA from earlier today without the hauler, driving right into the court from the Georgia side of Quail Ridge. |
December 5, 2021
While I was outside doing yardwork today, 3 young black males came down the street from GA side and were heard yelling to get my attention. Then after I had gone inside done with my work, the same three boys were at the bottom of the court a few hours later. I came out front to get my shoes and asked how they were doing today... The tallest/oldest one started taking trash and the youngest one was just along for the assignment it appeared. I pray for him that he has some quality role models in his future. Video here of being called a "cracker" by the oldest and middle boy - which I find slightly amusing, and nice that I now have black racism caught on video by the Quail Ridge mafia masons-in-training. They then took off running in front of our property. Is the word "cracker" - which I know of as a salty snack - supposed to be an insult in the south? What level of ignorance exists here has satan's fingerprints all over it. |
December 6, 2021
This morning when I got back from my appointment, the Thompson trafficker at first house on left at QR entrance in his white civic gangsta vehicle pulled out at the exact same time I pulled in - psyops attempts - and he had been given a FL plate instead of the usual GA one he uses. The Mexican on the right next to the Mustang Thug and across from Agent Deb & Smith's house is building a new structure as I mentioned, as well as still leaving the poor dog outside at all times which has been trained to bark at our family when we are in our own yard. Then I left and came back again and this time a CBA (black male -50s) came walking from the contractor's land up into the court carrying a cane/stick at the exact time I pulled into the court. This is a military operation - satanic "all-seeing eye" AI antiChrist program after all. "Everyone in their places... lights, camera, action!" The other Thompson trafficker (last house on right, GA 2 State Ln) and some relatives (there are at least 25-30 in this group here involved with the trafficking, cover-ups and treason/assignments) came down to do a Target Turnaround to provide evidence of what I had just written. The Cointelpro Contractors are my most loyal blog readers as you can imagine. Not only is their Trafficking Operation no longer secret or covert, it is on the web for all to see as well as their Targeted Citizen efforts as described below. Lights, Camera, Action! The evidence is clear... And yet another Target Turnaround right into the court at dark. Slaves of satan. Further elaborated on by Dr. Erik Karlstrom: "Gang Stalking is the common term for military-intelligence protocols used by the US government, cooperating States, private security firms, and civilian-vigilante and other groups to incrementally and systematically destroy persons secretly designated as “internal enemies/”threats”/terrorists,” “targets,” etc. Most “enemies” are invented to justify and perpetuate the phony, multi-trillion dollar “War on Terrorism”/”National Security Enterprise” system. Many targeted citizens are human trafficked and used as non-consensual human experimentees in military, corporate, and academic neuroweapons and nonlethal weapons testing programs. Synonyms for gang stalking include “Zersetzung” (German scientific term for “decomposition,” “disintegration,” “corrosion”), “counter-intelligence stalking,” “organized stalking,” “workplace mobbing,” etc. This system has been developed and deployed over the past century by “security services;” including the Soviet Cheka and KGB, the East German Stasi police, MI6/CIA/NATO’s Operation Gladio and “Stay Behind Armies” in post-WWII Western Europe, and in the FBI and CIA’s COINTELPRO (“counter-intelligence program”), MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and Phoenix Programs, among others. If you are a “Targeted Citizen” (TC) (aka “Targeted Individual” (TI)), you have been secretly and extra-legally designated by unknown and unaccountable persons as an “enemy of the state.” The full resources of the State, including the civilian sector, are coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI to slowly, silently, and secretly torture, terrorize, and kill you. In other words, the Federal-State bureaucracy collectively termed the “Interagency,” which includes the military, intelligence, paramilitary (police, private security and intelligence firms), academic, legal, and civilian sectors, is waging psychological, chemical, and electronic warfare against you. (See: “New World War; Revolutionary Methods for Political Control” by Mark M. Rich, 2011). As “enemy of the state,” you are a non-person, very much like the “detainees” at Guantanamo Bay and the Palestinians. Your constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties and due process of law have been (illegally) stripped. You have been secretly enrolled in a highly covert program that intelligence services have developed over the past century to terrorize and eliminate political enemies, foreign spies, heads of state, journalists, “dissidents,” critics of government, activists, etc. Unbeknownst to you, your name probably appeared on a classified, secret blacklist, such as the “Terrorism Watch List,” before your targeting/torture began. Bottom line: Officially, you are now an “it,” a “target,” and no longer a legal person. Rather, you are an (illegal) “covert operation” to be executed by military, intelligence, civilian, and any number of non-governmental agencies on behalf of the State. You are a potential “contract” for thousands of private security firms such as the FBI-spinoff, InfraGard, and the Israeli Mossad-spinoff, Black Cube. These and other mercenary and organized crime groups partner with the U.S. government, FBI, DHS, CIA, police agencies and others to wage the phony “war on terrorism” against you and millions of other innocent civilians worldwide. You may also be a non-consensual human guinea pig in one or several of the innumerable DARPA-Pentagon-funded weapons-testing and mind control programs and experiments now being carried out secretly and globally which involve hundreds to thousands of neuroscience-psychology-biology-computer science departments at universities and medical facilities." |
December 9, 2021
Thompson trafficker in Avalanche leaving Georgia into Florida, gasses by several times today hauling as usual. One of the other Thompson vehicle used is the small one heading into GA with a sticker slapped on the side of it (for "deniability" purposes.) They have also slapped a sticker on the side of one of the white trafficking vans used here. Target Turnaround pulls in court street theater - lights, camera, action! Agent Smith does the streetlamp out "trick" in between the CBA golf cart assignment that came into the court from Georgia through the contractor's land and out into FL, and back again 20 minutes later. Motorcycle street theater next... all at dark... when criminals think they can't be seen. Oh. But God sees EVERYTHING :) |
December 10, 2021
As I was getting into my vehicle to leave the house for the first time, black sedan CBA drives past, turns around at the stop sign and comes right back past the way he came from. This is a pretty typical Zersetzung assignment. If I hadn't cracked their code a long time ago, my days would just be filled with very strange "coincidences." Thankfully, I serve the God of Love & Wisdom! Target Turnaround by white van seen before doing same assignment by young white female CBA with the Thompson Trafficking group. Video and Timestamps. Black male motorcycle frequency harassment, videos and timestamps. Our INTERNET HOME NETWORK is now being changed from Private to PUBLIC also. |
December 11, 2021
The very day before these witches & masons start "setting up camp" next door, I had posted this on Twitter... not difficult to see how the wicked operate against God's Children. I left to meet a client this morning and when I returned, the Cointelpro Zerstzung contractor's land next to me - and directly behind the Mustang Thug's property (kingpin's son) was cleared - again - it had been already 4-5 times since I've lived here, for noise harassment and targeting purposes. Agent Deb was outside when I arrived home - and she never is - for confirmation of who they are. The main lady seen next to all the clearing equipment is a member of one of the local covens. Black Magick Witches rule in most cities with their masonic counterparts. Those who follow Christ must become aware of how covens/witches operate around them locally. In the Spirit realm, those in Christ must be warriors to bring down their strongholds. Here are some of the CIA Cointelpro affiliates. The two witches who bought this land from Cointelpro Contractors already admitted to knowing about the meth and cocaine operations - but plan on moving in anyway, which says a lot. This particular girl is affiliated with the Thompson traffickers. So excited to document this new witch's activity so close to my home... should be fun! Contractors hoping to destroy any "happy" I might have during the holiday season. So predictable. Looks like your "business" just became my business when it prevents me from working in my own home. Just like the mafia thugs that run Quail Ridge disrupting MY life became my business. And now here it is for all the world to see. I would have preferred to live my life in peace, but as this website shows forth in great and undeniable detail... my life has been put under attack by state operatives who run the covert cointelpro enemy of the state no-touch torture program. and satan/ba'al from the right spiritual perspective, ultimately. Had they not, I would just go about my life but as they should know VERY WELL by now... you do the demonic assignments and I will document it. Every time. Many more videos from today not uploaded, including the same black male on motorcycle from yesterday going back and forth. |
December 12, 2021
December 13, 2021
Cointelpro activity today, another typical tactic. When I arrive back home, the CBA on corner lot (another abuser of dogs) starts up his industrial lawnmowing equipment, shuts it down, runs it for awhile, turns it off, repeat. Their main psysical tactic is to attack a TI's nervous system and therefore the noise / frequency harassment is supposed to be continuous. If you are a TI experiencing constant noise harassment, you must practice meditation through the Holy Spirit and get out of your location regularly so you can bring God's Peace back on the inside while these perps are doing the devil's work. This is why the Contractors time these assignments out with their AI hive mind network. We are NOT dealing with real souls a lot of the time, but clones are used and those filled with all demon spirits. The devil's children show the public how they operate and get away with crimes against Humanity through TV and Movies yet many still think it is all just "creative fiction." Oh no... it's really actually evil, as the Bible & Holy Spirit tells us. Horror genre for instance is based on evil done by the same Ba'al worshiping human sacrificers. This is undeniable trauma-based ritual abuse as a TI undergoes psychological + physiological warfare every day. Christ told us we would suffer at their hands because they did not recognize HIM, and the devil's offspring would hate us just as much. Expect it, but be prepared to defend yourself with God's Word and His Power!! Later in the evening the same CBA working for the Cointelpro Contractors - that has pretended to be friendly to my face - and I am always kind to my neighbors even the ones that are part of this demonic mafia - began some of the psyop "light show" that I have seen numerous times. The ones on the other side, directly across from Agents Deb & Smith began these psyop "light shows" in 2019. I find it sad they are still even trying. But... makes a great example for those who see similar things by their own "neighborhood watch" criminal gang vigilantes. The masonic stage is all theater fellow Child of God! They have no real power. Satanic blood ritual black magick is what they have. They are cannibals and parasites enslaving humans through mind control & money magick. It's high time they are expelled from God's green Earth for good! |
December 14, 2021
Cointelpro activity: Thompson trafficker residing on GA side did his 'scooter mafia' - that's what his Avalanche logo says (see Dec 6th entry above for reference) - assignment as I was arriving home today. Frequency harassment done at dark. The thugs doing narcotics runs back and forth to GA are felt more than heard, if it's posted it was one of these. So grateful for the people who are indwelled by God's Holy Spirit and not the wicked ones that Christ was casting out of people continually... it's no different than today. I will keep my attitude of gratitude (keep my separate praise journal) and document the Zersetzung activity here while always working toward my goals. There is more evidence in only the few short months I've posted here than I even need - and still have years of more obvious assignments yet to come. The devil has another thing coming if he thought God's Warrior Army would just be led like lambs to the slaughter as false churchianity preaches. Many of us have been prepared for the days to come! And the god of this world has already been defeated by Jesus Christ of Nazareth! |
December 16, 2021
December 17, 2021
Recent Zersetzung activity has been more blatant as they can get away with whatever crimes they want here since the feds are running the show. They are paid well for their participation... what they don't see coming is the day they will give an account to the True Judge. Now that they have traumatized dogs at every home close to ours they are left outside at all times, in all weather, and are obviously in distress so barking continually. As judeo-masonic mafia crime focuses on trauma-based control and destruction of all the good our Creator put in us to share, the more evil they can put into our environment.. the more negative energy is harvested for their fallen angel masters. The old "light show" psyops used by neighboring CBAs using flashlights at night has been attempted by the ones on either side of me several nights in a row - see 12/16 too. If you are a TI and you see this behavior, you are definitely dealing with Cointelpro Fusion Center Contractors, and these antics should be promptly ignored and note the ones participating are under the control of said contractors, so avoid them. Notice how they will point the flashlights on the ground, on the home/shed, and also at the target's house. Super old warfare tactic from the theater playbook. Renewing your mind in Christ is essential if you have been put on the psychos' blacklist. They have the same perps/CBAs doing Frequency Harassment with lawnmowers and scooters/motorbikes outside of our home regularly. Isn't it interesting how popular this "court" is? The lawnmower man was seen traveling back to the Florida side with a trafficker vehicle, and didn't seem to need to use the court I live on at all on his way home this evening. Great back patio shot of perp right in front of Contractors' brand new house setup in 2019 after I moved in. 5:51pm tonight. It's all very clear to see for those who know Christ on a personal level. The narrow path it is indeed. |
December 18, 2021
Plenty of Thompson Trafficker & Mustang Thug assignments, and after the very obvious trucks stopped running through here, they brought in a hauler today. What besides narcotics (Meth/Cocaine etc) is being trafficked here and why are FBI agents protecting this activity? Timestamped to Georgia side and back again. Also cams have a UPS truck driving past, go to the stop sign turn around and drive right back toward FL exit again. Just the facts! |
December 19, 2021
This morning, as I was leaving for the grocery store the fake "HOA" rep guy who looked like he was using some adrenochrome with a black eye in 2020 (The DRUG of the elite), pulled out of his drive as I was driving to exit QR. I was grocery shopping and he shows up in the store I'm in, just standing there, waiting for me to come by with my grocery cart - complete setup as he wasn't even shopping. The masonic mafia are as always looking for a way to trigger a TI to capture some sort of behavior that they can use against them. Human Sacrifice Cult Tactics Now the lot next to me was cleared and sold to another contractor as documented on 12/11/21. It is eastern star witches and masons involved with the actual assignments against a TI/covert "enemy of the state." In this case they have given the land to a girl with small children... because as you have seen by now these psychos use children and animals as "props" in their demonic program. I have relatives for example who have had all the land bought up near their home and new homes put up with CBAs using small children to go outside and just scream as they are incentivized to do by adults who participate (CBAs - community-based agents). Noise harassment is a MAJOR tenet of the enemy of the state covert torture program. It is all about the plausible DENIABILITY factor the FBI/NSA/CIA are looking to maintain. Masons pride themselves on deception. Tonight 20 minutes after I left my home to see a client, one of the local freemasons in his truck and this girl chosen to be the CBA next door come down to hang out in the court. Just as I was gone when they came down last weekend.... Not at all unusual since I'm aware that they are criminals, and they are aware I am publishing their activity. No one brings their family to live in Quail Ridge - which is a KNOWN Trafficking hub - unless they are involved themselves or chosen by the FBI agents here for a contract assignment. (I ended up choosing the home but sadly was reliant on the word of my realtor coming from out of state.) In this case, they have this white minivan-driving young blonde girl (relative of the witches/contractors carrying out the targeting), and she gets three small kids out of her vehicle tonight and sets them down on the street one by one like PROPS, in front of my camera. It is so sad. These satanic agencies are responsible for human trafficking as well as narcotics trafficking, so child abuse is no big thing to them. They are truly psychopaths. When I document the assignments these kids, she and the whole witch/masonic crew will do in front of and behind our house, it will look so innocent to the ones who are unfamiliar with their covert program. Aaahhhh, but there are many more who now see through the institutional web of lies and can recognize patterns. God's got this. |
December 20, 2021
8pm - This evening the street lamp on our property that is controlled by the FBI Contractors who setup diagonally across QR from my home in 2019, did their usual "trick"... again. Just documenting, nothing new. Then, basic street theater with 5 of their traffickers from Georgia side of QR at dark. |
December 22, 2021
Oh how the wicked ones try to hide from the LIGHT! Contractors Deb & Smith turn our streetlamp out again in middle of the night, cams picked up. Since exposing the FBI's covert setup house more recently, agent Deb has begun parking her vehicle facing outward so the back plate (only one required in FL) is hidden from view. The cockroaches running this trafficking PUD don't like when someone shines a light on their nest. Rather telling of those that live in fear serving the god of materialism - reward & punishment, instead of the Father in Heaven who LOVES us. (Webpage still to come showing the fake "hoa" girl who like the guy are cocaine users here getting free federal drugs - setting up this land to be cleared where this home was put less than a year after we moved in - and the tree line as it was originally. Lots of FBI "undercovers" suddenly began filling up all the lots. Easy to see. They have the protection of the entire kingdom of satanic hierarchy on earth, so not sure why she would be worried.... Unless, some REAL private investigators were to happen by and have the resources to bust all of them, including the contractors. I knew who would be moving in -having been in this targeted citizen program since at least 2012 but probably longer before my eyes were open to it - and planted shrubs and a crepe myrtle on our property line, and also placed a Cornerstone there, since these sickos love their symbolism so much. Let's be clear who we serve! The orange SUV narcotics thug (mustang thug's partner - Emily Ln GA side) busted coming out of the Calvary, GA street narcotics place (just south of flashing light intersection on GA111), was in an awfully big hurry this morning and through the afternoon. Thompsons' also have been hauling things in and out and I can just imagine their satanic "superiors" advising some quick cleanup and relocation of some of their criminal activity. Target Turnaround documented, timestamped. Dogs still left out on every nearby yard, even in 30 degree temps and pouring rain. Heartless criminals here. God is doing so much! In fact, although moving and fleeing this trafficking stronghold would be the first thing I should do - if following fear-based thinking - God instead has led me into binding the strongman, black magick witchcraft, and setting up a Holy Spirit Stronghold instead where the wicked will be dealt with from the Spirit realm and Heavenly Hosts. God is showing us as warriors for the true Kingdom - New Earth, not nwo - that anchoring Christ Light, the GOD Frequency is taking back stolen territory and part of why we are here! The blessings have just kept coming all year as I heed the voice of the Father. Praising God in the midst of the domestic terrorism. As satan daily attacks, God daily strengthens His Children as they are prepared for this spiritually-rooted war wearing the Armor of Light. The wicked cannot stand to be in the Presence of where the Holy Spirit is invited! Fortified with Holy Angels, Holy Spirit Fire to consume, and the precious blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that is against those who work for the evil one. God has assured me that while hundreds and even thousands are dispatched against one child of God (Targeted Citizen), they stand no chance against the armies of Heaven! We are Victorious in Christ, not victims, regardless of the devil's schemes! Stand with us prayer warriors! I will go and shake the dust off of my feet, when the time is just right. But not one minute before God says it is time. He sees far beyond my understanding and has confirmed "All things will be worked out for our good." This is the one true God. Blessings and Joy unspeakable. oh... and, the fake "hoa" that is a front/cover for the trafficking here even had the nerve to send an invoice today. Can you imagine based on what is evidenced throughout this website being asked to "pay" for living here? God will have the final WORD. Of this I am sure. |
December 23, 2021
The dogs that have been left outside permanently and are neglected, left hungry intentionally just bark night and day and always if any of us are outside in our own yard. This is a very old masonic tactic to try and intimidate people so that they are made "afraid" to come out out of their own homes and even on their own property. These are TERRORISTS that work for the US Govt. Not too shocking for those who research regularly, but for those in a tell-a-lie-vision trance, there will likely be serious cognitive dissonance when the truth of who the FBI/CIA really are is finally understood. This tactic does not work on me as I love animals, but the footage and daily barking done when we are out in our own yard WILL be uploaded here. If you are a TI be aware that these dogs are sadly being used as masonic "props" instead of the living beings they are, deserving of love, care & shelter. While outside in my yard you can hear this today, as well as the hired plane doing its circling overhead. There were only the Nicaraguan asset's german shepherds heard at all when I first arrived here, and throughout 2019. These poor new dogs were brought in at the command of Cointelpro/Zersetzung MIC Contractors. Target Turnaround at dark. Zersetzung, in TRAFFICKING Quail Ridge on the FL/GA line. Just the facts. Typical demonic assignments. Had a lovely day! Feel free to come on down and bust up this federal/mafia operation anyone who wants to do a good thing and is bold enough to tear down a satanic stronghold. We come against all spirits of addiction, all spirits of trafficking, we come against you satan and your spirits of deception and abuse with the blood of Jesus Christ and by HIS power. You are a defeated foe. You have no authority here, be gone. We bind and rebuke the strongman here, all witchcraft, black magick and sorcery. We command you to be sent out to where Jesus Christ would have you go. This prayer is sealed by the Holy Spirit in every age, timeline, and dimension, past, present, and future to infinity. And it is so. Thank you Father God for your TRUTH and LOVE in these days of evil. Thank you Father that the wicked will be mowed down like the grass and will reap what they have sown. Thank you that the only real power belongs to YOU! The evil mockery/imitation kingdom is on its way out, as matrix programming is destroyed by your love and truth. After 10pm, a 2nd Target Turnaround CBA Terrorist came down inside the court. I must be speaking too much truth and pissing off the kingdom of darkness! It's all here for anyone to see how modern Military-Industrial-Complex ZERSETZUNG operates. They further incriminate themselves daily, and instead of intimidating me are digging a pit they themselves will fall into. Psalm 7:15 |
December 24, 2021
A new CBA (gangstalker) comes through the Zersetzung Contractor's land up into the court for assignment. As he leaves cam view on QR road, their main "narcotics runner" in black vehicle speeds past to the Georgia side house. This house which is on the right side not far past the Welcome to Georgia sign on Two-State Lane on the right side (after turning left at QR stop sign), is where 5-6 trafficking vehicles are - he drives a different vehicle for whatever "illegal" substance he is trafficking. This home was originally brought to the attention of the Grady County, GA Sheriff in Jan 2020, weeks after taking a walk and smelling terrible chemicals coming from it, which I was later informed was a meth lab house. Yet, as you can see nothing was ever done about it because this is a federal operation. Just as scripture tells us, the wicked will boast that they can get away with anything, steeped in pride and arrogance. This particular trafficker can be seen wearing his cap at all times and frequents the Bishop Travel Center - where lots of QR "business" is taking place. |
December 25, 2021
The Thompson that resides at first house on the left entering QR - wht male 40s, white honda civic. Georgia side house party on Two-State Ln across from Isabelle Lane started after 9pm - still going on past midnight... Kevin Nixon is the Georgia cop that allowed this to continue all night. (Of course he's got orders to stand out of the way from federal here above him - so these cops don't care one bit), but that is his name since all those involved with this criminal PUD will be made public. I can imagine this particular Lieutenant would have a great deal of information on the trafficking going on out here in Quail Ridge! Gadsden County & these GA Sheriffs are all under the authority of the federal agencies running QR, so while they pretend to "respond" to calls they are told what to do and have no actual power here. Lawlessness, Disrespect, Evil - Christmas night under mafia rule |
December 26, 2021
9am - A traffickers' kids sent to ride ATVS & motorbikes up and down in front of our home. FL state law states this is illegal and they are to use a track, not a residential street. As you can tell by now though it is pure LAWLESSNESS here, since it's a criminal trafficking PUD... mafia rule. I just finished my Psyops webpage and props section used by the wicked who run the TI program and this tactic is a great example for how these are used. |
December 27, 2021 - December 29, 2021
[MANY vids and images to upload - thankyou for your patience while I'm working.] The CBA Psyops webpage explains in more detail how the Cointelpro/Zersetzung Agent Contractors use "neighbors" to carry out their demonic assignments. The latest noise campaign they have added to the mix is the structure being built in the center of the Mexican CBAs yard next to ours so that it is seen directly as we walk out onto our lanai and it's height is taller so that DEWs can be utilized and privacy eliminated. Whatever this structure is used for through agent contractors setup directly across the street from this home, it will be documented. This is a typical satanic Targeted Citizen tactic. This yard is used to continually do psyops and noise assignments. Dogs left outside neglected and abused by narcotics traffickers. Sawing and noise campaign every day and when I am working from home, obviously that is a major issue. As is the reason why TIs experience continual noise campaigns from MANY different sources, so there is "plausible deniability." Satan's AI & "supercomputer" minions will never be smarter than the true, living God. Added image of a slavemason's (has the masonic symbol on his license plate) house on FL side where there are buses parked behind the property. The "v" in "believe" was never put up. It remains this way because they LIE and that was the point of putting this word up on his house. Just another of thousands examples. The feds don't like their crimes put in the light, but this will be a time of mass disclosure by citizen journalists, whistleblowers, MK Ultra survivors, institutional abuse survivors, and all those who choose to stand for Christ... and not one thing is hidden from God Almighty, so they will be getting used to some negative publicity after the sexual abuse and murder of children trafficked by guv agencies is out in the open!! Where are all those rescued kids from the underground trafficking tunnels that the lying media mentioned last year? The same mafia that traffics narcotics, traffic children... human beings! |
December 30, 2021
Thompson Traffickers and Dog Abuse Target Turnaround by one of the federal "package handlers" that was parked in FBI Cointelpro agents driveway when I returned home today. Front view angle shows the navy sedan clearly, the side back view angle video (below it) shows the vehicle as it pulls out of FBI Contractor's drive does the target turnaround and drives past them again. Now why would a carrier need to come down to this court, turn around in it and go back toward the QR exit when she could have just pulled out of their driveway and gone that direction to begin with? TI Assignment. See how they operate now? It really isn't covert at all, they're just banking on their plausible deniability excuse, which has no legs to stand on here. |
December 31, 2021
Last night, the main CBA Thompson Trafficker (Avalanche/Scooter driver) on GA side screeched through at 11pm. I'm catching up on all the vids to post from the past few days. Today, I left the house to get groceries and during that exact time (always when I'm gone because these are cowards who serve the devil), the contractors hired to move in here on the land next to ours - which still belongs to the Feds who run the Quail Ridge trafficking operation - came down here to terrorize my family & pets while I was away. They brought machinery to clear land that was already cleared, and in general to terrorize my household with their noise harassment as is the main tenet for no-touch torture techniques. These contractors put all their debris right on my yard as well. I had a small pile of brush and they pushed all of their debris onto it encroaching on our property. As I was driving in to QR returning from my errands the female "HOA" rep pulled out of her drive at the exact time, to further remind me who they work for. Yeah, I know. You're a slave to satan. Got it. Then when I went outside to look at it later in the afternoon, the narcotics trafficker from GA side that had his kids on motorbikes in the court on Christmas, did some more street theater walking dogs (props to them) in front of the property. Then motorbikes were driven down into the court and onto the contractors land also. Thompson scooter mafia is what they call themselves. Later in the evening where I have been doing gardening I found trash and garbage in my flower beds. 6:30pm - Target Turnaround by a white SUV that then drove right into Robin Ct and parked in the Mustang Thug's driveway, 40 seconds later pulled out and drove back toward QR exit. Next door CBAs doing psyops theater in their yard with flashlights while target turnaround perp is over at his house. The evidence of organized harassment is overwhelming and this is at minimum a Felony. Even for those with gov job titles and mafia given "immunity" at the federal level. Treason in America will come with accountability. On the day that all of the Targeted Citizens use a class action lawsuit against the criminal mafia running America, there will be A LOT of names and people indicted including all those who have taken gig work for these assignments. Glory to God, HE will administer true justice! Images and Videos on the way. All of the mafia here know they are busted... ( not by me. I'm just a vessel carrying His Light)... But, by the Heavenly Father! |