Community-Based Agent (CBAs) Psy-ops
A psy-op is a Psychological Operation used by the military and governmental agencies upon human "subjects."
The local residents paid to participate in these crimes against Humanity (those already belonging to satan, as Christ's Children could not be bought) are engaged in psy-op activity against their neighbors.
Instead of using this "invisible" warfare against opposing armies, it is used against Individuals that are CITIZENS of the United States of America.
This is domestic terrorism and those involved are actively serving the antiChrist beast system.
The local residents paid to participate in these crimes against Humanity (those already belonging to satan, as Christ's Children could not be bought) are engaged in psy-op activity against their neighbors.
Instead of using this "invisible" warfare against opposing armies, it is used against Individuals that are CITIZENS of the United States of America.
This is domestic terrorism and those involved are actively serving the antiChrist beast system.
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord."
Psyops at Home
One of the first thing to understand about Psyops are that these are "normal activities" directed at a Targeted Individual on a frequency that it is clear to only the TI. It is military strategy... they are aiming at the TI's mind. This is their target. Others around in the same area may write off this activity because it is not recognized to the extent that the TI knows is happening by the Community-Based Agents (CBAs) near their home.
One example here is burning fires is common and it's nice to burn in the yard when enough branches and debris has been collected.
Those participating in the COPS Program /Zersetzung (and incentivized/rewarded) will burn fires on demand for the Agent Contractors. When I first moved in, it was possible to see a someone making a fire once or twice per month and randomly. But, since the Contractors setup "camp" in 2019, the narcotics CBAs on court by ours and the thug relative next door to the contractors (across from that court) will all be doing fires in their yard at the same time. This is just one specific example of how this works. (Every one of these participating CBAs also just happens to be connected to the narcotics ring operating here.)
Of course, this is often done when our side sliding door is open, carrying pollutants, toxins (if they're burning garbage - which is a public health problem), and smoke into our home. This is how psychopaths respond to a TI attempting to enjoy their life. In fact, I've been enjoying my life a whole lot lately as I have engaged in deep Spiritual Warfare using the authority Christ left us in His power and the blood He shed for us. I have seen many different manifestations including the change in tactics and frequency as the Masonic Mafia know I am going to post their criminal activity online. They don't truly care, knowing it will be overlooked by most when the mainstream black magick sorcery (major psyops) has taken control over so many minds at this time.
The CBAs who appear to be their Mexican assets who live to our right and on our screened lanai side have been taking orders for the agents since they moved in in 2019 and then they put another agent home across from them on Robin Ct. When I first moved in it was actually quiet here except for the Thompson scooter crew that turns out to actually be trafficking mafia. Thompsons and Mustang Thug are affiliated here in their trafficking business.
The Mexican CBAs next to us have continually made excessive noise since they have been hired on f/t for the agent contractors. I have lived in many places and some neighbor noise is to be expected of course, but knowing I have been blacklisted it isn't hard to see when CBAs are going out of their way to do the bidding of their masters... dirty deeds. Bringing in a bulldog breed and leaving him out permanently in a trafficking ghetto is abuse by these fed employees, and of course part of their intimidation while I'm out in my own yard. Examples are provided throughout this website and through the journalism webpages. Some clear examples are of them doing light show assignments, mowing all day/night, chainsaws all day/night, dog barking all day/night, prop setup, and the most recent is building some structure in the middle of their yard as tall as our lanai - which is between his house and the mustang thug trafficker's house at the end of that court. Although we would like to enjoy the cool breeze coming through our windows when they are open, instead we have sawing noises, hammering and continual abused dogs barking. Since 2019, there has not been one day that these CBAs haven't been doing something to make excessive noise right next to our house. This is what the life of a "Targeted Citizen" looks like. Not a coincidence, it's treason.
Another common example here is if I open up the blinds to my court a CBA on assignment will be there in short order. This shows me that a TI really does have the power as the Targeted Individual because they are responding to us! When I open a blind, when I open a door, when I go outside... this is when assignments are sent. Now sometimes, they are already happening, but generally the demons are reacting to something I do! You have the power child of God! Another probability is people who explain the CIA is using quantum computers to entrap the mind of a TI. Knowing about satanic AI, it wouldn't be surprising.
Satan's demonic hierarchy operates on fear and keeping people in a low-density fear consciousness. If they can't keep you in fear they have failed. Jesus Christ was well aware of the persecution and satanic system of human "farming" being perpetrated on earth. The very same human sacrifice / cannibal / death / torture cult Jesus Christ, willingly gave His own LIFE to, so that we would know the Truth that HE has overcome this world and its antiChrist system.
The only ones who need to live in fear are those who do not know Christ, because they serve Satan - and they will share in his ultimate destruction. The children of Father God who have been ransomed and brought into the family of Jesus Christ have been given ALL authority over the powers of darkness on earth.
Satan's main tactic is FEAR, and with it, distraction and destruction. Distraction from what? A relationship with God. Fellowship with the Creator. And to destroy our image and identity so that we will feel unloved. His goal as scripture states is to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. This is the same defeated foe that so many are willingly serving!
One example here is burning fires is common and it's nice to burn in the yard when enough branches and debris has been collected.
Those participating in the COPS Program /Zersetzung (and incentivized/rewarded) will burn fires on demand for the Agent Contractors. When I first moved in, it was possible to see a someone making a fire once or twice per month and randomly. But, since the Contractors setup "camp" in 2019, the narcotics CBAs on court by ours and the thug relative next door to the contractors (across from that court) will all be doing fires in their yard at the same time. This is just one specific example of how this works. (Every one of these participating CBAs also just happens to be connected to the narcotics ring operating here.)
Of course, this is often done when our side sliding door is open, carrying pollutants, toxins (if they're burning garbage - which is a public health problem), and smoke into our home. This is how psychopaths respond to a TI attempting to enjoy their life. In fact, I've been enjoying my life a whole lot lately as I have engaged in deep Spiritual Warfare using the authority Christ left us in His power and the blood He shed for us. I have seen many different manifestations including the change in tactics and frequency as the Masonic Mafia know I am going to post their criminal activity online. They don't truly care, knowing it will be overlooked by most when the mainstream black magick sorcery (major psyops) has taken control over so many minds at this time.
The CBAs who appear to be their Mexican assets who live to our right and on our screened lanai side have been taking orders for the agents since they moved in in 2019 and then they put another agent home across from them on Robin Ct. When I first moved in it was actually quiet here except for the Thompson scooter crew that turns out to actually be trafficking mafia. Thompsons and Mustang Thug are affiliated here in their trafficking business.
The Mexican CBAs next to us have continually made excessive noise since they have been hired on f/t for the agent contractors. I have lived in many places and some neighbor noise is to be expected of course, but knowing I have been blacklisted it isn't hard to see when CBAs are going out of their way to do the bidding of their masters... dirty deeds. Bringing in a bulldog breed and leaving him out permanently in a trafficking ghetto is abuse by these fed employees, and of course part of their intimidation while I'm out in my own yard. Examples are provided throughout this website and through the journalism webpages. Some clear examples are of them doing light show assignments, mowing all day/night, chainsaws all day/night, dog barking all day/night, prop setup, and the most recent is building some structure in the middle of their yard as tall as our lanai - which is between his house and the mustang thug trafficker's house at the end of that court. Although we would like to enjoy the cool breeze coming through our windows when they are open, instead we have sawing noises, hammering and continual abused dogs barking. Since 2019, there has not been one day that these CBAs haven't been doing something to make excessive noise right next to our house. This is what the life of a "Targeted Citizen" looks like. Not a coincidence, it's treason.
Another common example here is if I open up the blinds to my court a CBA on assignment will be there in short order. This shows me that a TI really does have the power as the Targeted Individual because they are responding to us! When I open a blind, when I open a door, when I go outside... this is when assignments are sent. Now sometimes, they are already happening, but generally the demons are reacting to something I do! You have the power child of God! Another probability is people who explain the CIA is using quantum computers to entrap the mind of a TI. Knowing about satanic AI, it wouldn't be surprising.
Satan's demonic hierarchy operates on fear and keeping people in a low-density fear consciousness. If they can't keep you in fear they have failed. Jesus Christ was well aware of the persecution and satanic system of human "farming" being perpetrated on earth. The very same human sacrifice / cannibal / death / torture cult Jesus Christ, willingly gave His own LIFE to, so that we would know the Truth that HE has overcome this world and its antiChrist system.
The only ones who need to live in fear are those who do not know Christ, because they serve Satan - and they will share in his ultimate destruction. The children of Father God who have been ransomed and brought into the family of Jesus Christ have been given ALL authority over the powers of darkness on earth.
Satan's main tactic is FEAR, and with it, distraction and destruction. Distraction from what? A relationship with God. Fellowship with the Creator. And to destroy our image and identity so that we will feel unloved. His goal as scripture states is to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. This is the same defeated foe that so many are willingly serving!
PROPS - Stage Accessories Used
Masons are actors. They lie and deceive for material gain. They serve the devil and so do a large segment of the population, employed by them.
As part of their stage theater during the Zersetzung "silent dagger" program of their chosen human sacrifice, they employ many props to come against the minds and well-being of the human being. Props come in many shapes and sizes but the key point of their use against a targeted person is repetition. Symbolism being the most obvious mark of programs run by slavemasons - they are not free by any stretch - is evident most often. Here is one example used at my residence by the CBAs who live directly across the street from the Quail Ridge HQ Property and next door to the kingpin's son's (the mustang thug) residence. This "triangle" shape which is simply supposed to be the front top of a shed or outdoor structure has been "propped" up in this position against a tree for over 2 years now, facing out outdoor lanai, and seen from the family room window. colder months. It is just one of the most obvious examples set in my view to provide for how this prop psyop is done. If this masonic PROP had been used for a purpose other than psyops within a few months there may have been reason to doubt, but after over two years facing our home as we step out onto our lanai or open a window - not to mention all the other evidence of this CBA doing assignments - it is simply not deniable. Judeo-Masonic symbolism. The use of PROPS like this is meant to come against a targeted citizen in several ways:
The world is a stage to these pedophiles and psychopaths, so the THEATER they are performing against you is their usual deceptive practices and second nature to them. I used to think when told that people had sold their souls that was just some kind of an exaggeration, but I found out when dealing with entire organizations of abusers, narcissists and psychopaths that they are soulless. They took the bait and opted for material gain over their own souls! Use of props is one way to easily identify the local mafia, slavemasons, and agent contractors. Everyday items and props that they think mean something specific to the TI they're attempting to break down, are common ones. They use vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs as props for their street theater assignments. They also use children and animals such as dogs frequently as there is no limit to who can be "USED" to achieve their demented ends. Generational abuse is very common as the satanic CIA has had generations to use their trauma-based mind control on. Parents pass on the abuse they have always known down to their kids and the cycle repeats. Masonic families are steeped in sexual abuse of children, and this is well-documented but nothing is done because they position their own mafia over the mental health industry when victims come forward about the abuse. |
In the home we bought back in Ohio they use the house on the side of us facing our front door to have a CBA sit next to the window at night and try and intimidate me when I come out on the porch. This Mexican CBA is caught here putting a camera inside his window when I walked outside and creates a "hood" shadow in the window, lol. THIS is what a TI lives like... all the "neighbors" act crazy around us in attempts to illicit a "crazy" response in us. If you see stuff like this around your home and you are committed to following Christ, you will know what you're looking at.... domestic terrorism, black budget operations.
The Seed of Cain - "cane"
One of the most notable of the CBA's demonic tactics is their use of canes to self-identify... as the seed of Cain. This is not to take a way from people who actually need canes for walking assistance, but about the hired hands using them as props for their masonic theater assignments.
Luciferian Theater is currently performing the Number of the Beast.
This is a psyop tactic and a self-identifier used by CBAs (community-based agents) as a stage prop - as something that is used as a "trigger" in a TI's mind as they attempt a continual barrage of stimuli to facilitate the responses that they want. Here there are specific CBAs that use a cane in all their assignments and I've seen it used by completely different CBAs and even given to a child to use also. She was just carrying it around up in the air surrounded by 3 adult CBAs - children are used by these satanic groups often sadly.
In mind control operations, specific stimuli are used such as a certain sound or a certain physical scene to "train" a targeted individual's mind to react in a certain way. Mind control is ultimately an attempt at Behavior Control. If they can make people think a certain way - they can illicit certain behaviors/actions over time. Satanic bloodlines and masonic families have long histories of pedophilia, sexual abuse and cannibalism... it is an epidemic, and child trafficking is only now coming to the awareness of the general public.
Mind control is used by the satanic elite for several reasons.
Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
The consciousness of the majority is slowly rising as more LIGHT (true Christ Light - not the false light of lucifer) is shining on and exposing the deeds of the wicked!
This has caused an influx of Love consciousness which the forces of darkness cannot exist in. They sow discord and hatred. They feed off negative emotion and evil works.
Those who carry out "assignments" and persecute the innocent are themselves snared by satan.
All criminals have bought the lie that material gain brings more happiness than godliness - where true joy resides.
Criminals are devoid of God's Wisdom... they are the epitome of Ignorant. They choose evil in reward for temporal worldly gain.
And every deed shall be fully known and addressed by King Jesus Christ.
Luciferian Theater is currently performing the Number of the Beast.
This is a psyop tactic and a self-identifier used by CBAs (community-based agents) as a stage prop - as something that is used as a "trigger" in a TI's mind as they attempt a continual barrage of stimuli to facilitate the responses that they want. Here there are specific CBAs that use a cane in all their assignments and I've seen it used by completely different CBAs and even given to a child to use also. She was just carrying it around up in the air surrounded by 3 adult CBAs - children are used by these satanic groups often sadly.
In mind control operations, specific stimuli are used such as a certain sound or a certain physical scene to "train" a targeted individual's mind to react in a certain way. Mind control is ultimately an attempt at Behavior Control. If they can make people think a certain way - they can illicit certain behaviors/actions over time. Satanic bloodlines and masonic families have long histories of pedophilia, sexual abuse and cannibalism... it is an epidemic, and child trafficking is only now coming to the awareness of the general public.
Mind control is used by the satanic elite for several reasons.
- To illicit a fear response (fear consciousness)
- To illicit a negative emotion such as anger which leads to lack of self control
- To cause confusion leading to stagnation
- To break someone's spirit
- To break someone's mind
- To cause a need for dependency to a handler or a substance to cope
- To engage in satanic ritual abuse of a "sacrifice"
- To engage in spiritual warfare against God's Elect - especially when they are in demonic stronghold territory
- To maintain illusory control of the populace via propaganda techniques and disinformation
- To keep a TI or populace distracted with their mind on anything other than Christ
Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
The consciousness of the majority is slowly rising as more LIGHT (true Christ Light - not the false light of lucifer) is shining on and exposing the deeds of the wicked!
This has caused an influx of Love consciousness which the forces of darkness cannot exist in. They sow discord and hatred. They feed off negative emotion and evil works.
Those who carry out "assignments" and persecute the innocent are themselves snared by satan.
All criminals have bought the lie that material gain brings more happiness than godliness - where true joy resides.
Criminals are devoid of God's Wisdom... they are the epitome of Ignorant. They choose evil in reward for temporal worldly gain.
And every deed shall be fully known and addressed by King Jesus Christ.
Porch Perps
All of these CBA Psyops come straight out of the TI Program Manual.
The FBI Contractors are known as 'Porch Perps" because they are always outside when you come out of your home or on your property. Suburban areas and close living quarters are the worst for this. Agent "Smith" for example, sits on his porch steps smoking when I leave the house or return home. These are just common examples of "every day" activities that are done repeatedly in the presence of a Targeted Individual in attempts to break down their mental state. These are mafia tactics used over and over.
At my old house in suburban Ohio, whenever I mowed my lawn the FBI Military Sub/Contractor would come out on his porch and rock in his rocking chair and just stare at me. They often had local police officers stop by just to "chat." They are at all times trying to break the mind and crush the spirit of the "target" .... a US Citizen and Human Being.
Porch perps are CBAs who come out onto porch to stare, and attempt to make us uncomfortable when we are leaving home, coming home, or doing anything on our property. They also are paid for there time coming out on the porch when another CBA is doing an assignment - because they are a MOB hivemind. In their depraved thinking the more of them doing crimes against Humanity at the same time will have more effect to harm us psychologically. And it works for awhile, until God shows us what the enemy is doing.
In this case, it is innocent American Citizens who are aware of their deep-levels of satanic corruption or those who simply cannot be bought off who are loaded onto their scam watchlist as a "terrorist" -their masonic BLACKLIST- whilst they themselves are committing treason and engaging in crimes against Humanity.
The FBI Contractors are known as 'Porch Perps" because they are always outside when you come out of your home or on your property. Suburban areas and close living quarters are the worst for this. Agent "Smith" for example, sits on his porch steps smoking when I leave the house or return home. These are just common examples of "every day" activities that are done repeatedly in the presence of a Targeted Individual in attempts to break down their mental state. These are mafia tactics used over and over.
At my old house in suburban Ohio, whenever I mowed my lawn the FBI Military Sub/Contractor would come out on his porch and rock in his rocking chair and just stare at me. They often had local police officers stop by just to "chat." They are at all times trying to break the mind and crush the spirit of the "target" .... a US Citizen and Human Being.
Porch perps are CBAs who come out onto porch to stare, and attempt to make us uncomfortable when we are leaving home, coming home, or doing anything on our property. They also are paid for there time coming out on the porch when another CBA is doing an assignment - because they are a MOB hivemind. In their depraved thinking the more of them doing crimes against Humanity at the same time will have more effect to harm us psychologically. And it works for awhile, until God shows us what the enemy is doing.
In this case, it is innocent American Citizens who are aware of their deep-levels of satanic corruption or those who simply cannot be bought off who are loaded onto their scam watchlist as a "terrorist" -their masonic BLACKLIST- whilst they themselves are committing treason and engaging in crimes against Humanity.
The Lawnmower Man
Hired beta bullies are community-based agents (CBAs) that carry out assignments against a Blacklisted Citizen for the kingdom of darkness. These are, as satanic rock band AC/DC put it, "dirty deeds done dirt cheap." The CBAs for a particular neighborhood are compensated in one way or another for doing the devil's bidding. The antiChrist system is a system which persecutes the honest, the followers and lineage of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Another common covert tactic used is to create continual noise at a target's residence. Lawnmowers are often used in neighboring yards, not just for an hour or two as a normal neighbor would. The CBAs bring a lawnmower to a neighboring home's residence and either use their own or hire someone to start the mower up when the TI is in their yard. Then they just stay there waiting until given the go-ahead and when a TI comes back outside maybe 2 or 4 hours later, the same lawnmower starts up again and begins mowing. These are all the "deniable" conditioning sounds but done to intentionally draw a TI out of peace because they are well aware that the mower should have been turned off many hours ago and the job done.
It is more gaslighting also, the devil always trying to make people "crazy" or think they are crazy, when in fact the true psychopaths that drink the blood of murdered children are the overseers of the entire TI operation. The Drug Cartel here in QR for example has the next door Latinos starting their mower very early and still using it to start up continually throughout the day until past dark. It is very clear and once you see what is being done, it has no power over you at all.
All lawn equipment and engines of every kind are utilized now for Frequency Warfare.
For those of us who prefer to Grow Food, not Lawns we are a thorn in the side of the ego-based Devil's Seed of Cain always trying to live up to their evil masters standards, and comparing themselves with others for an ego boost.
Another common covert tactic used is to create continual noise at a target's residence. Lawnmowers are often used in neighboring yards, not just for an hour or two as a normal neighbor would. The CBAs bring a lawnmower to a neighboring home's residence and either use their own or hire someone to start the mower up when the TI is in their yard. Then they just stay there waiting until given the go-ahead and when a TI comes back outside maybe 2 or 4 hours later, the same lawnmower starts up again and begins mowing. These are all the "deniable" conditioning sounds but done to intentionally draw a TI out of peace because they are well aware that the mower should have been turned off many hours ago and the job done.
It is more gaslighting also, the devil always trying to make people "crazy" or think they are crazy, when in fact the true psychopaths that drink the blood of murdered children are the overseers of the entire TI operation. The Drug Cartel here in QR for example has the next door Latinos starting their mower very early and still using it to start up continually throughout the day until past dark. It is very clear and once you see what is being done, it has no power over you at all.
All lawn equipment and engines of every kind are utilized now for Frequency Warfare.
For those of us who prefer to Grow Food, not Lawns we are a thorn in the side of the ego-based Devil's Seed of Cain always trying to live up to their evil masters standards, and comparing themselves with others for an ego boost.
One common tactic used at a Blacklisted Citizen's residence is airplane, helicopter, and drone flyovers. Not typical air traffic of course, but specifically hired out flyovers that come very low to a home. This is done when a TI is inside or outside of their home and is done during a time which the orchestrators of their particular CIA No-Touch Torture Program thinks it will produce the most negative results. Their 'craft' is the torture of human souls. This is what many people refuse to accept, but if you look through true human history people were always tortured and killed in the most evil of ways. To this day their blood still cries out and our Father in Heaven will recompense.
Small private planes, local helicopters, police aircraft, military aircraft, chinooks, and every type of aircraft you can imagine are used against a Blacklisted Citizen. Again this is for distraction and mental harm towards a TI. Some TIs experience these aircraft on a "schedule" as they are sent to their residence and other TIs find it is more random, although always when doing something positive. The fallen angels that reign on earth under Satan and feed off of fear energy. When people are happy and living their lives in JOY, it diminishes their faux power a little more. The Children of God will in due time inherit the Earth, and the place of the wicked will no longer be found.
Small private planes, local helicopters, police aircraft, military aircraft, chinooks, and every type of aircraft you can imagine are used against a Blacklisted Citizen. Again this is for distraction and mental harm towards a TI. Some TIs experience these aircraft on a "schedule" as they are sent to their residence and other TIs find it is more random, although always when doing something positive. The fallen angels that reign on earth under Satan and feed off of fear energy. When people are happy and living their lives in JOY, it diminishes their faux power a little more. The Children of God will in due time inherit the Earth, and the place of the wicked will no longer be found.
Renewed in the mind of Christ
As human beings are learning the extent of depravity and evil with which the satanic 'rulers on earth' use to harm God's Children and Creation, they are waking up to a world inhospitable to the human Spirit. To see character traits such as kindness, compassion and respect are Kingdom of God qualities. Satan and his kids/minions have been destroying them in every way possible. They abuse & train their younger generations to do evil and then call it good. Just as gov agencies reward blind obedience when they do evil, commit treason and murder.
We, as Targeted Citizens (deemed "enemies" by the kingdom of darkness), are here naturally shining the light of Christ and retaining Godly character (love, peace, joy). We must also be dressed in our Spiritual Armor every single day. God will not allow us to be harmed as this is the inheritance we have by the grace of God. Our part is to be sober and vigilant, being VERY aware that the evil one works through the majority of people at this present time and seeks to devour lives & Souls.
Our minds are targeted first because satan knows that thoughts lead to actions. To be best prepared for living the rest of our days here, renewing our mind in Christ - putting on the Mind of Christ - choosing to reject the continual mind control streaming through every screen and speaker... is essential.
Training the mind to focus on goals, on the prize which is Jesus Christ, while ignoring the devil's stimuli is more of a challenge when satan's army of paid shills are encamped around you! It does take daily practice. And this practice is life-saving. However possible, take no less than 20-30 minutes per day to meditate on God's Truth and commune with God, talking, listening, and returning your focus to the peace only He can provide. This can include time spent in nature as well!
"Be ye not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds..." - Romans 12:2
"The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe." - 2Cor. 4:4
"Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh; but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. The mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God: It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so." - Romans 8:5-7
We, as Targeted Citizens (deemed "enemies" by the kingdom of darkness), are here naturally shining the light of Christ and retaining Godly character (love, peace, joy). We must also be dressed in our Spiritual Armor every single day. God will not allow us to be harmed as this is the inheritance we have by the grace of God. Our part is to be sober and vigilant, being VERY aware that the evil one works through the majority of people at this present time and seeks to devour lives & Souls.
Our minds are targeted first because satan knows that thoughts lead to actions. To be best prepared for living the rest of our days here, renewing our mind in Christ - putting on the Mind of Christ - choosing to reject the continual mind control streaming through every screen and speaker... is essential.
Training the mind to focus on goals, on the prize which is Jesus Christ, while ignoring the devil's stimuli is more of a challenge when satan's army of paid shills are encamped around you! It does take daily practice. And this practice is life-saving. However possible, take no less than 20-30 minutes per day to meditate on God's Truth and commune with God, talking, listening, and returning your focus to the peace only He can provide. This can include time spent in nature as well!
"Be ye not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds..." - Romans 12:2
"The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe." - 2Cor. 4:4
"Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh; but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. The mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind of the flesh is hostile to God: It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so." - Romans 8:5-7