Know Your Enemy
Know Your Enemy ... one of my favorite Rage Against the Machine songs before I became aware of their Judeo-Masonic origins and negative energy harvesting involvement. Still a lot of truth lyrically-speaking, but God expects self-control and love as a response rather than reacting/responding the way the rest of the world does. This is part of the "refining fire" process to purify our hearts and produce a holy life.
The adversary's weaknesses are many because he is rooted in pride instead of love. The enemy of our Souls is a coward. An arrogant, greedy, murderous coward using fear tactics to maintain an illusion of control. The adversary is dependent upon our ignorance and our fear. The Masonic Dagger Program uses all available resources to put God's Elect into a state of fear consciousness using intimidation tactics, psychological operations, and black magick. The more you learn about the enemy's tactics, methods, and strategies, the clearer your vision becomes. When you stand on 2 Timothy 1:7 fully aware that you are not given a spirit of fear from Father God, then you have the victory. Only those serving Satan's kingdom must continually live in fear. Satan is the master of all those who reject Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Even those claiming not to believe in God have made themselves god and therefore have chosen the god of this world. Our Creator is using this cowardly enemy to sharpen and refine His Children. What the enemy uses to harm us, God is using for our good! The devil is a liar and the father of all lies, therefore the Truth is indeed his enemy... One that has fully defeated him. Jesus IS the truth, and when those who follow Christ walk in this love and truth, we are treading on serpents... crushing him and his minions underfoot. John 14: 16. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever--- 17. The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you. |
The most interesting thing about being a Targeted Individual is that those of us In Christ (not all TIs are yet) are familiar with the verse "friendship with the world is enmity with God" and in like manner, friendship with God is enmity with the world. If you replace the word, world, in this verse with "state" you see why many of us are on this scam terrorist blacklist, where we are literally labeled as an "Enemy of the State." I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be an enemy of the satanic state than an enemy of God. So in judging us through the demonic hierarchy they call us enemies... because this fallen world is still under satan's control - for now - and therefore we are foreigners here. We are of the Household and Family of GOD Almighty... the Creator of Heaven & Earth! What we are is an enemy of the current outgoing "regime" on earth. We are Ambassadors for Christ. (Those carrying out this domestic terrorism are accusing us of crimes they're committing.)
True followers of Christ are establishing God's Kingdom of righteousness on Earth at this time. We have the Christ-given authority to take back the territory the demonic squatters have stolen from God's Children. We are a Holy Nation, a royal priesthood... we are a peculiar people, we don't look like the world because we aren't from here. We know what's right and we abhor sinful culture just as our Father does. But we're not here to be "popular." We are system-busters, we upload Divine algorithms into evil programming and we set the captives free. We see through the black magick deception and we choose to walk with God bringing True Light and leaving beauty wherever we go. You'll know the wicked ones by their fruit... they lie, steal, and destroy just like their defeated master. Jesus Christ already has the victory... we are here to walk in it. Keep your chin up because you are walking out this victory lap, even while still in the valley of the shadow of death.
Enemy Traits
The Enemy is unknown to most people because of the deception that has already been working for many generations convincing them that he isn't even real.
The devil is cunning and subtle. He works through reason, he is a deceiver through words and imaginations/thoughts.
This is why our Bible teaches in the New Testament how important it is to renew our minds, to not allow the devil any foothold in our minds through unclean thoughts or
through deceptive thought patterns. The enemy primarily sends his assignments to steal, kill, and destroy against human minds.
It should be easy to see now why so many millions (billions?) of advertising/political/media dollars are spent on influencing the human mind.
The enemy is referred to in the book of Ephesians as the "prince of the power of the air" which translates to through the airwaves...
He uses music, radio, TV, Movies, Internet and even invisible energy weapons against human minds.
In these "unprecedented times" people are more and more falling into a state of fear because of media and the tactics used by satan and his kingdom of darkness on earth.
The devil is cunning and subtle. He works through reason, he is a deceiver through words and imaginations/thoughts.
This is why our Bible teaches in the New Testament how important it is to renew our minds, to not allow the devil any foothold in our minds through unclean thoughts or
through deceptive thought patterns. The enemy primarily sends his assignments to steal, kill, and destroy against human minds.
It should be easy to see now why so many millions (billions?) of advertising/political/media dollars are spent on influencing the human mind.
The enemy is referred to in the book of Ephesians as the "prince of the power of the air" which translates to through the airwaves...
He uses music, radio, TV, Movies, Internet and even invisible energy weapons against human minds.
In these "unprecedented times" people are more and more falling into a state of fear because of media and the tactics used by satan and his kingdom of darkness on earth.
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: ~ Ephesians 2:2
If you find yourself on this covert military-industrial-complex "hitlist" it is imperative that you remain calm and seek God's Face.
As a child of God, your faith is being tested to the extreme. You can trust Him fully as he teaches you that outside, external things cannot harm what is inside you.
They can come against your mind and life 1000 different ways, but if you are focused on Christ daily these wicked ones will flee before you 7 ways!
Notice how many of them it takes to come against one child of God! They are in the satanic AI hive mind coordinating attacks from the kingdom of darkness,
yet have already been thoroughly defeated. So "Be still, and know that He is God." Meditate and visualize the Holy Fire that you are surrounded by. The enemy wishes he had real power which is why Babylonian tactics take so much effort. They are counterfeiting God's Kingdom with mere man-made 'intelligence'...which is foolishness to God.
And don't they look like fools doing street theater and still failing at bringing you down to their level?
Fly high every day and night. Always take the high road far above their wicked assignments.... Ignore, document, ignore, focus on Christ, and document.
You may already have a great deal of knowledge and perhaps are also a researcher or whistleblower... Keep learning!
Don't allow these slaves of satan to stop you from attaining knowledge and wisdom. You belong to Holy God.
Your mind is and always has been the battlefield for spiritual wickedness.
The enemy knows if he can convince you to sin against God, he can get a foothold.
If he can get you to form a habit, then he has a stronghold...
But KNOW, that God is and always and forever will be, more powerful than the enemy... and HE can break every chain!!
When you turn back to God and forsake worldliness...
When you call upon the name of Jesus Christ...
When you choose the high road and use self-control...
When you trust God even in difficulties...
Your FAITH is seen and honored by the great I AM!
Strongholds are broken through the power of Christ!
ALL chains can be broken! All habits CAN be changed!
God is greater than everything you will ever face on this earth.
As a child of God, your faith is being tested to the extreme. You can trust Him fully as he teaches you that outside, external things cannot harm what is inside you.
They can come against your mind and life 1000 different ways, but if you are focused on Christ daily these wicked ones will flee before you 7 ways!
Notice how many of them it takes to come against one child of God! They are in the satanic AI hive mind coordinating attacks from the kingdom of darkness,
yet have already been thoroughly defeated. So "Be still, and know that He is God." Meditate and visualize the Holy Fire that you are surrounded by. The enemy wishes he had real power which is why Babylonian tactics take so much effort. They are counterfeiting God's Kingdom with mere man-made 'intelligence'...which is foolishness to God.
And don't they look like fools doing street theater and still failing at bringing you down to their level?
Fly high every day and night. Always take the high road far above their wicked assignments.... Ignore, document, ignore, focus on Christ, and document.
You may already have a great deal of knowledge and perhaps are also a researcher or whistleblower... Keep learning!
Don't allow these slaves of satan to stop you from attaining knowledge and wisdom. You belong to Holy God.
Your mind is and always has been the battlefield for spiritual wickedness.
The enemy knows if he can convince you to sin against God, he can get a foothold.
If he can get you to form a habit, then he has a stronghold...
But KNOW, that God is and always and forever will be, more powerful than the enemy... and HE can break every chain!!
When you turn back to God and forsake worldliness...
When you call upon the name of Jesus Christ...
When you choose the high road and use self-control...
When you trust God even in difficulties...
Your FAITH is seen and honored by the great I AM!
Strongholds are broken through the power of Christ!
ALL chains can be broken! All habits CAN be changed!
God is greater than everything you will ever face on this earth.
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
~ 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
When you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Great I Am, you will have no more debilitating fear, and doubt can no longer take root.
God is our strong refuge, and a very present help in trouble. Unlike men, God ALWAYS keeps His promises. His word is sure. If He says a thing, He shall surely do it!
The enemy is rendered helpless and powerless when one of God's Children is wearing the full Armour Of God (Ephesians 6).
All the forces of hell will not prevail against one who belongs to the Living God.
In summary, the two main weapons used by the enemy are ignorance and fear.
God is our strong refuge, and a very present help in trouble. Unlike men, God ALWAYS keeps His promises. His word is sure. If He says a thing, He shall surely do it!
The enemy is rendered helpless and powerless when one of God's Children is wearing the full Armour Of God (Ephesians 6).
All the forces of hell will not prevail against one who belongs to the Living God.
In summary, the two main weapons used by the enemy are ignorance and fear.
- Do not be destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) - Get knowledge, research what you see, hear, and read, and believe nothing
that does not align with what the Holy Spirit and what Jesus Himself teaches. God gladly gives His Wisdom to those who earnestly seek Him
and ask. Those who are conformed to the world (In thought, deed, action/habit) are in ignorance because the world is under satan's
control and the Beast System is already in place. Study to know the truth and learn about cognitive dissonance for troubling topics. - Do not be afraid. FEAR NOT!! (Matthew 10:26) - "Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known."
Satan, Ba'al, Osiris/Horus/Set, Moloch (all names this evil spirit is known by and worshiped as) is an evil magician too. He uses deception, lies, and fear through ILLUSION to cast spells on human minds. There is nothing cute about witchcraft. The mind is not a plaything... it is your most important PC, and it must be turned over to the Creator for it to run properly and not get a "virus or malware." Your attention is your power, so give it to Christ. Once you have cast out the spirit of fear through Christ, you are walking in His authority.