April 2022
Satan's reign via the anti-Christ system on Earth
systematic persecution of True Israel ... "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God." Psalm 14:1 The majority serve the "god" of this world... Lucifer/Ba'al/Molech/Set Their allegiance is to the god of human sacrifice. They can be seen using the "Star of Remphan" to identify one another within the satanic hierarchy on earth. Either the 5-pointed star or the 6-pointed star are used to represent and identify them. Covert blacklisting is a Jesuit/Zionist Masonic program that has been running since before the days of our Lord Jesus Christ in the form of torture, murder, and genocide. The modern program relies on their vast satanic network, artificial intelligence and smear campaigns/entrapment in attempt to "neutralize and destroy" the human being with allegiance to Christ. Blacklisting and organized stalking are federal crimes but they continue because mafia rule (organized crime) is the infrastructure for the system we are "under" on Earth. While remaining covert for the most part through plausible deniability, God's Children see past the lies of this culture and recognize the enemy, the "god" of this world. |
April 2022 Zersetzung Activity:
April 1, 2022
Returned home after a meeting and saw some of the typical psyops that the federal agents here are up to something... after awhile it becomes real easy to See. County trucks have been building something and coming in and out of Georgia lately, driving along with feds. I am including a video from my dashcam as I enter QR and head home. The Seed of Cain with his walker, not cane today in hat CBA that's been doing assignments since 2019, was literally standing directly in front of Federal Agents Deb & Smith's on the right side, started walking as I approached in my vehicle . (Many CBAs are actors, not truly handicapped - they like to use them most to add to the plausible deniability strategy). Thompson's relative next door to the fake HOA front was outside while I drove by (left) and when I pulled in to the court their new federal agent - Special Agent I think is more appropriate - was parked across from my house when I got home. Knowing the MO of these criminals, I went ahead and took their bait and introduced myself. Several things to note is she tells me she's a Jehovah's Witness. She's buying the wooded lot across from my house She is very incessant on telling me that we "have a lot in common." The fake hoa front guy is selling her this property and she is not going to tolerate any of the criminal activity here because her cousin works for somebody... oh. Body language was a lot of finger-pointing/wagging and aggressiveness. I've seen it all. Come on down, you're the next contestant on satan's minions are all going to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ one day! I will raise a Hallelujah! Holy Spirit was felt STRONGLY this morning! Buckle your seatbelts :) |
April 3, 2022
Vids - Special agent A (from yesterday in the court 4/2/22) leaves Georgia side of QR (Zersetzung HQ) with the hoa front rep's vehicle. - 3 of their traffickers drive by while the CBAs at top of court until all 3 have gone by. Zersetzung. |
April 6, 2022
Federal Contractor who took assignment in lot next to mine had their federal trucks (same ones that escorted their Trafficking Trucks to the Georgia side) setting up their Zersetzung/Cointelpro HQ today. At exactly 3:22pm, this Fed Agent pulled out of lot and into court - those who study these minions of satan know that 322 (Yale skull n bones) is a very important number to them. So here's more proof, not that it's necessary, of who this agent works for. Target Turnaround after 9pm. |
April 8, 2022
MANY more videos and images from today not uploaded yet. The federal contractors setting up their Zersetzung house in the court we live on were here the entire day. Their trafficking operation and location fully exposed, as well as covert operations against American Citizens online for the world to see. Every true Targeted Citizen is on the Federal Law Enforcement (which is an oxymoron since the only law they enforce is satan's)... Blacklist. These federal agents don't even try to hide who they are and why they're really here because no one has more earthly "authority" than they do. They know none of their crimes will ever be investigated or publicized except by an Independent Journalist. |
There are MANY things taking place right now.
Beginning on Palm Sunday 4/10, God is doing something huge...
The evil one and his adherents continue their demonic activity, so lots of videos to eventually post...
I thank my Father in Heaven for righteousness, truth, and grace. For His miracles, faithfulness, and never-ending love.
May we continue to pray one for another and choose to allow the Holy Spirit make a home in our hearts.
Especially at this time.
Beginning on Palm Sunday 4/10, God is doing something huge...
The evil one and his adherents continue their demonic activity, so lots of videos to eventually post...
I thank my Father in Heaven for righteousness, truth, and grace. For His miracles, faithfulness, and never-ending love.
May we continue to pray one for another and choose to allow the Holy Spirit make a home in our hearts.
Especially at this time.
April 2022
A house was made available for us during Holy week this year. A miracle and blessing! It is located centrally, needs a lot of work and meets our needs. This house is dedicated to God and His Kingdom.
I knew it wouldn't take long before the Satanic Network began their tricks and it wasn't even a whole week before they had street theater out in front of our house.
And today 4/21/22 there was an obvious attempt at Entrapment by just one particular residence. I have introduced myself to all close by and they have been lovely. I also introduced myself to this neighbor directly across the street but I could see the demon in her eyes. The Holy Spirit enables God's Children to discern the spirits and we are advised to "try the spirits" to see whether they are of God. Not just in church leadership, but in our everyday walk with the Lord. To ignore the spirit realm is a perilous decision, as it effects human beings on Earth continually. (Ephesians 6)
In some cases, a demon will be present and they hate the Lord Jesus Christ. In this case, it was an obvious demon and it started making trouble as soon as I arrived home today. Long story short, this demon girl told me she doesn't talk to her neighbors and she does not like me. As I began trying to speak to her like a human rather than argue and create strife as she was inclined to do - she said I was on her property which I wasn't as my feet were in the road, and she called the police on me. This girl called over some relatives and they started videotaping me with their phones, and then tells the cops (Leon County Sheriff) that I was taking pictures of them. Not even kidding. Surprised? Not much, as a TI we learn to expect this type of behavior... and TACTICS. If they can create some sort of "profile" on me as soon as I move in to a new house ... you can see how their Program works.
This is one of the main reasons I encourage documentation of the tactics used by both "law enforcement" and perps /masons involved. In this instance, this group across the road allowed a 2 year old child to chase a huge ball across the street into my yard and I watched him cross the street over gravel and cross the road again by himself while no adult was even around. I saw this baby outside yesterday disgusted that there was no supervision or care at all. When I came back out in front of the house 20 minutes later, rocks had been thrown onto our brick porch. I took a picture of my porch before clearing the rocks. I am not interested in hearsay or gossip, I report only the facts as they pertain to the Zersetzung Program. This covert program however RELIES on gossip, lies, and discrediting of a targeted individual. Witchcraft is far more common than true Christianity, and we are certainly in a spiritual battle here on Earth.
(4/22/22 Update: As the Masonic Silent Dagger page and posted video explain, the Sheriff departments are charged with the carrying out of the Zersetzung for the Federal/MIC/Contract of a targeted human being. Today when I came out of a local store a Leon County Sheriff was parked right behind my vehicle. Yesterday, after having them called on me for Entrapment purposes... I spoke to the officer who took the girl's lies and wrote up this "report" on me 4/21/22. He told me he would write up the same "trespass warning" for them too. I went up to this Leon County Sheriff parked there (coincidentally) and asked him if that cop had written up my statement as well. This one said that the girl stated I was taking pictures of their vehicles that day, which is a lie. In fact, this girl and her relative actually started videotaping me with their phones as I was standing outside after she verbally attacked me. This angry black girl threatened me that she's good friends with the cops. The earthly mafia badges and titles are here to keep the entire organized crime network running smoothly.
Then I found out instead of providing the same trespass warning to her, he wrote up more derogatory remarks about me. I am documenting this here that the Leon County Sheriff is fabricating a false report. This is a very common Tactic used during the Targeting of Blacklisted Citizens. There entire system is built on lies and deception, itself being comprised of organized criminals.) Entrapment and slander the name of their game.
As I was being falsely and frivolously accused of trespassing, there was actual trespassing from Federal Agent 51's group at the other house in Gadsden County which I have images and video of. I will document activity and provide evidence as/if the Holy Spirit leads me to.
As Enemies of the State - and Friends of God - we can expect that their "negative environment campaign" (using all the resources Satan has in his anti-Christ system) will be utilized to the full extent that they can to destroy us. But HE (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) has overcome the world! (John 16:33) I will continue to wave and be kind to everyone I meet.
Jesus - Enemy of the State
A house was made available for us during Holy week this year. A miracle and blessing! It is located centrally, needs a lot of work and meets our needs. This house is dedicated to God and His Kingdom.
I knew it wouldn't take long before the Satanic Network began their tricks and it wasn't even a whole week before they had street theater out in front of our house.
And today 4/21/22 there was an obvious attempt at Entrapment by just one particular residence. I have introduced myself to all close by and they have been lovely. I also introduced myself to this neighbor directly across the street but I could see the demon in her eyes. The Holy Spirit enables God's Children to discern the spirits and we are advised to "try the spirits" to see whether they are of God. Not just in church leadership, but in our everyday walk with the Lord. To ignore the spirit realm is a perilous decision, as it effects human beings on Earth continually. (Ephesians 6)
In some cases, a demon will be present and they hate the Lord Jesus Christ. In this case, it was an obvious demon and it started making trouble as soon as I arrived home today. Long story short, this demon girl told me she doesn't talk to her neighbors and she does not like me. As I began trying to speak to her like a human rather than argue and create strife as she was inclined to do - she said I was on her property which I wasn't as my feet were in the road, and she called the police on me. This girl called over some relatives and they started videotaping me with their phones, and then tells the cops (Leon County Sheriff) that I was taking pictures of them. Not even kidding. Surprised? Not much, as a TI we learn to expect this type of behavior... and TACTICS. If they can create some sort of "profile" on me as soon as I move in to a new house ... you can see how their Program works.
This is one of the main reasons I encourage documentation of the tactics used by both "law enforcement" and perps /masons involved. In this instance, this group across the road allowed a 2 year old child to chase a huge ball across the street into my yard and I watched him cross the street over gravel and cross the road again by himself while no adult was even around. I saw this baby outside yesterday disgusted that there was no supervision or care at all. When I came back out in front of the house 20 minutes later, rocks had been thrown onto our brick porch. I took a picture of my porch before clearing the rocks. I am not interested in hearsay or gossip, I report only the facts as they pertain to the Zersetzung Program. This covert program however RELIES on gossip, lies, and discrediting of a targeted individual. Witchcraft is far more common than true Christianity, and we are certainly in a spiritual battle here on Earth.
(4/22/22 Update: As the Masonic Silent Dagger page and posted video explain, the Sheriff departments are charged with the carrying out of the Zersetzung for the Federal/MIC/Contract of a targeted human being. Today when I came out of a local store a Leon County Sheriff was parked right behind my vehicle. Yesterday, after having them called on me for Entrapment purposes... I spoke to the officer who took the girl's lies and wrote up this "report" on me 4/21/22. He told me he would write up the same "trespass warning" for them too. I went up to this Leon County Sheriff parked there (coincidentally) and asked him if that cop had written up my statement as well. This one said that the girl stated I was taking pictures of their vehicles that day, which is a lie. In fact, this girl and her relative actually started videotaping me with their phones as I was standing outside after she verbally attacked me. This angry black girl threatened me that she's good friends with the cops. The earthly mafia badges and titles are here to keep the entire organized crime network running smoothly.
Then I found out instead of providing the same trespass warning to her, he wrote up more derogatory remarks about me. I am documenting this here that the Leon County Sheriff is fabricating a false report. This is a very common Tactic used during the Targeting of Blacklisted Citizens. There entire system is built on lies and deception, itself being comprised of organized criminals.) Entrapment and slander the name of their game.
As I was being falsely and frivolously accused of trespassing, there was actual trespassing from Federal Agent 51's group at the other house in Gadsden County which I have images and video of. I will document activity and provide evidence as/if the Holy Spirit leads me to.
As Enemies of the State - and Friends of God - we can expect that their "negative environment campaign" (using all the resources Satan has in his anti-Christ system) will be utilized to the full extent that they can to destroy us. But HE (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) has overcome the world! (John 16:33) I will continue to wave and be kind to everyone I meet.
Jesus - Enemy of the State
April 2022-July 2022
Didn't put cams up for quite awhile at new residence, but it was time to a few days ago as I saw some familiar covert crimes starting.
To my fellow TIs in Christ, this satanic network has sold souls ready and willing to take the Federal Money (Black Budget Operations) to do crimes against us in every city, state, country anywhere on earth. Military Operations don't run out of resources...
It is a very wide path, and most are on the devil's highway.
I have chosen to document but not upload here in keeping with God's leading.
The Quail Ridge FEDERAL Trafficking PUD and zersetzung videos are still in queue to be uploaded from 2020 and 2019.
So far at the new house, the residence directly across from ours has been doing daily Zersetzung assignments. This is another Drug House with lots of 'coming and going' of misc vehicles and also Tallahassee City vehicles plus Leon County vehicles that are called out for specific assignments. There are also CBAs here throughout. Christians must be aware of how Organized Crime operates through the satanic army on earth. The devil has his minions at the ready, but God has His Army readied to do battle first in the Spirit realm.
The spirit which rules the nations and this culture is absolute evil. The majority live after the flesh, in their pride, like their father satan.
All humans are being either transformed into the image and likeness of Christ or of Satan.
The spirit which rules the nations and this culture is absolute evil. The majority live after the flesh, in their pride, like their father satan.
All humans are being either transformed into the image and likeness of Christ or of Satan.
I will continually keep God's Praise upon my lips. The enemy cannot stop the blessings God is pouring out!
May 3, 2022
Quail Ridge property Mafia "games." Calvary, Georgia (north of Quail Ridge on GA111 on left before flashing light) trafficking van used. They continue all of their narcotics production, trafficking, and the elite's ADRENOCHROME from here. ...and that's the big "secret" the human sacrifice cabal and their masonic mafia try to hide. The abuse, sexual abuse, torture and murder of children (documented and undocumented) is the evil that continues under the rule of the fallen angels and their adherents who serve satan within all nations. Mafia rule is satanic rule. When will Americans start caring enough to hold these military-industrial-complex-brotherhood-of-the-snake-foreign-and-domestic-intel-agencies accountable for crimes against humanity? Is it because they've forgotten that human history is full of human torture, murder, and genocide? Are they already too satiated with the 'bread & circuses' they've been provided? Or are they all just cowards now...? |
May 2022
I have been documenting the activity here in Tallahassee and keeping it. Sheriff vehicle numbers, vehicles, plates, days/times, what, why, who, when, and how...
and also at Quail Ridge Federal Trafficking Hub on the GA/FL line for now. The "slow-kill" tactics extend to every facet of life so have documented the information for the compromised people in my life too. The devil, that old dragon, has most under his sway. An individual with integrity who cannot be bribed or blackmailed to do evil is a rare gem. Anyone who cannot be bribed is a big problem for the kingdom of darkness on Earth.
The Silent Holocaust of Targeted Individuals continues as the fallen angels and satan's seed rule on earth for now. Many humans on their 'blacklist' have spoken out and the Tavistock mafia media tries to smear every chance it gets. Jesuits and Masons serve their masters - the spiritual wickedness in high places - we are to be aware of and armored up for in Ephesians 6.
I have been documenting the activity here in Tallahassee and keeping it. Sheriff vehicle numbers, vehicles, plates, days/times, what, why, who, when, and how...
and also at Quail Ridge Federal Trafficking Hub on the GA/FL line for now. The "slow-kill" tactics extend to every facet of life so have documented the information for the compromised people in my life too. The devil, that old dragon, has most under his sway. An individual with integrity who cannot be bribed or blackmailed to do evil is a rare gem. Anyone who cannot be bribed is a big problem for the kingdom of darkness on Earth.
The Silent Holocaust of Targeted Individuals continues as the fallen angels and satan's seed rule on earth for now. Many humans on their 'blacklist' have spoken out and the Tavistock mafia media tries to smear every chance it gets. Jesuits and Masons serve their masters - the spiritual wickedness in high places - we are to be aware of and armored up for in Ephesians 6.
I am following the Father's guidance completely.
He is the AUTHOR and CREATOR of the Heavens & Earth.
He is the AUTHOR and CREATOR of the Heavens & Earth.