Federal Crime
The term Federal Crime in this context relates to Federal Agents and Entities committing Federal Crimes... They are 'above the law.'
Anyone of a specific military clearance or rank and all mafia big club members are operating with impunity.
The law they serve is the one handed down by the synagogue of satan... the serpent seed, the small hat club, which includes the Roman Catholic church and those who call themselves Jews, but are not... Zionists. Considering that all "law enforcement" organizations are involved, it makes perfect sense that it is FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT
- in conjunction with their masonic/eastern star/roman empire mafia - running the stage and lights. On Jesuit Military Orders.
Federal criminals have government jobs with titles and are provided immunity from all crimes against Humanity - as they are only "following orders"...
just like members of the Military-Industrial-Complex are desensitized and "trained" / conditioned for murder with no conscience.... rewarded for bloodshed.
Some of the Federal Crimes committed through the Persecuted/Targeted Individual Masonic Dagger program are:
In Ohio, every single one of the paid participants, as well as the volunteers, are GUILTY of MENACING by STALKING.
In Florida, and the other states, there will be a similar crime for all retired military, active military, state employees, utility employees, private security employees, sheriffs, police, fire department, EMT, local thug mafia, posse members, community-based agents (CBAs), and civilians to be charged with.
God shall deliver our full restitution if the International Criminal Court doesn't take on our class-action lawsuit first, and His will be far more thorough... because no financial restitution ordered by man's courts can ever reverse the damages done by these federal criminals and thugs at large. Many TIs have committed suicide already, which is their goal.
Oaths to the Masonic Lodge / Jesuit Order take precedence. These people may have been deceived and led astray, but at some point made a conscious choice to sell their soul to the Brotherhood of the Snake. They made a covenant with death. They are slaves to the Dragon, in Revelation.... Rome, the city on seven hills is where the Beast System originates. Crimes such as pedophilia, sex trafficking, and cold-blooded ritual sacrifice are covered up and protected by Federal and local "law enforcement."
The (Vatican State) Roman Empire's Military rules over the United States Military. A targeted individual's electricity, internet, and water is turned off on command. If the bill is paid this is obvious treason. But, they are MAFIA and have their own set of rules where they think we are expendable pawns.
The serpent seed expect all the people in the world to eventually bow before Lucifer their master, bringing all the people into that One World Religion or else be tortured and killed off, just as they've always done to people who wouldn't 'obey' their Ba'al / Molech / Nimrod / RA human sacrifice, anti-Christ system. They believe themselves to have God's authority to punish humanity. Of course, they are counterfeits who've set themselves up to be appear as "angels of light."
Their is nothing "Holy" in Rome, just a pagan entity drunk with the blood of the Saints she has murdered.
Christ assures us, there WILL be a day of reckoning and recompense.
Anyone of a specific military clearance or rank and all mafia big club members are operating with impunity.
The law they serve is the one handed down by the synagogue of satan... the serpent seed, the small hat club, which includes the Roman Catholic church and those who call themselves Jews, but are not... Zionists. Considering that all "law enforcement" organizations are involved, it makes perfect sense that it is FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT
- in conjunction with their masonic/eastern star/roman empire mafia - running the stage and lights. On Jesuit Military Orders.
Federal criminals have government jobs with titles and are provided immunity from all crimes against Humanity - as they are only "following orders"...
just like members of the Military-Industrial-Complex are desensitized and "trained" / conditioned for murder with no conscience.... rewarded for bloodshed.
Some of the Federal Crimes committed through the Persecuted/Targeted Individual Masonic Dagger program are:
- TREASON - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381
- ORGANIZED STALKING - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A
- HUMAN TRAFFICKING - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-77
In Ohio, every single one of the paid participants, as well as the volunteers, are GUILTY of MENACING by STALKING.
In Florida, and the other states, there will be a similar crime for all retired military, active military, state employees, utility employees, private security employees, sheriffs, police, fire department, EMT, local thug mafia, posse members, community-based agents (CBAs), and civilians to be charged with.
God shall deliver our full restitution if the International Criminal Court doesn't take on our class-action lawsuit first, and His will be far more thorough... because no financial restitution ordered by man's courts can ever reverse the damages done by these federal criminals and thugs at large. Many TIs have committed suicide already, which is their goal.
Oaths to the Masonic Lodge / Jesuit Order take precedence. These people may have been deceived and led astray, but at some point made a conscious choice to sell their soul to the Brotherhood of the Snake. They made a covenant with death. They are slaves to the Dragon, in Revelation.... Rome, the city on seven hills is where the Beast System originates. Crimes such as pedophilia, sex trafficking, and cold-blooded ritual sacrifice are covered up and protected by Federal and local "law enforcement."
The (Vatican State) Roman Empire's Military rules over the United States Military. A targeted individual's electricity, internet, and water is turned off on command. If the bill is paid this is obvious treason. But, they are MAFIA and have their own set of rules where they think we are expendable pawns.
The serpent seed expect all the people in the world to eventually bow before Lucifer their master, bringing all the people into that One World Religion or else be tortured and killed off, just as they've always done to people who wouldn't 'obey' their Ba'al / Molech / Nimrod / RA human sacrifice, anti-Christ system. They believe themselves to have God's authority to punish humanity. Of course, they are counterfeits who've set themselves up to be appear as "angels of light."
Their is nothing "Holy" in Rome, just a pagan entity drunk with the blood of the Saints she has murdered.
Christ assures us, there WILL be a day of reckoning and recompense.
As this article explains, one of the goals of this satanically-inspired no-touch torture targeting program is to remove the human being from society either through institutionalization, incarceration, or death. If they cannot scare their contract hit into silence through their mafia tactics, there is potential for exposure of the human sacrifice serpent seed rulers and truth to spread amongst the people.
Many targeted individuals on social media platforms - especially those claiming to be "former CIA/NSA" etc are just controlled opposition federal agents doing damage control and running disinformation campaigns. True Targeted/Persecuted Souls don't focus talk only about direct-energy weapons, nor give any credit to national shills such as jones or rogan. The true TI undergoes an onslaught of systematic psychological abuse carried out at the federal and military level, and are traumatized relentlessly. The 'mental health' field is full of eastern star witches and satanic masons that deny the claims of this trauma and gaslight the individuals as part of their Tavistock 'education.'
Because the abuse is covert... it cannot be "proven," in their foolish thinking completely void of God's Wisdom.
When a persecuted Soul is tortured like this consistently the goal is to cause emotional reactions / instability and retaliation, making the human being appear "crazy" when it is a normal response to ongoing abuse. Trauma-based mind control, unknown to many, is the foundation of our modern culture. Just ask the CIA and all Military Intel.
Satanic federal agencies involved in putting a human being onto a list to be psychologically abused and experimented on is unthinkable to people with a conscience and moral backbone. Those whose minds belong to the matrix (anti-Christ) system have no conscience, or soul any longer, and care only about earning their blood money by participating in harming an innocent human. Anywhere a dollar is made more important than human life, satan controls that region.
A fraudulent dossier/file is constructed about each persecuted individual to provide some sort of justification for the abuse/torture. This is why people who come forth exposing things about the Serpent Seed and their murderous system seem to just disappear or are killed outright - while the death is declared a 'suicide.'
Rule by fear has been the status-quo since satan was cast down to the Earth after being expelled from the Heavenly Estates due to his pride/arrogance and treason against the Creator.The wide path is the road the devil's offspring are on. It is a narrow road to truly follow Christ. It is also a road of suffering as we are counted worthy to suffer with Christ in this life. We are joint-heirs of the promise... the Seed of Abraham, the Children of God. True Israel is God's people, not the nation-state of Israel ran by the synagogue of satan.
The federal criminals carrying out these assignments and taking orders from their superiors, who take their orders from fallen angels... spiritual wickedness in high places all belong to satan. These crimes will be acknowledged in the heavenly courts as the earthly courts are ruled over by the serpent seed. People looking to find out more about Human Trafficking and Child Trafficking/Murder need look no further than high-clearance military bases and tunnel systems. Masons & Military are a fraternal death cult. It's ONE BIG CLUB!
Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall
Many targeted individuals on social media platforms - especially those claiming to be "former CIA/NSA" etc are just controlled opposition federal agents doing damage control and running disinformation campaigns. True Targeted/Persecuted Souls don't focus talk only about direct-energy weapons, nor give any credit to national shills such as jones or rogan. The true TI undergoes an onslaught of systematic psychological abuse carried out at the federal and military level, and are traumatized relentlessly. The 'mental health' field is full of eastern star witches and satanic masons that deny the claims of this trauma and gaslight the individuals as part of their Tavistock 'education.'
Because the abuse is covert... it cannot be "proven," in their foolish thinking completely void of God's Wisdom.
When a persecuted Soul is tortured like this consistently the goal is to cause emotional reactions / instability and retaliation, making the human being appear "crazy" when it is a normal response to ongoing abuse. Trauma-based mind control, unknown to many, is the foundation of our modern culture. Just ask the CIA and all Military Intel.
Satanic federal agencies involved in putting a human being onto a list to be psychologically abused and experimented on is unthinkable to people with a conscience and moral backbone. Those whose minds belong to the matrix (anti-Christ) system have no conscience, or soul any longer, and care only about earning their blood money by participating in harming an innocent human. Anywhere a dollar is made more important than human life, satan controls that region.
A fraudulent dossier/file is constructed about each persecuted individual to provide some sort of justification for the abuse/torture. This is why people who come forth exposing things about the Serpent Seed and their murderous system seem to just disappear or are killed outright - while the death is declared a 'suicide.'
Rule by fear has been the status-quo since satan was cast down to the Earth after being expelled from the Heavenly Estates due to his pride/arrogance and treason against the Creator.The wide path is the road the devil's offspring are on. It is a narrow road to truly follow Christ. It is also a road of suffering as we are counted worthy to suffer with Christ in this life. We are joint-heirs of the promise... the Seed of Abraham, the Children of God. True Israel is God's people, not the nation-state of Israel ran by the synagogue of satan.
The federal criminals carrying out these assignments and taking orders from their superiors, who take their orders from fallen angels... spiritual wickedness in high places all belong to satan. These crimes will be acknowledged in the heavenly courts as the earthly courts are ruled over by the serpent seed. People looking to find out more about Human Trafficking and Child Trafficking/Murder need look no further than high-clearance military bases and tunnel systems. Masons & Military are a fraternal death cult. It's ONE BIG CLUB!
Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall
One particular company that operates for the DoD and military masonic mafia is Johnson Controls. (See if you can find their perverted meaning in that name! Paedophiles are the elites - sodomy their ritual throughout generations and homosexuality is their rule/secret!)
Johnson Controls vehicles are parked at the Quail Ridge CIA Trafficking PUD on the FL/GA line and since reporting their criminal activity their vehicles were always in locations that I was visiting. When I moved further into FL in another part of town, their van was parked at my local USPS and suddenly important mail pieces were not delivered. This is present-day targeting tactics by the Federal Govt.
As it currently is, the mafia (satan's army - comprised of masons, eastern star, covens/practicing witches, sorcerers, law enforcement/fire dept personnel/ambulances EMT, state employees, human traffickers, drug traffickers, drug dealers, pimps/prostitutes... anyone that can be bought with money) are running all cities and neighborhoods actively harassing overtly & covertly (no-touch torture) those on their Contract Hitlist. - It's one big club. If you don't join, they will hunt you too just as Psalms clearly describes.
The mafia's controlled opposition agents on social media and installed in every place in the US (assigned by the kingdom of darkness) want the public to believe that TIs are mentally unstable and/or only attacked by DEW bio-weapons - when the program is actually run by the US Military, which of course is High TREASON. Everything they run against us is supposed to be considered "plausible" and denied. The witness of Christ Himself and millions of persecuted individuals knows otherwise. There will be a day of accountability - for now AWARENESS of these criminal "neighborhood watch" groups in conjunction with the Masonic Lodges is necessary to understand the truth of what is being experienced by all of us.
When looking for information online for Targeted Individuals and assistance, the Big G Club search engines put websites in the top results from those denying the Program's existence and using their Jesuit-trained Psychology "experts" to say that everyone reporting their experiences with the Silent Dagger are just delusional, paranoid or crazy. This is what all criminal systems do... "deny, deny, deny..." There has been no end to Crimes Against Humanity in true human history, just a facade that the government is taking care of the criminals. It is one big system of organized crime and trauma-based control.
Those whose "feet run quickly to shed innocent blood" and "they who lie in wait to set a snare for our feet" will meet the Creator of the Heavens & Earth.
This day is coming! I look forward to the time when the PEOPLE of the world become aware of what's hidden inside and under the Vatican, as well as what is happening inside the deep underground military base tunnel system. God sees the same in the dark and the light... nothing is hidden that will not be revealed!
There is NO Honor in deception. Your costume magick doesn't fool those with eyes to see...
Johnson Controls vehicles are parked at the Quail Ridge CIA Trafficking PUD on the FL/GA line and since reporting their criminal activity their vehicles were always in locations that I was visiting. When I moved further into FL in another part of town, their van was parked at my local USPS and suddenly important mail pieces were not delivered. This is present-day targeting tactics by the Federal Govt.
As it currently is, the mafia (satan's army - comprised of masons, eastern star, covens/practicing witches, sorcerers, law enforcement/fire dept personnel/ambulances EMT, state employees, human traffickers, drug traffickers, drug dealers, pimps/prostitutes... anyone that can be bought with money) are running all cities and neighborhoods actively harassing overtly & covertly (no-touch torture) those on their Contract Hitlist. - It's one big club. If you don't join, they will hunt you too just as Psalms clearly describes.
The mafia's controlled opposition agents on social media and installed in every place in the US (assigned by the kingdom of darkness) want the public to believe that TIs are mentally unstable and/or only attacked by DEW bio-weapons - when the program is actually run by the US Military, which of course is High TREASON. Everything they run against us is supposed to be considered "plausible" and denied. The witness of Christ Himself and millions of persecuted individuals knows otherwise. There will be a day of accountability - for now AWARENESS of these criminal "neighborhood watch" groups in conjunction with the Masonic Lodges is necessary to understand the truth of what is being experienced by all of us.
When looking for information online for Targeted Individuals and assistance, the Big G Club search engines put websites in the top results from those denying the Program's existence and using their Jesuit-trained Psychology "experts" to say that everyone reporting their experiences with the Silent Dagger are just delusional, paranoid or crazy. This is what all criminal systems do... "deny, deny, deny..." There has been no end to Crimes Against Humanity in true human history, just a facade that the government is taking care of the criminals. It is one big system of organized crime and trauma-based control.
Those whose "feet run quickly to shed innocent blood" and "they who lie in wait to set a snare for our feet" will meet the Creator of the Heavens & Earth.
This day is coming! I look forward to the time when the PEOPLE of the world become aware of what's hidden inside and under the Vatican, as well as what is happening inside the deep underground military base tunnel system. God sees the same in the dark and the light... nothing is hidden that will not be revealed!
There is NO Honor in deception. Your costume magick doesn't fool those with eyes to see...
Get Knowledge for the Future
Proverbs 18:15 - "The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge."
My early studies into Operation Paperclip and how Federal agencies tortured human beings for "research," began in the early 2000s.
Creating a trauma-based environment is the Vatican/CIA/Feds domain. The Medusa File is a recommended resource.
All "Intelligence" agencies are now fully under the control of the Vatican.
In 2001, the Holy Spirit led me to the true satanic nature of freemasonry and how the masses were controlled via symbolism. The fact that those who are placed in government positions to investigate crimes and bring criminals to justice being a facade to protect the actual International Banking Mafia System, is not something most Americans have been ready to learn about. Many illusions about how America is set up would destroy the worldview of mostly good-natured people, but who as of yet are not indwelled by God's Holy Spirit. Without Christ, every soul is subject to the spirit of anti-Christ and demonic influence.
They are Federal Criminals from the FDLE and FBI contractors as it turns out who moved in to Quail Ridge after I did. Same federal agents who setup Lot 51 in the court next to me. The FDLE is who I called, when Gadsden County refused to do anything about the Thompson Ritual Abuse Drug Mafia here in Quail Ridge and their trafficking operation in 2020. Their answer to me was to ask the County Sheriff to talk to a "supervisor," (because they are well aware of the Trafficking here... since they operate it.)
Can you imagine for a minute how child sex trafficking at Disney IN FLORIDA (Epstein/Maxwell) was able to continue without interference...? Wouldn't that have been the FDLE's jurisdiction? Just the tip of the iceberg.
The "War on Drugs" US Criminals!
Federally-Run Targeted Individual Program
What is most important to the anti-Christ system's lackeys and paid shills is to neutralize a TI through continual negative environment campaigns and to literally "drive them crazy - military intel have been perfecting torture methods for many years," for total neutralization. A Christian will understand this concept through the idea that satan will use anything in his power to stop you from learning who you are in Christ, and walking in that Authority.
We are at a pivotal time when lies can no longer be hidden in the same way. The fallen angel adherents controlling the airwaves via media and Tavistock public "entertainment" programming are now exposed in the light of day... or better said, in the Light of Christ.
There are no more secrets when Christ walks in...
These depraved Hired Assassins, Intel Agencies, Fusion Centers and Ritual Abusers KNOW they cannot prevent the public from learning the truth about their evils any longer... The day is fast approaching, and I dare say at the doorstep, that ACCOUNTABILITY and DIVINE JUSTICE arrives for them.