Armor of God
The Creator of the Heavens and of the Earth did not leave us alone here in this world ran by fallen angels & death cult bloodlines. The Holy Spirit is ever Present with the child of God. We have also been given a complete suit of Spiritual Armor. When we put on the full armor of God, nothing from the spiritual nor the physical plane can defeat us.
Religious interpretations have muddied the comprehension of these verses in the book of Ephesians chapter 6. It is essential to know how to use this armor during our time on Earth, and what this Armor of God is doing for us. Let's take an in-depth look at this Holy protection! KJV - Ephesians 6:10-11 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. I believe this to be one of the most important things to study, as we are literally born into a battlefield when we incarnate into a physical body. You don't even need to call yourself a Christian to know that life is a battle. But, armed with this knowledge and applied properly, your Spirit will be equipped to walk through the valley of the shadow of death confidently and assuredly. |
Put On The Whole Armor of God
What does putting on the whole armor of God mean? Is this armor physical or symbolic?
When we are advised in Scripture to put on the armor of God, it is protection both physically and spiritually - the visible and the invisible. Prayers are sent to God/Creator in the Heavenly plane or the spiritual/invisible realm. What is done spiritually then manifests, or is done also physically, in our visible realm on Earth.
The battlefield takes place "in the air," in the heavenlies, where the wicked rulers reside at this time.
Eph 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Our enemy's attacks originate from the spiritual realm and from spiritual entities that are in opposition to the Creator. Satan and the fallen angel spirits hate Humanity and all of the life that God breathed His Spirit into.
There is a race of full humans on Earth, God's Children, and there are also hybrid races who are not fully ensouled but are rather literally, as Christ taught, OF The Devil. These humans are a serpent seed race hybrid inclined to do violence, engage in blood rituals and some of the elite of this race are cannibals. When racism is used as a deterrent not to call a spade a spade I like to point out that Genesis and the New Testament tell us there is more than one race on Earth, and that God the Creator put ENMITY/hatred between us and them.
That hybrid race serve these fallen angels / watchers / nephilim and cannibals by feeding them human and animal sacrifices - pure evil. The wicked gather together and lay in wait for innocent blood. This is written in many of the Psalms and in Proverbs. Child/Human traffickers are in this group of wicked ones, and it is now a majority within certain castes/classes.
God's people have been hunted, tortured, and murdered throughout history. These are the facts.
The Roman Empire (now the Vatican) is behind all of this bloodshed physically & financially.
The Creator has provided us armor that protects from the hexes, vexes, incantations, hoodoo, voodoo, black magick, sorcery, dark arts and all other forms of weaponized military and demonic activity being sent against us in the spirit realm.
These Roman/Judaic high priests and priestesses to Ba'al / Molech / Lucifer are doing blood rituals and 'establishing' things against God's people in the spirit realm. And the entire military institution, trained by the "god of war" satan/lucifer, is a human sacrifice system for their master harvesting sorrow/misery which is what they feed on, besides flesh and blood. The same hybrid bloodlines finance both 'sides' of every war sold to the public via the airwaves. The deception is ingrained into culture.
To pray to God the Creator for a team to win a local "ba'al" game is nothing like suiting up to do battle against a coven of witches who are after your family!
Real Spiritual Warfare is necessary for lasting victory.
The enemy has his entire system on Earth working against us daily if we are following Christ and walking in righteousness.
Eph 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Let's go through each piece of our armor and how to use it and apply it for our lives:
Personally, I like to go from top to bottom when I put on my armor each day (sometimes twice a day both morning & night with heavy warfare). But, please feel free to dress yourself in the Armor of God in whatever order is most comfortable to you.
When we are advised in Scripture to put on the armor of God, it is protection both physically and spiritually - the visible and the invisible. Prayers are sent to God/Creator in the Heavenly plane or the spiritual/invisible realm. What is done spiritually then manifests, or is done also physically, in our visible realm on Earth.
The battlefield takes place "in the air," in the heavenlies, where the wicked rulers reside at this time.
Eph 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Our enemy's attacks originate from the spiritual realm and from spiritual entities that are in opposition to the Creator. Satan and the fallen angel spirits hate Humanity and all of the life that God breathed His Spirit into.
There is a race of full humans on Earth, God's Children, and there are also hybrid races who are not fully ensouled but are rather literally, as Christ taught, OF The Devil. These humans are a serpent seed race hybrid inclined to do violence, engage in blood rituals and some of the elite of this race are cannibals. When racism is used as a deterrent not to call a spade a spade I like to point out that Genesis and the New Testament tell us there is more than one race on Earth, and that God the Creator put ENMITY/hatred between us and them.
That hybrid race serve these fallen angels / watchers / nephilim and cannibals by feeding them human and animal sacrifices - pure evil. The wicked gather together and lay in wait for innocent blood. This is written in many of the Psalms and in Proverbs. Child/Human traffickers are in this group of wicked ones, and it is now a majority within certain castes/classes.
God's people have been hunted, tortured, and murdered throughout history. These are the facts.
The Roman Empire (now the Vatican) is behind all of this bloodshed physically & financially.
The Creator has provided us armor that protects from the hexes, vexes, incantations, hoodoo, voodoo, black magick, sorcery, dark arts and all other forms of weaponized military and demonic activity being sent against us in the spirit realm.
These Roman/Judaic high priests and priestesses to Ba'al / Molech / Lucifer are doing blood rituals and 'establishing' things against God's people in the spirit realm. And the entire military institution, trained by the "god of war" satan/lucifer, is a human sacrifice system for their master harvesting sorrow/misery which is what they feed on, besides flesh and blood. The same hybrid bloodlines finance both 'sides' of every war sold to the public via the airwaves. The deception is ingrained into culture.
To pray to God the Creator for a team to win a local "ba'al" game is nothing like suiting up to do battle against a coven of witches who are after your family!
Real Spiritual Warfare is necessary for lasting victory.
The enemy has his entire system on Earth working against us daily if we are following Christ and walking in righteousness.
Eph 6:13
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Let's go through each piece of our armor and how to use it and apply it for our lives:
Personally, I like to go from top to bottom when I put on my armor each day (sometimes twice a day both morning & night with heavy warfare). But, please feel free to dress yourself in the Armor of God in whatever order is most comfortable to you.
Eph 6:14-18
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
- The Helmet of Salvation - The first thing to put on is the Helmet, "I now put on the Helmet of Salvation..." Our minds and thoughts are protected by this piece of armor. The helmet of salvation covers our thinking, thought patterns, emotions, moods, attitudes and overall mental health (in a society which is anything but healthy.) Before I even get out of bed, I want to cover my mind with this essential piece of Holy armor! A best practice when possible is to put on each piece of armor very intentionally. Speak the words of the desired results with gratitude, for example, "Thank you Father God, for guarding my thoughts today and filling me with the joy which comes from fellowship with You." The helmet of salvation also speaks to our trust and right relationship with God. We trust that God is at all times working all things out for our good, even when the anti-Christ system sends their whole army of bullies, thugs and narcissists against us. We have a high calling in Christ, and can trust that our lives will be shaped to reflect the Spirit of God in long-suffering, learning to be patient in tribulations and choosing to be daily renewed mentally - as psychological and emotional trauma are ongoing for us. It is that much more important for us to spend time praying and speaking truth over our lives for our well-being.
- The Breastplate of Righteousness - Next, put on the breastplate of righteousness which covers the heart. "I now put on the breastplate of righteousness which empowers me to live a holy, consecrated life of righteousness to You, Father..." This piece of armor protects our daily walk, our character, our conversation. The breastplate of righteousness is a shield for our heart and the issues flowing from it. This piece of spiritual armor empowers the wearer to walk 'uprightly,' not as those who live to their flesh, but as those who have been redeemed and live in the spirit. The breastplate also reminds us who we belong to throughout our day and why every choice we make is a reflection of our relationship with God. Wearing this piece of armor protects you from the ways of the world enticing you to partake in a life of external pleasure (lust), worldly violent lifestyles and fellowship with darkness. I believe the breastplate of righteousness further provides us with Godly discernment as our hearts can rightly judge whether we are in the presence of Godliness or evil. There is built-in protection from our instincts and intuition (God-given guidance) to move us toward or away from a person, group, or organization for our highest good, and this breastplate protects our hearts in these choices.
- The Belt/Girdle of Truth - "I put on the belt of truth empowering me to live my life in honesty and integrity..." Our next piece of armor is the belt or girdle of truth. Our Father has higher standards of conduct for His redeemed because we are the salt of the earth, and are changed into His image of holiness as an example of God through developing the Fruit of the Spirit. Honesty, truth-telling, and fairness are very important virtues for us to walk in! The old adage to 'say what you mean and mean what you say' sums this up nicely. Dishonesty and deception are trademarks of satan's character and is common in the Babylonian culture we are born into, where competition to get ahead and 'be successful' is valued over cooperation for the well-being of Humanity. Satan rules over the world governments (and all political ideologies because politics is distraction and deception into what really matters in life.) Walking with integrity wearing our belt of truth each day ensures we represent God with honor because He IS the truth! Our culture in contrast punishes those who tell the truth and rewards the liars, which is a clear indicator about who the 'god' of this world is.

- The Shoes of Peace - "I put on the shoes of peace today. Thank you Father that I can walk in peace and am prepared to share the Gospel of Love with anyone who has a need to hear it..." The shoes of peace are cushions for our bodies that assist us to travel freely in the world, while being careful to walk worthy of our Creator. Our feet, as followers of Christ, are to be prepared to do the will of our Father wherever we are needed to be His hands and feet, to show kindness, compassion, love, to nurture, and do good to others. When we put on our shoes of peace they also protect us from walking in the wrong direction. I believe this piece of armor is what helps us most to stand in the face of the enemy, and not be shaken. These shoes which hold the weight of our body secure, empower us to boldly stand before the armies of satan confidently in the Authority of Christ we have been given. They are the shoes we wear when we tread upon these snakes and serpents who are sent after us on assignment by their superior general / master in the kingdom of darkness. We can trample the enemy underfoot victoriously every single day!
- The Shield of Faith - "I take up the shield of faith which quenches every fiery dart of the wicked one and his minions..." Our faith is absolute trust in the Creator! This shield is an essential part of our armor, as we fully trust that even in the midst of battle, God is working all things out for our good! Demonic thugs serve their master satan in every evil assignment to harm us, yet no weapon formed against us will ever prosper. Christ already defeated the enemy once and for all... we are walking in faith daily, not by sight. The world rulers are magicians of optical illusions, psychological warfare and terrorism against human beings. We must suit up in our Armor of God and speak truth over our lives and against the kingdom of darkness in prayer, a continual conversation... until our faith manifests what we trust/believe God is working out on our behalf at all times. This shield of faith reminds us that every attack of the enemy is futile as we choose faith over any type of response to evil. Ignoring the wicked is one form of destroying their works. Faith is a muscle we have to train as well through practice, and this shield assists us every day to strengthen it.
- The Sword of the Spirit - "I take up the Sword of the Spirit and crush the enemy with the Word of truth..." This piece of armor is the only offensive one provided, while the others are protective. With the spoken Word and the promises of God we rebuke, bind, and crush satan and his minions with the breath of life, God breathed into us through His Spirit. [I will save the topic of infallibility of the current Bible for another webpage, but will say I do not interpret only the Bible as the "word of God" through Holy Spirit revelations, as Christ Himself is the Word. And when Christ gives the Holy Spirit to indwell one of His, we are thereafter imbued with His Authority to speak as He did - casting out demons, binding/rebuking wicked spirits, and healing our fellow human beings!] So, with our Authority in Christ, this Sword of the Spirit is used to defeat every wicked assignment without lifting a physical sword. What we say should follow Christ's teaching, and Old Testament verses used should be confirmed and line up with the New Testament. Discernment is a Gift from the Holy Spirit which we must use daily. If the devil is tempting a Christian to retaliate to the wicked (yes righteous anger is warranted in every act of terrorism from those covertly torturing us) but God is refining our character to produce more self-control, we can speak (silently in public ,or audibly in private due to attempts to entrap us), "I bind and rebuke you satan in the name & power of Christ Jesus. I send this assignment back on the heads of the senders 7-fold, that they may know that I belong to you. Scatter the enemy before me now, Father. Show forth your strong arm and break the arm of the wicked. Every tongue that rises against me I condemn, as this is my heritage in you Lord. I cancel and render powerless every evil attack of witchcraft by the blood of Jesus Christ." For we do not wage war in the flesh but in the Spirit! Just as we worship God in Spirit and truth, we also do battle in Heavenly places in Spirit and Truth!
- Prayer in the Spirit - "I thank you Father for the power of prayer... that you hear me and care for me every day." - This one is not usually included in our Christian teachings on the Armor of God, and came as a bit of a surprise during my studies. It may have been intended only to support the last piece of our Spiritual Armor, the sword of the Spirit which is the Word. But, as I read through this chapter it stands out in verse 18 in a way that Philippians 4:6-7 teaches about praying continually with thanksgiving. Our prayer life absolutely can be considered one of our pieces of Spiritual Armor! Choosing the habit of prayer - which is communion with our Creator by lifting our voices and thoughts to Heaven - is also an essential component of being fully dressed in the Armor of God. (As is smiling :) ) Jesus Christ of Nazareth laid down in His Holy Life for every Soul on Earth, and is far more deserving of my time and attention then anything else the satanic entertainment culture, anti-Christ system wants me to focus on. Keeping our minds and hearts on Christ and in communion with our Heavenly Father is a powerful weapon, destroying the adversary's tactics effectively. Most of all, satan wants to destroy us by controlling our minds through distraction, deception, and fear. When we are in prayer by thinking on Christ, acknowledging God in our decisions, and choosing to be in a place of gratitude throughout our day and night... we are walking in victory.