2020 Targeting Activity Hub
2020 - Quail Ridge Documentation
This demonic blacklist program is satanic attempts to "neutralize" and ultimately slow-kill a human sacrifice who dares to refuse to worship Ba'al/Molech, the god of child torture & sacrifice who's parasitic/cannibalistic adherents run the world's antiChrist system/banking/slavery/control system.... and all human trafficking operations. I'm honored to have been chosen worthy to share in the sufferings of my Lord JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH. God the Creator who loves me and all of us who keep His testimony! I count it all gain. To live is Christ. No weapon formed will prosper. These journal pages are simply evidence of the covert program which for those capable of recognizing patterns, turns out to be pretty obvious and not covert at all. Many fake Targeted Individuals are on youtube & social media touting that they are former CIA/NSA and the like but are instead just controlled opposition. If they were truly "former CIA" telling the truth they would not have lived to tell it. They try to make people believe that TIs only undergo direct energy weapons torture, but that is only one form. The tactics illustrated on this website show many of the moving parts that form the entire Artificial "Intelligence" antiChrist ALL-Seeing EYE matrix hive mind. The only TRUE Intelligence is the Wisdom that Father God grants to His Children. They operate in satanic foolishness thinking they can play God and remain in wickedness without accountability. They will find out their error if they choose to remain unrepentant and continue serving satan. The freemason (satan slave mason) who inherited his dad's house in Ohio who lived on the right side of our home looking from the street was the one who began zersetzung activities there as he was already a drunkard, bully and involved in blood rituals. He owns a biker bar which was reported to be involved with Human Trafficking also. His first name is AARON, and so when this truck was sent down for a Target Turnaround Assignment, it was very much intended to make me feel unsafe in my new home. There's only one house on this court and we have our own furniture. This driver wasn't "lost." (2/29/2020 Video) The next day on 3/1/2020 is when the Masonic Silent Dagger Program went into 24/7 mode at the Federal Planned Trafficking Development in Quail Ridge. January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020 The long and the short of it is what most truth lovers already know... The satanic matrix anti-Christ system ruling on Earth is layers of organized crime. Police and military are hired to protect the "Wickedness in High Places" from Ephesians 6.... these are the Fallen Angels / Watchers (book of Enoch) who control the entire human sacrifice and parasitic system. It's quite an elaborate system the Fallen Angels have here on Earth... unfortunately for them, it's still nothing more than a FAKE. a Counterfeit of the true LIVING GOD's Authority. All satan and his minions can do is try to copy God. |