HQ4 - Covert Terrorism Documentation
Due to the frequency and blatancy of the 'covert' domestic terrorism by Community-Based Agents (CBAs) near our home at the order of their masters running the TI Program - we wrestle not against flesh and blood - it is enough content to fill many websites! There are now webpages to document activity for each one participating in this state-sponsored persecution program.
The home directly on our right (HQ4) are male and female with group connected to the local mexican mafia network driving with mexican flags on their vehicles. Same with the male CBAs at HQ3. I can only guess no one has informed them that this is America? If you came here to escape the conditions of your country then you should be waving an American flag... otherwise, do us all a favor and GO BACK TO MEXICO. I attempted to speak to them when we moved in and have always been cordial (as neighbors ought to be at the very least), but they do not respond, even to saying hello. Most CBAs are instructed to be silent around a "target" as part of the COPS/FBI luciferian ritual abuse program.
Mexicans here in fact are getting lots of government 'benefits' for doing what USA state tells them - and most are roman catholic (death cult - day of the dead - covenant with death club members) and therefore more than willing to carry out hierarchical assignments for impunity and cash.
HQ4 criminals were one of the first CBAs to begin doing assignments and harassment, including immediately when our moving truck arrived. Sheriff had them ready because they want to get their own agents inside as quickly as possible and if their harassment warrants attention, it will necessitate an eviction - which is where I'm told they are now. But, that has been only lies to do more noise assignments and to sell it to one of their higher-up agents. It is all military strategy used for the antiChrist system's COPS TI Program, and can be easily seen through for God's Children.
Their dog ran loose doing it's 'business' on our leased property and barking outside our home at all hours until the first time they got a leash for it in late April 2024. All the dogs here run loose, regardless of local Sheriff here for months in early 2024 to 'check for dog tags.'
They began lighter flickering psy-ops, as all CBAs do here, back in November 2023 as instructed by Fusion Center domestic terrorists.
Vehicles used at HQ4:
Red Truck used by HQ4 male CBA is Ohio Plate PLD-8853
KGG-2999 (OH plate) black Kia Optima, KLC-4468 (OH plate) Red Honda Civic Sport
Ford Expedition (Charcoal) OH plate JVV-3169 is also part of the cowardly noise campaign on Sheriff Report page
and is also a local mexican thug at HQ4. Many boomcars used in TI PROGRAM activities have fake plates and 'borrowed' vehicles.
The ones used by each residence will be documented on this website.
(This page has only a handful of videos uploaded at this time.)
All COVERT Domestic Terrorism will be given PUBLIC EXPOSURE.
HQ4 and HQ3 CBAs outside of our home, next to my son's vehicle. HQ4 male puts beer bottle under our tire. See Military / Sheriff Page |
During the months of November 2023 through February 2023, I turned in over 4-5 complaint forms of community violations of the HQ4 residents to Management. In March 2024, the manager told me that he was talking to these residents and 'handling it.' He left the position (or was told to leave to avoid accountability with the organized crime going on here) in March 2024, and the new manager took over. She informed me then that they were attempting to evict HQ4 residents. That never happened of course because those who reject Christ are liars, like their father the devil.
The office staff are still telling me these residents are being evicted 7 months later... but because the OWNERS of the park do not enforce rules or the lease covenants that isn't true. Originally, I was told that after 3 violations they would evict residents who did not respect community guidelines. THEN, by August 2024 I was told all they can do is issue violations but not enforce anything... that's why so many places in the USA are nothing more than havens for organized crime.
There is no actual ENFORCEMENT. Since this HQ4 group had over 6-7 violations, I knew they were lying.
As of July 2024, HQ4 is doing "renovations" so there is continual plausible deniability for their noise campaign... this one is VERY common as all persecuted individuals can testify to. You likely know who is PAYING FOR these "renovations."
In November 2024, HQ4's red truck has been permanently parked in driveway to block cam view of down the street. It is supposedly a battery issue which anyone who drives a car knows how easy it is to replace a battery, so they have it parked there for other reasons.
The new manager has now proven herself to be just another useful LIAR for the COPS Domestic Terrorism Program. Rather than responding with real solutions that I have offered continually professionally, I am told they are issuing "violations" and the harassment activity from residents continues.
The wicked have no backbone or conscience... they are just "following orders."
The HQ4 CBAs have been chosen by the Fusion Center to be one of the main distraction HQs. Pest Control HQ, Harley Davidson (HD) HQ, and HQ2 along with all of the other CBAs collaborate heavily with them and their assignments. Sheriff took extra special time talking with them and providing instructions during the fake 'dog tag' visits in early 2024. County wanted to let me know that their lot will be used, and that they have immunity. Yes, I'm aware of how your mafia works.
I also am well aware of how the Holy Creator works... and I'm not the one who should be afraid.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." - Hebrews 10:31
All persecuted citizens will find out that intimidation tactics are used by fear-based entities and spirits, doing satan's work on earth.
Rather than operating from love and compassion as Holy Spirit filled Souls do, they operate from fear and violence. Their vehicle is the counterfeit 'authority' system set up in the nation, which has the opposite goal of God's True Authority, which He gave to His people.
This collective evidence (from each year and geographic location) will provide an overall picture for those unfamiliar with covert military mafia tactics.
The wicked always seem to think that when I document their tactics it must somehow mean that it's working so they do more of that activity. They have yet to figure out that documenting the covert abuse, and ritual harassment is just that. Documentation.
One goal as stated within the 'community policing' domestic terrorism TI program is to force me/us to move, or to litigate - wasting time and resources.
Terrorism is a lucrative business model for demons wearing human skin.
I won't be moving or going anywhere until the Holy Spirit gives the Word. We are sent to places where God's Light is needed, and often this comes with a tremendous amount of warfare. We are to follow Christ's lead, not understanding the purposes He has for where He sends us. The day we accept Christ, we become soldiers in a Divine Army and our Spiritual Armor is a necessity. God has already overcome the world, regardless of what satan's kids throw at us.
For now, while doing God's Will in a place He wanted to bring the Light of Christ, I will STAND and prepare for what is ahead, stewarding resources wisely.
Management (under the watchful eye of the Domestic Terrorism Program) has refused to respond to my 8+ submitted forms, plus video documentation of their law violations. This HQ4 residence/lot is used for noise campaigns every day by those contracted to "do work" in the park and the paid CBAs themselves.
HQ4 - COPS TI Program Documentation:
The office staff are still telling me these residents are being evicted 7 months later... but because the OWNERS of the park do not enforce rules or the lease covenants that isn't true. Originally, I was told that after 3 violations they would evict residents who did not respect community guidelines. THEN, by August 2024 I was told all they can do is issue violations but not enforce anything... that's why so many places in the USA are nothing more than havens for organized crime.
There is no actual ENFORCEMENT. Since this HQ4 group had over 6-7 violations, I knew they were lying.
As of July 2024, HQ4 is doing "renovations" so there is continual plausible deniability for their noise campaign... this one is VERY common as all persecuted individuals can testify to. You likely know who is PAYING FOR these "renovations."
In November 2024, HQ4's red truck has been permanently parked in driveway to block cam view of down the street. It is supposedly a battery issue which anyone who drives a car knows how easy it is to replace a battery, so they have it parked there for other reasons.
The new manager has now proven herself to be just another useful LIAR for the COPS Domestic Terrorism Program. Rather than responding with real solutions that I have offered continually professionally, I am told they are issuing "violations" and the harassment activity from residents continues.
The wicked have no backbone or conscience... they are just "following orders."
The HQ4 CBAs have been chosen by the Fusion Center to be one of the main distraction HQs. Pest Control HQ, Harley Davidson (HD) HQ, and HQ2 along with all of the other CBAs collaborate heavily with them and their assignments. Sheriff took extra special time talking with them and providing instructions during the fake 'dog tag' visits in early 2024. County wanted to let me know that their lot will be used, and that they have immunity. Yes, I'm aware of how your mafia works.
I also am well aware of how the Holy Creator works... and I'm not the one who should be afraid.
"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." - Hebrews 10:31
All persecuted citizens will find out that intimidation tactics are used by fear-based entities and spirits, doing satan's work on earth.
Rather than operating from love and compassion as Holy Spirit filled Souls do, they operate from fear and violence. Their vehicle is the counterfeit 'authority' system set up in the nation, which has the opposite goal of God's True Authority, which He gave to His people.
This collective evidence (from each year and geographic location) will provide an overall picture for those unfamiliar with covert military mafia tactics.
The wicked always seem to think that when I document their tactics it must somehow mean that it's working so they do more of that activity. They have yet to figure out that documenting the covert abuse, and ritual harassment is just that. Documentation.
One goal as stated within the 'community policing' domestic terrorism TI program is to force me/us to move, or to litigate - wasting time and resources.
Terrorism is a lucrative business model for demons wearing human skin.
I won't be moving or going anywhere until the Holy Spirit gives the Word. We are sent to places where God's Light is needed, and often this comes with a tremendous amount of warfare. We are to follow Christ's lead, not understanding the purposes He has for where He sends us. The day we accept Christ, we become soldiers in a Divine Army and our Spiritual Armor is a necessity. God has already overcome the world, regardless of what satan's kids throw at us.
For now, while doing God's Will in a place He wanted to bring the Light of Christ, I will STAND and prepare for what is ahead, stewarding resources wisely.
Management (under the watchful eye of the Domestic Terrorism Program) has refused to respond to my 8+ submitted forms, plus video documentation of their law violations. This HQ4 residence/lot is used for noise campaigns every day by those contracted to "do work" in the park and the paid CBAs themselves.
HQ4 - COPS TI Program Documentation:
HQ4 Documentation
July 11, 2024
Sheriff Report #1 on HQ4 for paper trail of evidence beyond ALL of the communications I've had with management - that said they were being evicted back in February 2024. |
Much more still to be uploaded. These are the COPS TI Program most useful CBAs due to their proximity - but that also makes all of the evidence of their proxy covert assignments very CLEAR. The truth will be established on the earth.
All video and image documentation of CBA noise harassment, trespassing and evidence of COPS TI Program is copyrighted investigative evidence and proof which can be used in a state kangaroo court where Judges are bought off here in the USA, but moreso, for the International Court when they are tried for Crimes Against Humanity. Ultimately only God will bring real and fitting judgment ... according to their works.
Fusion Center perps really working hard to try and keep me distracted from their crime in this County. I discovered with a simple search they're harboring four sexual predators in this community, two that live on this street! HQ4 and HQ2 are distractions and covert criminals, they are of no importance to the big picture, but since they have chosen to participate they will be documented.
These illegals are found in every American city now...
Luciferian culture of death, satan's spawn.
Before I start putting up earlier HQ4 videos, they were ordered to do an obvious one on July 30th, 2024.
Sure, okay. It will be much easier to identify you for arrest. (Not by the badges protecting high-level criminals, either.)
All video and image documentation of CBA noise harassment, trespassing and evidence of COPS TI Program is copyrighted investigative evidence and proof which can be used in a state kangaroo court where Judges are bought off here in the USA, but moreso, for the International Court when they are tried for Crimes Against Humanity. Ultimately only God will bring real and fitting judgment ... according to their works.
Fusion Center perps really working hard to try and keep me distracted from their crime in this County. I discovered with a simple search they're harboring four sexual predators in this community, two that live on this street! HQ4 and HQ2 are distractions and covert criminals, they are of no importance to the big picture, but since they have chosen to participate they will be documented.
These illegals are found in every American city now...
Luciferian culture of death, satan's spawn.
Before I start putting up earlier HQ4 videos, they were ordered to do an obvious one on July 30th, 2024.
Sure, okay. It will be much easier to identify you for arrest. (Not by the badges protecting high-level criminals, either.)
Sheriff protecting the criminal infrastructure right in front of their most useful CBAs HQ4 'light show' girl and others plus kids doing some street theater performance just like in February 2024, with full immunity by the criminal state. (Notice what I mentioned above about them making sure small children are there during their theater and harassment activities.) These little girls wanted to be included here with the HQ4 Covert Crimes Documentation, so here they are. When all of those who are in the Big Club fall, they too will be arrested and charged with Crimes against Humanity. If you see them around Butler County, OH they are at large, just like all the mafia subservient to their satanic masters here. Including every skin color and ethnicity who participates. |
Here's this same group of HQ4 CBAs after dark (the usual time for TI Program noise campaigns and assignments) with dog and children for their plausible deniability factor.
July 21, 2024 - HQ4
December 26th, 2024
Manager's white truck (see Michigan plates) parks right in front of Pest Control HQ and HDHQ as this noise and counterfeit environment drama assignment begins.
HQ4's visitor pulls up in the Ford Expedition (license plate above) and shakes our house again with boomcar bass, leaving his car door open. He is in the high-vis shirt in today's assignment documentation. They used that as 'bait' and then little lightshow girl in HQ4 comes out holding her phone recording me, recording them. The male proceeds to turn up his volume with the intent again of entrapment. They have to create drama around me in attempt to pull me out of my peace, get me emotionally upset, or yell and act like fools in the flesh as they do. Then, they have HQ2 girls over and tried to get confrontational. - That's where they are in getting me to do something on video to have me arrested. Sad...
When they attempted to drag me into their created drama I stated, "I don't talk to people who are disrespectful to me."
HQ4 girl goes, "yeah, get back in your car..." You better walk away..." All attempts to incite violence, right by their Intel playbook.
Images and dashcam footage of this... they wanted something to go along with Mrs. Pest Control's tantrum and threats evidence, as though she isn't the only crazy one here, HQ4 and HQ2 have their own crazies. Yep, I know it! They also want their Domestic Terrorism to appear as merely a 'neighbor dispute' rather than the black budget 'watchlist' operation against targeted United States Citizens.
Manager's white truck (see Michigan plates) parks right in front of Pest Control HQ and HDHQ as this noise and counterfeit environment drama assignment begins.
HQ4's visitor pulls up in the Ford Expedition (license plate above) and shakes our house again with boomcar bass, leaving his car door open. He is in the high-vis shirt in today's assignment documentation. They used that as 'bait' and then little lightshow girl in HQ4 comes out holding her phone recording me, recording them. The male proceeds to turn up his volume with the intent again of entrapment. They have to create drama around me in attempt to pull me out of my peace, get me emotionally upset, or yell and act like fools in the flesh as they do. Then, they have HQ2 girls over and tried to get confrontational. - That's where they are in getting me to do something on video to have me arrested. Sad...
When they attempted to drag me into their created drama I stated, "I don't talk to people who are disrespectful to me."
HQ4 girl goes, "yeah, get back in your car..." You better walk away..." All attempts to incite violence, right by their Intel playbook.
Images and dashcam footage of this... they wanted something to go along with Mrs. Pest Control's tantrum and threats evidence, as though she isn't the only crazy one here, HQ4 and HQ2 have their own crazies. Yep, I know it! They also want their Domestic Terrorism to appear as merely a 'neighbor dispute' rather than the black budget 'watchlist' operation against targeted United States Citizens.