Masonic Mafia Street Theater
Like all of the rest of the Targeting Tactics used by the satanic mafia on Earth, "street theater" is simply meant to create a negative/hostile environment around a "Target" - and one of the main reasons the masons OWN the automotive industry (checkered flags / checkered masonic floors). Dealerships provide vehicles and plates for assignments... Lots of vehicles with "Dealer" tags are used for criminal activity and cops instructed to never pull them over.
Street theater is one of the most common and easily distinguishable hallmarks of all the Intel/CIA/Mafia zersetzung tactics because it carries so much PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. They couldn't do anything covertly without the ability to hide it with this excuse/alibi. However, too much of it has been used now and for so long that their deniability has worn out!
CBAs and county/city vehicles are all involved in this theater. We can recognize the Community-Based Agents (CBAs) as they are darkness, wicked, cruel, and all have been enlisted in the satanic army on Earth at this time. Anyone without the Holy Spirit can be used by the anti-Christ's spirits in high places.
Just as all the members of God's Family have essential roles, callings, and duties... satan's counterfeit anti-Christ system enlists and recruits its members who reject Christ and prefer the material "god" of this world. They willingly serve satan in taking their assignments against God's People. Their "club" is full of masons, eastern star, black magick hoodoo/voodoo in african american communities, jehovahs witnesses, mormons, drug dealers, drug traffickers, police departments, county sheriff and so many more "respected" community positions. This is the anti-Christ system, even those claiming to be Christians... examine their fruit!
The NSA/CIA/FBI/DOJ and every alphabet agency currently committing treason OWNS the County Sheriff, all police agencies. The military-industrial complex and the satanic military of human sacrifice has always been guilty of crimes against Humanity and protected by their own man-made system. Because these contract hits come down from top clearance military orders, when they say "jump" all their state employee peons and local mafia are quick to reply, "how high?"
The attempt to intimidate a U.S. Citizen at their residence and as they go about their lives through targeted harassment, sabotage, and psychological operations just to name a few is all part of the cross we bear to truly follow Jesus Christ and forsake the world. But even these abuses God still uses to strengthen and show His power through us in our perceived "weakness" by the world as we seek not revenge on these untold numbers of enemies confederate against us for His sake.
Street theater is one of the most common and easily distinguishable hallmarks of all the Intel/CIA/Mafia zersetzung tactics because it carries so much PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. They couldn't do anything covertly without the ability to hide it with this excuse/alibi. However, too much of it has been used now and for so long that their deniability has worn out!
CBAs and county/city vehicles are all involved in this theater. We can recognize the Community-Based Agents (CBAs) as they are darkness, wicked, cruel, and all have been enlisted in the satanic army on Earth at this time. Anyone without the Holy Spirit can be used by the anti-Christ's spirits in high places.
Just as all the members of God's Family have essential roles, callings, and duties... satan's counterfeit anti-Christ system enlists and recruits its members who reject Christ and prefer the material "god" of this world. They willingly serve satan in taking their assignments against God's People. Their "club" is full of masons, eastern star, black magick hoodoo/voodoo in african american communities, jehovahs witnesses, mormons, drug dealers, drug traffickers, police departments, county sheriff and so many more "respected" community positions. This is the anti-Christ system, even those claiming to be Christians... examine their fruit!
The NSA/CIA/FBI/DOJ and every alphabet agency currently committing treason OWNS the County Sheriff, all police agencies. The military-industrial complex and the satanic military of human sacrifice has always been guilty of crimes against Humanity and protected by their own man-made system. Because these contract hits come down from top clearance military orders, when they say "jump" all their state employee peons and local mafia are quick to reply, "how high?"
The attempt to intimidate a U.S. Citizen at their residence and as they go about their lives through targeted harassment, sabotage, and psychological operations just to name a few is all part of the cross we bear to truly follow Jesus Christ and forsake the world. But even these abuses God still uses to strengthen and show His power through us in our perceived "weakness" by the world as we seek not revenge on these untold numbers of enemies confederate against us for His sake.
Street Theater
Now, for the plausible deniability of their overt & covert criminal behavior, the vehicular theater must appear to be not directed at anyone but just random things that are a coincidence. When the increase of the frequency of these coincidences became clearly organized, I began putting security cams up in my windows in 2017 and dashcam up in 2020, and I am thankful God's Wisdom showed me what I was seeing. Gaslighting is essential in this military BlackOp to make you disbelieve what your own eyes are telling you... to make you question your experiences, your reality... and this is a deep satanic crime. It is no coincidence the world is full of narcissists.
Our experience, and specifically our TESTIMONY, is exactly the power they fear most. We have seen with our own eyes these things happening. We tell the truth, unlike a world whose matrix infrastructure is built upon a web of lies. Never let the satanic mafia make you disbelieve what your are seeing, feeling, and experiencing. The Holy Spirit is also our witness! Along with the host of Heaven.
A common mafia street theater experience for me is coming back home and on my street there are city vehicles, county trucks, and random vehicles suddenly all right outside the home or passing me on my way. It's all so very "coincidental,"! lol. I've gotten to a place where I literally shake my head at their attempts to disturb me because they are looking for a reaction. They need your reaction and want you to be afraid for your life at your own home... to make you very uncomfortable so you are living in the world they do, under satan's thumb.
They live in fear and don't know the peace that transcends all human understanding as they've already chosen their master.
In my experience, Street Theater has always been predicated by a loud sound or honking outside of the house in order to get my attention. The devil really NEEDS you to be distracted so you can watch the stage he has set for you with all of the actors (satanic minions) who are performing outside your residence. If you aren't PAYING ATTENTION then it means all his assignments are for naught! All of the stage setup is worthless and he can't trigger the reaction he's looking to get out of you. Because you are someone capable of pattern recognition and have already proven your mental toughness, all of these military contractors, masons, and eastern star witches want nothing more than to neutralize you by claiming your insanity for responding (quite naturally) to their covert trauma-based program. Your reaction is crucial to their "Intel." The devil hates to be ignored!!
Organized Street Theater Tactics:
All to create a negative trauma-based environment around a targeted child of God. Persecution from the damned.
Intimidation tactics come from those already living in fear. And always remember dear SOUL that those trying to bring you down are already beneath you.
Any of these things are common to see, so when the same ones happen repeatedly (many times a day and every week) by the same "actors" and all those working for the city, county, and state agencies... it is clear to see the organized attempt to "break down" and degrade the life of their target through getting in their head as much as possible. This is ultimately mind control. Trauma-based mind control, and satanic ritual abuse are so common in "American" culture now, that most do not recognize it, because they watch TV. TV programs and desensitizes human minds controlling the watcher's thoughts,perspectives, and their behaviors.
Witchcraft & sorcery is the use of manipulation and intimidation with the intent of domination. To control.
Then there are many specific methods used to harm humans and God's Creation which branch off from this basic definition.
To comprehend that witchcraft is the perversion/inversion/corruption of authentic human communication and God-intended human interaction is essential!
Zersetzung is witchcraft with the intent to traumatize until death.
The Roman Empire (Vatican - Serpent Seed) still tortures people to death with only a change in name and their methods.
Contract hits taken out on United States Citizens are one method of human trafficking. Like with narcotics manufactured and trafficked in America, it is big profits for the wicked! This Psychological Warfare (Psy-Op) Tactic used against Americans is one of the easiest to spot, and see through.
Our experience, and specifically our TESTIMONY, is exactly the power they fear most. We have seen with our own eyes these things happening. We tell the truth, unlike a world whose matrix infrastructure is built upon a web of lies. Never let the satanic mafia make you disbelieve what your are seeing, feeling, and experiencing. The Holy Spirit is also our witness! Along with the host of Heaven.
A common mafia street theater experience for me is coming back home and on my street there are city vehicles, county trucks, and random vehicles suddenly all right outside the home or passing me on my way. It's all so very "coincidental,"! lol. I've gotten to a place where I literally shake my head at their attempts to disturb me because they are looking for a reaction. They need your reaction and want you to be afraid for your life at your own home... to make you very uncomfortable so you are living in the world they do, under satan's thumb.
They live in fear and don't know the peace that transcends all human understanding as they've already chosen their master.
In my experience, Street Theater has always been predicated by a loud sound or honking outside of the house in order to get my attention. The devil really NEEDS you to be distracted so you can watch the stage he has set for you with all of the actors (satanic minions) who are performing outside your residence. If you aren't PAYING ATTENTION then it means all his assignments are for naught! All of the stage setup is worthless and he can't trigger the reaction he's looking to get out of you. Because you are someone capable of pattern recognition and have already proven your mental toughness, all of these military contractors, masons, and eastern star witches want nothing more than to neutralize you by claiming your insanity for responding (quite naturally) to their covert trauma-based program. Your reaction is crucial to their "Intel." The devil hates to be ignored!!
Organized Street Theater Tactics:
- Tailgating
- Blocking in your parked vehicle
- Honking unnecessarily
- Setting off car alarms
- Intimidating "looks," hand gestures, body language
- Revving engines excessively
- Yelling in the road - causing disturbances
- Stopping in front of your property and parking
- Brighting & flashing lights
- Boomcar frequency warfare
- Vehicles with large groups getting out in the street outside your home and yelling
- Turn-arounds in your driveway, nearby neighbor's driveway or near home
- Blocking roads you need to drive down to get to your destination - creating obstacles
- Parking county/state/tech vehicles directly across from your home or neighborhood.
- Trespassing using "utilities" trucks for an assumption of easement
- Orchestrated movement of vehicles and CBAs at dark.
(As though God doesn't see their deeds the same in the dark or the light!) - MANY military intel "strategic" activities in attempt to break down the mind - gaslighting.
All to create a negative trauma-based environment around a targeted child of God. Persecution from the damned.
Intimidation tactics come from those already living in fear. And always remember dear SOUL that those trying to bring you down are already beneath you.
Any of these things are common to see, so when the same ones happen repeatedly (many times a day and every week) by the same "actors" and all those working for the city, county, and state agencies... it is clear to see the organized attempt to "break down" and degrade the life of their target through getting in their head as much as possible. This is ultimately mind control. Trauma-based mind control, and satanic ritual abuse are so common in "American" culture now, that most do not recognize it, because they watch TV. TV programs and desensitizes human minds controlling the watcher's thoughts,perspectives, and their behaviors.
Witchcraft & sorcery is the use of manipulation and intimidation with the intent of domination. To control.
Then there are many specific methods used to harm humans and God's Creation which branch off from this basic definition.
To comprehend that witchcraft is the perversion/inversion/corruption of authentic human communication and God-intended human interaction is essential!
Zersetzung is witchcraft with the intent to traumatize until death.
The Roman Empire (Vatican - Serpent Seed) still tortures people to death with only a change in name and their methods.
Contract hits taken out on United States Citizens are one method of human trafficking. Like with narcotics manufactured and trafficked in America, it is big profits for the wicked! This Psychological Warfare (Psy-Op) Tactic used against Americans is one of the easiest to spot, and see through.
Street Theater Evidence
There are very clear examples of street theater assignments strewn throughout this website from multiple years in multiple locations. I have had encounters with unmarked vehicles attempting to run me off the road before, but most of the time street theater is performed outside the persecuted individual's residence.
In the early years of the persecution I saw intimidation tactics by local mafia and all county/state police vehicles. Some of the most typical street theater I see now in the 8th year of this TI COPS PERSECUTION Program is a bunch of random strangers who don't live in my neighborhood who have "lost" a dog, so chaos ensues outside our home on the street to find it. Or, a frequent street theater tactic is the "lost" food delivery driver. A lot of this theater involves the same "actor/actress" CBAs and vehicles for their conditioning which cannot work on a mind freed by Christ for long.
They are using military brain/artificial intelligence interfaces which often makes us feel like we are living in a hologram. But these thugs are attempting to create a hostile FAKE reality for us and experimenting on us involuntarily, which is a CRIME against Humanity that all of us are due justice for.
Those who don't see these things day in and day out will not recognize the patterns and organization and truthfully, most people don't WANT to see. (They are not ready to be unplugged.) But for those of you who have had to deal with this program for longer than 6 months, you will recognize what this is and how truly futile all these attempts to harm us are.
Praise God who has all the glory and authentic power, while the perps take assignments from satan's kingdom stumbling around in the dark.
Proxy slaves to the Big Club anti-Christ hierarchy take the 'assignments,' typically at night because they are cowards of course.
Most recent videos and images below:
In the early years of the persecution I saw intimidation tactics by local mafia and all county/state police vehicles. Some of the most typical street theater I see now in the 8th year of this TI COPS PERSECUTION Program is a bunch of random strangers who don't live in my neighborhood who have "lost" a dog, so chaos ensues outside our home on the street to find it. Or, a frequent street theater tactic is the "lost" food delivery driver. A lot of this theater involves the same "actor/actress" CBAs and vehicles for their conditioning which cannot work on a mind freed by Christ for long.
They are using military brain/artificial intelligence interfaces which often makes us feel like we are living in a hologram. But these thugs are attempting to create a hostile FAKE reality for us and experimenting on us involuntarily, which is a CRIME against Humanity that all of us are due justice for.
Those who don't see these things day in and day out will not recognize the patterns and organization and truthfully, most people don't WANT to see. (They are not ready to be unplugged.) But for those of you who have had to deal with this program for longer than 6 months, you will recognize what this is and how truly futile all these attempts to harm us are.
Praise God who has all the glory and authentic power, while the perps take assignments from satan's kingdom stumbling around in the dark.
Proxy slaves to the Big Club anti-Christ hierarchy take the 'assignments,' typically at night because they are cowards of course.
Most recent videos and images below:
This is the reality so many want to pretend doesn't exist. It's time to grow up and face the truth. Most people are addicted to something because they are
trying to cope with life in a world ran by black magick witchcraft and satanists! There is nothing natural or normal about killing living beings.
Streets belong to the state, and the state is owned by the mafia... this is why Statists are obsessed with roads too.
It's a trickle down system. Full of abuse, trauma-based mind control, murder, bribery, pedophilia, blackmail, and passed down to generations.
You cannot follow Christ and fall at the feet of Ba'al too.
Their is only One CREATOR of the Heavens and Earth.
The counterfeit system's lies are exposed further every day and their own fake "justice" system isn't going to do a thing about these criminals. But God will.
trying to cope with life in a world ran by black magick witchcraft and satanists! There is nothing natural or normal about killing living beings.
Streets belong to the state, and the state is owned by the mafia... this is why Statists are obsessed with roads too.
It's a trickle down system. Full of abuse, trauma-based mind control, murder, bribery, pedophilia, blackmail, and passed down to generations.
You cannot follow Christ and fall at the feet of Ba'al too.
Their is only One CREATOR of the Heavens and Earth.
The counterfeit system's lies are exposed further every day and their own fake "justice" system isn't going to do a thing about these criminals. But God will.