March 2022 - Zersetzung Journalism
Zersetzung and Cointelpro are a modern strategy for the ongoing genocide and extermination of Christ's Bloodline by the Satanic Seed of Cain bloodline... the Edomites - those who claim to be Jews but are NOT, for they are the Synagogue of Satan.
Their minions have only the authority of the world to covertly torture us through psychological warfare (psyops) and tech. Their deeds are known to God and becoming more known to the general public. Mafia Rule under Satanic hierarchy cannot long be hid. The Father of all Creation keeps us at all times and we do not fear man. We see through the lies of modern anti-Christ culture because God's Children have "eyes that can see, ears that can hear, and hearts that can understand." The Serpent seed are blind and deaf. They have been given strong delusion to believe lies because they enjoy their sin. They take pleasure in unrighteousness. The agencies under the International Serpent Seed Bankster's faux authority have government titles and government salaries but have sold their souls so they are the poorest of all. Isaiah 59:3 "For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness." Isaiah 59:7 (ESV) "Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways." Luke 10: 18-19 18 "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. 19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." God's Children are those who are His seed/bloodline and adopted children through faith! The Serpent seedline are those who came through Satan's seed when Eve was "beguiled" in the garden, she bore Cain the first murderer. Cain's seedline goes through Esau (Edomites) and these are the rulers on earth today. Adrenochrome harvesting and the wickedness existing in political/elite circles has been covered up by America's satanic "investigative" agencies and Edomite-controlled media since TV - mass mind control device - was introduced to the public. This same bloodline, the Serpent Seed, seeks to completely destroy and eradicate the bloodline of Christ and His Children. Marking us as "enemies of the state" should let you know clearly who the "state" works for. There are only two real options as the day of our Lord approaches, and if no choice is made then it is a default choice for Satan and his anti-Christ system. Many Christians were brought up in churches led by Zionist wolves, and they are unaware of the Diaspora of the Tribes of True Israel which were scattered abroad and exist in every nation. God's Children spread His Light and abhor worldly abominations. It is most disheartening to discover that the majority of people love the world's ba'al-worshipping anti-Christ culture and regularly lie. To be an honest, kind-hearted, Christ-following Soul makes you pretty obvious to spot and hated, as the world hates Him who testifies against it. Be honest anyway. Tell the Truth anyway. Jesus Christ IS the truth and the Spirit of truth! All of the liars and deceivers will be rewarded according to their deeds on Earth. The time to turn to Jesus Christ is now... there will be a day of reckoning. Take heart dear Child of God, for you belong to HIM if the world is coming against you. Let it encourage and strengthen you in your faith, and in His Power! The demons and powers of darkness tremble at our potential for walking in the Authority of Christ as HE intends us to. Satan's rule has a soon-coming expiration date... and You Brother and Sister in the Lord will be celebrating when our Father comes to set things aright. And as the only REAL JUDGE, He will administer justice to all. |
Gospel of Matthew 23 (Christ speaking)
14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 25 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. 28 Even so ye outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? 38 Behold your house is left unto you desolate. |
March 2, 2022
At 8:30am several county trucks showed up on Robin Ct and are in front of the Zersetzung Contractors' house Agent Deb went out and measured for in 2020 on the far corner from me - closest to the QR exit. Still here past 2pm. There are both county and their fraternal "business partners" trucks there. Contractor Deb went out to that lot and measured where their house should be put in relation to mine and I watched her take pictures down to our house from it in 2020. The Kingpin's relatives and several other CIA Assets live on that court, so of course. This is part of your covert Brotherhood of the Snake. I had just posted the County Truck here on 2/28/22 working for Contractors 51 in this court. The Mafia is one big organized crime family so they always protect the evil that is done between them. Since they know I will publish all of their Zersetzung activity and trafficking operations, they appear to be trying for more "plausible deniability, lol." Your deeds are already in the Light of Truth and well-known by Father God the Creator. Scam call received while writing entry: 575-717-2242 Satan often works through distraction - as mass media psy-ops clearly show. And same tactics used by his minions. Trafficking vehicles go by out front during the time they're here. This "project" assigned by the Contractors at their zersetzung house has been a campaign all day long because they're still here past 6:30pm, and the dogs have been traumatized thoroughly as usual - because satan's offspring are prideful, cruel entities that live for material gain. Mustang Thug's vehicle is seen leaving the court with a loaded brown pickup truck at 6:32pm. Criminal Quail Ridge. Update: The project at Contractor Deb's partner's house (Robin Ct Contractor) is a 20'-30' long and at least 4'-6' width solar panel system. The Black Budget Contractors have tons of taxpayer cash to do whatever they want with - not to mention the profits from this Trafficking Operation! The coincidence part (there's always a "coincidence") is that I had just put a solar panel product into an online cart for sometime in the future just a few days ago. On 3/14/22 - this is a Cointelpro/Zersetzung Contractor's house on that corner that Agent Deb went out and measured for so whether or not it's just "solar panels" and not other military tech - as most TIs are aware that Direct Emergy Weapons and other equipment including interrupters and ELF devices are common - is unknown. This Merkari Solar vehicle did a drive-by when I was outside and after returning home (hours later) they were in the driveway of the other Robin Ct house - across from Mustang Thug in back - also involved with criminals here. The agents out here can't cover up their narcotics production and trafficking plus possible adrenochrome involvement with human trafficking. Quail Ridge is run by the Feds. |
Father God is doing some amazing things right now and my heart is full of Joy.
Our Father is doing a NEW thing!
I'll hold on to these weeks of documenting for safekeeping.
God Bless You !!
Our Father is doing a NEW thing!
I'll hold on to these weeks of documenting for safekeeping.
God Bless You !!
March 3 - March 11, 2022
Over the past week of being led to observe, document, but not publish the Zersetzung activity here, I've noticed some very interesting patterns. Fellow TIs, these satanic minions are absolutely powerless without the "fleshly reaction" they are looking to get out of us! Because satan's goats respond to life void of God's Holy Spirit or Wisdom, they are like the double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. God is separating His Sheep from the devil's goats, the Wheat from the tares, and the Harvest is coming!! Our strength as Children of the Heavenly Father and joint-heirs with CHRIST comes from our relationship and the Joy we have because of this! I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies! I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief! I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody! I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me! ------ Agent Deb has had their supervising Contractor/Witch over there for 3-4 days. Many people are unaware that above ranking military officials are Occult Priests and Priestesses (black magick witches and sorcerers). I now have complete proof, with video evidence, that the "nice neighbors" who claimed to be Christians are working for the contractors too and caught them lying. It breaks my heart to see people snared to do the will of satan whether by bribery, blackmail, or threats... it won't bode well for anyone who says, "I was just following orders," on the Day of the Lord! Their CBAs next door to us, directly across from Contractors' Deb & Smith, have been standing around and riding their lawnmower in the pouring rain today!! These mafia criminals do exactly what they're told. Lots of footage of demonic assignments and trafficking, which will be put up at just the right time. For now, I'll remain busy with work and my eyes on the Prize... the high calling of the Lord Jesus Christ! |
March 12, 2022 - March 13, 2022
Vehicle belonging to narcotics connected people on the QR exit side of Contractor "Agent Deb's" setup surveillance house did the Target Turnaround on 3/12/22 and stopped on the road while I was outside doing yard work. Zersetzung Just like clockwork the devil's seed are so predictable... they run on pure ego and materialism. Yesterday I got out and did my yard, and without fail Agent Deb's vehicle is gone and one of her local narcotics criminals is doing her lawn today - all the criminals & mafia here have "cover jobs" and do lawnwork for their superiors. She can't have her contracted target's yard looking better than hers for a full 24 hours lol!! FYI, we prefer growing gardens not lawns, and this kind of petty competitiveness makes God's Children want to vomit profusely. The mason who resides on Isabelle Ln behind us in GA did lots of gassing this morning and a common Quail Ridge criminal from GA side (white male) did Zersetzung assignment in the court. Still trying to intimidate me, eh? How's that working out for you? |
March 17-March 20, 2022
When a Federal Operation is exposed they attempt to bring down the honest human / non-corporate journalist in any way possible... and also clean it up "quietly" so none of their assets or criminals are ever brought up on any charges. (If they dis-continue their operation from the original location at all - this one is still operating.)The point of the mass media is to distract and point the public's attention to things of a trivial nature while diverting from the truth using propaganda and disinfo/ half-truths. Now why wasn't the local paper reporting on this obvious trafficking in Quail Ridge, I wondered back in 2019? Now it's pretty clear. And NOTHING has changed. The same mafia and assets drive to GA side and back and their MIC Contractors still come down in front of the house in attempts to scare me off. Why would there be such an effort if there were no crimes here? I believe the reader will see with clarity who is responsible for these Crimes against Humanity. Covert Blacklisting of American Citizens is TREASON. It's all Spiritual Warfare because we are SHINING God's Light upon the wicked's deeds. ...and the children of disobedience like to remain ignorant of how they deceive themselves, confident they will continue to "get away with" their bloodshed, lies, crimes, theft and murder. |
March 22, 2022
The Judeo-Masonic Mafia Leviathan with their entire satanic network on earth cannot deny that Quail Ridge is a CIA-Federally run Narcotics Trafficking & Production Operation. With evidence that points toward Human Trafficking here too, as Tallahassee FL is a hotbed of covert criminal activity. Today they brought in some federal vehicles with the trafficking truck to escort it in! Video and timestamps provided - and these will be posted on the Trafficking Trucks webpage as well. Within 30 minutes of this trafficking truck leaving the Georgia side of QR, the Zersetzung Military (MIC) Contractor who has been given this land next to me... (the contractors and witches who will run the assignments against me won't be named on the deed just their chosen witch to provide as much plausible deniability as they can. These black operations (BlackOps) contractors often use fictitious names. Deborah for instance in her setup surveillance contractor residence has a fictitious name on title and her male contractor partner isn't listed on the deed at all.) ... had a Bainbridge, GA vehicle come into the court to start preparing their Zersetzung house next door. They like to make it very clear that the mafia who run the trafficking here are the same mafia who are putting their next Contractor house up... right next to me so I should be "afraid." There's proof they don't know our God!!! I am prepared with cameras to catch all of their demonic covert and overt assignments, along with the continuing trafficking operation because here in AmeriKa - where Judeo-Masonic International Bankers run the whole country - there is no penalty to them. There is no rule of law. There are only laws that benefit them and their enslavement and genocide of anyone they find inconvenient. They are the Synagogue of Satan and freemasonry/eastern star plus all 3-letter agencies are subservient to them. The Truth is their mortal enemy. That's why they've been controlling "public opinion" and spoon-feeding humans what they should think from the very beginning. 5-8 more truckloads came down to the contractors lot and dropped. The Witch who drives the Mariner drove down while I was outside - think Marine Spirits and Marine Witchcraft if you have studied the occult - who is the MIC/Zersetzung Contractor who was given this lot to run their TI Black Magick and Covert Torture Zersetzung from. I counted 14+ other Psyops ran today and I have the evidence, I will hold on to for now. I'm still counting my blessings, and their Zersetzung Activity will be documented. |
March 24, 2022
This morning many psyops, I will document in due time. This afternoon returning home, I found that the first half of the masonic Zersetzung contractor's setup HQ had been brought in and the road sign/stop sign knocked down in the process. The 51 Contractors group they're bringing in has many small children that took the BlackOps TI Contract... and as noted, no one moves children into Quail Ridge unless they're part of the Intel MIC out here running it. They will use this group to keep traffic in front of our property at all times, attempt psyops, use direct-energy and interference weaponry, run noise campaigns and try to keep me distracted from working and the reporting I've done already proving the Trafficking Operation here. Read through the Zersetzung Program details for more of how this is carried out. This image of the sign being knocked down shows good image of the lamppost they manipulate at will turning it on/off throughout the night. As the reader can gather this is no small Trafficking Operation they run out here. At 5pm, the 2nd half of this Contractor 51 group's house is out on the court while the truck towing it keeps backing up over and over. It's just sitting out there idling shaking the house we live in. Shocking. When they left, they put the stop sign back up with two cinder blocks there holding it up. The first half of the Contractor 51 group's setup house was left blocking the driveway entrance. The fake HOA rep in his white EQUUS showed up too... well, well. Now what interest would he have in this military contractor operation? Now they have literally just left half of this house ON the road in the court facing my house. The first half was left blocking the entrance intentionally... these are criminals that commit treason every day. Clear photo of view outside my door. At 5:30pm a Thompson Target-Turnaround. Satan's offspring live by fear and violence. God's Children live by Faith and Love. |
March 28, 2022
The Military Zersetzung Contractor Group 51 put their setup house on the lot next to and behind ours - as was planned long in advance. Mustang Thug from Robin Ct was preparing that lot with several Mafia "volunteers" in 2020. This court was being used by a black female named Mia with 5 children (whose mafia group stay on the GA AND FL side of Quail Ridge) as their bus stop in 2018. I was always polite and neighborly to her (as she was parked in her vehicle on the court daily) and one day I asked her if she lived close by, since my house was the only one on the court at that time and there were 2 other bus stops on the road over. She got super nasty with me and some other black female came down in the court a month later and started cussing me out - never seen her before in my life. And that was my introduction to the ignorance and immaturity of certain people who live in the south. A black female in a red sports car began mafia tactics and I have many 2019 videos yet with this group to upload! Their satanic network made sure to bring in someone next door who would have to use this court for schoolbuses to stop at. (This is how the ungodly operate - vengeful, violent, and volatile). My two were thankfully home-schooled rather than indoctrinated into the Satanic Masonic Culture that rules upon earth for now. This is an important background piece of info, besides that Quail Ridge is STILL producing and trafficking meth, cocaine, and only the Lord knows what else. Trafficking via UPS/FedEx/Budget vehicles too. The days are evil, no doubt. Only true justice will come when God sets things right again. Federal Agent Contractor51 in the Blue Truck (remember him doing assignments a month back... check January and February to see this) drove into court with H Thompson boomcar (hasn't been arrested yet for some reason?) right behind him and the good doggo that these criminals have been traumatizing daily let's everyone know what his intent is. Now the Zersetzung Contractors have their "plausible deniability" piece to do assignments here. But those who have already read and watched everything that has transpired before this date, know who they really are - and who they serve. GOD's Plans are much bigger! Would be great to be somewhere where there is real "love your neighbor" environment. Here, I was harassed by the Quail Ridge mafia as soon as I moved in. Of course, the masonic brotherhood of the snake only had to make 1 phone call and they had their agents here setting up houses the next Summer. People who deny that Domestic Terrorism occurs in America have been blinded by the Military-Industrial-Complex spell, crafted propaganda and occult symbolism. The Holy Spirit gives a Soul eyes to truly see, ears to truly hear, and hearts to understand the truth. My autistic kiddo has been putting some stepping stones and edgers out as he is doing gardening this year. We are going to enjoy our outdoor space even while the devil's offspring do their dirty deeds - done dirt cheap. The devil has many more souls on the wide path that will do anything for money, than God has on the narrow path, really following Christ. Liars are a dime a dozen while the Truth is priceless and can cost everything... but the only way to live with Integrity. |