November 2023 - Moving into NEW Ohio Home
The plan God put into my heart to make our way back to our hometown area, and how to do so, finally took place this month. It is the smallest home I've ever lived in, but I am so grateful to be in the Midwest again - and out of the Georgia/Tallahassee, Florida area altogether - which is a major stronghold for US Military trafficking and demonic activity!
Our Earth is being flooded now with demonic activity... and Christians who comprehend the times we are living in must know that the anti-Christ matrix system ruling the nations under satanic military hierarchy, seek to destroy and kill all people who do not belong to their 'big club.'
Those who have been initiated as Luciferians are hunters, while God's People are considered 'prey.'
We are marked for "extermination."
There will likely come a day when every human being will have either chosen the side of the anti-Christ and become a persecutor/oppressor/killer themselves...
or be the ones persecuted, hunted, oppressed, and tortured/murdered as the millions of us Targeted Individuals (covertly classified as domestic terrorists BY Domestic Terrorists ) have been.
This Contract Hit was put in at a level far above the Federal Govt, which is owned. The state and county just say "how high?" when they are told to jump! The assignments passed down from wickedness in high places are real mafia/CIA/Zionist/Jesuit military commands.
The entire TI Program is persecution by Domestic Terrorists working for the State, funded by tax-payer dollars funneled into black-budget operations.
We live in a modern society ruled by a military system that sends out armies of the wicked to terrorize, silence and kill those who speak the truth... there is abundant proof of this just in the past 100 years consistently. What are they so afraid of? What are they hiding?
If you are one of the millions of Persecuted Souls (TI's) living in the USA, utilize your Constitutional Right to Free Speech and Citizen Journalism to record document and publish this demonic mob. They bank on us being too afraid or prideful to share the terrorism carried out at our own homes, yet this is exactly where accountability for organized criminals must begin... locally.
Their illegal surveillance, blacklisting and domestic terrorism is treason... high crimes against us Human Beings.
The veil is lifted and these snakes are being seen ever clearer in the light!
I have introduced myself and spoken with many of my closest neighbors as I've had opportunity. Within the first week I saw the same old TI Program tricks going on. On Thanksgiving Day and since then, the number of military psychological operations being performed by residents (who used to have day jobs when I moved in...) has grown. They all work from the same satanic script, so do not fear them, they have made a covenant with death.
The CBA Manual is being clearly used here in our new neighborhood. Every day I have video footage of residential psy-ops and noise campaigns. The devil's minions truly are slaves for hire. In the "gig economy" the hired CBAs are rewarded well by their mob bosses. I choose to carry on with my own business, wondering how United States Citizens continue to allow their beloved military to engage in Domestic Terrorism on entire segments of the population...
The County Sheriff vehicles have been driving by regularly, which I suspected would be the case - as witnessed from the past 6 years of intimidation tactics. Due to the size of this community and how close our home is to the road they believe that I am a sitting duck for their zersetzung/stasi assignments, especially the street theater/noise campaigns. However, my proximity to the road has in fact provided me a much better vantage point for video and photo-journalism!
The noise campaigns and psy-ops are typical, but the sheriff vehicles driving by to provide their Masonic Dagger "criminal calling card" during this state-sanctioned activity I was a little surprised by, because it blatantly shows their participation on video. Perhaps, I thought they would try to be a little more 'covert.' But no. Everywhere I have lived since 2009 - and in 2017 they went from covert to overt - I have experienced this Zersetzung/Stasi No-Touch Torture TI Program with documentation published since 2020. The ones participating know that I will document and publish their crimes but they continue anyway, which should say something. The evidence presented by the reported 1-2 million TIs - just in the USA - is staggering.
For decades now, people have been conditioned and desensitized by the same wicked seed of cain to accept persecuting others as acceptable behavior. The test of who truly is filled with God's Spirit or not will be decided by this and all other ongoing Crimes against Humanity.
When God calls them the 'children of disobedience' (to HIS laws and statutes), and that they are like foolish beasts, this is why. They are HAUGHTY and ARROGANT like their father satan, believing they're going to get away with the criminal activity. They trust in their proverbial horses and chariots which is military might - the vast satanic network - and the many resources and benefits provided to those who serve him. The Military is a narcissist creation machine leading to the abuse of many women and children throughout history... and of course, mass human sacrifices to the god of this world.
God's True Church, in contrast, have their spiritual eyes open to see the anti-Christ system at work and do not fear the spirits of anger, hatred, oppression, retaliation and revenge by the wicked. Their feet run quickly to shed innocent blood.
"He will intend to change religious festivals and laws, and the Holy ones will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time." - Daniel 7:25.
Our Earth is being flooded now with demonic activity... and Christians who comprehend the times we are living in must know that the anti-Christ matrix system ruling the nations under satanic military hierarchy, seek to destroy and kill all people who do not belong to their 'big club.'
Those who have been initiated as Luciferians are hunters, while God's People are considered 'prey.'
We are marked for "extermination."
There will likely come a day when every human being will have either chosen the side of the anti-Christ and become a persecutor/oppressor/killer themselves...
or be the ones persecuted, hunted, oppressed, and tortured/murdered as the millions of us Targeted Individuals (covertly classified as domestic terrorists BY Domestic Terrorists ) have been.
This Contract Hit was put in at a level far above the Federal Govt, which is owned. The state and county just say "how high?" when they are told to jump! The assignments passed down from wickedness in high places are real mafia/CIA/Zionist/Jesuit military commands.
The entire TI Program is persecution by Domestic Terrorists working for the State, funded by tax-payer dollars funneled into black-budget operations.
We live in a modern society ruled by a military system that sends out armies of the wicked to terrorize, silence and kill those who speak the truth... there is abundant proof of this just in the past 100 years consistently. What are they so afraid of? What are they hiding?
If you are one of the millions of Persecuted Souls (TI's) living in the USA, utilize your Constitutional Right to Free Speech and Citizen Journalism to record document and publish this demonic mob. They bank on us being too afraid or prideful to share the terrorism carried out at our own homes, yet this is exactly where accountability for organized criminals must begin... locally.
Their illegal surveillance, blacklisting and domestic terrorism is treason... high crimes against us Human Beings.
The veil is lifted and these snakes are being seen ever clearer in the light!
I have introduced myself and spoken with many of my closest neighbors as I've had opportunity. Within the first week I saw the same old TI Program tricks going on. On Thanksgiving Day and since then, the number of military psychological operations being performed by residents (who used to have day jobs when I moved in...) has grown. They all work from the same satanic script, so do not fear them, they have made a covenant with death.
The CBA Manual is being clearly used here in our new neighborhood. Every day I have video footage of residential psy-ops and noise campaigns. The devil's minions truly are slaves for hire. In the "gig economy" the hired CBAs are rewarded well by their mob bosses. I choose to carry on with my own business, wondering how United States Citizens continue to allow their beloved military to engage in Domestic Terrorism on entire segments of the population...
The County Sheriff vehicles have been driving by regularly, which I suspected would be the case - as witnessed from the past 6 years of intimidation tactics. Due to the size of this community and how close our home is to the road they believe that I am a sitting duck for their zersetzung/stasi assignments, especially the street theater/noise campaigns. However, my proximity to the road has in fact provided me a much better vantage point for video and photo-journalism!
The noise campaigns and psy-ops are typical, but the sheriff vehicles driving by to provide their Masonic Dagger "criminal calling card" during this state-sanctioned activity I was a little surprised by, because it blatantly shows their participation on video. Perhaps, I thought they would try to be a little more 'covert.' But no. Everywhere I have lived since 2009 - and in 2017 they went from covert to overt - I have experienced this Zersetzung/Stasi No-Touch Torture TI Program with documentation published since 2020. The ones participating know that I will document and publish their crimes but they continue anyway, which should say something. The evidence presented by the reported 1-2 million TIs - just in the USA - is staggering.
For decades now, people have been conditioned and desensitized by the same wicked seed of cain to accept persecuting others as acceptable behavior. The test of who truly is filled with God's Spirit or not will be decided by this and all other ongoing Crimes against Humanity.
When God calls them the 'children of disobedience' (to HIS laws and statutes), and that they are like foolish beasts, this is why. They are HAUGHTY and ARROGANT like their father satan, believing they're going to get away with the criminal activity. They trust in their proverbial horses and chariots which is military might - the vast satanic network - and the many resources and benefits provided to those who serve him. The Military is a narcissist creation machine leading to the abuse of many women and children throughout history... and of course, mass human sacrifices to the god of this world.
God's True Church, in contrast, have their spiritual eyes open to see the anti-Christ system at work and do not fear the spirits of anger, hatred, oppression, retaliation and revenge by the wicked. Their feet run quickly to shed innocent blood.
"He will intend to change religious festivals and laws, and the Holy ones will be handed over to him for a time, times, and half a time." - Daniel 7:25.
Below are a few of the clear TI Program 'efforts' here at our new Ohio Home. These timestamped videos and the rest which accompany them, will be found on the November 2023 and December 2023 Journalism pages once published. Sadly, as my fellow persecuted souls know, this program is operating in every place where the anti-Christ Beast System and it's Military has reach. Those following it's Manual actually believe they will never be held accountable while engaging in Domestic Terrorism.
Below are a few of the clear TI Program 'efforts' here at our new Ohio Home. These timestamped videos and the rest which accompany them, will be found on the November 2023 and December 2023 Journalism pages once published. Sadly, as my fellow persecuted souls know, this program is operating in every place where the anti-Christ Beast System and it's Military has reach. Those following it's Manual actually believe they will never be held accountable while engaging in Domestic Terrorism.
I am working and settling in here with the rest of October 2023 and November 2023, plus several previous years, to document for Journalism webpages.
There are clear assignments and campaigns running with evidence saved at our new home for public documentation when the Holy Spirit says GO. (Dec 2023)
I marvel at the ignorance of those who can be so easily bought, bribed, and willingly harm their fellow Human Being because they are 'ordered' to. Blind obedience is indeed a level of depravity reserved for the perverse and sociopath/psychopath. Nevertheless, I have video and photographic evidence in safe keeping continuing to be vigilant as any journalist, and certainly a targeted one, must be!
One of the TI Program's goals still include aiming for entrapment. They have to be confederate (hivemind network) against us because if we have witnesses and real testimony their 'plausible deniability' doesn't hold up!
There are CBAs next to our property who have been witnessed opening and shutting their vehicle doors repeatedly, just to harass. LITERALLY, standing next to their cars after returning home... getting out of their vehicle, opening door again, shutting it, waiting several seconds, opening it again, shutting it, repeatedly - as a mind controlled slave targeting tactic. Can you imagine this level of depravity and ignorance? Spiritual warfare indeed. The MANUAL for reference...
I have uploaded, but not yet published, the first 4 weeks of TI Program documentation and am providing the local Community/Management here the time to resolve some of the clear issues regarding the violation of policies and covenants. At the Community Level is where accountability must begin. When the local systems of 'authority' do not acknowledge nor address issues of public welfare, safety, or refuse to timely enforce code/law violations, then we go up the chain of command to determine who is not being held accountable.
All communities where crime is occurring rampantly, covertly, and steadily is due to this issue, where there is someone who is not being held accountable. The only reason crimes continue in a community is because rules/expectations are not communicated and/or understood by ALL Residents... AND if when violations do occur, there is no Real ENFORCEMENT of the codes/rules. Organized criminal hierarchy... there are no real investigations, just massive cover-up.
THIS community is harboring 'little Mexico' and whether or not any of these Latinos residing here are actually US Citizens or not, I do not know.
I do know, however, from my own experience and other TI's testimony that it is often the Latinos and Blacks that jump on board first to do the THUG/MAFIA domestic terrorism assignments because they are granted immunity by the State. They are those whose feet run swiftly to shed innocent blood are luciferians, or being initiated as luciferians. Also, because the democrat/communist provide them with lots of material goodies in exchange for their immunity!
The (planned) lawlessness we see in America is due to these factions from within the United States and Israeli Military and their 'Intelligence' Agencies with subservience to Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.
Satan and the fallen angel army rule the owner's of nations and energy harvesting antiChrist, beast system through manipulation, intimidation, and domination - witchcraft and rebellion against the Creator's intended order. It inverts everything God created in order to steal, kill and destroy.
May the peace and love of Christ keep your hearts and minds, always. Remain calm even during their persecution fellow Saints because the Seed of Cain (satan's kids by blood and by choice) will not be "untouchable" for long.
They have been given immunity in this Masonic/RomanJesuit AntiChrist system for a time... but that time is almost over.
There WILL BE Accountability for massive crimes against Humanity. Any system predicated upon deception and violence will snuff itself out as the snakes/scorpions begin to scatter and turn on one another in the Light of Truth. Accountability for the 'untouchables' is just ahead....
God Bless You! Keep Your Head Up - God's Got This!!
There are clear assignments and campaigns running with evidence saved at our new home for public documentation when the Holy Spirit says GO. (Dec 2023)
I marvel at the ignorance of those who can be so easily bought, bribed, and willingly harm their fellow Human Being because they are 'ordered' to. Blind obedience is indeed a level of depravity reserved for the perverse and sociopath/psychopath. Nevertheless, I have video and photographic evidence in safe keeping continuing to be vigilant as any journalist, and certainly a targeted one, must be!
One of the TI Program's goals still include aiming for entrapment. They have to be confederate (hivemind network) against us because if we have witnesses and real testimony their 'plausible deniability' doesn't hold up!
There are CBAs next to our property who have been witnessed opening and shutting their vehicle doors repeatedly, just to harass. LITERALLY, standing next to their cars after returning home... getting out of their vehicle, opening door again, shutting it, waiting several seconds, opening it again, shutting it, repeatedly - as a mind controlled slave targeting tactic. Can you imagine this level of depravity and ignorance? Spiritual warfare indeed. The MANUAL for reference...
I have uploaded, but not yet published, the first 4 weeks of TI Program documentation and am providing the local Community/Management here the time to resolve some of the clear issues regarding the violation of policies and covenants. At the Community Level is where accountability must begin. When the local systems of 'authority' do not acknowledge nor address issues of public welfare, safety, or refuse to timely enforce code/law violations, then we go up the chain of command to determine who is not being held accountable.
All communities where crime is occurring rampantly, covertly, and steadily is due to this issue, where there is someone who is not being held accountable. The only reason crimes continue in a community is because rules/expectations are not communicated and/or understood by ALL Residents... AND if when violations do occur, there is no Real ENFORCEMENT of the codes/rules. Organized criminal hierarchy... there are no real investigations, just massive cover-up.
THIS community is harboring 'little Mexico' and whether or not any of these Latinos residing here are actually US Citizens or not, I do not know.
I do know, however, from my own experience and other TI's testimony that it is often the Latinos and Blacks that jump on board first to do the THUG/MAFIA domestic terrorism assignments because they are granted immunity by the State. They are those whose feet run swiftly to shed innocent blood are luciferians, or being initiated as luciferians. Also, because the democrat/communist provide them with lots of material goodies in exchange for their immunity!
The (planned) lawlessness we see in America is due to these factions from within the United States and Israeli Military and their 'Intelligence' Agencies with subservience to Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.
Satan and the fallen angel army rule the owner's of nations and energy harvesting antiChrist, beast system through manipulation, intimidation, and domination - witchcraft and rebellion against the Creator's intended order. It inverts everything God created in order to steal, kill and destroy.
May the peace and love of Christ keep your hearts and minds, always. Remain calm even during their persecution fellow Saints because the Seed of Cain (satan's kids by blood and by choice) will not be "untouchable" for long.
They have been given immunity in this Masonic/RomanJesuit AntiChrist system for a time... but that time is almost over.
There WILL BE Accountability for massive crimes against Humanity. Any system predicated upon deception and violence will snuff itself out as the snakes/scorpions begin to scatter and turn on one another in the Light of Truth. Accountability for the 'untouchables' is just ahead....
God Bless You! Keep Your Head Up - God's Got This!!
As was expected with 'counterintelligence' black-ops, there is no level too low for the wicked. They are the ruling hivemind that lie, steal, destroy, and kill.
This is a Spiritual War going back before Christ walked the Earth. The goats (satan's kids) are being separated from True Israel, God's Remnant.
The Bride of Christ are those He referred to in the Beatitudes.
The 'community' itself and it's owners have been provided with substantive videos of clear violations of my lease covenants, and they allow it to continue... lying to me about evicting residents.
I have utilized all peaceful methods of communication by telephone calls, in-person meetings and emails. Nothing has changed.
It's just "corporate protocol" which translates to "no one is going to change anything because hiding criminal activity is what masonic sodomites do best."
I have spoken to the regional manager and their new manager (as of March 2024) and just excuses. Nothing is actually being done about the residents who are violating Ohio laws.... they are given immunity as a community-based agent. In fact, they are rewarded for their evil. The fusion centers are the main HQ, and the HQs on site carry out their orders. In this modern anti-Christ system all hierarchy is subservient to satan himself, up that chain of command.
This is the reality of the society we live in.
See the MILITARY & Sheriffs Documentation page for more information.
COPS Persecution Program (Domestic Terrorism)
This is a Spiritual War going back before Christ walked the Earth. The goats (satan's kids) are being separated from True Israel, God's Remnant.
The Bride of Christ are those He referred to in the Beatitudes.
The 'community' itself and it's owners have been provided with substantive videos of clear violations of my lease covenants, and they allow it to continue... lying to me about evicting residents.
I have utilized all peaceful methods of communication by telephone calls, in-person meetings and emails. Nothing has changed.
It's just "corporate protocol" which translates to "no one is going to change anything because hiding criminal activity is what masonic sodomites do best."
I have spoken to the regional manager and their new manager (as of March 2024) and just excuses. Nothing is actually being done about the residents who are violating Ohio laws.... they are given immunity as a community-based agent. In fact, they are rewarded for their evil. The fusion centers are the main HQ, and the HQs on site carry out their orders. In this modern anti-Christ system all hierarchy is subservient to satan himself, up that chain of command.
This is the reality of the society we live in.
See the MILITARY & Sheriffs Documentation page for more information.
COPS Persecution Program (Domestic Terrorism)