
Peace and Welcome,
If you experience and endure the evils of organized covert harassment, you might have discovered you are a Targeted Individual. Of course, that is just military intel terminology... Who you really are is a powerful Soul that poses a threat to the kingdom of darkness. We've gotten the attention of satan's anti-Christ system on Earth, so his demon armies are sent to covertly torture and persecute us.
This website is dedicated to all of us who undergo this 'no-touch' torture program, bringing awareness to the public, and providing the details of the spiritual war at hand. 'Community Policing' = Contract Hit = 'Covert' Domestic Terrorism
You may also have learned who some of the people and organizations are carrying out this wickedness against you.
Your biological 'family' and fair weather 'friends' may have also betrayed you - as they are provided with non-disclosure documents, shown the fabricated dossier and compensated for their participation. They may be told that you are "under investigation" which is a lie to blacklist citizens with plausible deniability.
Some generational bloodlines voluntarily select one or more of their children to be a human sacrifice for the program! Some parents and relatives are blackmailed, threatened, and bribed, or allow their own children readily to be sacrificed... (through the 'fire' to moloch).
Only true followers of Christ and enSouled Human Beings (non-nephilim hybrid DNA) with integrity refuse to participate in this treason when these lies are told which provide a "cover" to destroy a targeted human being.
It is so frightening when you first become aware, that you likely don't know what's happening or who you can trust. I know because I have experienced it myself, and still do... targeting is a life sentence while ba'al/satan/set/nimrod still rules the anti-Christ system on Earth.
They think we are pawns and our lives are just a "game." That is how sick the reality of our society is, and why most people are in an ego-based denial mental state using addictions to cope in this satanic Tavistock-manufactured culture of trauma-based mind control.
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J Krishnamurti
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.
But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
- John 16:33
From the Roman Vatican to Zionist Israel (the skull cap club) mafia rule is disguised as an angel of light!
CIA = Catholic Intelligence Agency and Cocaine Import Agency. The serpent seed have been torturing and murdering Human Beings for thousands of years through the Roman Empire and all of the organizations stemming from this Beast system. Nothing is new under the sun. True Israel is God's redeemed scattered all over the Earth indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
Please know that you are safe. You are loved. And, you are not alone. (2 Corinthians 4:8)
No persecution can separate us from the love of God.... it will always bring us closer!
This website was created to help other targeted individuals / persecuted souls who are looking for answers and information. My sincere intention is that you have peace, knowing the One who has already defeated the author of all this confusion and torture. Unlike anything I had ever experienced before, I found out by the Grace of God that what I had been undergoing all this time is a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). High-level witchcraft (priestesses/sorcerers) with their subservient 3-letter agencies are all involved, passing the hit on to the local Sheriff Dept. Zersetzung in modern America. State-sanctioned terrorism is here now.
The Jesuit General (Black Pope - and there's also a "grey" pope) ranks higher in this anti-Christ system than all Intel Agencies in America/Israel, and the world. My research through the Holy Spirit into the source of the Cops No-Touch Torture program, led me straight to the top mob boss.
The entire system is predicated upon someone intimidating by fear/violence someone 'below' them.
The one who answers to no one on earth, has no accountability. Above the masons and the owners of governments... Mossad (see at bottom for details.)
The ones who "pull funding" when investigations ever get too close to the truth! They receive the contract hits and run every military, fund every "war, and order assassinations of all who bring their deeds into the light. We are targeted by high-level TERRORISTS... Military Black Operations. Satan is their father.
This is where modern terrorism originates. Jesuit Oath
I am so grateful that God has led me back to Himself in the most amazing of ways - and please don't confuse a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - and institutionalized religion. Religion is man-made, but God is not. Because I have been shown what this covert program is, and for how long it has been running, I am to share far and wide!
The 'leadership' of religion on Earth has spilled the most blood! Question them continually until you find the source of organized crime...
The modern day worship of the pope, politicians, the military, law enforcement and nations is worship of the Beast System.... and of Lucifer, the 'god' of this world.
One of the most important things to know, is that Satan and his minions are only soulless magicians using fear-based illusions to control your thought patterns.
What they are doing is real... BUT, they're distractions to keep your mind on them (demons) and not on Christ. Some of what you experience may also be military AI simulation (CERN and CIA "super-computers" bio-hacking). It is smoke & mirrors intended to create severe psychological trauma as a way of keeping your mind in a prison they created. The world-wide "web" is in reality a satanic matrix system.
These Luciferians have been creating in their mind control targets "alters," which is diagnosed by their Jesuit-Military trained PSYCHO industry as DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), or the more commonly known (MPS) Multiple Personality Disorder. Entire military programs are dedicated to severely traumatizing human beings and children! There's nothing civil about a society that allows this to exist... and the bloated Military Budget continues to get bigger - now maybe some eyes are beginning to open as to why.
The blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth cancels ALL witchcraft and sorcery.
We therefore must be renewing our minds in Christ, in Holy Spirit truth every day.
Speak truth over your life and command these evil spirits to go and call their assignments canceled, rendered powerless, in the name and authority of Christ. Do this every time, even if you don't see immediate results because these powers of darkness know they are a counterfeit to true authority and must submit to Holy God's real power. This will strengthen you and your ability to cast out demons from your presence... because God too is PRESENT!
Satan is the ACCUSER of Souls. Many attacks are against your nervous system to try and keep you on edge and physically responding to their targeting. I was shown that if the kingdom of darkness has any loopholes it can find to come against you, it will. Repent of any known habits, such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, fornication, idolatry, anything you have put as of more importance than your relationship with Jesus Christ... and get into right fellowship with Christ daily.
Our culture is a cesspool of satanic media filth, so even at the grocery store or a fuel station there is something to come against your mind built-in to the environment. The Soul in-Christ abhors evil and recognizes the toxic environment instantly. Generally-speaking, what the satanic matrix does is create the environmental conditions around Humanity to create dis-ease...disharmony...pain, harvesting negative emotional energy for their demonic masters.
But... our lives are NOT a game. In fact, we are here to turn the tables on the wicked as Christ's Light shining in us will FREE many more!
We are living life with respect of God's Creation, not destruction of it.
When your mind is focused on Christ day in and day out, when you can listen to hymns/worship music, praise God throughout your day, you have changed your atmosphere... and this is key!
As the 'prince and power of the air' satan and his minions rule modern atmospheres.... human environments, everywhere on Earth. Our atmosphere, our environment, shape us in profound and subconscious ways. This is why billions of dollars are spent on conditioning human minds through music, media, and retail centers. One of the only places not truly tampered with is Nature, God's Creation! Find ways to immerse in the purity of the forest, mountains, sea, and with wildlife whenever possible for vital refreshing of Spirit.
Satan's kingdom ruling on earth is a counterfeit, false reality... His craftiness has many people simply worshiping themselves as god... anything he can do to get your worship away from the true Creator is good with him. Others worship satan and the fallen angels/demons through music, through science, through philosophies, and by simply conforming to the patterns of this world. His atmosphere is abusive, cruel, hate-filled and devoid of the Holy Spirit.
You can create an atmosphere for you and Jesus Christ and come to know your position as a representative of Christ on earth. We are Ambassadors for Christ and enemies of satan's kingdom. The kingdom of darkness, foul/unclean spirits residing here, and wicked ones ruling over the desensitized/perverted atmosphere hate us, and that is a tell-tale sign that we belong to the true and Living God!
Fill as much time as possible with Jesus Christ in the Spirit of Truth! Let His peace reside in your heart and be filled with the Holy Spirit!
There are many luciferians/satanists who have infiltrated the church teaching untruths, but allow God to teach your spirit to show you what to do, where to go, and most importantly to keep your mind focused on. Do not watch TV! It's garbage. Military black operations trauma-based mind control was deployed against the masses long ago... and much information is unclassified, easy to find.
Military Intel and other agencies used for state-sanctioned terrorism and murder use super-computers to hack into our brain systems.
Bio-hacking is big business now and just as those in days of old who thought it would be a "good idea" to play God... it will bring about their own destruction.
The mental health "industry," also ran by Military, Tavistock (social engineering) and Jesuits, trains and pays people to medicate and neutralize / institutionalize those who can see beyond the lies of their culture.
Those with testimonies about what CFR/Intel/MasonicSherriffs/BigClubMembers are doing to people who have been loaded onto the scam "terrorist list" without having committed a crime are flagged by these institutions and not provided any real assistance. Psychiatrists and other mental health employees are themselves propagandized through their training against those telling the truth. Sorcery and black magick are built-in to this system.
As it turns out, telling the truth and being an honest human being is not acceptable, while lying and harming others is incentivized in this luciferian society.
Tell The Truth anyway... because WE are the ones with power. All of their tricks are sent to destroy us because the Seed of Satan fears our authentic power.
Kick-backs, bribery and terrorism/torture is the rule, not the well-being of an individual or of society.
If you have eyes to see, don't sit on the sidelines. We are here to help each other.
Don't join the sodomy mob with their hunting parties... they are cannibals and psychopaths.
If you are targeted you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness and FOR God's Glory!
Rejoice, you have been chosen and are being tried by fire... Our Father will use the enemy to shape us even further into His Likeness.
We are indeed Living Sacrifices, and a testimony for Christ amongst the people snared by satan and his magicians.
God can truly use us for good purpose in this world of illusion through opening our Spiritual Eyes to all of this. Only what is REAL will stand in the end.
If you experience and endure the evils of organized covert harassment, you might have discovered you are a Targeted Individual. Of course, that is just military intel terminology... Who you really are is a powerful Soul that poses a threat to the kingdom of darkness. We've gotten the attention of satan's anti-Christ system on Earth, so his demon armies are sent to covertly torture and persecute us.
This website is dedicated to all of us who undergo this 'no-touch' torture program, bringing awareness to the public, and providing the details of the spiritual war at hand. 'Community Policing' = Contract Hit = 'Covert' Domestic Terrorism
You may also have learned who some of the people and organizations are carrying out this wickedness against you.
Your biological 'family' and fair weather 'friends' may have also betrayed you - as they are provided with non-disclosure documents, shown the fabricated dossier and compensated for their participation. They may be told that you are "under investigation" which is a lie to blacklist citizens with plausible deniability.
Some generational bloodlines voluntarily select one or more of their children to be a human sacrifice for the program! Some parents and relatives are blackmailed, threatened, and bribed, or allow their own children readily to be sacrificed... (through the 'fire' to moloch).
Only true followers of Christ and enSouled Human Beings (non-nephilim hybrid DNA) with integrity refuse to participate in this treason when these lies are told which provide a "cover" to destroy a targeted human being.
It is so frightening when you first become aware, that you likely don't know what's happening or who you can trust. I know because I have experienced it myself, and still do... targeting is a life sentence while ba'al/satan/set/nimrod still rules the anti-Christ system on Earth.
They think we are pawns and our lives are just a "game." That is how sick the reality of our society is, and why most people are in an ego-based denial mental state using addictions to cope in this satanic Tavistock-manufactured culture of trauma-based mind control.
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J Krishnamurti
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.
But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
- John 16:33
From the Roman Vatican to Zionist Israel (the skull cap club) mafia rule is disguised as an angel of light!
CIA = Catholic Intelligence Agency and Cocaine Import Agency. The serpent seed have been torturing and murdering Human Beings for thousands of years through the Roman Empire and all of the organizations stemming from this Beast system. Nothing is new under the sun. True Israel is God's redeemed scattered all over the Earth indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
Please know that you are safe. You are loved. And, you are not alone. (2 Corinthians 4:8)
No persecution can separate us from the love of God.... it will always bring us closer!
This website was created to help other targeted individuals / persecuted souls who are looking for answers and information. My sincere intention is that you have peace, knowing the One who has already defeated the author of all this confusion and torture. Unlike anything I had ever experienced before, I found out by the Grace of God that what I had been undergoing all this time is a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). High-level witchcraft (priestesses/sorcerers) with their subservient 3-letter agencies are all involved, passing the hit on to the local Sheriff Dept. Zersetzung in modern America. State-sanctioned terrorism is here now.
The Jesuit General (Black Pope - and there's also a "grey" pope) ranks higher in this anti-Christ system than all Intel Agencies in America/Israel, and the world. My research through the Holy Spirit into the source of the Cops No-Touch Torture program, led me straight to the top mob boss.
The entire system is predicated upon someone intimidating by fear/violence someone 'below' them.
The one who answers to no one on earth, has no accountability. Above the masons and the owners of governments... Mossad (see at bottom for details.)
The ones who "pull funding" when investigations ever get too close to the truth! They receive the contract hits and run every military, fund every "war, and order assassinations of all who bring their deeds into the light. We are targeted by high-level TERRORISTS... Military Black Operations. Satan is their father.
This is where modern terrorism originates. Jesuit Oath
I am so grateful that God has led me back to Himself in the most amazing of ways - and please don't confuse a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - and institutionalized religion. Religion is man-made, but God is not. Because I have been shown what this covert program is, and for how long it has been running, I am to share far and wide!
The 'leadership' of religion on Earth has spilled the most blood! Question them continually until you find the source of organized crime...
The modern day worship of the pope, politicians, the military, law enforcement and nations is worship of the Beast System.... and of Lucifer, the 'god' of this world.
One of the most important things to know, is that Satan and his minions are only soulless magicians using fear-based illusions to control your thought patterns.
What they are doing is real... BUT, they're distractions to keep your mind on them (demons) and not on Christ. Some of what you experience may also be military AI simulation (CERN and CIA "super-computers" bio-hacking). It is smoke & mirrors intended to create severe psychological trauma as a way of keeping your mind in a prison they created. The world-wide "web" is in reality a satanic matrix system.
These Luciferians have been creating in their mind control targets "alters," which is diagnosed by their Jesuit-Military trained PSYCHO industry as DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), or the more commonly known (MPS) Multiple Personality Disorder. Entire military programs are dedicated to severely traumatizing human beings and children! There's nothing civil about a society that allows this to exist... and the bloated Military Budget continues to get bigger - now maybe some eyes are beginning to open as to why.
The blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth cancels ALL witchcraft and sorcery.
We therefore must be renewing our minds in Christ, in Holy Spirit truth every day.
Speak truth over your life and command these evil spirits to go and call their assignments canceled, rendered powerless, in the name and authority of Christ. Do this every time, even if you don't see immediate results because these powers of darkness know they are a counterfeit to true authority and must submit to Holy God's real power. This will strengthen you and your ability to cast out demons from your presence... because God too is PRESENT!
Satan is the ACCUSER of Souls. Many attacks are against your nervous system to try and keep you on edge and physically responding to their targeting. I was shown that if the kingdom of darkness has any loopholes it can find to come against you, it will. Repent of any known habits, such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, fornication, idolatry, anything you have put as of more importance than your relationship with Jesus Christ... and get into right fellowship with Christ daily.
Our culture is a cesspool of satanic media filth, so even at the grocery store or a fuel station there is something to come against your mind built-in to the environment. The Soul in-Christ abhors evil and recognizes the toxic environment instantly. Generally-speaking, what the satanic matrix does is create the environmental conditions around Humanity to create dis-ease...disharmony...pain, harvesting negative emotional energy for their demonic masters.
But... our lives are NOT a game. In fact, we are here to turn the tables on the wicked as Christ's Light shining in us will FREE many more!
We are living life with respect of God's Creation, not destruction of it.
When your mind is focused on Christ day in and day out, when you can listen to hymns/worship music, praise God throughout your day, you have changed your atmosphere... and this is key!
As the 'prince and power of the air' satan and his minions rule modern atmospheres.... human environments, everywhere on Earth. Our atmosphere, our environment, shape us in profound and subconscious ways. This is why billions of dollars are spent on conditioning human minds through music, media, and retail centers. One of the only places not truly tampered with is Nature, God's Creation! Find ways to immerse in the purity of the forest, mountains, sea, and with wildlife whenever possible for vital refreshing of Spirit.
Satan's kingdom ruling on earth is a counterfeit, false reality... His craftiness has many people simply worshiping themselves as god... anything he can do to get your worship away from the true Creator is good with him. Others worship satan and the fallen angels/demons through music, through science, through philosophies, and by simply conforming to the patterns of this world. His atmosphere is abusive, cruel, hate-filled and devoid of the Holy Spirit.
You can create an atmosphere for you and Jesus Christ and come to know your position as a representative of Christ on earth. We are Ambassadors for Christ and enemies of satan's kingdom. The kingdom of darkness, foul/unclean spirits residing here, and wicked ones ruling over the desensitized/perverted atmosphere hate us, and that is a tell-tale sign that we belong to the true and Living God!
Fill as much time as possible with Jesus Christ in the Spirit of Truth! Let His peace reside in your heart and be filled with the Holy Spirit!
There are many luciferians/satanists who have infiltrated the church teaching untruths, but allow God to teach your spirit to show you what to do, where to go, and most importantly to keep your mind focused on. Do not watch TV! It's garbage. Military black operations trauma-based mind control was deployed against the masses long ago... and much information is unclassified, easy to find.
Military Intel and other agencies used for state-sanctioned terrorism and murder use super-computers to hack into our brain systems.
Bio-hacking is big business now and just as those in days of old who thought it would be a "good idea" to play God... it will bring about their own destruction.
The mental health "industry," also ran by Military, Tavistock (social engineering) and Jesuits, trains and pays people to medicate and neutralize / institutionalize those who can see beyond the lies of their culture.
Those with testimonies about what CFR/Intel/MasonicSherriffs/BigClubMembers are doing to people who have been loaded onto the scam "terrorist list" without having committed a crime are flagged by these institutions and not provided any real assistance. Psychiatrists and other mental health employees are themselves propagandized through their training against those telling the truth. Sorcery and black magick are built-in to this system.
As it turns out, telling the truth and being an honest human being is not acceptable, while lying and harming others is incentivized in this luciferian society.
Tell The Truth anyway... because WE are the ones with power. All of their tricks are sent to destroy us because the Seed of Satan fears our authentic power.
Kick-backs, bribery and terrorism/torture is the rule, not the well-being of an individual or of society.
If you have eyes to see, don't sit on the sidelines. We are here to help each other.
Don't join the sodomy mob with their hunting parties... they are cannibals and psychopaths.
If you are targeted you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness and FOR God's Glory!
Rejoice, you have been chosen and are being tried by fire... Our Father will use the enemy to shape us even further into His Likeness.
We are indeed Living Sacrifices, and a testimony for Christ amongst the people snared by satan and his magicians.
God can truly use us for good purpose in this world of illusion through opening our Spiritual Eyes to all of this. Only what is REAL will stand in the end.
"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." ~ 2 Timothy 3:12
Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."
~ 1 Peter 4:12-13
MOSSAD is the HQ (headquarters) of the Deep State, and OWNS (via blackmail) the United States Military, politicians and all agencies with a .gov on their website. Americans are just now realizing and finding out that the 'United States of Israel' has been in place since the nation-state of Israel was formed (1948) by the false Jews - the Synagogue of Satan. This is a Bloodline War against the seed of Abraham ... research what the Talmud says about Jesus Christ! We are to be 'exterminated' and survivors tortured. What we have in the United States of America, and is vehemently denied and disregarded by those who are complicit, is that the INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES headed by MOSSAD run America through the military > state > police apparatus. The CIA and FBI operate for Israel & The Vatican's Jesuits. Human trafficking continues unabated by these owned agencies and the United States Military. The Islamic brotherhood is pure evil and will kill without conscience also believing they will be 'rewarded' for murder after they die! The house of cards has toppled... its all coming out and the politicians that protect them cannot hide either. |
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. ~ Revelation 12:17
You Are Not Alone
There are now more Targeted Individuals coming forward with their stories, evidence, and experiences since we are all more connected thanks to the Internet and Social Media. There are large communities of TIs on most platforms, but not all members are really targeted. I found the most helpful TI testimonies on YouTube and God showed me some really amazing information that solidified my comprehension of the program, plus the right perspective to have about it.
There are also unfortunately those who belong to the Khazarian Masonic Mafia pretending to be targeted and publishing false information about the Program. Many do so to attempt to discredit real blacklisted TIs while others are there for commenting in attempt to control the narrative (more paid trolls/intel agents than ever!!) Regardless of the disinformation campaigns, only the truth will stand. All lies are built on sinking sand.
Some of these fake TIs will focus on only one aspect of the COPS/Military TI Program such as directed-energy weapons (DEWs) used on some human beings. But then attempt to discredit those who experience counterintelligence stalking tactics, street theater and the MK Ultra Psyops. Usually, these are military contractors themselves posing on social media as "TI"s. The Holy Spirit will give you discernment on this and lead to credible testimony.
This is what I will be sharing with you here. I want you to know whether you have been isolated by these satanic perps, or if you are in fear (one of their goals), to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not alone - and you never will be.
We are here to carry each other's burdens. I want you to know that you can call on the name of Jesus Christ at any time and you will be heard. He was the most famous TI and spoke truth to this human sacrifice cult ... gave His life - laid it down voluntarily - for our sakes! By His stripes we are healed. Walk in His power, child of God! He has given His Angels charge over you. There is nothing that God does not see!
I suggest keeping a journal of some sort to write down specifics of what you go through, your feelings, and what you are doing when this activity occurs.
If you do not have anyone to share your experiences with - and that is one of the goals of this evil program, talk to God daily. It is helpful to write, draw, blog, or another creative outlet of your choosing to daily remove the toxic filth these trained treasonous mercenaries throw at you energetically. Put on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6.
If you by chance are being targeted and do not yet have a relationship with the Creator - find out how to now by clicking here!
I also want you to know that you may reach out to me at any time via the Contact Us page and I will stand with you in prayer against the enemy of your Soul, who has authored this evil program. Learn more about Targeted Individuals.
There are also unfortunately those who belong to the Khazarian Masonic Mafia pretending to be targeted and publishing false information about the Program. Many do so to attempt to discredit real blacklisted TIs while others are there for commenting in attempt to control the narrative (more paid trolls/intel agents than ever!!) Regardless of the disinformation campaigns, only the truth will stand. All lies are built on sinking sand.
Some of these fake TIs will focus on only one aspect of the COPS/Military TI Program such as directed-energy weapons (DEWs) used on some human beings. But then attempt to discredit those who experience counterintelligence stalking tactics, street theater and the MK Ultra Psyops. Usually, these are military contractors themselves posing on social media as "TI"s. The Holy Spirit will give you discernment on this and lead to credible testimony.
This is what I will be sharing with you here. I want you to know whether you have been isolated by these satanic perps, or if you are in fear (one of their goals), to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not alone - and you never will be.
We are here to carry each other's burdens. I want you to know that you can call on the name of Jesus Christ at any time and you will be heard. He was the most famous TI and spoke truth to this human sacrifice cult ... gave His life - laid it down voluntarily - for our sakes! By His stripes we are healed. Walk in His power, child of God! He has given His Angels charge over you. There is nothing that God does not see!
I suggest keeping a journal of some sort to write down specifics of what you go through, your feelings, and what you are doing when this activity occurs.
If you do not have anyone to share your experiences with - and that is one of the goals of this evil program, talk to God daily. It is helpful to write, draw, blog, or another creative outlet of your choosing to daily remove the toxic filth these trained treasonous mercenaries throw at you energetically. Put on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6.
If you by chance are being targeted and do not yet have a relationship with the Creator - find out how to now by clicking here!
I also want you to know that you may reach out to me at any time via the Contact Us page and I will stand with you in prayer against the enemy of your Soul, who has authored this evil program. Learn more about Targeted Individuals.
And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But there shall not a hair of your head perish. In your patience possess ye your souls." ~ Luke 21:16-19
The Enemy of our Souls is Living on Borrowed Time...
While it is factual that we who are being persecuted by the state are indeed victims of this persecution, we are not to hold that perspective when remembering that we are victorious because we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us (Romans 8:37), and overcomers by the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, is the most well-known Targeted Individual. He defeated Satan on the cross giving us His authority as we believe and walk in the Spirit of Truth!
The Devil
The adversary and his minions are living on borrowed time... satisfied with temporal material gain and living after the lusts of the flesh. This defeated foe is making war with the Saints of God.
Our Victory
Our victory in Christ, Spiritual Warfare and Divine Love from our Father in Heaven! The satanist's thrive on deception so they use sophisticated slander/smear campaigns but the enemy's lies will not stand. Remain faithful in your walk with God!
Christ Is Authentic Power
When you discover that there is a Contract Hit on your life, it is a perfectly natural human response to be afraid.
The wicked ones who run this evil torture program are aware of exactly what types of psychological tactics to use for putting humans into a state of fear consciousness. (Mossad + Roman Catholic / CryptoJew Empire Torture = CIA/FBI/Military Intel Apparatus)
BUT, if you belong to Christ, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you that the reason for them wanting us to live in fear is because they do…
The wicked live lives of fear and hatred because their father, satan does not love them. They are in a covenant with death.
We, however, are in a Covenant with LIFE and with LOVE.
We are loved eternally and do not need to fear as they do, so the TI Program has to create a counterfeit environment around us to intentionally put us into a "fight, flight or freeze” fear consciousness. They FEAR us and the ONE who loves us.
But their war against God's Elect is not sustainable, because we belong to Christ and NOTHING can separate us from His Love!
Nor, can any weapon formed against us prosper. (Isaiah 54:10)
Satan and his demon armies on earth are fighting a war they’ve already lost.
Christ said, “It is finished.” That is permanent VICTORY.
The wicked ones who run this evil torture program are aware of exactly what types of psychological tactics to use for putting humans into a state of fear consciousness. (Mossad + Roman Catholic / CryptoJew Empire Torture = CIA/FBI/Military Intel Apparatus)
BUT, if you belong to Christ, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you that the reason for them wanting us to live in fear is because they do…
The wicked live lives of fear and hatred because their father, satan does not love them. They are in a covenant with death.
We, however, are in a Covenant with LIFE and with LOVE.
We are loved eternally and do not need to fear as they do, so the TI Program has to create a counterfeit environment around us to intentionally put us into a "fight, flight or freeze” fear consciousness. They FEAR us and the ONE who loves us.
But their war against God's Elect is not sustainable, because we belong to Christ and NOTHING can separate us from His Love!
Nor, can any weapon formed against us prosper. (Isaiah 54:10)
Satan and his demon armies on earth are fighting a war they’ve already lost.
Christ said, “It is finished.” That is permanent VICTORY.