TI Aware
The offspring of the Devil, of EVIL, that is employed to destroy all of us who have been Blacklisted and SEALED by The Creator, are slaves.
They are slaves to their wicked masters. They can only mutter "how high" when told to jump. They are cowards, bullies, and enemies of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The same hatred and venom in the Roman Empire continues to operate through the Jesuit/Masonic anti-Christ system in America, and all nations under their central financial system. The trafficking, torture, and murder of humans has not stopped, only done covertly and overtly, with some activity moved underground. The high priests and priestesses of black magick in the mainstream public eye through SPELLCASTING on the "tube," know a great deal about this. Every last one of these pedophiles, blood ritual witches, and child traffickers is an abomination before the Creator of Heaven & Earth. Yet people are idolizing them unaware because they are spellbound!
The counterfeit "reality" presented by pop culture idols and TV "personalities" are psyops, but only those of us who have seen this No-Touch Torture Zersetzung in action are even aware of the black budget and criminal/treasonous psychological operations covertly ran on individuals and the public. Some are waking up but still most are sleep-walking zombies happy to be part of the satanic hive mind... with all it's worldly "perks."
The Spiritual Warfare we engage in daily is not evident to those who do not belong to Christ. Christ opens our SPIRITUAL EYES to see beyond the physical realm.
The amount of people calling themselves "Christians" yet are led by the spirit of anti-Christ has increased a hundredfold in just the past 5 years.
It feels like the falling away is really taking effect now. Churches with masonic leadership are worshiping Lucifer unaware.
We are witnessing a rise in satanic activity and especially lawlessness as demons are looking for houses - anyone who is not filled with God's Spirit.
Gods law is in the heart of every believer and we can be oppressed by demons but never possessed, as the devil's offspring are.
They are slaves to their wicked masters. They can only mutter "how high" when told to jump. They are cowards, bullies, and enemies of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The same hatred and venom in the Roman Empire continues to operate through the Jesuit/Masonic anti-Christ system in America, and all nations under their central financial system. The trafficking, torture, and murder of humans has not stopped, only done covertly and overtly, with some activity moved underground. The high priests and priestesses of black magick in the mainstream public eye through SPELLCASTING on the "tube," know a great deal about this. Every last one of these pedophiles, blood ritual witches, and child traffickers is an abomination before the Creator of Heaven & Earth. Yet people are idolizing them unaware because they are spellbound!
The counterfeit "reality" presented by pop culture idols and TV "personalities" are psyops, but only those of us who have seen this No-Touch Torture Zersetzung in action are even aware of the black budget and criminal/treasonous psychological operations covertly ran on individuals and the public. Some are waking up but still most are sleep-walking zombies happy to be part of the satanic hive mind... with all it's worldly "perks."
The Spiritual Warfare we engage in daily is not evident to those who do not belong to Christ. Christ opens our SPIRITUAL EYES to see beyond the physical realm.
The amount of people calling themselves "Christians" yet are led by the spirit of anti-Christ has increased a hundredfold in just the past 5 years.
It feels like the falling away is really taking effect now. Churches with masonic leadership are worshiping Lucifer unaware.
We are witnessing a rise in satanic activity and especially lawlessness as demons are looking for houses - anyone who is not filled with God's Spirit.
Gods law is in the heart of every believer and we can be oppressed by demons but never possessed, as the devil's offspring are.
Masonic Street Theater Campaigns
Due to the vastness of satan's heirarchy on earth (All masonic lodge members, eastern star, many roman catholics, liberal universities/staff, police, CIA, FBI, "street" gangs, banking cartel, industry mafia, etc , there is nowhere on earth that they don't have "members" who have taken their satanic oaths and initiations at the ready to do dirty deeds. The SEED of SATAN are vile, demonic beings in human skin.
American institutions were founded on masonic luciferian principles, not freedom, as is claimed by the political stage actors.
Politics is entertainment to the spiritual rulers/wicked in high places. The masses are continually mocked by how easily they are led astray by the masonic pied pipers.
Zersetzung at a Targeted Individual (blacklisted Child of God) residence is carried out by nearby compromised neighbors, military contractors and sheriff/neighborhood watch groups. All delivery companies take these demonic assignments too such as UPS, USPS employees, DHL, FED-EX, Budget trucks, Rental company employees, etc. Some very common tactics involve loud music, loud engine noises, standing/walking outside residence repeatedly and excessively. When a TI calls to report any of this activity the cops reach out to them (because it is organized at County level first) and nothing will ever come of it except attempt to use these calls to paint a "mental health" picture of a TI for entrapment purposes. It is one Big Club.
While a common un-blacklisted individual knows not to "take anything personally" and provide the benefit of the doubt to people as trusted life advice... the demonic assignments sent at a TI are meant to be very blatant, very personalized, and meant to intimidate/torture. Although not taught from masonic pulpits, it is what most of the Psalms are talking about when referring to "enemies." Clearly, persecution will come upon those living righteously in a world ran by the devil.
We are to separate ourselves from the wicked, not to walk in this world as they walk according to the lusts of the flesh. We are to walk worthy of our calling in Christ. The Holy Spirit in a truly converted individual will convict and anger the evil spirits inhabiting the children of disobedience. They will instinctively by their unconverted behavior act in ways which show forth their hatred and attempt to harm us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. These are all areas in which God says that we are Blessed and established in Him. We must remain in Christ and in the renewing of our minds as we walk through this fire.
American institutions were founded on masonic luciferian principles, not freedom, as is claimed by the political stage actors.
Politics is entertainment to the spiritual rulers/wicked in high places. The masses are continually mocked by how easily they are led astray by the masonic pied pipers.
Zersetzung at a Targeted Individual (blacklisted Child of God) residence is carried out by nearby compromised neighbors, military contractors and sheriff/neighborhood watch groups. All delivery companies take these demonic assignments too such as UPS, USPS employees, DHL, FED-EX, Budget trucks, Rental company employees, etc. Some very common tactics involve loud music, loud engine noises, standing/walking outside residence repeatedly and excessively. When a TI calls to report any of this activity the cops reach out to them (because it is organized at County level first) and nothing will ever come of it except attempt to use these calls to paint a "mental health" picture of a TI for entrapment purposes. It is one Big Club.
While a common un-blacklisted individual knows not to "take anything personally" and provide the benefit of the doubt to people as trusted life advice... the demonic assignments sent at a TI are meant to be very blatant, very personalized, and meant to intimidate/torture. Although not taught from masonic pulpits, it is what most of the Psalms are talking about when referring to "enemies." Clearly, persecution will come upon those living righteously in a world ran by the devil.
We are to separate ourselves from the wicked, not to walk in this world as they walk according to the lusts of the flesh. We are to walk worthy of our calling in Christ. The Holy Spirit in a truly converted individual will convict and anger the evil spirits inhabiting the children of disobedience. They will instinctively by their unconverted behavior act in ways which show forth their hatred and attempt to harm us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. These are all areas in which God says that we are Blessed and established in Him. We must remain in Christ and in the renewing of our minds as we walk through this fire.
The Big Masonic Secret is they serve the devil. They are paedophiles.... torturers, murderers. They will be held accountable by the Courts of Heaven since they run the man-made ones ruling now. A wink or a nod, the shiny ring on their fingers... blood on their hands for generations.
Child/Human trafficking and adrenochrome harvesting is hush-hush yet the most well-known "secret" in our culture. The masons are sorcerers who like their synagogue of satan master use words/symbols to control the minds of those they perceive are weaker than they are. They use the word "free" before mason to trick minds, as the entire criminal network is a mockery that those in Christ are actually FREE, while they are slaves to satan... reaping those material benefits of membership in the Big Club. |