August 2023
TI Program Video and Photo Evidence, public documentation for the month of August 2023 in Leon County, Florida.
See the TI Program MANUAL for reference.
After publishing a few of their state-sponsored demonic assignments, unmarked and new vehicles have been pulling into HQ Property driveway. Agents/CBAs get out of vehicle holding large bags to bring inside to provide some Plausible Deniability. The only time a 'caucasian' female has been seen at the HQ Property was on 8/5/23 and she looked mighty similar to the military contractor's "niece" in Quail Ridge at lot 51 that they set up... probably just a coincidence ;) As of August 2023, their approach during assignments has been altered.... they're attempting to do 'damage control.'
Vids/Images will be posted in order from earlier months in 2022/2023 first. Only the most obvious zersetzung activity will be uploaded to these monthly pages. I could lay out every day by hour as I did during early documentation and here for Aug 1st (which wasn't everything!), but I don't have that kind of time to waste on satan's distractions and psychological warfare. What the Holy Spirit shows is worthy and helpful to document, shall be. Their intent of course is to terrorize me and my family, which is treason in America.
A grey/brown Dodge Charger CBA parked outside of HQ Property on 8/15/23 with the"Jason" mask hanging facing windshield from rearview mirror. I've seen at least 100 local vehicles (1 in the Quail Ridge Trafficking PUD was documented in 2021) with a Jason Voorhees terror mask in their car from whatever local gang thinks this type of intimidation and evil is working on the people of Tallahassee. I will mention it has always been a black person in these vehicles as a matter of fact. This particular Dodge Charger belongs to a resident on the next street over that is a Tallahassee City employee. Shocking!
The poor pit bull that was brought in to the HQ Property on 7/30/23 has been left outside in a cage in their driveway at all times. This animal is being traumatized constantly to become "mean" and bark continually, which is what psychopaths do to dogs.
The Masonic-Military-Jesuit NWO Sodomy G Glub is now finally getting some attention from the public who see through their 'good 'ol boy' facade... Every one of these psychopath pedophiles, and all affiliated human trafficking witches/warlocks/sorcerers, will one day meet the maker of every child they violated! The light of Christ is shining brightly. Keep your chin up and keep shining persecuted souls... we already have the victory in Christ. Walk in it every day in the face of the adversary's minion army! God's got this.
See the TI Program MANUAL for reference.
After publishing a few of their state-sponsored demonic assignments, unmarked and new vehicles have been pulling into HQ Property driveway. Agents/CBAs get out of vehicle holding large bags to bring inside to provide some Plausible Deniability. The only time a 'caucasian' female has been seen at the HQ Property was on 8/5/23 and she looked mighty similar to the military contractor's "niece" in Quail Ridge at lot 51 that they set up... probably just a coincidence ;) As of August 2023, their approach during assignments has been altered.... they're attempting to do 'damage control.'
Vids/Images will be posted in order from earlier months in 2022/2023 first. Only the most obvious zersetzung activity will be uploaded to these monthly pages. I could lay out every day by hour as I did during early documentation and here for Aug 1st (which wasn't everything!), but I don't have that kind of time to waste on satan's distractions and psychological warfare. What the Holy Spirit shows is worthy and helpful to document, shall be. Their intent of course is to terrorize me and my family, which is treason in America.
A grey/brown Dodge Charger CBA parked outside of HQ Property on 8/15/23 with the"Jason" mask hanging facing windshield from rearview mirror. I've seen at least 100 local vehicles (1 in the Quail Ridge Trafficking PUD was documented in 2021) with a Jason Voorhees terror mask in their car from whatever local gang thinks this type of intimidation and evil is working on the people of Tallahassee. I will mention it has always been a black person in these vehicles as a matter of fact. This particular Dodge Charger belongs to a resident on the next street over that is a Tallahassee City employee. Shocking!
The poor pit bull that was brought in to the HQ Property on 7/30/23 has been left outside in a cage in their driveway at all times. This animal is being traumatized constantly to become "mean" and bark continually, which is what psychopaths do to dogs.
The Masonic-Military-Jesuit NWO Sodomy G Glub is now finally getting some attention from the public who see through their 'good 'ol boy' facade... Every one of these psychopath pedophiles, and all affiliated human trafficking witches/warlocks/sorcerers, will one day meet the maker of every child they violated! The light of Christ is shining brightly. Keep your chin up and keep shining persecuted souls... we already have the victory in Christ. Walk in it every day in the face of the adversary's minion army! God's got this.
August 1, 2023
10:18am - Blue Van parks in front of our residence just in front of driveway. Vehicle speeds away after one minute. 11:18-11:20am - Black Chevrolet truck in HQ Property driveway gassing vehicle. Navy Blue sedan in HQ Property driveway pulls out next. 12:11pm- Black Chevrolet truck from HQ Property pulls out onto road and stops vehicle. (See, Seed of Cain web page for reference) Perp with cane returns to vehicle parked in street. Exits HQ Property. 7:42pm - SUV that delivered pit bull to HQ Property 7/30/23 (July 2023 Page) is seen letting dog out of cage after Animal Control visit. Pit Bull is being kept in cage in HQ Property's driveway day and night. Perps in SUV and brown truck (Big Club members) doing street theater, video footage. 8:41pm - HQ Property Perp in brown truck pulls into driveway behind SUV that delivered pit bull on 7/30/23. Pulls out of driveway into road, idling, revving engine in front of residence. SUV that brought in caged pit bull on 7/30/23 pulls out of HQ Property and brown truck speeds down residential road. |
August 9, 2023
This one is only a recent example and not even noteworthy, as Program has shifted HQ Property assignment time-frames since I uploaded their main HQ Thug in July 2023 (still many more from him! June 2022-June 2022. They were far more blatant before I published.
HQ Property far earlier than the usual timeframe for TI Program antics that have been running between 12am-5am throughout 2022-2023. Program Controllers trying for more 'plausible deniability' maybe? Not working well for them... |