February 2022 - antiChrist Activities
Quail Ridge PUD sits in the corner of 3 counties and 2 states - a PLANNED unit development that is ran by federal agents, local covens & hired mafia to bring in lots of money (illegally) through their narcotics producing & trafficking operation. Since their exposure online they have attempted to clean up any evidence of their human trafficking operation but every single resident on the GA side and most on the FL side are complicit. They have their own security firm representative living here on FL side ,"Johnson Controls" is the company name. Many Targeted Citizens have reported seeing their vehicles during their organized harassment testimonies. TIs are a Contract HIT put in by one of satan's minions serving the Judeo-Masonic antiChrist system on earth. We have been marked as a "problem" for satan's kingdom and Zersetzung/Cointelpro covertly unleashed against us and our lives. We are experimented upon by CIA/NSA/Military-Industrial-Complex entities and tortured through their Satanic Network until we are dead. The entire Judeo-Masonic antiChrist network's foundation is based upon trauma, ritual abuse, and mafia secrecy. Everything taught in our culture to children and adults are LIES. The symbolism used in their institutions and industries controls human minds through black magick. Ego-based living is more common than human compassion. Agenda 2030 is well underway. True Christ-followers discover that fear is a spirit and that real battles are won in the spirit realm. Deliverance ministries must begin with what spirit rules the mind and the soul of the individual. The HOLY SPIRIT guides the Children of God to the truth. Many apostate Christians today are following after doctrines, wolves in the pulpit, and not after Jesus Christ of Nazareth. If there are unrepentant masons in your church's pulpit or in positions of leadership, find a new church asap! The Zionist pulpit doesn't dare teach that satan's seed - the seed of CAIN/Tubal-Cain (masonic symbolism) is still warring against God's Seed - the line of Christ. That God's true children are a remnant and their DNA is pure, not mixed with satan's seed. Guess which bloodline rule's the antiChrist system on earth? The seed of Cain continue in their rituals of human sacrifice to this day. https://israelect.com/ChurchOfTrueIsrael/comparet/compcainsatan.html https://www.exposingsatanism.org/the-satanic-subversion-of-the-united-states-military/ https://www.paranormalknowledge.com/illuminati/the-illuminati-and-the-occult.html Hopefully, this website will really help those souls who are caught in the devil's "New Age Law of Attraction" nonsense. Instead of "attracting" these things my cameras catch, they were ALREADY HAPPENING. Once I added cams, now I'm reporting ongoing Organized Crime that is REAL here in Zionist Amerika. This is the reality people are trying to pretend isn't happening, but God will send His Children wherever the LIGHT needs to Shine. He has a great army on Earth! There are so many apostate churches teaching manifestation rather than taking up our crosses and following Him! The Father loves us so much and will send His army into enemy territory for many reasons. One of the most important is that it will always yield fruit! His Word will not return void and those of us indwelt by Christ are carrying a Light inside of us that demons fear. His purposes will be accomplished when we are reliant solely on Him. Another reason we are sent into battle for God is to be an example. To teach others through our self-control, character, faith, and kindness what a relationship with Christ looks like. He will show forth His strength and power and prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies! One who belongs to the Father, never walks alone. We don't have to know what tomorrow brings because we will be dressed for Spiritual Warfare in the armor of Light. regardless of the devil's offspring's tactics God is already there. The Truth is all that will remain. The wicked will be no more... their place will no longer be found on the Earth. May you have peace that our Father is continually watching over you, making the crooked paths straight, and will not allow your foot to slip... the safest place on earth is in the Father's Hands. Our Creator knows our every thought and prayer. He is the only one to truly trust. Those who have had their consciences seared and refuse the Lordship of Jesus Christ of Nazareth can terrorize, attempt to dehumanize, and bring hatred/fear into our midst ... however, they can never take us out of the Father's Hands and His constant care. He will actually use the enemy's attacks for our eventual good. Our part is to stay in close communication with the Holy Spirit and walk in this Wisdom. Follow God and stay on the narrow path that leads to Life! "If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." - Revelation 13:9-10 |
February 2022 Zersetzung Journalism Entries
February 2, 2022
I left my residence at 12:16pm. Black Denali Truck that belongs to Military Contractors 52 pulled into Quail Ridge traveling south from Georgia at the exact time that I was pulling out of QR. When I was 15 minutes from home on my way back the truck pulled out of the court at 1:36pm. Black Ops Human Trafficking (TIs are contract hits sold on the black market) Assignment while I was away from my home - which is a typical & clear covert no-touch torture terrorism tactic. If you find Narcotics Traffickers, Human Traffickers are near also! They attack the mind continually through their satanic ritual abuse, to cause a targeted human to live in a "fight or flight" mode every day. Gaslighting etc. TRAUMA-BASED MIND CONTROL is what the satanic government agencies have been "perfecting" for decades... this is the real world we live in. That's why TV and alcohol addiction is so prevalent in our sick culture. People who don't want to face the truth are trying to deal through escapism. Some simply don't want to believe humans are capable of this much evil. BUT GOD... made a clear distinction between those that belong to Him and those who belong to the wicked one. Once a human has sold their soul for material gain through blood rituals, masonic oaths, or any number of modern "initiations," they are the property of satan and operate with no conscience, doing their master's bidding. |
February 23, 2022
Zersetzung Mason Perp Target Turnaround at 8:33am Mason in white truck leading and Agent Teri military contractor Tundra last in fed train headed to GA side. CBA/Perp into court from GA right before Contractor Agent Teri & Thompson (Avalanche) cross in front of house out on QR Road. |
February 4, 2022
Thompson SUV Target Turnaround Contractors 51 & 52 arrive together after 3pm along with GA Traffickers |
At 10pmFebruary 5, 2022 UPS Truck Assignment - making clear their relationship with Federal & Mafia Traffickers here. They've been utilized to "deliver" ever since the large trafficking trucks stopped running through Quail Ridge. FedEx does the same. Complicit. Here you'll see the UPS driver pull into court, go in the back of truck, never brings anything to the house, and quickly speeds away. Thompson Traffickers, Kingpin Vehicle, Trafficker Van, Ghetto Gangsta Traffic, street light tampering, and CBAs. All vehicles posted involved - huge trafficking ring. Business as usual in too many places. |
February 7-8, 2022
Avalanche Thompson hauling from GA side where their "hornet's nest" has been disturbed. Large county/industrial truck travels to Georgia side at 1am. 11:42am Fedex truck and boomcar Thompson traveling together right after mentioning that they are contracted here. The cointelpro/zersetzung contractors are big fans of my website, so they like to prove what I have stated is true. Sae with the streetlamp on our property that is controlled now. They turn it off and on like a switch, since it is their federal trafficking operation. Timestamps show this. CBA/gangstalker sent down in front of our house at 6:20pm. I went outside in my yard to enjoy the sunset and another gangstalker was sent down Quail Ridge Rd and into the court to Georgia within minutes. Of course this is street theater, so could be the same one after a change of clothes lol! Either way the military contractors (and all intel/civilian participants) continue to incriminate themselves with their covert assignments as I've already published their trafficking operation. They WILL go down with this ship. |
February 10, 2022
This morning I was gone early and didn't return until after 12:30pm. On my way home their were Leon County Sheriffs in the median across from the front/cover HOA house/building on N. Monroe St. They were setting up a speed trap right there, once again demonstrating they protect the big criminals who are insulated from accountability. When I got back to Quail Ridge, there was an ambulance down at the stop sign (end of QR Road) where the turn to Georgia side is at. Minutes later Contractor 'Agent' Teri, and many Grady County, GA vehicles, plus unmarked SUVs came from Isabelle Ln out Quail Ridge Rd to the exit. Later in the day, I saw all the Thompsons driving around so no arrests of their mafia here. Mustang Thug's house in Robin Ct at the end closest to our home started up their thug bass noise harassment that can be felt inside of our home. As the Masonic Silent Dagger page's video shows Sheriff's Departments are VERY involved in running these TI Assignments, so they must've just been having a "good 'ol boy meetin." Isn't that something. They PROTECT the criminals... it's what they're paid to do here. Grady County, GA (AND Gadsden County, FL) cops know all about that compound at the end of Two-State Lane in the woods. They are complicit in the whole operation and run the street gangs here. Frequency harassment, flyovers and motorbike in the court after trash was set outside for the night. They have boomcar masonic vehicles on Isabelle Ln Cairo, GA (where all the cops met up at today at the end of court where the new single-wide homes were just brought in last year). The Isabelle Ln masons and hired perps are just their next planned phase. This is a known production/trafficking ghetto where satan's offspring have county/state/federal immunity as they are bringing in loads of cash for their masters. It is far past the time to hold the organized banking & mafia crime syndicate(s) accountable. Their reign of terror only lasts until enough people stop playing their games and start organizing better than criminals do. |
February 11, 2022
Thompson Trafficker travels from FL into GA and back again frequency harassment. Gosh, the sheriff's department was just out here in Quail Ridge yesterday... I wonder why they didn't put a stop to all the criminal activity? Someone with integrity and clearance might want to investigate that. Over 3 years now. After 8pm, haulers coming and going along with some synchronized psyops by Robin Ct assets, street lamp tampering, and a target turnaround. |
February 14, 2022
I left very briefly today, and on my out and on my way in Thompson Traffickers crossed in front of the house both times. The Black Truck gassing by has been going before and after assignments - likely their main contractor/satanist in charge. His earthly power pales in comparison to the great I AM who goes before me and stands behind. When Military Contractor 'Agent Teri' first moved into the GA side of Quail Ridge (2019) she stopped by the home of the neighbors who had been nice to us when we first moved in, who live down across from the stop sign, where you turn onto Two-State Lane (or street for FL side). The two kids at the time would stop by and talk often. After Agent Teri's visit they started doing the same zersetzung assignments as the others. Their guardian is the old man who took all the money and bribes they could give him - new RV, cars etc - and these are the kids now teens. The boy CBA who has been using that vehicle for frequency harassment assignments stopped in front of the court we live on, and the girl (with CBA pal) came down the court we live on obeying their satanic masters for those gift cards! Not long after Agent Teri had visited them, I saw this girl (I know all their names etc) leave QR with a witch who has been training her. Lots of rituals and initiations in the satanic network for covert devil's work. I will continue to pray for these kids. |
February 15, 2022
Frequency Harassment by Thompson trafficker Asset (granted immunity by Federal Narcotics Operation ran by CIA here) SRA by (Military/DARPAFBI/CIA) Contractors. The White Maxima is Mafia here and their assignments run together. No laws are enforced... only crimes are enforced in Quail Ridge. Residents are under mafia rule in the current anti-Christ system. Cops protect mafia not the people. Brotherhood of the snake, the seed of Cain. BUT GOD...has already defeated their master by laying down his life on the cross of Calvary, making a show openly of all the evil and destroying their works in Heavenly places and on Earth. It's just a matter of time for the devil's seed... |
February 18, 2022
Updates: The dogs on the corner house at the stop sign are left outside, inside that small chain-link fence that was put around their shed (in the front yard), and are being traumatized night and day by these mafia thugs doing narcotics and trafficking runs back and forth from Georgia side of Quail Ridge. The dog next door across from Agent Deb & Smith's surveillance house has also been left permanently outside in all weather at all times and all of these dogs are just whimpering and barking as they are traumatized intentionally to "make them mean," which is what psychopaths do to animals. Today, I saw the mustang thug drive by in a vehicle almost identical to Thompson's civic. They will attempt to blend him in as the kingpin's son, rather than have him driving his yellow mustang from 2019. There's nothing new under the sun, and the devil's kids are known easily by their fruit. First time I opened my deck door today car alarms go off for 5 minutes (video of just a small portion). Same car alarms go off as we are leaving the house around 1:15pm today. The CBAs and contractors that were moved onto Isabelle Ct on the GA road behind us are part of this Zersetzung next phase so that I can be attacked by even more of the devil's offspring. God's Holy Angels however have their legion totally beat in terms of companies and numbers. The Waste Pro truck once again skipped our house and picked up everyone's garbage cans here except ours. I called to let them know it was missed and was assured they'd come get it, but of course it was never picked up at all. (A recurrence of an assignment already done here.) Video of mafia/Thompson frequency harassment and the "HOA front" rep/guy (White Equus) video with simultaneous flyover. I left town this afternoon and when I returned this evening the cams showed that Military Contractors' 51 arrived right after I left and were here all day. This is the navy blue truck and the "niece" with the white van. They are the ones just like the Lindons' from Ohio who moved in across from the mason to do Zersetzung as part of their blackops contract. Same exact tactics. These are domestic terrorists. As Smith, Deb, Teri and the whole mafia here are organized criminals guilty of trafficking, treason, and organized stalking. The satanic network is much larger than anyone not actively participating in it (or trying to keep it a secret) can imagine. Think of how many active luciferian "free"masons and eastern star witches there are and that's only half of their network - every city in every state. The God we serve has True Authority. |
February 19, 2022
Tonight Military Contractors 51 went down into the court in front of the land they purchased to run Zersetzung from right next to their Target. Now these domestic terrorists' (mafia with cover jobs and gov titles) purpose as has been noted throughout the site is to destroy their target in any way possible, and they consider it a game because these are psychopaths. See entries from 2/4/22 and January 2022 Their tactics for moving this agent (and extended "family" - contractors) include but are not limited to:
Tonight they brought in the same navy blue truck and white van (have both make/model/plate info stored), and they stand around in the court opening and shutting doors, letting the kids loose to run around and scream, and attempting to upset me with their presence for what they have planned. The good doggy next door (being neglected) was barking the whole time because animals sense motives very easily. Domestic Terrorism right here in Judeo-Masonic AMERIKA. The NWO has begun but it won't end well for them. |
February 20, 2022
...and to prove how accurate my post from yesterday is, at 2am I and my family were woken up out of deep REM sleep by this. Then they sent the garbage truck that intentionally missed my can on Friday (regular day) here at 8:30am on a Sunday morning. A few short hours after the frequency harassment from the trafficking operation in Grady County, Georgia - Quail Ridge. Who holds this Mafia accountable? Not the police (see 2/10/22 entry)... not the County... not the State... the Fed agencies working here protect them... (collusion?) making money is their god it appears. Blood money. The actual Public Health Crisis is the Judeo-Masonic Mafia and their massive satanic network (military-industrial-complex plus artificial infrastructure) Operations & Black Operations (BlackOps). When there is no true accountability for the ones who "silence/neutralize" whistleblowers, truth-tellers, and those exercising their rights of free thought/speech, then there is no justice system at all. Only criminals run the place. And handsome "benefits" provided to those who participate actively through covert crime and by keeping dirty secrets such as the coverup of widespread sexual abuse and murder within the masonic brotherhood of the snake. |
February 23, 2022 I have several days of vids/images to upload yet. Will get to these! The zersetzung contractors are in the court again with the fake HOA front rep who is not only complicit with the trafficking operation in GA but also has been selling land out here illegally (shocking right?) - ORGANIZED CRIME on the GA/FL Line. They had a girl living here acting as "treasurer" who I have documents of using a fictitious address. This whole cartel is BUSTED. Sadly, the people in charge of bringing them to justice are part of the bigger organized criminal ring. They belong to the vast Satanic Mafia Network. The fake HOA front guy is seen slamming his trunk and car doors as often as possible for the noise harassment part of his assignment, and going out on that land for them with an axe. When the mafia say jump, he says "how high?" He's wearing his black sunglasses, same old hat and attempting to "sell" this land to another contractor that's parked here in the truck (taupe/grey) from the GA side mafia. They have many characters driving the same vehicles too. Every one of the "wives" of these zersetzung Contractors has worn a pink shirt when they come down in the court... Lots of masonic theater! After they leave leave, a flyover, a gasser, and the Thompson Traffficker's frequency harassment all come by within 3 minutes. All Targeted Individuals are victims of Domestic Terrorism. The fact that this is not well-known is because the mass media are in the hands of the perpe-traitors. UPS truck did some street theater frequency harassment on their way to and from criminal Quail Ridge's Georgia side. They just did an assignment here on 2/5/22 (check entry) proving more and more how these corporations do the will of their mafia masters, and are absolutely TRAFFICKING from this criminal hub. Mafia Narcotics & Trafficking Thugs ding Frequency Harassment/warfare all day and night long. Mafia Rule and the cops take orders from them. Human beings are hopefully awakening to the REAL hierarchy that exists in this anti-Christ system. At 6:47pm the lights were flashing in our house to make the power/electricity go out. And as seen on this website, we know they have access to that already. There is no deniability, just plain organized crime and domestic terrorism. |
February 25, 2022
The trafficking and mafia vehicles that run in and out of Quail Ridge do so along with school buses and other "service" vehicles in an attempt to hide their criminal activity. They are also using Church vans. This morning, a trafficking truck traveled to the Georgia side at the exact time the garbage truck was at our house. The target turnaround done at 7:40pm tonight was interesting... My patio cam caught the surveillance room at Agent Deb and Smith's setup house light go out right before the target turnaround. You can hear a dog barking because dogs know when evil is near. This vehicle used a blinker which is a first lol. I posted this one as an example because TIs are surrounded by community-based agents (CBAs) wherever they reside and there are always several homes that are in charge of light shows as a psyop. At the house in Ohio, the Lindon's surveillance setup house would turn off lights in the room used by their FBI/NSA agents whenever I would look through my cam facing that direction. It is a signal that they know we are watching them just as they are watching us, but above that, the beauty is God sees everything! There are two video angles of this target turnaround as the first view shows Deb & Smith's light. I wouldn't have even known this happened had I not looked down in the auto save vids of motion and seen it! Documenting is part of what this website is for though, so up it goes! For my fellow Targeted Citizens, your attention and focus are what these satanic entities want, to try and keep you in a state of fear. (As the whole population should becoming aware of now!) Ignore them (document the obvious stuff) and praise God continually for how much greater He is than the devil's offspring and all the schemes of their pathetic master. |
February 26 - February 27, 2022
There is a white truck that visits the Latino Assets on the other side of our yard and directly across from Agent Deb & Smith's illegal surveillance house at least once a month, and this is another Zersetzung Contractor. He arrived there on Sat night. Their dog was barking when this guy showed up because again... dogs sense danger and motive. Today the other CBAs (who have about 6 vehicles in their yard) started in on the Zersetzung, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence. The mafia white 40-something year old thug Thompson did his frequency harassment obedient to his masters. After running out for an errand, Mustang Thug was seen walking up the court next to ours and then once I parked in my driveway, the caucasian CBAs across from them in Robin Ct came to do a gangstalking assignment (with strollers and children for 'plausible deniability') as soon as we returned and were unloading our vehicle. Immediately after this assignment (4:40pm), a white sedan with a white male and female - about the age of the parents of the ones who came out of Robin Ct to walk in front of our house and then right back again - drove down into the court for a Target Turnaround. Georgia plate, turned out of the court went to GA side... Then they did it again at 4:49pm, turned out of court to GA side of Quail Ridge. |
February 28, 2022
Cointelpro Contractors had a County truck come down to "prepare the lot" next to ours for their new zersetzung house. After his truck leaves the court, a "delivery girl" - black female in a navy Jaguar - pulls up and stops on Quail Ridge, right in front of the court while I was outside clipping branches in the yard. She does the delivery and her assignment. They move when their masters tell them to. The devil's offspring never cease to amaze in their foolishness. The same vehicle that did two Target Turnarounds yesterday - and is residing on the Georgia side of Quail Ridge - came and did another Target Turnaround. This was right after I opened up the blinds in my office also. This time there were two white males in the vehicle. One older male with facial hair driving and the younger was the white male that was seen on the porch of the home across from Mustang Thug's on Robin Ct that did the gangstalking assignment as we arrived home yesterday. After dark, Thompson mafia drove by at the same time aircraft was overhead - and more lightshow theatrics with the lampost on our property. Covert military strategies against God's Children are limited to the "wisdom of man." |