The Devil aka Satan
Know Your Enemy!
The Devil is the evil one that introduced pride and murder into God's perfect creation.
Created originally as a Cherubim, Lucifer lost his name and became Satan after his rebellion against the Creator.
His current adherents, along with 1/3 of the angels - now fallen angels/spirits ruling on earth invisibly - are Luciferians/Satanists/Ba'al Worshipers.
He was kicked out of Heaven and more importantly the Presence of God (he could have no more fellowship).
This spiritual being is the Adversary, the Slanderer, the False Accuser, and enemy of our Souls.
The end times are upon us and one of the main evidences of this is the persecution of Targeted Individuals by the anti-Christ kingdom reigning on earth. TIs will play a big role in testifying to the evils perpetrated in this system. And testify, we shall! With Christ the Saints will inherit the Earth and testify of all the wicked deeds.
"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?"
~ 1 Corinthians 6:2
The current fallen world’s system is an artificial, fictitious version of God’s Kingdom. The Adversary is not original, and can only mimic what God has already done. Those who put their trust in human military might, religious institutions, human governments, and the creation rather than the Creator, are under the spell of the enemy. Unconsciously and consciously, billions are bowing before the devil carrying out his will to serve the false god of money. Those who seek the true God and obey his commandments are targeted by the AI tech the devil has put into place.
To be targeted in the world right now is a big indicator that you are one of God’s children and on the right path! If the world loves you then it’s in indicator that you serve the devil and are one of his. Targeted Individuals are slandered and persecuted because the devil is a liar and knows we are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
He is known as the false accuser of the brethren (God’s true church). He seeks to discredit you because in the Heavenly realm you are already set free! And the devil is jealous. He hates God’s creation and seeks to devour as many souls as possible before he is judged for eternity.
The Serpent SEED, meaning the children of Lucifer are at war with God's children. The SEED of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
One of the clear indicators of Satan's followers is their Pride and Arrogance.
They operate from fear and lack of self control. They reject Christ and His Wisdom.
These wicked ones show forth the opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit.
Satan has control of their spirit and minds, blinding them from the Love of God.
Luciferian/Masonic philosophy teaches the world that material gain and fame is to be prized,
while kindness, honesty, and peace are "weak".
Through trauma-based mind control, souls are lead further into demonic bondage and taught to
hate/harass those who reflect Christ's character.
The Devil is the evil one that introduced pride and murder into God's perfect creation.
Created originally as a Cherubim, Lucifer lost his name and became Satan after his rebellion against the Creator.
His current adherents, along with 1/3 of the angels - now fallen angels/spirits ruling on earth invisibly - are Luciferians/Satanists/Ba'al Worshipers.
He was kicked out of Heaven and more importantly the Presence of God (he could have no more fellowship).
This spiritual being is the Adversary, the Slanderer, the False Accuser, and enemy of our Souls.
The end times are upon us and one of the main evidences of this is the persecution of Targeted Individuals by the anti-Christ kingdom reigning on earth. TIs will play a big role in testifying to the evils perpetrated in this system. And testify, we shall! With Christ the Saints will inherit the Earth and testify of all the wicked deeds.
"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?"
~ 1 Corinthians 6:2
The current fallen world’s system is an artificial, fictitious version of God’s Kingdom. The Adversary is not original, and can only mimic what God has already done. Those who put their trust in human military might, religious institutions, human governments, and the creation rather than the Creator, are under the spell of the enemy. Unconsciously and consciously, billions are bowing before the devil carrying out his will to serve the false god of money. Those who seek the true God and obey his commandments are targeted by the AI tech the devil has put into place.
To be targeted in the world right now is a big indicator that you are one of God’s children and on the right path! If the world loves you then it’s in indicator that you serve the devil and are one of his. Targeted Individuals are slandered and persecuted because the devil is a liar and knows we are sealed by the Holy Spirit.
He is known as the false accuser of the brethren (God’s true church). He seeks to discredit you because in the Heavenly realm you are already set free! And the devil is jealous. He hates God’s creation and seeks to devour as many souls as possible before he is judged for eternity.
The Serpent SEED, meaning the children of Lucifer are at war with God's children. The SEED of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
One of the clear indicators of Satan's followers is their Pride and Arrogance.
They operate from fear and lack of self control. They reject Christ and His Wisdom.
These wicked ones show forth the opposite of the Fruit of the Spirit.
Satan has control of their spirit and minds, blinding them from the Love of God.
Luciferian/Masonic philosophy teaches the world that material gain and fame is to be prized,
while kindness, honesty, and peace are "weak".
Through trauma-based mind control, souls are lead further into demonic bondage and taught to
hate/harass those who reflect Christ's character.
The definitions of the name Satan and Devil will provide clear evidence into the nature of his character - or lack thereof in this case.
Targeted Individuals can see in both 9) and 10) that the Devil and those under his command treat us as a foe, show hostility to us, harass us, slander us, and attack us. All of this targeting is coming first from the spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:12-18 and 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 are essential reading for every TI. These are demonic assignments that once in Christ we have authority to bind, rebuke, and command against. The enemy's covert persecution may not end, but it can be dealt with effectively through Spiritual Warfare and release of current sins & surrender to Jesus. The slide image to the left came from the following website: |
Notice Ba'al Worship and Human Sacrifice on top pillars - they still rule here under the guise of gov't
The Devil's AI
To be aware of the invisible spiritual realm which exists is a step in wisdom. Only those severed from their own Divine nature as a child of the Creator could believe that they are merely flesh and blood without any true purpose. Mind control operations and all out assault on Humanity has been underway for quite awhile.
The synagogue of satan, however, are desperate now and trying to pull as many magical spells out of their hats as possible.
Satan's kingdom on earth has a lot of suppressed technology and AI working for their purposes against Humanity. Elitists, politicians, celebs have clones. There may be clones of all of us. The desire for evil to get ahold of our DNA for nefarious reasons is certainly evident now. Some believe there is an agenda to turn many people into AI, make us androgynous and remove all the Humanity/Empathy possible from us... because Satan hates God's creation.
He can never get back what he gave up and is permanently barred from entering God's Kingdom. He wants to take as many of God's children (created Souls) with him to the lake of fire as possible.
Corporations are now suddenly interested in public health? Right.
Because it suits Agenda 2030 and the Globalist narrative.
The enemy wants you Enslaved...not experiencing the freedom that Jesus Christ has already provided.
5G, electromagnetic warfare, unsafe vaccines/shots, and more are all part of the Devil's attempt to destroy the temple of God - our bodies.
Satanic hive mind is how they coordinate instantly.
The WWG1WGA slogan is an example of this. They're all going to the same place.
Satan's fallen angels and demonic hierarchy control the world system through technology that is suppressed, and black magick sorcery through human sacrifices.
Gangstalking is based on the Satanic HIVE MIND.
It is akin to Satellite and Internet combined for nefarious purposes.
It is the opposite of having the mind of Christ.
Satanic technology was given to mankind through contact with the Nephilim (Fallen Angel Hybrids)
that we are told are "Aliens." They were the gods worshiped by Ancient Egypt and what the country
of America is modeled after.
The battlefield is our mind and the EVIL Artificial Intelligence being used against Targeted Individuals
is what is being used to bring about the worship of AntiChrist.
Masonic anti Christ Mind Control running against true human Souls.
There are those who deal in fear, intimidation, lies, violence and murder...
and there are those who have Souls. "Ye shall know them by their fruit."
To be aware of the invisible spiritual realm which exists is a step in wisdom. Only those severed from their own Divine nature as a child of the Creator could believe that they are merely flesh and blood without any true purpose. Mind control operations and all out assault on Humanity has been underway for quite awhile.
The synagogue of satan, however, are desperate now and trying to pull as many magical spells out of their hats as possible.
Satan's kingdom on earth has a lot of suppressed technology and AI working for their purposes against Humanity. Elitists, politicians, celebs have clones. There may be clones of all of us. The desire for evil to get ahold of our DNA for nefarious reasons is certainly evident now. Some believe there is an agenda to turn many people into AI, make us androgynous and remove all the Humanity/Empathy possible from us... because Satan hates God's creation.
He can never get back what he gave up and is permanently barred from entering God's Kingdom. He wants to take as many of God's children (created Souls) with him to the lake of fire as possible.
Corporations are now suddenly interested in public health? Right.
Because it suits Agenda 2030 and the Globalist narrative.
The enemy wants you Enslaved...not experiencing the freedom that Jesus Christ has already provided.
5G, electromagnetic warfare, unsafe vaccines/shots, and more are all part of the Devil's attempt to destroy the temple of God - our bodies.
Satanic hive mind is how they coordinate instantly.
The WWG1WGA slogan is an example of this. They're all going to the same place.
Satan's fallen angels and demonic hierarchy control the world system through technology that is suppressed, and black magick sorcery through human sacrifices.
Gangstalking is based on the Satanic HIVE MIND.
It is akin to Satellite and Internet combined for nefarious purposes.
It is the opposite of having the mind of Christ.
Satanic technology was given to mankind through contact with the Nephilim (Fallen Angel Hybrids)
that we are told are "Aliens." They were the gods worshiped by Ancient Egypt and what the country
of America is modeled after.
The battlefield is our mind and the EVIL Artificial Intelligence being used against Targeted Individuals
is what is being used to bring about the worship of AntiChrist.
Masonic anti Christ Mind Control running against true human Souls.
There are those who deal in fear, intimidation, lies, violence and murder...
and there are those who have Souls. "Ye shall know them by their fruit."
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." ~ Revelation 13:14-17
The "god" of this world - blood money
Satan/Osiris/Ba'al/Moloch - same wicked one, ruler of the Earth's nations. Many names, and is the god that blood sacrifices, human sacrifices and child sacrifices are STILL made to, and always have been. Luciferians rule via the current world's institutions in government, law, education, science, medicine and business.
The Targeted Individual Program is ran against those who are God's Elect that choose to earn a living legally and ethically. God is honored by His Children.
They live life to give God glory and do His will.
Satan gets the glory from his seed - the seed of Cain - and the Nephilim bloodlines by doing evil for mammon/money.
The worse the crime, the more earthly "power" satan gives to the soulless human/hybrid.
Murder, ritual abuse, pedophilia, trafficking, mafia assignments....this is the kingdom of darkness.
So therefore, it comes as no surprise that satan's minions are military, masons, mafia, thugs, cops, and ordinary criminals.
The system provides incentives to do evil. Lie, cheat, steal, kill, do wicked... and they will give you cars, houses, and cash!
To follow Christ fully is to reject the current world system we live in. To shine the truth in the face of evil.
ALL political parties are OWNED by the nephilim bloodlines, and all are using sorcery and black magick on the masses.
These are the days where if it were possible the very Elect of God would be deceived. Stand fast in Christ, dear Saints!
The Targeted Individual Program is ran against those who are God's Elect that choose to earn a living legally and ethically. God is honored by His Children.
They live life to give God glory and do His will.
Satan gets the glory from his seed - the seed of Cain - and the Nephilim bloodlines by doing evil for mammon/money.
The worse the crime, the more earthly "power" satan gives to the soulless human/hybrid.
Murder, ritual abuse, pedophilia, trafficking, mafia assignments....this is the kingdom of darkness.
So therefore, it comes as no surprise that satan's minions are military, masons, mafia, thugs, cops, and ordinary criminals.
The system provides incentives to do evil. Lie, cheat, steal, kill, do wicked... and they will give you cars, houses, and cash!
To follow Christ fully is to reject the current world system we live in. To shine the truth in the face of evil.
ALL political parties are OWNED by the nephilim bloodlines, and all are using sorcery and black magick on the masses.
These are the days where if it were possible the very Elect of God would be deceived. Stand fast in Christ, dear Saints!