Zersetzung Target Turn-Arounds
The Target Turnaround is a common Targeting Tactic used by the treasonous Fusion Center Cointelpro Contractors that falls under the category of street theater.
Because I see these at my place of residence daily and have for almost 3 years now, I will post many of the videos which my home cameras capture showing the Stasi/Mafia techniques used in real time. Now one of the deep state's M.O.'s is that everything they do must be done with "plausible deniability." This means they could always provide an excuse as to why their CBAs are where they are - and not because I am one of their Contract HITs on the scam terrorist watchlist, because I know about their crimes... and am not afraid to talk about it.
This is just one of the numerous attempts at intimidation used by those protecting the Satanic kingdom of human sacrifice and black magick on earth at this time.
Because my residence is clearly known to everyone in this Federal Trafficking Operation Planned Unit Development (PUD), it matters very little to me that I am posting it online. Satan's demonic hierarchy has plenty of sold souls and soulless community-based-agents (CBAs) doing his bidding for blood money.
Every single participant in the organized stalking and intimidation tactics at my residence (and against all TIs) is guilty of Treason. I have many of their names, vehicles, addresses, and descriptions to provide to the International Courts when Crimes Against Humanity are addressed.
18 U.S. Code § 2261A - Stalking https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A
The court I live on, my house is the only one on at this time. The land behind my court was all wooded and there was a burnt-down double-wide on the street behind me called Isabelle Ln on the Georgia side. Supposedly, it was yet another drug/meth/cocaine house that someone stole the copper piping from to make a buck. This is a Democrat/Communist Mafia-run Narcotics operation on the GA/FL line. My home is on the Florida side. You will see how interesting it is that I have so much "traffic" here. This is Stalking by Organized Criminals stemming from their spiritual bankruptcy in choosing to serve the kingdom of darkness. They are the bloodline of satan.
FBI/CIA Contractors have been purchasing all the land in this area to ensure their trafficking and criminal operations flow smoothly. As an independent investigative publisher and known TI since 2017, I am a "problem" for them here. I was put on 24/7 illegal surveillance in 2017 at my old house and the new contractors, cleared a lot and brought in their surveillance home in 2019 right across from Robin Ct. on Quail Ridge Road. There are more contractors on the Georgia side of Quail Ridge where much of the drug making and drug trafficking goes on.
There are no laws enforced here and residents are mostly all involved in the illegal drug trade. One resident who met me when I first moved in is from Nicaragua, and once I found out more about this place it became clear this is likely a trans-national drug trafficking operation. Ran by the CIA or one of the other alphabet agencies that serve Satan's kingdom. Supposedly it's not just cocaine out here but meth as well. Check out this 2019 Tallahassee Article for more info!
COPS TI Program
Community-Based Agent (CBA) MANUAL
Because I see these at my place of residence daily and have for almost 3 years now, I will post many of the videos which my home cameras capture showing the Stasi/Mafia techniques used in real time. Now one of the deep state's M.O.'s is that everything they do must be done with "plausible deniability." This means they could always provide an excuse as to why their CBAs are where they are - and not because I am one of their Contract HITs on the scam terrorist watchlist, because I know about their crimes... and am not afraid to talk about it.
This is just one of the numerous attempts at intimidation used by those protecting the Satanic kingdom of human sacrifice and black magick on earth at this time.
Because my residence is clearly known to everyone in this Federal Trafficking Operation Planned Unit Development (PUD), it matters very little to me that I am posting it online. Satan's demonic hierarchy has plenty of sold souls and soulless community-based-agents (CBAs) doing his bidding for blood money.
Every single participant in the organized stalking and intimidation tactics at my residence (and against all TIs) is guilty of Treason. I have many of their names, vehicles, addresses, and descriptions to provide to the International Courts when Crimes Against Humanity are addressed.
18 U.S. Code § 2261A - Stalking https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2261A
The court I live on, my house is the only one on at this time. The land behind my court was all wooded and there was a burnt-down double-wide on the street behind me called Isabelle Ln on the Georgia side. Supposedly, it was yet another drug/meth/cocaine house that someone stole the copper piping from to make a buck. This is a Democrat/Communist Mafia-run Narcotics operation on the GA/FL line. My home is on the Florida side. You will see how interesting it is that I have so much "traffic" here. This is Stalking by Organized Criminals stemming from their spiritual bankruptcy in choosing to serve the kingdom of darkness. They are the bloodline of satan.
FBI/CIA Contractors have been purchasing all the land in this area to ensure their trafficking and criminal operations flow smoothly. As an independent investigative publisher and known TI since 2017, I am a "problem" for them here. I was put on 24/7 illegal surveillance in 2017 at my old house and the new contractors, cleared a lot and brought in their surveillance home in 2019 right across from Robin Ct. on Quail Ridge Road. There are more contractors on the Georgia side of Quail Ridge where much of the drug making and drug trafficking goes on.
There are no laws enforced here and residents are mostly all involved in the illegal drug trade. One resident who met me when I first moved in is from Nicaragua, and once I found out more about this place it became clear this is likely a trans-national drug trafficking operation. Ran by the CIA or one of the other alphabet agencies that serve Satan's kingdom. Supposedly it's not just cocaine out here but meth as well. Check out this 2019 Tallahassee Article for more info!
COPS TI Program
Community-Based Agent (CBA) MANUAL
Target Turnarounds
As I have mentioned my house is the only one on this court, yet I get daily "visits" here. Now of course, the roads are public but a court is not a thoroughfare. A court has a definitive ending and a beginning. Yet this one is used for traffic (mostly drug gangstas/BLM terrorists/Contractor assignments), ATVs, motorcycles, and vehicles coming from the Georgia side of Quail Ridge into Florida - deep state owned land - rather than the road provided at the stop sign called Two-State Street.
This Satanic Khazarian Mafia, well-known for their human trafficking and narcotics trafficking exploits among other evil activities across the United States of America, only resemble Satan their master, which is how to easily identify them... by their "fruit." For example they are motivated by greed and material gain so they will accumulate many "toys" and live from their egos. They are changed each day into the image of Satan, as God's Children are changed each day into the image of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Here in this Mafia-run "community" the Fusion Center Contractors run PSYOPS against me through various methods, yet they have completely failed their demonic assignments. What is truly sad is how often I see young children and teens used during these assignments, and not all of them maybe even are aware under a certain age. The older ones are being "initiated" into the Freemason and Easter Star cults which serve Satan, and are antiChrist. Of course many of the young ones are simply being bribed and lied to because the adults giving instruction are already known as liars and slanderers.
This is going on all over the world, because God's Government is being established in the earth and the forces of darkness know how short their time is. (Also, why they're attempting to cull/vaccinate/genocide as many people as possible in 2020/2021).
This year in January 2021, some more deep state contractors purchased all the land behind my house, clearing the woods so I can see straight through to Isabelle (many contractors over there) on the Georgia side of QR. They are observed sitting in their vehicles waiting for me to pull out of my driveway on some days. Plausible deniability... they are selling this land and using it as a reason to have traffic down here also. However, those of us who recognize patterns during these days of witchcraft/evil see that the plausible deniability excuse doesn't apply here at all, when examining the evidence - and I have tons of it!
What is sad is that they are even still trying... I know exactly who all of the key players involved here are. I also giggle at their attempts. Nice try Agent Deb & Teri, lol. Be sure to tell Freemason Roberts (& cohorts) his "sacrifice" is coming against the Kingdom of Darkness with the Sword of the Spirit, and they will know God's wrath soon if they do not repent. :)
...Of course, this is Black Budget Operations money that most American people don't even know exists, much less what it is allocated for.
It is described well in the COPS Treason Program webpage, to get more of a feel for their demonic, big picture goals.
I have three good cam angles just on the side facing this court. Typical demonic assignments from the Masonic/Jesuit/Khazarian Mafia... I have still images and videos here with date/description. Most recent are at the top.
Head over to the Frequency / Noise Harassment and Warfare page also, as much of the traffic sent down this court is for this purpose, and not just the psychological warfare tactic.
ALL STREET THEATER will be included on this page also.
"Every lie will be revealed." ~ Lin Wood
This Satanic Khazarian Mafia, well-known for their human trafficking and narcotics trafficking exploits among other evil activities across the United States of America, only resemble Satan their master, which is how to easily identify them... by their "fruit." For example they are motivated by greed and material gain so they will accumulate many "toys" and live from their egos. They are changed each day into the image of Satan, as God's Children are changed each day into the image of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Here in this Mafia-run "community" the Fusion Center Contractors run PSYOPS against me through various methods, yet they have completely failed their demonic assignments. What is truly sad is how often I see young children and teens used during these assignments, and not all of them maybe even are aware under a certain age. The older ones are being "initiated" into the Freemason and Easter Star cults which serve Satan, and are antiChrist. Of course many of the young ones are simply being bribed and lied to because the adults giving instruction are already known as liars and slanderers.
This is going on all over the world, because God's Government is being established in the earth and the forces of darkness know how short their time is. (Also, why they're attempting to cull/vaccinate/genocide as many people as possible in 2020/2021).
This year in January 2021, some more deep state contractors purchased all the land behind my house, clearing the woods so I can see straight through to Isabelle (many contractors over there) on the Georgia side of QR. They are observed sitting in their vehicles waiting for me to pull out of my driveway on some days. Plausible deniability... they are selling this land and using it as a reason to have traffic down here also. However, those of us who recognize patterns during these days of witchcraft/evil see that the plausible deniability excuse doesn't apply here at all, when examining the evidence - and I have tons of it!
What is sad is that they are even still trying... I know exactly who all of the key players involved here are. I also giggle at their attempts. Nice try Agent Deb & Teri, lol. Be sure to tell Freemason Roberts (& cohorts) his "sacrifice" is coming against the Kingdom of Darkness with the Sword of the Spirit, and they will know God's wrath soon if they do not repent. :)
...Of course, this is Black Budget Operations money that most American people don't even know exists, much less what it is allocated for.
It is described well in the COPS Treason Program webpage, to get more of a feel for their demonic, big picture goals.
I have three good cam angles just on the side facing this court. Typical demonic assignments from the Masonic/Jesuit/Khazarian Mafia... I have still images and videos here with date/description. Most recent are at the top.
Head over to the Frequency / Noise Harassment and Warfare page also, as much of the traffic sent down this court is for this purpose, and not just the psychological warfare tactic.
ALL STREET THEATER will be included on this page also.
"Every lie will be revealed." ~ Lin Wood
For the rest of 2021, there are monthly web pages:
May 2021
June 2021
July-August 2021
August 2021
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July-August 2021
August 2021
September 2021
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021
May 3, 2021
I ran out for a quick errand tonight and one of the trafficking crew members - sister of the quail ridge "scooter trafficking mafia" that lives on Limmer Lane (GA side) did their assignment through Agent Deb & Teri with two teen CBAs and all their dogs (because "plausible deniability" lol) as I left Quail Ridge (dash cam video on the way), and as I got back to the house. Street Theater/Psyops. I was still in the vehicle as I had just gotten home. The trafficking crew sister (tall, in front) walks forward toward GA on QR and the teens come down the court just as I arrive home... straight out of the manual, lol. About 30 minutes later - and about 4 times back and forth - one/two of the brothers in this "scooter narcotics mafia" came by to show off their lawlessness (Street Theater/Noise Campaign) and how their demonic assignments are always protected. Or so they think... ;) |
April 30, 2021
Just some Mafia-ordered street theater... nothing to see here. ahhh... but wait! 8:30pm - I'll let these videos speak for themselves. |
April 29, 2021
CBA action from GA CBAs and some street theater/noise pollution that I could post over on the Frequency page, but will include it with street theater. Remember there are no laws here... laid down or enforced. Lawlessness is as Witchcraft says the Word of God. |
April 28, 2021
At 10:20am a familiar QR Georgia side resident did a target turnaround 5:15pm - When I returned home after my work in the field today the same 20-something CBA that stole car keys out of our house and is part of the household that everyone participates in the targeting efforts (except for the poor woman in a wheelchair) was doing his assignments. This is the CBA in the red shirt in the videos from today. It is really so sad to see how easily bought these people are... but since they don't know Christ, they will take Satan's bait every time. Here's the COINTELPRO MANUAL again for review of how this is carried out against a Targeted Individual (Truth Teller). One video shows me getting home and then within 1 minute dirt bike CBA drove down - and through - the court to Georgia. Nothing new under the sun. Documented. |
April 27, 2021
7pm - 7:30pm - After posting the Khazarian MAFIA Street Theater up on Quail Ridge Rd this week, these criminals put on a show tonight that I am adding for documentation purposes, so that you can see what this "covert" harassment looks like in a Trafficking Ghetto... when they know they're being recorded. (It looks much worse when they don't think they're on camera. I will add the 2019/2020 vids when I get the chance to!) These videos will provide covert "meetings" by CBAs up on the deep state property and at the top of the court. So many amazing coincidences here. The CBA on the lawnmower was using it as a vehicle to do his assignments tonight, lol. (Both 1st and 2nd vids) Another common example of the street theater/intimidation tactic is a CBA/Mercenary/Thug/Satanic Slave... driving past our house turning around and coming right back again. Had one at 9:45pm. |
April 25, 2021
Today was a gorgeous 77 degrees and I got some yard work done.
The first thing I noticed today was an inflatable football was in the front yard off of Quail Ridge Rd. That's not too unusual... people litter all over this place because its full of addicts and dealers. But, I was talking to a friend just last night about the continuation of Moloch/Molech/ Ba'al Worship through human sacrifice and how the TI program fits into this. The fact that society is centered around sports and more specifically a BALL or 'BA'Al... because Christian discernment shows that this is no coincidence. Sports are great fun and exercise, but it has become just a modern-day Roman Coliseum atmosphere. So I wasn't too surprised that the Contractors wanted to remind me that they're always listening to my conversations. (Hopefully they'll learn something one of these days and choose Jesus Christ!)
There were several Gadsden County Sheriff cars that came through the ghetto earlier. And some typical Thug CBA Psyops assignments out in front our property. And then at 4:26pm, "Agent T" in her tan suburban that was brought in also in 2019, like Agent D & Smith, parked right across from the court and just sat there for 40 minutes. I have screenshots of her arriving at 4:26pm and 5:01pm... finally drives off at 5:06pm. (Street Theater) Often, either her or her male Contractor partner over on the Georgia side near the dirt bike mafia traffickers drives by with their cute little undercover cop light on top.
Today was a gorgeous 77 degrees and I got some yard work done.
The first thing I noticed today was an inflatable football was in the front yard off of Quail Ridge Rd. That's not too unusual... people litter all over this place because its full of addicts and dealers. But, I was talking to a friend just last night about the continuation of Moloch/Molech/ Ba'al Worship through human sacrifice and how the TI program fits into this. The fact that society is centered around sports and more specifically a BALL or 'BA'Al... because Christian discernment shows that this is no coincidence. Sports are great fun and exercise, but it has become just a modern-day Roman Coliseum atmosphere. So I wasn't too surprised that the Contractors wanted to remind me that they're always listening to my conversations. (Hopefully they'll learn something one of these days and choose Jesus Christ!)
There were several Gadsden County Sheriff cars that came through the ghetto earlier. And some typical Thug CBA Psyops assignments out in front our property. And then at 4:26pm, "Agent T" in her tan suburban that was brought in also in 2019, like Agent D & Smith, parked right across from the court and just sat there for 40 minutes. I have screenshots of her arriving at 4:26pm and 5:01pm... finally drives off at 5:06pm. (Street Theater) Often, either her or her male Contractor partner over on the Georgia side near the dirt bike mafia traffickers drives by with their cute little undercover cop light on top.
April 23, 2021
This morning while I was in a work meeting (at home) there was some more Street Theater and a Target Turnaround by some Masonic Mafia Thugs. The white vehicle that came down into the court stopped in front of our driveway for awhile. And again paused and waited up at the top of the court also. There were two vehicles total and a truck that joins them that I see regularly coming from the Georgia side of Quail Ridge. They sit at the corner for about 25 minutes just in front of our house. You will see that just a few days ago on April 20th, one of the GA CBAs came out and mowed/cleared this lot that they are parked on - and also when I was in a work meeting around 10-11am. Remember, this is ORGANIZED Crime. They plan their visits and have assignments. This is the Deep State owned "property" used for targeting assignments by CBAs in Quail Ridge as well. These thugs don't like that someone isn't afraid of them and is instead PUBLISHING their CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. State-sanctioned trafficking on the GA/FL line... |
April 22, 2021
The deep-state owned lot across from us is still used by the trafficking crew to do assignments. There is a large pile of dirt that these same CBAs involved with QR narcotics trafficking - and have been paid through the black budget for slow-kill sacrifice of TIs (enemy of the state through blacklisting) - have been pulling down in the court and digging in with shovels. That's innocent enough lol...It's simply distraction. They aren't leaving with dirt. They are in there as though "burying" something with shovels as their assigned psyop. Then 20-30 min later pull put of the court. Typical and easily discerned psyop and baiting tactic. Nothing new under the sun! |
April 20, 2021
This is one of the QR trafficking crew that stays on the Georgia side that "volunteers" to mow. This took place at the exact time I was in a work meeting at home. And then on 4-23-21, you can see the front of this deep state owned land used for the Masonic Mafia assignment purposes. |
April 11, 2021
One of the Contractors / Traffickers from Georgia creeping by at 3:15am. Nothing to see here... lol |
April 10, 2021 7:48pm - Another familiar QR Georgia resident down for a Target Turnaround assignment. This one lives at the bottom right of Limmer Lane - which does not have a street sign conveniently, but its the second left after turning toward Georgia off of QR Rd. He is one who organized some of the early "scooter mafia" (that's what they call themselves) harassment in 2018 and 2019. I know his name and address as well. You can see how many different people like to come down to "visit" yet don't actually visit. Ran by the "Neighborhood Watch" overseen by Fusion Centers working for psychopaths. |
April 8, 2021
Here is the same CBA who has been doing assignments for the Hitlist Contractors since 2019 and one of the main GA "scooter mafia" thugs to "extract dirt" from the contractor's lot that the Frequency Warfare page shows is used for some very interesting purposes here in criminal Quail Ridge.... anything to distract from what goes on on the Georgia side. They have the idea here that using trailers during their assignments somehow adds to their Plausible Deniability factor. |
April 6, 2021 7:45pm, CBA in red truck drives through the deep state's owned lots from Georgia side of Quail Ridge and drives into the back of the court we live on out into Florida. 8:42pm, the same CBA came drove back into the court we live on and drives through the wooded lot into the Georgia side. Non-perps use the roads and the stop sign, so he's just self-identifying as all satanists are doing at this time. They're easy to spot! Of course, every bit of the organized harassment and stalking here falls under the definitions of TREASON. Check Frequency Webpage for other activity today. AND... check out the TRAFFICKING TRUCK page, as it traveled from Florida into Georgia at 8:15pm. Right in between the times this "visitor" to the court came by... I'm sure that's just a coincidence though haha ;) |
March 29, 2021 Not a "true" target turn-around... just a Creeper at 4:30am. |
March 27, 2021 Quail Ridge drug mafia sends motorscooters and motorcycles from the Georgia side up through the back of the court we live on out onto QR Rd (FL side) and down past it into the Georgia side. I was told by both Gadsden County Sheriff Deputy and by Florida State Trooper in 2019 that these are ILLEGAL on FL roads... but as you can see, MAFIA controls activity here. More activity today at Frequency page. Video Timestamps: 9:38am 9:49am 9:56am 10:12am 12:05pm |
March 26, 2021 See also the Frequency Harassment page for this post. On this night I returned home from errands after 7pm and within 20 minutes, a grey sedan pulled into the court and parked behind a dirt hill on the "HOA's" land across from us. The bass from this vehicle was felt inside our home and the cam picked up voices from the local drug thugs who use this land as a place to do drugs and targeting assignments. Then several thugs on motorcycles came down into the court also. Just the facts. |
March 19th, 2021 Just at 10pm tonight someone was discharging firearms on the Georgia side of Quail Ridge. Here at 10:35pm-10:40pm, this vehicle was seen creeping around and then it comes down for a very obvious Deep State Mafia Target Turnaround. |
March 16th, 2021 - 12:02-12:10pm And just in case there was any doubt that the local Sheriff PROTECTS the Mafia Trafficking Crime Syndicate in Quail Ridge on the FL/GA border... This Gadsden County, FL Sheriff pulls into Robin Ct where the drug thug lives and instead of making arrests and getting the drug traffickers out of this Residential "Community", he proceeds to pull into our court for a Target Turn-Around. Are you shocked? Me neither. Law-abiding Citizens targeted by the treasonous COINTELPRO Mafia. As a reminder, this is the same Gadsden County Florida Sheriff Department that is featured in this Tallahassee article from 2019: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/06/21/gadsden-county-deputy-joseph-barnes-accused-drug-trafficking-ring/1523552001/ Still protecting and operating a drug/narcotics trafficking ring and protected by deep state mafia. |
March 14th, 2021 - 7:30pm
Georgia side Quail Ridge CBA with bass from gangsta Crap emanating from their vehicle, as most do in this particular "ghetto" drug culture. This vehicle was traveling from the FL Quail Ridge entrance toward Georgia and therefore had no reason to pull down in this court, other than they get paid to - it's called a Target Turnaround. They pull out of the court in the video here you can see they continue right on to Georgia side via Two-State Street. These assignments are frequent within the satanic system hierarchy. All part of the COPS Contract Hit Program. |
March 13th, 2021 - 9:10pm to 9:28pm Deep State contractors in white vehicle with a black vehicle in court after dark - real good time to be showing the lot to potential customers right Agent? ;) |
March 12th, 2021 - 9:55pm - 10:12pm Same Deep State contractors on "assignment" and using their Light Show tactic in front of our house. March 12th, 2021 - 2:45pm - 3:00pm
While I'm outside working in my driveway, two CBAs are sent into our court from the Georgia side, and at the same time this CBA/Perp does a Target Turnaround in his black cube vehicle. As you can see he is coming from the Florida entrance traveling East toward the Georgia side, does his assignment, and keeps traveling the same direction he was headed in the first place :). Often school buses and city vehicles traveling down Quail Ridge will coincide with an assignment, as this adds to their "plausible deniability." |
March 10th, 2021 - This particular "vehicle" has been spotted and used by MANY of the drug trafficking crew in Quail Ridge and on this day they came down to do a Target Turnaround in front of our residence. As you can tell by now... it's the happening place to be, lol! These "neighbors" sadly did not even stop by to introduce themselves or say hello. Just on assignment! |
March 5th, 2021 - 10:18pm On this night, a full-size silver truck drove through the woods on the Cointelpro Contractor's land, from the Georgia side into the back of this court and out the front of the court toward the Florida exit. Very clear assignment and no enforcement of road laws whatsoever by Gadsden County, FL or Grady County, GA... because the "authority" in charge of this contract targeting is high above the County Sheriff. This court by Florida road laws is not a "thoroughfare." |