Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall - Masonic Mafia
Preface: Symbolism is the originally unpolluted language of the Soul / Divine mind.
The satanic bloodlines/nephilim, however, took the knowledge of sacred symbolism and perverted/twisted the meanings through programming - hijacking of consciousness through various methods.
Divine symbology that our Creator applied to the natural world on Earth are now used with malevolent intent. In essence the devil's seed have corrupted sacred symbols and perverted them so there will be an opposite meaning association when we see them. The 'nazi' symbol is a good example here, as this is a very old symbol of the sun used by ancient civilizations. Many people when they see this symbol now associate it with hatred, violence, and evil.
This is just one method of Mind Control used against people in our society.
One of the keys to recognizing the Targeted Individual Masonic Silent Dagger Program for what it is, and who authored it, is the SYMBOLISM used.
In fact, the human sacrifice cult running the financial systems on earth all use SYMBOLISM and coded language with one another. This is all out in the open now and anyone can see how they operate. It's modeled after Egypt's State/Pharaoh system of slavery.
The devil is a very insecure, prideful ego-based being that rejected God's love and his calling. He is full of hate and fear... arrogant, a boaster... likes to brag about his evil deeds and leaves his "calling card" at the scene of his activity and crimes. Lucifer is the false light, while Jesus Christ is the True Light.
This characteristic helps make identifying and comprehending what we experience much easier... praise be to the true, living God!
Masonry is rife with symbolism because it's an anti-Christ organization, where unspeakable atrocities are happening at the highest "degrees." Pedophiles and terrorism is part and parcel of this pathetic brotherhood of the snake. The latest "thin blue line" symbolism is Masonic also, not attributed to just police. Most cops are also masons. Which oath that they took do you think they keep first ?
If and when you see profiles online or stickers on cars displaying symbology keep in mind their true allegiance... it is not to Christ.
FREEMASONRY IS MYSTERY BABYLON - they are the foot soldiers for human traffickers and the fallen angels.
Why are so many Masonic Lodges right next to Police Departments? Criminal coverups as it turns out!!
The masonic police departments around the world comprise a network to protect high-level organized crime, while harassing local citizens. They give immunity to local members of the Big Club. Their oaths are to serve and protect the Brotherhood of the Snake, their ‘brute-squad’ worldwide coverup of organized crimes.
Occult & Egyptian Symbolism
The worldly "illuminati" Egyptian/Pharaoh symbolism popularized by black magick gangsta idols is straight from the Satanic Masonic playbook.
The all seeing eye symbolism, hand signs, handshakes, "sacred" geometry symbolism and mind control symbology is seen everywhere in pop culture because mind control psyops have been used on human minds since after world war 2.
America founded by masons is modeled after Egypt, symbolism used being the first clue and those touting these symbols serve Lucifer.
The all seeing eye symbolism, hand signs, handshakes, "sacred" geometry symbolism and mind control symbology is seen everywhere in pop culture because mind control psyops have been used on human minds since after world war 2.
America founded by masons is modeled after Egypt, symbolism used being the first clue and those touting these symbols serve Lucifer.
( article entitled "Freemasonry is a Criminal Organization") Verifiably True!
A Freemason is a person who knowingly destroys peoples lives for self gain.
Freemasons portray themselves as a good charitable fraternity of men. They own the media so they get to say what they want. They have infiltrated all of society. It is nothing less than an international money making scam (same as the crooked pyramid schemes). Did you know that the ninth degree Masons take their vows to kill for Freemasonry ???? some charity. Masons are also the NWO's foot-soldiers. All secret societies, orders and cults are as one (intertwined) with this evil human virus called "Freemasonry".
Did you know that your local Masonic Lodge and the Lodges within the authorities (council/police) are all houses of corruption ? We pay for these. SF have overwhelming proof. Did you also know that "Freemasons Are The Ultimate Criminal Cowards" ?, They collectively persecute people in a way that only the "Masonic Perps" (perpetrators) and their victim know what's happening. Freemasonry uses all races, old and young people, women (Eastern Star - female Masons). When you talk to a Mason, you are talking to two people. This could be your immediate family, best friend, Politician, Doctor, Police, Judge, Armed Forces, Barrister, Emergency Services, etc. Do you think it's right that the Masons are above or abuse the law ????
Freemasons are the invisible terrorists within the local community. They could literally clear up crime in 24 hours with the technology available. We pay for it and they get to abuse it. Did you know that 90% of Taxi Drivers are Masons. They see, hear and relay all movement and conversation straight back to the Lodge.
Forget worrying about the I.D. cards and eventual Microchip, your mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag. They already know your every move and calls since you bought one. Now, don't get us wrong, we all need security and we do respect the non-Masonic government officials and non-Masonic professional people. Freemasonry is illegal under International Law, Humanitarian Law and Common Sense Law.
A Freemason is a fool and a tool to be used by the establishment. There are 5 million Masons worldwide paying money (crooked Masonic businesses pay lots more) to the very wealthy American/Israelis families.
This is where the gigantic amounts of cash go every week. What idiot would want to make the rich even richer ? All we can say to Masons is that when you were born, you knew nothing. Why don't you ask your organization for answers. Beware of one sided answers. Get online and do your own research.
A Freemason is a person who knowingly destroys peoples lives for self gain.
Freemasons portray themselves as a good charitable fraternity of men. They own the media so they get to say what they want. They have infiltrated all of society. It is nothing less than an international money making scam (same as the crooked pyramid schemes). Did you know that the ninth degree Masons take their vows to kill for Freemasonry ???? some charity. Masons are also the NWO's foot-soldiers. All secret societies, orders and cults are as one (intertwined) with this evil human virus called "Freemasonry".
Did you know that your local Masonic Lodge and the Lodges within the authorities (council/police) are all houses of corruption ? We pay for these. SF have overwhelming proof. Did you also know that "Freemasons Are The Ultimate Criminal Cowards" ?, They collectively persecute people in a way that only the "Masonic Perps" (perpetrators) and their victim know what's happening. Freemasonry uses all races, old and young people, women (Eastern Star - female Masons). When you talk to a Mason, you are talking to two people. This could be your immediate family, best friend, Politician, Doctor, Police, Judge, Armed Forces, Barrister, Emergency Services, etc. Do you think it's right that the Masons are above or abuse the law ????
Freemasons are the invisible terrorists within the local community. They could literally clear up crime in 24 hours with the technology available. We pay for it and they get to abuse it. Did you know that 90% of Taxi Drivers are Masons. They see, hear and relay all movement and conversation straight back to the Lodge.
Forget worrying about the I.D. cards and eventual Microchip, your mobile phone is your 24/7 electronic tag. They already know your every move and calls since you bought one. Now, don't get us wrong, we all need security and we do respect the non-Masonic government officials and non-Masonic professional people. Freemasonry is illegal under International Law, Humanitarian Law and Common Sense Law.
A Freemason is a fool and a tool to be used by the establishment. There are 5 million Masons worldwide paying money (crooked Masonic businesses pay lots more) to the very wealthy American/Israelis families.
This is where the gigantic amounts of cash go every week. What idiot would want to make the rich even richer ? All we can say to Masons is that when you were born, you knew nothing. Why don't you ask your organization for answers. Beware of one sided answers. Get online and do your own research.
"Service" Organizations?
This level of deception is not for the faint of heart.
If you are not indwelt by the Holy Spirit you might miss it entirely....
Freemasons and Eastern Star are outwardly considered "Service Organizations" and spoken of highly by worldly sources.
That is how far-reaching the SATANIC/LUCIFERIAN Blood Cult reaches. It is Leviathan. Try and find a US State/City without
a Luciferian Masonic Lodge ruling over it serving their master. Same with Catholic Churches and their death cult crucifixes!
Masons and Catholics serve the same false god of this world while public relations campaigns say they're enemies.
But Satan/Lucifer TRANSFORMS himself into an angel of light...
The deception is in the difference between the outward perception and the inner realities of these Satanic groups.
It is imperative to know who the enemy is.
Masons/Eastern Star are installed in all top positions within society. This is by design!
Specifically, they are often seen positioned in the industry of 'MENTAL HEALTH' which is quite convenient in case they need to get a "pest" or troublemaker for their satanic system put away in an institution somewhere. Hmmmmmmm?
How many Americans are aware of the paedophilia and cannabalism linked to Freemasonry in many nations?
X - represents Nimrod/satan and the 'god' of the freemasons who goes by many names. A Roman Empire symbol/numeral used by universities and most famously the Symbol Elon Musk changed the bird twiiter logo to... this is quite intentional. TI Program CBAs often wear X symbols on hats and clothing to clearly show who their master is. University logos such as the Jesuit "Xavier" X is no different. Rome is still Rome ruling for Nimrod/Lucifer/Satan(Saturn).
For more on the origins of X and why it is essential to understand this CODE language used by the wicked, read here:
If you are not indwelt by the Holy Spirit you might miss it entirely....
Freemasons and Eastern Star are outwardly considered "Service Organizations" and spoken of highly by worldly sources.
That is how far-reaching the SATANIC/LUCIFERIAN Blood Cult reaches. It is Leviathan. Try and find a US State/City without
a Luciferian Masonic Lodge ruling over it serving their master. Same with Catholic Churches and their death cult crucifixes!
Masons and Catholics serve the same false god of this world while public relations campaigns say they're enemies.
But Satan/Lucifer TRANSFORMS himself into an angel of light...
The deception is in the difference between the outward perception and the inner realities of these Satanic groups.
It is imperative to know who the enemy is.
Masons/Eastern Star are installed in all top positions within society. This is by design!
Specifically, they are often seen positioned in the industry of 'MENTAL HEALTH' which is quite convenient in case they need to get a "pest" or troublemaker for their satanic system put away in an institution somewhere. Hmmmmmmm?
How many Americans are aware of the paedophilia and cannabalism linked to Freemasonry in many nations?
X - represents Nimrod/satan and the 'god' of the freemasons who goes by many names. A Roman Empire symbol/numeral used by universities and most famously the Symbol Elon Musk changed the bird twiiter logo to... this is quite intentional. TI Program CBAs often wear X symbols on hats and clothing to clearly show who their master is. University logos such as the Jesuit "Xavier" X is no different. Rome is still Rome ruling for Nimrod/Lucifer/Satan(Saturn).
For more on the origins of X and why it is essential to understand this CODE language used by the wicked, read here:
The "Punisher" Symbolism
This one is pretty obvious to TIs.
The popularity of the "Punisher" logo with its skull and evil expression represents more than just a Marvel character...
It is satanic to the core.
This one is frequently used by perps and gangstalkers because the Masonic Silent Dagger is considered extrajudicial and covert "punishment" of a targeted individual.
The "punisher" symbol is used by freemasons, mafia, and all level of evil ones in our modern Luciferian culture.
I've seen it used by a guy bragging about raping women!
And the mafia drug thug they moved in onto the court next to mine has this symbol right on the driver side of one of his yellow mustangs... what a coincidence! He made sure I saw it when he stalked me as I walked down the road during the spring of 2020.
This symbol is used by masonic mafia trolls pretending to be "patriots" on social media often. Skulls in general are used by the death cabal brotherhood of the snake.
The popularity of the "Punisher" logo with its skull and evil expression represents more than just a Marvel character...
It is satanic to the core.
This one is frequently used by perps and gangstalkers because the Masonic Silent Dagger is considered extrajudicial and covert "punishment" of a targeted individual.
The "punisher" symbol is used by freemasons, mafia, and all level of evil ones in our modern Luciferian culture.
I've seen it used by a guy bragging about raping women!
And the mafia drug thug they moved in onto the court next to mine has this symbol right on the driver side of one of his yellow mustangs... what a coincidence! He made sure I saw it when he stalked me as I walked down the road during the spring of 2020.
This symbol is used by masonic mafia trolls pretending to be "patriots" on social media often. Skulls in general are used by the death cabal brotherhood of the snake.
This a clear sign you are dealing with a Luciferian when you see this symbol!
Either consciously or unconsciously anyone sporting this Punisher logo is a satanist or works within the demonic hierarchy. It is also another of Lucifer's symbols to attempt to instill fear in a TI's mind. Satan only knows how to deal in fear... he is the opposite of love. You will eventually become immune to these kind of fear tactics because you: 1) recognize it for what it is and who it really represents 2) In Christ, "perfect love casts out fear" so it doesn't work and 3) all the fear-based illusions can be ignored and disregarded mentally |
Symbolism is Information
Reading the language of Symbolism is an essential skill for everyone and all those targeted by occultic, satanic psychopaths.
This webpage is a good primer on symbolism.
When you recognize certain symbols throughout your day it presents to you a Big Picture perspective.
You will notice the majority of media is anti-Christian in nature and is meant for programming your mind.
Trauma-based mind control is a method that has been used on the American public since at least WW2.
Some see the Disney logo and immediately associate it with mind control and pedophilia. Others see it as
just a cute symbol about innocent cartoons. But once you know the truth, you cannot "unsee" it.
It is always better to be over-informed, than ignorant. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth!
Harley Davidson has a connection the to the Serpent Seed Masons also. Many HD customers are members.
Police with their 'watch out for motorcycles' bumper stickers are saying a couple of things there! This is a BIG CLUB - network of luciferians
This webpage is a good primer on symbolism.
When you recognize certain symbols throughout your day it presents to you a Big Picture perspective.
You will notice the majority of media is anti-Christian in nature and is meant for programming your mind.
Trauma-based mind control is a method that has been used on the American public since at least WW2.
Some see the Disney logo and immediately associate it with mind control and pedophilia. Others see it as
just a cute symbol about innocent cartoons. But once you know the truth, you cannot "unsee" it.
It is always better to be over-informed, than ignorant. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth!
Harley Davidson has a connection the to the Serpent Seed Masons also. Many HD customers are members.
Police with their 'watch out for motorcycles' bumper stickers are saying a couple of things there! This is a BIG CLUB - network of luciferians
A little more information on this "good ole boy" club with ties to pedophilia, murder, and satanism.
It is wise for anyone interested in what really goes on behind closed doors to do a little research into some of the leaked masonic rituals - Christians in particular should be aware that masons walk down an aisle with little boys dressed in wedding dresses at a certain "degree" and that child molestation, pedophilia, and even adrenochrome harvesting is linked to these psychopaths. Anyone beyond the 3rd "degree" knows they are nothing more than depraved mafia thugs and slaves of satan.
From Masonic Mayhem here are a few screenshots of pertinent information that ought to be public knowledge and not "hidden" and covered up by cops & politicians.
In the Bible, Jesus Christ is the stone "the builders - Freemasons" rejected. It is still true today.
Proverbs warns young men not to go along with those who lay snares for the innocent and whose feet are quick to shed blood.
Masons have gone by many names throughout history after coming out of the Knights of Malta. They are the Seed of Cain, the children of Disobedience.
Satanic Network - Mafia / Mob
The satanic network on earth is a vast leviathan of Mafia Rule including the "Brotherhood of the Snake."
This network of criminals and enemies of Jesus Christ freely commit crimes as a lifestyle with no repercussions from the system which was created to protect their crimes and punish those who dare expose and report them. The police departments around the world have a code of silence. The Federal agencies who pose as "investigative" bodies have been covering up massive crimes since their inception.
Controlling public perception is of the utmost importance to Satanic Network at large.
That's why their gatekeepers are positioned in EVERY industry and level of modern society.
They are bureaucracy.
They are murderers.
They are mainstream religion
They are media.
From long before Biblical days, the spawn of satan have been ruling over human affairs.
This network includes but is not limited to:
freemasons, eastern star, jesuits, liberal universities, jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism, kabalists (Kabalah/Cabala), Scientology,
businesses and governments affiliated with freemasonry, narcotics producers, narcotics traffickers, medical mafia, music industry, mass media, etc
If Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life - as I and true Believers know Him to be - then to participate in or cover up this satanic network is unacceptable
and an abomination to God.
They hoard money, weapons, and resources. They choose to create hell on earth and destroy instead of create. They hate life, God's Creation.
An enemy of God is an enemy of a Child of God. What fellowship hath Light with darkness?
The Masonic Mafia is satan's "brute squad" for his anti-Christ system. That's why every single country, state, and city is ran by masons.
Liars, Murderers, Pedophiles... the wicked disguised as an "angel of light." They need the organization to get away with their crimes.
Anyone defending masons (or eastern star) is not to be trusted.
We live in a MAFIA (CIA-Vatican) rule culture.
The fact that so many people don't believe this or don't care should be serious cause for alarm by the True Remnant of God.
This network of criminals and enemies of Jesus Christ freely commit crimes as a lifestyle with no repercussions from the system which was created to protect their crimes and punish those who dare expose and report them. The police departments around the world have a code of silence. The Federal agencies who pose as "investigative" bodies have been covering up massive crimes since their inception.
Controlling public perception is of the utmost importance to Satanic Network at large.
That's why their gatekeepers are positioned in EVERY industry and level of modern society.
They are bureaucracy.
They are murderers.
They are mainstream religion
They are media.
From long before Biblical days, the spawn of satan have been ruling over human affairs.
This network includes but is not limited to:
freemasons, eastern star, jesuits, liberal universities, jehovah's witnesses, Mormonism, kabalists (Kabalah/Cabala), Scientology,
businesses and governments affiliated with freemasonry, narcotics producers, narcotics traffickers, medical mafia, music industry, mass media, etc
If Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life - as I and true Believers know Him to be - then to participate in or cover up this satanic network is unacceptable
and an abomination to God.
They hoard money, weapons, and resources. They choose to create hell on earth and destroy instead of create. They hate life, God's Creation.
An enemy of God is an enemy of a Child of God. What fellowship hath Light with darkness?
The Masonic Mafia is satan's "brute squad" for his anti-Christ system. That's why every single country, state, and city is ran by masons.
Liars, Murderers, Pedophiles... the wicked disguised as an "angel of light." They need the organization to get away with their crimes.
Anyone defending masons (or eastern star) is not to be trusted.
We live in a MAFIA (CIA-Vatican) rule culture.
The fact that so many people don't believe this or don't care should be serious cause for alarm by the True Remnant of God.
Freemasonry Corner by Cutting Edge Ministries
Homosexual Sodomite Military Masons & Vatican Empire (Babylon)
As the symbolism and evidence here illustrates clearly... this is an age-old tradition of ritual abuse, human sacrifice, and cannibalism at the highest level.
Child abuse via molestation and sodomy is not only widespread but necessary for membership in the Big Club dedicated to their "god" of sexual debauchery - in layman's terms they are a club of paedophile psychopaths.
This explains the symbolism of Gangsta Rap Culture of black males (and all who are snared by this culture regardless of skin color, but is more prevalent among blacks) who wear their pants down below their behinds to show their underwear... this symbolism refers to the fact that they are ready for their masters to come and bend them over anytime they want for sex. It is a sex slavery symbol. Through it, the individual is telling you their master is satan /osiris /set, the god of this world. They serve the same god as the big G club who initiate members with sodomy!
In return for them choosing to sell out their bodies to satan, they are rewarded with positions of worldly power...politicians, police, narcotics trafficking, pimps, and given cars, jewelry, houses, whatever they want... fame and fortune. They took satan's bribe.... Their symbolism is pervasive throughout this Babylon culture of depravity.
God the true Creator of the Heavens and the Earth tells US that our bodies are temples.
To keep them holy, because this is where the Holy Spirit comes to dwell and live through us!
That is why the evil of rape, sodomy, and sexual abuse of an infant child or teen is an abomination to our Lord! This is happening every day and nothing is being done about it!!
These psychotic Luciferians destroy the sexual purity and innocence of a child, and then do it over and over again.. this is not only accepted, but normalized!
Absolutely horrific that the Babylonian Masonic System attempts to cover this up. Their oaths are to cover up each other's crimes. Many are just demons in human skin. Once you are fully aware that this is happening, in masonic households, lodges, churches, camps, by catholic priests and jesuits... you cannot "un-know" it.
This is the culture we live in?!?!!!
If the American people (the ones who know Jesus Christ as their God, and aren't deceived by satan's armies) acknowledge that this culture is truly evil and begin to stop playing along with the Military Masons traumatizing HUMAN BEINGS, then there can be a conscious decision to choose a better way. The wide path is the one where everyone plays make-believe that being traumatized is normal! The ones who run the system have names... not souls. They hide in the shadows, but they and their demonic army of slaves can never stop the truth from rising.
Child abuse via molestation and sodomy is not only widespread but necessary for membership in the Big Club dedicated to their "god" of sexual debauchery - in layman's terms they are a club of paedophile psychopaths.
This explains the symbolism of Gangsta Rap Culture of black males (and all who are snared by this culture regardless of skin color, but is more prevalent among blacks) who wear their pants down below their behinds to show their underwear... this symbolism refers to the fact that they are ready for their masters to come and bend them over anytime they want for sex. It is a sex slavery symbol. Through it, the individual is telling you their master is satan /osiris /set, the god of this world. They serve the same god as the big G club who initiate members with sodomy!
In return for them choosing to sell out their bodies to satan, they are rewarded with positions of worldly power...politicians, police, narcotics trafficking, pimps, and given cars, jewelry, houses, whatever they want... fame and fortune. They took satan's bribe.... Their symbolism is pervasive throughout this Babylon culture of depravity.
God the true Creator of the Heavens and the Earth tells US that our bodies are temples.
To keep them holy, because this is where the Holy Spirit comes to dwell and live through us!
That is why the evil of rape, sodomy, and sexual abuse of an infant child or teen is an abomination to our Lord! This is happening every day and nothing is being done about it!!
These psychotic Luciferians destroy the sexual purity and innocence of a child, and then do it over and over again.. this is not only accepted, but normalized!
Absolutely horrific that the Babylonian Masonic System attempts to cover this up. Their oaths are to cover up each other's crimes. Many are just demons in human skin. Once you are fully aware that this is happening, in masonic households, lodges, churches, camps, by catholic priests and jesuits... you cannot "un-know" it.
This is the culture we live in?!?!!!
If the American people (the ones who know Jesus Christ as their God, and aren't deceived by satan's armies) acknowledge that this culture is truly evil and begin to stop playing along with the Military Masons traumatizing HUMAN BEINGS, then there can be a conscious decision to choose a better way. The wide path is the one where everyone plays make-believe that being traumatized is normal! The ones who run the system have names... not souls. They hide in the shadows, but they and their demonic army of slaves can never stop the truth from rising.
Masonic Mafia State, Sheriff & Crime Enforcement
The Big G Club of Pedophiles, Terrorists and Murderers who have taken oaths to Lucifer. They are enemies of Christ, as all of us Persecuted Souls are enemies of the state.
Think twice before giving blind obedience or respect to these psychopaths with badges and govt jobs... an honest Christ-loving truck driver is more worthy of respect than these shills! May Americans wake up to this horror in our midst, and keep these sodomites away from our children!