2024 Masonic 'TI' Program
This webpage serves as the hub for TI Program Activity at our new home in Butler County, OH.... the same county where I have been persecuted heavily since 2017 - and even as a young person in my teens and 20s. Ohio is one of the states with the highest percentage of masons/luciferians. Many local covens operate here in tandem, as they are all 'members' of the body of satan's kingdom. (Original OHIO Domestic Terrorism)
The masonic/jesuit NWO is founded upon the ancient religion of human sacrifice... and the current one we have in the modern-day, 'covert' human trafficking program... This is one reason why God's Anointed have been persecuted and hunted down as 'prey' to false gods (ex. Moloch/Ba'al) for millennia.
These bloodlines (edomites, seed of cain, surviving offspring of nephilim) practice cannibalism. At least some of the Nephilim demons and their evils are protected in deep underground military bases. Human sacrifice continues today, and if you dare to find out the truth and share this information - as any decent human being would to save undocumented children's lives - this Big Club will come after you. They are evil incarnate. They are FARMING human beings.
And we, according to Scripture are the Light of the world. We carry God's Light - which shines in the face of every demonic spirit and the agenda of the kingdom of darkness on Earth.
No 'normal' human being born into this world is going to believe that our society is run by these monsters... those who ingest human beings and drink blood.
So, they ensured a state-mandated indoctrination system was put into place to control all human 'history' and beliefs. It goes way beyond child sex abuse and that is unthinkable!! The wicked are only putting small pieces out on mainstream 'news' and most are mere distractions, but it is all varying degrees of deception.
All of their representatives (big club members) put into positions of power as gatekeepers.
TV Programming and films that glorify depravity have conditioned minds for many decades now. Most of what is being done and is gotten away with can be found in Hollywood films and passed off as 'fiction,' although this is too hard of a pill for most Americans to swallow.
Those of us who have been persecuted by the Beast system operating under lucifer/satan's command on Earth should rest assured knowing that when this many resources are utilized in attempts to destroy us and our very potential, we are indwelled by the same Holy Spirit Christ Is! It is an age-old war, a spiritual battle that continues against Christ's bloodline and his beloved Bride, the true remnant Church.
When we are experiencing the psychological operation assignments and other forms of covert persecution the SYMBOLISM used by all CBAs, no matter what geographical location we're in, is one of the keys to recognizing it for what it is. It's also much easier to prove, because the community-based agents have the same training from COPS TI Program via Fusion Centers (FBI/Military).
The modern THUG society's infrastructure is built upon lies and bloodshed.
Common CBA/Perp Symbolism:
Here in our home back in Ohio this year, the TI Program occultists are using CRIMINAL TRESPASSING as one of their main tactics, in conjunction with the usual psy-op tactics. God is calling His People up and out of the ruling anti-Christ society on Earth, not to join in their reindeer games.... but to speak Life and live Christ.
The STAR of REMPHAN Anti-Christ pedophile network utilizes their mafia resources ... but, woe to them for the Blood of Jesus Christ covers me every day. I am redeemed. I am justified. I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and satan is a liar. The Babylonian 'roman empire' state system only has lying accusations (slander) and murder at their disposal. Christ fully defeated satan and his armies on the Cross of Calvary! Praise GOD!
The masonic/jesuit NWO is founded upon the ancient religion of human sacrifice... and the current one we have in the modern-day, 'covert' human trafficking program... This is one reason why God's Anointed have been persecuted and hunted down as 'prey' to false gods (ex. Moloch/Ba'al) for millennia.
These bloodlines (edomites, seed of cain, surviving offspring of nephilim) practice cannibalism. At least some of the Nephilim demons and their evils are protected in deep underground military bases. Human sacrifice continues today, and if you dare to find out the truth and share this information - as any decent human being would to save undocumented children's lives - this Big Club will come after you. They are evil incarnate. They are FARMING human beings.
And we, according to Scripture are the Light of the world. We carry God's Light - which shines in the face of every demonic spirit and the agenda of the kingdom of darkness on Earth.
No 'normal' human being born into this world is going to believe that our society is run by these monsters... those who ingest human beings and drink blood.
So, they ensured a state-mandated indoctrination system was put into place to control all human 'history' and beliefs. It goes way beyond child sex abuse and that is unthinkable!! The wicked are only putting small pieces out on mainstream 'news' and most are mere distractions, but it is all varying degrees of deception.
All of their representatives (big club members) put into positions of power as gatekeepers.
TV Programming and films that glorify depravity have conditioned minds for many decades now. Most of what is being done and is gotten away with can be found in Hollywood films and passed off as 'fiction,' although this is too hard of a pill for most Americans to swallow.
Those of us who have been persecuted by the Beast system operating under lucifer/satan's command on Earth should rest assured knowing that when this many resources are utilized in attempts to destroy us and our very potential, we are indwelled by the same Holy Spirit Christ Is! It is an age-old war, a spiritual battle that continues against Christ's bloodline and his beloved Bride, the true remnant Church.
When we are experiencing the psychological operation assignments and other forms of covert persecution the SYMBOLISM used by all CBAs, no matter what geographical location we're in, is one of the keys to recognizing it for what it is. It's also much easier to prove, because the community-based agents have the same training from COPS TI Program via Fusion Centers (FBI/Military).
The modern THUG society's infrastructure is built upon lies and bloodshed.
Common CBA/Perp Symbolism:
- Bending over and/or down to the ground to pick something up - even if nothing's there - the action, like mafia hand symbolism, is the communication of who they serve.
- The symbol represents their getting paid. They financially/materially "profit" from persecuting Targeted Individuals. It also represents the 'gangsta' mob satanism where they wear their pants down below their rear-end to show their allegiance to the Military/Masonic SODOMY Club showing they are willing to be bent over and take it (sexually) for any mafia member of a higher rank. They are slaves to satan/osiris/ba'al/moloch. - Flicking lighters or repeatedly flashing lights on/off - sometimes up to the face, sometimes pointed down to the ground or on a house, often in and around vehicles, with or without a 'probable cause' excuse, but within the vicinity of TI's residence. This lighter flickering or 'LIGHT SHOWS' are used because it is fire... the FIERY FURNACE of Daniel chapter 3 in Scripture is what all true Persecuted Souls are dealing with. We do not bow down to the god of this world.
- This symbol represents their allegiance to the false light lucifer, the god of this world. The satanic mob, hivemind do not belong to Christ and have chosen to align with the wicked who mock the true Light and Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
We, rather are ambassadors for Christ on Earth, going through persecution by the already set-up antiChrist (Babylonian) SYSTEM.
Here in our home back in Ohio this year, the TI Program occultists are using CRIMINAL TRESPASSING as one of their main tactics, in conjunction with the usual psy-op tactics. God is calling His People up and out of the ruling anti-Christ society on Earth, not to join in their reindeer games.... but to speak Life and live Christ.
The STAR of REMPHAN Anti-Christ pedophile network utilizes their mafia resources ... but, woe to them for the Blood of Jesus Christ covers me every day. I am redeemed. I am justified. I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and satan is a liar. The Babylonian 'roman empire' state system only has lying accusations (slander) and murder at their disposal. Christ fully defeated satan and his armies on the Cross of Calvary! Praise GOD!
In 2024, there is enough Christ Light shining that the wicked know they will either have to kill us all - or be ready for true accountability!!
May the TRUTH be established on the Earth, now and forever.
Keep in mind one of the main intentions of the covert COPS TI Program black-ops military operation is to "break down" the human being they are targeting. The resident Community-Based-Agents (CBAs) - which comprise of the closest neighbors, sub-contractors, state/county employees, mercenaries, and any member of the luciferian 'Big Club' - are equipped by satan's mob to carry out the domestic terrorism assignments. Plausible deniability is what they are aiming for while colluding to "neutralize" and destroy a perceived threat to the kingdom of darkness.
They choose to engage in domestic terrorism against US Citizens who are not accused of any crimes.
This extrajudicial "punishment" carried out by the state is TREASON.
All of the evidence uploaded through the present day is copyrighted reporting of this treason, which can and will be used as evidence in a court of law - international or otherwise when it is applicable. All of the documentation from every year, including all videos, images, written reporting, along with all timestamped documentation, is public information for the other millions of innocent blacklisted human beings, and for those who are confederate against us working through the state, as exhibit A+.
I have many thousands of non-published videos and images of the ongoing crimes which fall under this domestic terrorism black budget program, which too can and will be used for proving this treason in our nation.
Due to the INTERNET being used for gathering of TI Program activity, Spectrum, and all internet providers across the USA, partner with the Intel running the contract hit against local blacklisted Citizens. In July 2024, there was a text sent that 'upgrades' are needed which will be going on overnight to knock out internet and home system from obtaining footage of their crimes for 1 week. During this timeframe, there will be written documentation of activity only, since they don't like being exposed via actual evidence as I have been doing since 2019.
The format of monthly documentation will be changed this year (2024) to uploading for specific tactics and by military strategy used.Timestamps and dates will remain. April 2024 assignments are numerous, and will be linked to from here.
One thing that these organized criminals - which comprise satan's AI hybrid hivemind army - believe is that we who are being persecuted are as prideful as they are... but they are sadly mistaken. They assume that no TI would publish videos of where they live... they think we are as arrogant or concerned what others think of us as they are because THEY LIVE IN FEAR. But we do not have a spirit of fear, as it is written.
God is our refuge Saints, and as always stay sober and vigilant because the enemy of our Souls roams the Earth seeking whom he may devour.
May the TRUTH be established on the Earth, now and forever.
Keep in mind one of the main intentions of the covert COPS TI Program black-ops military operation is to "break down" the human being they are targeting. The resident Community-Based-Agents (CBAs) - which comprise of the closest neighbors, sub-contractors, state/county employees, mercenaries, and any member of the luciferian 'Big Club' - are equipped by satan's mob to carry out the domestic terrorism assignments. Plausible deniability is what they are aiming for while colluding to "neutralize" and destroy a perceived threat to the kingdom of darkness.
They choose to engage in domestic terrorism against US Citizens who are not accused of any crimes.
This extrajudicial "punishment" carried out by the state is TREASON.
All of the evidence uploaded through the present day is copyrighted reporting of this treason, which can and will be used as evidence in a court of law - international or otherwise when it is applicable. All of the documentation from every year, including all videos, images, written reporting, along with all timestamped documentation, is public information for the other millions of innocent blacklisted human beings, and for those who are confederate against us working through the state, as exhibit A+.
I have many thousands of non-published videos and images of the ongoing crimes which fall under this domestic terrorism black budget program, which too can and will be used for proving this treason in our nation.
Due to the INTERNET being used for gathering of TI Program activity, Spectrum, and all internet providers across the USA, partner with the Intel running the contract hit against local blacklisted Citizens. In July 2024, there was a text sent that 'upgrades' are needed which will be going on overnight to knock out internet and home system from obtaining footage of their crimes for 1 week. During this timeframe, there will be written documentation of activity only, since they don't like being exposed via actual evidence as I have been doing since 2019.
The format of monthly documentation will be changed this year (2024) to uploading for specific tactics and by military strategy used.Timestamps and dates will remain. April 2024 assignments are numerous, and will be linked to from here.
One thing that these organized criminals - which comprise satan's AI hybrid hivemind army - believe is that we who are being persecuted are as prideful as they are... but they are sadly mistaken. They assume that no TI would publish videos of where they live... they think we are as arrogant or concerned what others think of us as they are because THEY LIVE IN FEAR. But we do not have a spirit of fear, as it is written.
God is our refuge Saints, and as always stay sober and vigilant because the enemy of our Souls roams the Earth seeking whom he may devour.
Ohio Mobile Home Community
This community owner's allegiance is on display at the mailbox area... for those familiar with occult symbolism.
Normal-sized, same color numbers for all mailboxes except for... 322. Rather obvious! This kind of symbology is everywhere too, 'hidden in plain sight.'
The Big Club all speak in code which the general public have become aware of in the past 10 years.
The fusion centers regularly coordinate their COPS TI Program assignments at 3:22, 1:44, 1:04, 10:04 (10:4 COPS Program). Also, sent at times that correlate with personal/family birthdays and calendar dates. This is an old Psychological Warfare (Psy-op) tactic and proof of the Pagan/Luciferian nature from where the organized crimes are sent from. Satanic Rituals are done at specific RITUAL numerology modern Roman clock times. Nimrod/Babylon human sacrifice society.
The owners of this organized criminal haven 'community' do not enforce ANY rules whatsoever and management lies to residents that there are rules here.
This is no different actually then the 'middle-class' suburban neighborhood I lived in before we left Ohio in 2018. The communities hide their crimes and carry out systemic persecution with slight variances depending upon the neighborhood, but ORGANIZED CRIME is still the infrastructure of EVERY neighborhood.
Occult symbolism is one of the the main matrix codes running in our modern human culture. When you learn their 'language' you will find it everywhere...
What breaks their deception is love. Real Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, and every Fruit of the Spirit!
Normal-sized, same color numbers for all mailboxes except for... 322. Rather obvious! This kind of symbology is everywhere too, 'hidden in plain sight.'
The Big Club all speak in code which the general public have become aware of in the past 10 years.
The fusion centers regularly coordinate their COPS TI Program assignments at 3:22, 1:44, 1:04, 10:04 (10:4 COPS Program). Also, sent at times that correlate with personal/family birthdays and calendar dates. This is an old Psychological Warfare (Psy-op) tactic and proof of the Pagan/Luciferian nature from where the organized crimes are sent from. Satanic Rituals are done at specific RITUAL numerology modern Roman clock times. Nimrod/Babylon human sacrifice society.
The owners of this organized criminal haven 'community' do not enforce ANY rules whatsoever and management lies to residents that there are rules here.
This is no different actually then the 'middle-class' suburban neighborhood I lived in before we left Ohio in 2018. The communities hide their crimes and carry out systemic persecution with slight variances depending upon the neighborhood, but ORGANIZED CRIME is still the infrastructure of EVERY neighborhood.
Occult symbolism is one of the the main matrix codes running in our modern human culture. When you learn their 'language' you will find it everywhere...
What breaks their deception is love. Real Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, and every Fruit of the Spirit!
The Sheriff Department's Shooting / Firing Range is behind the railroad tracks, directly across the river on the other side of this over 500-lot mobile home community. There is an abandoned building out front which looks like a squatters haven, possibly utilized in the past for human trafficking. They have certain vehicles parked there in conjunction with the Sheriff vehicles using this lot in front of wasted real estate and acreage. The 'maintenance men' who read the water meters, drive by coincidentally during harassment assignments and for the owner using trucks that all have Michigan plates where he is located, rather than Ohio plates. Lots of pretense, pretty landscaping and operating 'above the law' ... which can sadly be found everywhere since the CIA (with foreign interests) took over America decades ago.
"“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness." - Matthew 23:27
There is a neighborhood west of here with some dirt roads behind the subdivision going back towards the river where from the top view, several more abandoned buildings with abandoned cars are parked all around them. Any gunshots or firing taking place there could easily be mistaken for the firing range and ignored. Organized criminals cover all their bases, most of the time. The wicked, however, mistakenly believe that they will get away with their crimes indefinitely because 1. they always have and 2. they OWN the people running the system (FBI, cops, judges, etc).
These are the days when enough people KNOW what the truth is ... AND, care enough to say and do something about it.
Fearmongering and intimidation tactics will only work for so long on truly enSouled Human Beings made in the image of God Almighty.
The Light of Christ shines far brighter than the darkness they tried to cloak themselves with. The days of deception are almost done!!
Unfortunately, many humans do not want to be 'unplugged' as Morpheus indicated in The Matrix, but would rather defend a system that enslaves them.
"“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness." - Matthew 23:27
There is a neighborhood west of here with some dirt roads behind the subdivision going back towards the river where from the top view, several more abandoned buildings with abandoned cars are parked all around them. Any gunshots or firing taking place there could easily be mistaken for the firing range and ignored. Organized criminals cover all their bases, most of the time. The wicked, however, mistakenly believe that they will get away with their crimes indefinitely because 1. they always have and 2. they OWN the people running the system (FBI, cops, judges, etc).
These are the days when enough people KNOW what the truth is ... AND, care enough to say and do something about it.
Fearmongering and intimidation tactics will only work for so long on truly enSouled Human Beings made in the image of God Almighty.
The Light of Christ shines far brighter than the darkness they tried to cloak themselves with. The days of deception are almost done!!
Unfortunately, many humans do not want to be 'unplugged' as Morpheus indicated in The Matrix, but would rather defend a system that enslaves them.
The matrix is detected and seen through - when our eyes are fully opened by the Holy Spirit - when the proverbial 'scales' fall from our eyes.
From this place you are seeing from the heart. The matrix is an artificial intelligence overlay 'realm' constructed on top of our beautiful Earth by the adherents of the fallen angels and kingdom of darkness. It is much denser in cities. When Christ sets you free, you can see it and live life outside of it. Anyone truly freed from this satanic construct that enslaves and exploits God's Creation is a threat to its reign, and the brute squad goons (Mr. Smith) are sent to destroy and kill. The mind has been successfully programmed when it defends the matrix anti-Christ system that does evil in the name of God. These people fight, torture and kill to defend it. They are collectively as Saul hunting David or the roman soldiers that crucified Christ. They obey their master satan and are blind to any spiritual reality. |
2024 TI Program Journalism:
January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
(monthly documentation ended)
Sheriff Documentation
HQ2 Documentation
HQ4 Documentation
COPS TI Program
Community-Based Agent (CBA) TI Program MANUAL
Psychological Operation Tactics
Worship God (in the midst of the Fire) - Sing Praise!