July 2023
Video and Photo evidence and documentation of Masonic Dagger Program in Leon County, FL.
On July 22, 2023 a vehicle with Maryland plates showed up to the house next door to the one of the main CBAs, so DC has come for a visit!
There was a whole lot of "interesting" activity on this day 7/22/23 still to upload. I will continue to tell the truth all the days of my life regardless of satan's proxy harassment via TI Program. HQ Property had a pit bull "delivered" on July 30, 2023. Very essential part of sticking to the TI Program Manual!
HQ Property Perp's vehicle being used since March 2023 for theater, assignments and noise harassment is a red camaro that was brought in with brand new plates in March 2023.
The Program provides very specific vehicles free of charge to all the willing thugs and local criminals.
On July 22, 2023 a vehicle with Maryland plates showed up to the house next door to the one of the main CBAs, so DC has come for a visit!
There was a whole lot of "interesting" activity on this day 7/22/23 still to upload. I will continue to tell the truth all the days of my life regardless of satan's proxy harassment via TI Program. HQ Property had a pit bull "delivered" on July 30, 2023. Very essential part of sticking to the TI Program Manual!
HQ Property Perp's vehicle being used since March 2023 for theater, assignments and noise harassment is a red camaro that was brought in with brand new plates in March 2023.
The Program provides very specific vehicles free of charge to all the willing thugs and local criminals.
July 30th, 2023 and July 31, 2023
10:28pm - Perp in white sedan speeds past HQ Property, drives in reverse 30 seconds later. Vehicle pulls into HQ Property driveway. 10:42pm - Gray SUV pulls into HQ Property driveway. Same vehicle from 7/15/23 12:46am entry below. Scraping and unusual noise coming from vehicle. The next morning heard a pit bull barking excessively, obviously traumatized that had been unloaded there. Dog was left in a crate all night (and the next day with heat indices over 115 degrees). Video of one with visual and one of audio. 11:48pm - Black vehicle pulls into HQ Property driveway. Perp remains in vehicle. A few minutes later, vehicle exits the premises. July 31 7:08pm - Perp in brown truck parks outside HQ Property. See video footage on 8/1/23 of this perp. |
July 16, 2023 - HQ Property Theater and Activity during residential section of Leon County noise ordinance time period, that is not being enforced. Activity examples here detailed in The Program.
2:30am - Red Camaro Perp parks outside HQ Property. Video footage. Video footage. Vehicle exits premises at 2:37am. |
July 15, 2023 - HQ Property Theater and Activity during residential section of Leon County noise ordinance time period, that is not being enforced. Activity examples here detailed in The Program
3:23am - Red Camaro Perp parks in front of HQ Property. Video footage. 1:08 AM - Red Camaro Perp at HQ Property driveway. Exits HQ Property at 1:15am 12:45am - Grey SUV pulls horizontally into HQ Property's driveway. Video footage. 9:55pm - Navy SUV enters HQ Property driveway. CBA vehicle crosses HQ Property. Navy SUV exits the HQ Property driveway. |