In these last days, the wicked are indeed waxing worse and worse, as Scripture teaches. The deep state bloodlines and luciferian secret society roster know that their house of cards, the worldly matrix built on lies and violence, will eventually topple and is currently self-imploding. The LIGHT has already won, and Christ is the True Light. This is how the ANTI-CHRIST System operates in America: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - J. Goebbels My experience as a TI, undergoing covert persecution has shown me that there is no evil one working for Satan will not do against a child of God, or even to one of their own. The Light of God shines brighter now because this veil of unconsciousness over how the system really works is removed. By threats, violence, bribery, and murder the web of lies is held together in Satan's demonic hierarchy. Those who are boldly walking in Christ's authority are slandered and targeted as this is not our true home. Since the Masonic Silent Dagger program followed me down here to the FL panhandle, I chose to begin documenting this activity, and found out much more than I wanted to about the demonic criminals here. Currently, there are territorial spirits, spirits of addiction, spirits of hate, spirits of oppression, spirits of drug addiction/trafficking, gang activity and masonic mafia attempting to harm me daily, But, the blood of Jesus Christ is between us and against them! God has His hand upon me. They attempt psychological operations (psyops) and intimidation tactics every day (all true TIs can relate), but God has shown me everything, and I am not afraid. Black Magick Witchcraft in high places is used against those who belong to the Creator... to no avail. Their works are destroyed and fruitless. Much of the Spiritual Warfare is being done from realms beyond 3D also. This is why "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal... but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!" (2Cor 10:4) These human sacrifice cult psychopaths have been using fear tactics and black magick against people in the know since the beginning. But, they weren't prepared for the type of LIGHT coming in from God's Remnant at this time. Those who know what Jesus Christ really taught and embody His Spirit and LOVE. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the true Master... and every tongue will confess, and every knee will bow. All manner of evil is being protected by the Babylonian / Satanic system we were born into. The reason crimes continue is because of those who control the system and kill those who speak out. The article below is related to the Quail Ridge Federal Planned Unit Development on the FL/GA border. FBI & CIA contractors, plus the masonic mafia operate trafficking in and out from the Georgia side through the Florida entrance/exit. They have thugs, mercenaries, and hired beta bullies doing their demonic assignments here. Lots of black people wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts are a frequent sight... and those of us who research know they are a Terrorist Organization. The Masonic BOULE Foundation and Eastern Star Witches are all here as well. It's quite a show! Caucasians who don't belong to satan, be aware of this evil in your midst! This article is from 2019 yet the Trafficking continues in 2021. The fact that their newspaper is called "democrat" is a big giveaway about the deep state presence and agendas in Leon and Gadsden Counties. There are also demons working through politicians in every political group. Puppets dancing for the public. In Quail Ridge, neither Gadsden County FL nor Grady County GA "law enforcement" enforce anything other than crime. In fact drug mafia and drug dealers/thugs drive and walk up and down Quail Ridge Rd in plain daylight doing their "business." There are several "families" who live in the front on FL side and the very end (GA side) of QR who terrorize residents here, besides the drug mafia themselves. Quail Ridge claims to have an HOA, but it is just a cover for their criminal activity. Even their own commissioner over this area in Gadsden County who was brought out during one of their staged theater attacks (psyops) admitted something as a threat... he said "you know almost all the black people in the south are related to each other." He wanted me to know the inner workings of their slander/lies/counterfeit authority circus ring going on down here along with their partnership with Jehovah's Witnesses. These are all slaves to satan. For if they knew God the Creator, they would serve Him, but the master they serve is clearly shown in their deeds and behavior. The antiChrist system protects those who serve satan through ritual abuse. God has a purpose for the exposure of this Demonic Stronghold, as He had a purpose for exposing the wicked freemason in Ohio. And remember, this particular club for Satanists vow to cover up each other's crimes or be killed. That's one reason why a freemason is never a real Christian... although they pretend to be, and have completely infiltrated the Christian church, and call each other, "Brother." God's will be done and every captive set free. Thank you all for agreeing with me in Jesus Christ's precious name and by His Authority, that this CIA/FBI trafficking operation is busted, the covert persecution exposed and dismantled by God's people and those in positions to do good. DeSantis' wife did a PR piece (July 2022) with Gadsden County Sheriff in more attempts to cover up the Federal Trafficking operation on the Gadsden County, FL and Grady County, GA line. The truth destroys every lie. A sheriff's department informant let his friend know that he was put on this Targeted Individual list and how it works. These are the FACTS about this Domestic Terrorism Program: Evidence I have collected 7+ years worth of personal targeting and harassment evidence. (Videos and Images)
This information is my copyright protected information that is available for my attorney team and Constitutional TI groups working to end this TREASON in America overseen by Mafia's "Intelligence" Agencies. There are MILLIONS of Targeted Individuals who were loaded onto the scam "terrorist list" by those within the Satanic Organized Crime Network of Freemasons / Luciferians, who created a CONTRACT "Hit" ... and this is DOMESTIC TERRORISM. Globalist funded. ZERSETZUNG here in the USA. Daily Entries can be found at : March 2020 Trafficking Trucks Target Turnarounds | Frequency Warfare July 2021 | May/June 2021 | August 2021 | September 2021 | October 2021 November 2021 | December 2021 2022 2023 November 2023 - Back to OHIO The sheer magnitude of evil acts and crimes against Humanity that have been going on for .... ? perhaps since the beginning of time, is truly unfathomable. Currently, the country I was born in, the United States of America (USA) is being subverted by mafia/communism and pure antiChrist activity. This year's events were certainly orchestrated by the ones who use "Order out of Chaos" as their motto. Kabbalists/Satanists all serve an agenda that is foreign to those with good hearts and have relationship with the true, Living God and the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Love thy neighbor as thyself and do not bear false witness (do not lie), are staples in our Spiritual diet! It is the complete opposite of what the current god of this world and his followers do.... they lie, slander, and do harm to their neighbors! The wheat and the tares are truly separating for all to see. "Ye shall know them by their fruits." People who make anything in their lives more important than God are practicing idolatry. This world system is set up to reward the liars, cheaters, and murderers while persecuting those who walk in the Spirit, who obey God, who choose the narrow path... and certainly those who tell the truth. Honesty is one of the first obvious Fruits of the Spirit. Those who choose to not bear false witness, as God commands are considered some sort of anomaly here in the modern world. This is likely why Christians are encouraged not to "grow weary in well-doing" because as we see the world's adherents to satanic culture wax worse and worse, it is possible to grow disheartened by so much evil. God has called us OUT of the world for a reason and His people stand out because they don't look anything like the rest of the world. We are molded more daily into Christ's character if we allow the Holy Spirit to do this work in us. While those without a saving knowledge of God continue to be transformed into more arrogant, rude, self-centered, greedy base humans. It is one or the other at this hour. You are either growing in Grace and in the character of Jesus Christ, or you are growing to look more like Satan every day. Those who call themselves Spiritual are on a the right path... but if they like the rest of the world just sit back and watch as evil deeds are done right in front of their eyes, then what kind of spirit is in them? The Spirit of Courage and Bravery is needed for every American who wants to retain any of their Constitutional Rights because there are puppeteers right now playing with their marionettes stomping all over our perceived rights. "For God hasn't given us a Spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 so all the people I see living in fear right now across America must have a spirit that does not come from the true, living God. That needs to be addressed immediately. The author of confusion and of fear is the devil. I do not bow to satanic rule or satanic minions who impose satanic "law" which is contrary to the word of God. I take my orders from King Jesus and every single saved Soul that knows our true calling does the same. We are in a Spiritual war my friends. Put on your armor. Ephesians 6 ♥ Mind control programming has been used against the American populace since after WWII through television, movies, social institutions, public education, and religious institutions also. Research into the criminal activities of American and Israeli intelligence agencies and military, plus other nations will inform a person into the true workings of elitists. Since so many people have trusted in media without questioning they experience cognitive dissonance when presented with evidence that counters their long-held belief systems.
One of the most important aspects of this entire satanic Silent Dagger program is to make the "target" appear completely crazy. If a target had credibility then their entire web of lies falls apart. The Intel community through Fusion Centers creates a False Dossier / fake documentation so there is an outward appearance of a necessity to put the target under illegal 24/7 surveillance. All residents in the community and neighborhood are informed that the target is a threat and told to only interact with target per their instructions. Slandering and lying about a target is the main issue of importance to isolate a target... and get the neighbors to go along with the persecution of the target. These seemingly legitimate Intel contractors who work directly for the Synagogue of Satan, have pulled up whatever possible "dirt" or compromising information possible on the target to portray them as a criminal or danger. They will show these doctored photos and documents to all the neighbors so there can be no question about their slander / smear campaign. Most people go along with it, or are bribed to. The link to the entire Manual on community-based targeting is here to read: For me when I moved to this neighborhood I had just been traumatized to the max by this Masonic Silent Dagger Program in Ohio, I had gotten past the fear consciousness but was still in shock. And no wonder, having found out that this covert persecution is actually Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)!! The abuse comes in many forms. Each target's abuse is tailored for their personal triggers. The Manual above goes into greater detail. I will be adding videos and more details soon as today 09/17/2020 the frequency warfare and targeting by perps is in overdrive now that I have created this website. These satanists are mad as hell... pun intended :) Greetings in the glorious name of Jesus Christ,
I started a daily blog of the targeting activity at my home and throughout my day in March of 2020 at - this blog I am moving here. All of the blog posts are titled with the date. Here they may appear out of order chronologically but at least the dates will show so each vid/image and details will provide a clear picture of my experience as well as provide information for Targeted Individuals and the true Church of God who will recognize this persecution from scripture, as it is the same one the Pharisees used against Jesus. The same ruling class he came against are still operating from the shadows, and still using money to bribe, blackmail, and compensate its participants. Although the Masonic Silent Dagger program (aka "The white glove treatment") began heavily in 2017, my comprehension of what was happening wasn't complete until I turned back to Jesus after looking in a variety of places for answers. I had been saved and baptized in 2000, and God will allow His children to wander with our free will, but never too far that we are ever out of His reach! Glory and praise to God forever! It is so much more than lies/slander/smear campaigns, gangstalking, harassment, psyops, and illegal surveillance... though all of this is used against those of us marked as a threat to their one world satanic system. I was focused on who the obvious players were involved... Masons "freemasons" are the key Mafia used as spies and enforcers of those who are truly God's children. CIA/FBI/DOD/Sheriffs/Fusion Centers are all participants. Black freemasons, "black nobility" Boule, as well as all Eastern Star members and so many other organizations are are involved as well ... and we are seeing them used by the Synagogue of Satan more every week now! Masons at the top worship Lucifer. This is verified by many sources I will add here later... But learning how the false god of this world operates through deception helped put the last pieces of the puzzle together for me. Former FBI Director Ted Gunderson has irrefutable proof of the satanic ritual abuse (SRA) going on throughout America and gave many presentations which can still be accessed on YouTube. He was eventually murdered as is typical Synagogue of Satan policy. These reprobate people are the children of Satan/Lucifer who scripture tells us is the father of lies... a murderer from the beginning. Those involved in human trafficking, pedophilia, adrenochrome harvesting, and cannibalism are still serving this evil being today! This is sadly not fiction, and more people are waking up to the truth of the world's system every day. Because I knew about the Luciferian nature of this "brotherhood" it made it easier to see the Spiritual truth of the Targeted Individual program. To the masons, you are considered a Sacrifice to their god satan, and if you kill yourself - they believe they will gain more power. That's how the worldly elite rule because satan gives them power through their blood sacrifices to him. This Targeted Individual Covert Persecution is actually a form of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)! Everything clicked once God showed me this!! The place I discovered I was being targeting was in the Cincinnati/Dayton Ohio area. I lived next door to an older couple who gave their house to his son a few years later who was a Freemason. His aura reeked of evil. He continually would try to stare me down and make me feel intimidated while I was outside doing yard work. I knew spiritually he was totally bankrupt. When I observed him you could see that he was hunched over in guilt about his wicked works. He actually came to my door one day and accused me of having a problem with him and to come tell it to his face. (Typical of high-level criminals to accuse their victims of what they have done themselves.) I had researched the inner workings of Masonry and the Brotherhood of the Snake over 10 years before this guy became my "neighbor." I knew who he represented from the start. Christians cannot be masons without denouncing the true God for the god of masonry, Lucifer - the fallen angel. The new initiates to their craft are lied to for the first 3 degrees and by the time they get to the 9th level there are secret oaths to murder people and always conceal the crimes of the brethren, or they themselves will be murdered through satanic ritual sacrifice. These people who have sold their souls to Lucifer have infiltrated every organization and social mechanism in our society. They choose to use tactics such as harassment, intimidation, and violence because they do not have Jesus to know what truth is. They are bound to the oaths taken to carry out evil works in exchange for temporal material gain. One day, not long after Halloween in 2017 - a high satanic occult holiday - that we did not participate in, I came home to see a butcher knife left in my driveway. I called to report it to the police and this woman cop showed up at my house, picked the knife up and proceeded to walk with the knife facing toward me as though she was going to stab me. She walked all the way to my front door still holding the knife outward pointed toward me. She then says "Touch it." over and over. I refused. She then says its a fake, plastic knife. But she didn't take the crime /witchcraft of it being left there on purpose seriously... and now I know why. In fact, my cameras caught the old man that put it there. He was a mason and carried out his demonic assignment as they all do, retired or otherwise, and nothing ever happened.
That is only 1 example of harassment at my home in Ohio but the one that I now can correlate with the gangstalking, MK Ultra program. It is called the Silent Dagger and is a Masonic program of covert persecution AND a form of satanic ritual abuse. All true TIs are being persecuted through this ancient masonic program. In Jesus' day, they were known as Pharisees. Greetings,
I have been keeping documentation of targeting activity in my life and at my residence for several years and daily since March of 2020. I have been using a WordPress Blog and will be transitioning that blog over to this website piece by piece. Having discovered the Spiritual nature of the program - targeted4Jesus - and that these entities are carrying out a demonic assignment helped fill in the gap in terms of my comprehension in 2020. This has been quite a year of clear vision for the entire world I believe! This journal is for recording, documenting, and uploading evidence of the targeting I experience daily. It may also be used to upload more information about the TI program in general or information that will be helpful to other true TIs. |
Daughter of the Most High Solution: Today’s COINTELPRO has to be exposed and abolished, with the perpetrators prosecuted. That Executive Order permitting PsyOps needs to be repealed.
Fusion Centers need to be publicly questioned and prosecuted. Community Based Participatory Research run on military contracts, whether classified or not, needs to be publicly questioned by human rights groups, its ties to COINTELPRO exposed, and terminated. The entire Watch program has to be opened up, exposed, audited, challenged, ended. Hold the FBI, DHS, JTRIG, and local fusion centers accountable. Hold DARPA, CIA, DIA, NSA, their private contractors, and all Universities assisting on such contracts accountable. - Dr. Eric Karlstrom ArchivesCategories |