Gadsden County, FL Targeting
They don't know the love of Jesus Christ and vehemently wish to destroy those who have the Testimony of Christ. When a true Christian walks in love and the authority of Christ on Earth, fear is cast out. The entire satanic, false paradigm operates through keeping people in fear. Frequency warfare is aimed at everyone to keep them in this mental state, and even moreso at TI's persecuted covertly as 'enemies of the state.'
My targeting likely began much earlier than I remember it had, but in Ohio it ramped up in 2017. In Ohio around 2009, I beat a cop in court that gave me a frivolous ticket. My attorney did a fantastic job of speaking the truth and the court pushed us out to be the last case that day, I imagine because they knew they were in the wrong. The city plowed my mailbox down by "accident" after a large snowfall the same year. I started my design shop around the same time, that has an anti-military-industrial-complex and pro-Humanity, pro-animals, and Pro-God's Creation theme. My home was between two masonic lodge members, there!
There were mostly masons and Catholics in this neighborhood, which I later came to discover is who runs the USA...
Vatican Assassins and masonic foot soldiers to "enforce" the matrix system of organized crime.
I moved to Florida in 2018. I will cover the Ohio activity and persecution on another webpage. Do keep in mind that this is a widespread program with hundreds of thousands of us who have come forth with testimonies of this covert Program.
That is why it is called COVERT persecution, although their actions are very overt, they are supposed to be considered "deniable," according to their own manual.
Only minds able to recognize patterns of abuse can see the Program operating from day to day. Most people involved are in roles of 'order-takers' and therefore will use excuses such as they were 'just doing their job.' The assignments against innocent civilians on this MIC's blacklist, however, could only be taken by those with no moral conscious or backbone at all.
My targeting likely began much earlier than I remember it had, but in Ohio it ramped up in 2017. In Ohio around 2009, I beat a cop in court that gave me a frivolous ticket. My attorney did a fantastic job of speaking the truth and the court pushed us out to be the last case that day, I imagine because they knew they were in the wrong. The city plowed my mailbox down by "accident" after a large snowfall the same year. I started my design shop around the same time, that has an anti-military-industrial-complex and pro-Humanity, pro-animals, and Pro-God's Creation theme. My home was between two masonic lodge members, there!
There were mostly masons and Catholics in this neighborhood, which I later came to discover is who runs the USA...
Vatican Assassins and masonic foot soldiers to "enforce" the matrix system of organized crime.
I moved to Florida in 2018. I will cover the Ohio activity and persecution on another webpage. Do keep in mind that this is a widespread program with hundreds of thousands of us who have come forth with testimonies of this covert Program.
That is why it is called COVERT persecution, although their actions are very overt, they are supposed to be considered "deniable," according to their own manual.
Only minds able to recognize patterns of abuse can see the Program operating from day to day. Most people involved are in roles of 'order-takers' and therefore will use excuses such as they were 'just doing their job.' The assignments against innocent civilians on this MIC's blacklist, however, could only be taken by those with no moral conscious or backbone at all.

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After much prayer and consideration I have chosen to post targeting activities and Silent Dagger Covert Persecution information through this website publicly.
This evidence is what is taking place in Gadsden County, FL and Grady County, GA also Decatur County, Georgia. The entire criminal enterprise here has been going on without a hitch for many decades. I had an acquaintance tell me, "They're not going to let anything mess up the little gravy train they've got going on over there."
I have the names and addresses for the testimony here but am choosing not to use them to protect privacy, even though my privacy has been destroyed long ago. To destroy a TI's self-confidence, dignity, and credibility is key for the military contractors who run this program for their satanic masters in high places.
Feel free to Contact Me if you're also an Independent Investigator/Godly Advocate or someone that works to bring forth truth for TIs.
I have already taken this information as high as possible in man's "justice" system and I have only gotten more covert harassment as a result.
Rather telling. I discovered in time, it is the antiChrist system of organized crime that runs our modern society.
I will edit and upload more info and post images/videos as I can. The END Times are here because Satan and his angels/demons are being allowed to make war with the Saints, with the remnant of the Church's seed that live out the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:13 and 12:17) I have personally found that the closer I walk with the Lord, the more I receive demonic attacks... then I am granted even more peace about it.
While I remain in God's Will living my life uprightly, the Luciferian Hive Mind of the majority (fallen, unrepentant Humanity) come against me with their demonic assignments. It is an entire organized crime syndicate that operates on earth.
What is taking place on earth when Fallen Angels / DEMONs are funding terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) which is not about racism, but about Globalism/Communism/NWO Agenda and is fueled by witchcraft spirits by their founders' own admission. The freemasons, boule, black panthers and eastern star mafia groups are all serving the same goal, and all of their terrorist actions have been recorded in the annals of history and certainly by the True Creator of heaven and earth who sees all.
The Scriptures clearly teach that all who are called to follow Christ and live Godly WILL BE persecuted.
All the years I was living according to my own ways, I was in Lucifer's pocket so life had ups and downs but was somewhat normal (because I was conformed to the world). As soon as I sought God and began living the way Jesus Christ teaches, I had become a problem for the kingdom of darkness and have been attacked every day since then.
This evidence is what is taking place in Gadsden County, FL and Grady County, GA also Decatur County, Georgia. The entire criminal enterprise here has been going on without a hitch for many decades. I had an acquaintance tell me, "They're not going to let anything mess up the little gravy train they've got going on over there."
I have the names and addresses for the testimony here but am choosing not to use them to protect privacy, even though my privacy has been destroyed long ago. To destroy a TI's self-confidence, dignity, and credibility is key for the military contractors who run this program for their satanic masters in high places.
Feel free to Contact Me if you're also an Independent Investigator/Godly Advocate or someone that works to bring forth truth for TIs.
I have already taken this information as high as possible in man's "justice" system and I have only gotten more covert harassment as a result.
Rather telling. I discovered in time, it is the antiChrist system of organized crime that runs our modern society.
I will edit and upload more info and post images/videos as I can. The END Times are here because Satan and his angels/demons are being allowed to make war with the Saints, with the remnant of the Church's seed that live out the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:13 and 12:17) I have personally found that the closer I walk with the Lord, the more I receive demonic attacks... then I am granted even more peace about it.
While I remain in God's Will living my life uprightly, the Luciferian Hive Mind of the majority (fallen, unrepentant Humanity) come against me with their demonic assignments. It is an entire organized crime syndicate that operates on earth.
What is taking place on earth when Fallen Angels / DEMONs are funding terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) which is not about racism, but about Globalism/Communism/NWO Agenda and is fueled by witchcraft spirits by their founders' own admission. The freemasons, boule, black panthers and eastern star mafia groups are all serving the same goal, and all of their terrorist actions have been recorded in the annals of history and certainly by the True Creator of heaven and earth who sees all.
The Scriptures clearly teach that all who are called to follow Christ and live Godly WILL BE persecuted.
All the years I was living according to my own ways, I was in Lucifer's pocket so life had ups and downs but was somewhat normal (because I was conformed to the world). As soon as I sought God and began living the way Jesus Christ teaches, I had become a problem for the kingdom of darkness and have been attacked every day since then.
Quail Ridge Testimony
When I got to the new Florida property, I was in awe of all the natural beauty coming from a concrete jungle location. It is so beautiful with amazing wildlife and a variety of tropical flora and fauna. A lot of it is very rural-like but it is still a neighborhood with lots of people and I have never lived this far south. Sadly, rather than appreciating the beauty here and living in harmony with nature and all Humanity, they are violently minded here. Instead of being able to communicate intelligently to solve problems, they only know violence. "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
As it turns out this Gadsden County, FL is a Demon-rat-run county (as is Leon County / Tallahassee both are), and is majority African-American or blacks. I don’t have and never have had any issues with race so I didn’t foresee that being a problem… what I didn’t know until I moved here in late 2018 is that there are many blacks that are racist against perceived Caucasians/whites!
It boggled my mind for the longest time because the Civil War happened quite awhile ago, but there is a tangible animosity I recognized as a satanic spirit that a majority have never healed and in their ignorance chosen to somehow “even the score” by being violent and racist toward certain "whites." Specifically in Quail Ridge MANY Caucasians have adopted satanic Gangsta drug culture as their own, in both their language and behavior. It is so sad. This is what happens to people who aren't taught to love themselves.
As someone who values direct, honest and authentic communication I hoped talking to some of these new neighbors to find common ground would be helpful… but, no.
Most are as the bible describes as a “hard-hearted generation.” I cannot explain their lack of kindness or need to maintain hatred in their hearts. It’s like nothing I have ever seen. This hatred I know has been like a fire that’s been stoked by media and other organizations for a long time now, but smart people actually figure that out and choose kindness.
Have they never heard the phrase, “an eye for an eye and the whole world is blind” before? But this is a Spiritual War, so no wisdom enters a demon's spirit.
Needless to say when you hear the stereotype that people are ignorant in the south… for at least this county and surrounding ones, I can confirm the truth of that stereotype.
My bible says, “Love thy neighbor” and “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.” I wave to everyone and smile because I will always treat people the way I’d want to be treated… that’s just Holy Spirit filled living y’all. The spirit I see in people down here is not God’s spirit. We are in the days where demons are manifesting in people frequently!
One of the first encounters I had with a black neighbor, at least I thought she was a neighbor, because she was parked on the court we live on, using it as a bus stop for her 4-5 children... is here to read:
Our home was the only one on the court at that time. There is a burnt-down home in the property (evidence of more criminal activity) behind ours. I assumed she must live close by and I waved and spoke to her many times for a good six months. I know her name (Mia -of of course she could have been lying, as I discovered is more common than honesty here), and the vehicles she and her husband drive. It was getting to be the end of the school break time and after having to continually drive around her or his vehicle to get to my home it started to dawn on me the real reason why they were using it as a Florida bus stop. One day her husband was parked right in the middle of the court and I couldn’t turn into the road I lived on when I came home. It slowly became more of an issue as I saw the pattern of hatred and rudeness from this Black female when I would pull into my home. (As a rule, black females in the south have been consistently hateful to me - I heard this is due to their own ignorance and upbringing as blacks have taught their children to hate "white" people for generations.)
One day I decided I would speak to her about it. Very kindly, I spoke to her as she was parked there on the court and I asked if she lived nearby. I was still learning the names and locations of some of my other neighbors so I didn’t think that was a strange thing to ask. She immediately gets defensive and says its none of my business where she lives.
I knew from months before this she said her mother lived/lives in the house on the GA side that is used as a drug party house. By this time a little birdie had mentioned a lot of these parents living in GA were using FL residences to send their kids to the FL magnet school. Just more petty crime on the FL/GA line. I asked her politely if there was another stop closer to her home that would be feasible to use as a bus stop, since the same bus stopped right at the end of that road 50 ft away. She was indignant and said some very rude things and rolled up her window. (I learned that day that not many people here have the ability to communicate maturely or with kindness. (No fruit of the Spirit, only demonic traits.)
To put it another way I've found that the most ignorant people living here, do not know how to use WORDS to find solutions. They aren't looking for solutions, they live by EGO/FLESH.
In fact, until I moved here the drug/trafficking gang had things under control just fine by using intimidation/fear tactics and violence.
Since I had spoken to her first to no avail, I went ahead and called the Superintendent to find out where this family lived and what their regular bus stop should be. After a few weeks of phone tag I was able to discuss the situation and he said he would contact transportation and find a solution. See, that’s what mature people do of ANY skin color… they communicate and find win-win solutions. He knew how.
Instead of just going on with her life like a mature adult, this black female has had her relatives begin harassing me at my home. Demons do what they're told, they can't think for themselves... only react emotionally. A few months later the black male commissioner over the area tells me (as a threat) that ALL Black people are related in the south and I should watch my back. This is how mafia works. (Welcome to the deep south where Black Boule Mason Criminals run things, y'all.)
Let me be clear that in Quail Ridge there are Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Mixed races involved with the TRAFFICKING OPERATION.
And because they are all members of the Big Club, they all get along very well - satanic oaths.
When I first reported the criminal activity to the Gadsden County Sheriff, their officer told me nothing would happen and I should "keep a low profile," if that doesn't say everything about what goes on here. The evidence of a specific trafficking truck photo I had showed him mysteriously disappeared from my phone the next day.
People who don't understand that the US Government has Agencies which are "above the law" and engage in criminal activity will need to come to terms with that fact shortly. The Mainstream Media is just another arm for the same leviathan Beast system.
Only immature people harbor grudges or are the type to seek “revenge” of any kind. Most adults are aware of that. It is sadly and pathetically the complete opposite here… they thrive on hurting others and it is clarity about the deep divide between those who love (God’s children) and those who hate (Satan’s children.)
There are some wicked territorial spirits – for those of you familiar with Spiritual Warfare – here in this vicinity.
I believe always in looking at individuals as having either maturity and the Holy Spirit or an immature satanic spirit, regardless of skin pigment.
This is why it is important to keep the Spiritual perspective as the first viewpoint. They are demonic spirits housed in humans beings because they've opened themselves to satan's kingdom of darkness, without Christ.
The Quail Ridge Community boasts on its entrance sign of being a “Planned” Community. The entrance is in Florida 15 feet from the Grady County, GA line. The first part of this neighborhood is in Florida, the back half is all Georgia. It has been a full two years now that I have lived here and it appears that the planning part had to do with ensuring that drug trafficking/illegal operations could run smoothly with jurisdiction obstacles in place.
There is an unmarried couple who lives in the front of the neighborhood who claimed to represent their “HOA” and signed us up for their well water plan to pay monthly on when we arrived. That was set up and we discovered that the well that our water comes from is actually in Georgia, not Florida. I also have not received anything on the water quality whatsoever. A neighbor down the road said the paperwork they had when it was tested last was before 2010. Even the County Sheriff’s Dept asked about the water out here and mentioned it had been an issue in the past. More on that another time, it’s a whole other can of worms.
I spoke to several of the other neighbors who live here about this "HOA" and I was told in no uncertain terms.
1) It doesn’t really exist
2) The guy who sends out the bills is a crook and trying to line his own pockets
3) Residents here have been getting these bills for years and have never paid them some amounting up to over $1000 because it’s supposed to be $100/year
4) If there was a real HOA, where are our amenities? What is it paying for?
I never even received any documentation about this HOA from either one of the couple claiming to represent it. I told them repeatedly that I would like to join, attend their meetings and meet the other Board Members. The woman who owned this property was supposedly the Treasurer, and when she moved she didn’t even fill out a change-of-address form. I was told it would be next Spring, then no it will be in 10 months. I called and called and got no straight answers about this so-called HOA and was basically brushed off, so like the other residents, it’s a bill I won’t be paying.
The lack of communication skills or maybe just the deep-seated corruption, or both, are really a Spiritual stronghold down here.
I offered to help and possibly mediate but, again nada, so I took it upon myself to visit the address that was written on these bills one day.
A man there was surprised to see me asking questions. (The south really is still chauvinistic and racist, much to this midwestern woman's surprise and disgust.)
I should mention that this very “Homeowner Association Business” in Leon County, Florida on North Monroe Street has a sign up currently that you can read while driving by in September of 2020 which reads “Silence is Golden, Duct tape is Silver.” Local “authorities” should be looking into them hard right now about human trafficking… but the CIA/FBI are actually out here already in Quail Ridge trying to keep a cover on it.
I asked him about the HOA and asked for the paperwork and financial records which I knew were my right to get as a resident. I received a copy of some very old "by-laws" which are not enforced at all. I asked about if the residents in GA were a part of the same HOA and paying the same fees as people in FL. He said some do and some don’t and that the HOA is really more for the people who live in the front part of the community on QR Rd and I can see why. The back half of Florida and Georgia is a ghetto with drug making/dealing/trafficking activity daily. The cops of both counties run through here regularly and are well-aware of what goes on as they protect it, rather than investigate and prosecute these criminals in a court of law. (US Military runs it while CIA/FBI sub-contractors reside there to protect it.)
Less than a 9 months after moving here, according to the Targeted Individual/Cointelpro Manual the property next to some good neighbors was completely cleared and their brand new Adjacent Agent home was put in place. This is the "control center" ie... HEADQUARTERS, which is illegally surveilling outside and inside my home 24/7. These are contractors. More info in the Silent Dagger Activity blog. Just a few months ago the land adjacent from them had a home placed on it on the same court their main drug dealer lives. These people aren't fooling anyone!
Had they not attempted to target me here and keep up with the covert persecution I wouldn't have had to go online to out their crime ring... but since they chose to carry out their demonic assignment. I will carry out the assignment God has given me. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! What a world we're in where lying is the norm!
There is a growing awareness that these low-income neighborhoods are purposely allowed to become ghettos and drug activity strongholds because the cops are told to back off and not enforce anything. This happens all over America and is part of the communist agenda and traitorous activity by Demon-crats, elitists, and alphabet agencies.
It is Black Magick Witchcraft, the same Satanic authority used in Black Entertainment, where blood sacrifices are done to bring fame to Gangsta CRAP idols. They subvert the youth through perversion and pure evil. Satanists know that this kind of trauma-based mind control disguised as "entertainment" will snare whole generations.
As it turns out this Gadsden County, FL is a Demon-rat-run county (as is Leon County / Tallahassee both are), and is majority African-American or blacks. I don’t have and never have had any issues with race so I didn’t foresee that being a problem… what I didn’t know until I moved here in late 2018 is that there are many blacks that are racist against perceived Caucasians/whites!
It boggled my mind for the longest time because the Civil War happened quite awhile ago, but there is a tangible animosity I recognized as a satanic spirit that a majority have never healed and in their ignorance chosen to somehow “even the score” by being violent and racist toward certain "whites." Specifically in Quail Ridge MANY Caucasians have adopted satanic Gangsta drug culture as their own, in both their language and behavior. It is so sad. This is what happens to people who aren't taught to love themselves.
As someone who values direct, honest and authentic communication I hoped talking to some of these new neighbors to find common ground would be helpful… but, no.
Most are as the bible describes as a “hard-hearted generation.” I cannot explain their lack of kindness or need to maintain hatred in their hearts. It’s like nothing I have ever seen. This hatred I know has been like a fire that’s been stoked by media and other organizations for a long time now, but smart people actually figure that out and choose kindness.
Have they never heard the phrase, “an eye for an eye and the whole world is blind” before? But this is a Spiritual War, so no wisdom enters a demon's spirit.
Needless to say when you hear the stereotype that people are ignorant in the south… for at least this county and surrounding ones, I can confirm the truth of that stereotype.
My bible says, “Love thy neighbor” and “Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.” I wave to everyone and smile because I will always treat people the way I’d want to be treated… that’s just Holy Spirit filled living y’all. The spirit I see in people down here is not God’s spirit. We are in the days where demons are manifesting in people frequently!
One of the first encounters I had with a black neighbor, at least I thought she was a neighbor, because she was parked on the court we live on, using it as a bus stop for her 4-5 children... is here to read:
Our home was the only one on the court at that time. There is a burnt-down home in the property (evidence of more criminal activity) behind ours. I assumed she must live close by and I waved and spoke to her many times for a good six months. I know her name (Mia -of of course she could have been lying, as I discovered is more common than honesty here), and the vehicles she and her husband drive. It was getting to be the end of the school break time and after having to continually drive around her or his vehicle to get to my home it started to dawn on me the real reason why they were using it as a Florida bus stop. One day her husband was parked right in the middle of the court and I couldn’t turn into the road I lived on when I came home. It slowly became more of an issue as I saw the pattern of hatred and rudeness from this Black female when I would pull into my home. (As a rule, black females in the south have been consistently hateful to me - I heard this is due to their own ignorance and upbringing as blacks have taught their children to hate "white" people for generations.)
One day I decided I would speak to her about it. Very kindly, I spoke to her as she was parked there on the court and I asked if she lived nearby. I was still learning the names and locations of some of my other neighbors so I didn’t think that was a strange thing to ask. She immediately gets defensive and says its none of my business where she lives.
I knew from months before this she said her mother lived/lives in the house on the GA side that is used as a drug party house. By this time a little birdie had mentioned a lot of these parents living in GA were using FL residences to send their kids to the FL magnet school. Just more petty crime on the FL/GA line. I asked her politely if there was another stop closer to her home that would be feasible to use as a bus stop, since the same bus stopped right at the end of that road 50 ft away. She was indignant and said some very rude things and rolled up her window. (I learned that day that not many people here have the ability to communicate maturely or with kindness. (No fruit of the Spirit, only demonic traits.)
To put it another way I've found that the most ignorant people living here, do not know how to use WORDS to find solutions. They aren't looking for solutions, they live by EGO/FLESH.
In fact, until I moved here the drug/trafficking gang had things under control just fine by using intimidation/fear tactics and violence.
Since I had spoken to her first to no avail, I went ahead and called the Superintendent to find out where this family lived and what their regular bus stop should be. After a few weeks of phone tag I was able to discuss the situation and he said he would contact transportation and find a solution. See, that’s what mature people do of ANY skin color… they communicate and find win-win solutions. He knew how.
Instead of just going on with her life like a mature adult, this black female has had her relatives begin harassing me at my home. Demons do what they're told, they can't think for themselves... only react emotionally. A few months later the black male commissioner over the area tells me (as a threat) that ALL Black people are related in the south and I should watch my back. This is how mafia works. (Welcome to the deep south where Black Boule Mason Criminals run things, y'all.)
Let me be clear that in Quail Ridge there are Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and Mixed races involved with the TRAFFICKING OPERATION.
And because they are all members of the Big Club, they all get along very well - satanic oaths.
When I first reported the criminal activity to the Gadsden County Sheriff, their officer told me nothing would happen and I should "keep a low profile," if that doesn't say everything about what goes on here. The evidence of a specific trafficking truck photo I had showed him mysteriously disappeared from my phone the next day.
People who don't understand that the US Government has Agencies which are "above the law" and engage in criminal activity will need to come to terms with that fact shortly. The Mainstream Media is just another arm for the same leviathan Beast system.
Only immature people harbor grudges or are the type to seek “revenge” of any kind. Most adults are aware of that. It is sadly and pathetically the complete opposite here… they thrive on hurting others and it is clarity about the deep divide between those who love (God’s children) and those who hate (Satan’s children.)
There are some wicked territorial spirits – for those of you familiar with Spiritual Warfare – here in this vicinity.
I believe always in looking at individuals as having either maturity and the Holy Spirit or an immature satanic spirit, regardless of skin pigment.
This is why it is important to keep the Spiritual perspective as the first viewpoint. They are demonic spirits housed in humans beings because they've opened themselves to satan's kingdom of darkness, without Christ.
The Quail Ridge Community boasts on its entrance sign of being a “Planned” Community. The entrance is in Florida 15 feet from the Grady County, GA line. The first part of this neighborhood is in Florida, the back half is all Georgia. It has been a full two years now that I have lived here and it appears that the planning part had to do with ensuring that drug trafficking/illegal operations could run smoothly with jurisdiction obstacles in place.
There is an unmarried couple who lives in the front of the neighborhood who claimed to represent their “HOA” and signed us up for their well water plan to pay monthly on when we arrived. That was set up and we discovered that the well that our water comes from is actually in Georgia, not Florida. I also have not received anything on the water quality whatsoever. A neighbor down the road said the paperwork they had when it was tested last was before 2010. Even the County Sheriff’s Dept asked about the water out here and mentioned it had been an issue in the past. More on that another time, it’s a whole other can of worms.
I spoke to several of the other neighbors who live here about this "HOA" and I was told in no uncertain terms.
1) It doesn’t really exist
2) The guy who sends out the bills is a crook and trying to line his own pockets
3) Residents here have been getting these bills for years and have never paid them some amounting up to over $1000 because it’s supposed to be $100/year
4) If there was a real HOA, where are our amenities? What is it paying for?
I never even received any documentation about this HOA from either one of the couple claiming to represent it. I told them repeatedly that I would like to join, attend their meetings and meet the other Board Members. The woman who owned this property was supposedly the Treasurer, and when she moved she didn’t even fill out a change-of-address form. I was told it would be next Spring, then no it will be in 10 months. I called and called and got no straight answers about this so-called HOA and was basically brushed off, so like the other residents, it’s a bill I won’t be paying.
The lack of communication skills or maybe just the deep-seated corruption, or both, are really a Spiritual stronghold down here.
I offered to help and possibly mediate but, again nada, so I took it upon myself to visit the address that was written on these bills one day.
A man there was surprised to see me asking questions. (The south really is still chauvinistic and racist, much to this midwestern woman's surprise and disgust.)
I should mention that this very “Homeowner Association Business” in Leon County, Florida on North Monroe Street has a sign up currently that you can read while driving by in September of 2020 which reads “Silence is Golden, Duct tape is Silver.” Local “authorities” should be looking into them hard right now about human trafficking… but the CIA/FBI are actually out here already in Quail Ridge trying to keep a cover on it.
I asked him about the HOA and asked for the paperwork and financial records which I knew were my right to get as a resident. I received a copy of some very old "by-laws" which are not enforced at all. I asked about if the residents in GA were a part of the same HOA and paying the same fees as people in FL. He said some do and some don’t and that the HOA is really more for the people who live in the front part of the community on QR Rd and I can see why. The back half of Florida and Georgia is a ghetto with drug making/dealing/trafficking activity daily. The cops of both counties run through here regularly and are well-aware of what goes on as they protect it, rather than investigate and prosecute these criminals in a court of law. (US Military runs it while CIA/FBI sub-contractors reside there to protect it.)
Less than a 9 months after moving here, according to the Targeted Individual/Cointelpro Manual the property next to some good neighbors was completely cleared and their brand new Adjacent Agent home was put in place. This is the "control center" ie... HEADQUARTERS, which is illegally surveilling outside and inside my home 24/7. These are contractors. More info in the Silent Dagger Activity blog. Just a few months ago the land adjacent from them had a home placed on it on the same court their main drug dealer lives. These people aren't fooling anyone!
Had they not attempted to target me here and keep up with the covert persecution I wouldn't have had to go online to out their crime ring... but since they chose to carry out their demonic assignment. I will carry out the assignment God has given me. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! What a world we're in where lying is the norm!
There is a growing awareness that these low-income neighborhoods are purposely allowed to become ghettos and drug activity strongholds because the cops are told to back off and not enforce anything. This happens all over America and is part of the communist agenda and traitorous activity by Demon-crats, elitists, and alphabet agencies.
It is Black Magick Witchcraft, the same Satanic authority used in Black Entertainment, where blood sacrifices are done to bring fame to Gangsta CRAP idols. They subvert the youth through perversion and pure evil. Satanists know that this kind of trauma-based mind control disguised as "entertainment" will snare whole generations.
Gary Webb was a Truth Teller! Jesus is the Truth. The Way and the Life... those following Christ will always be honest.
God abhors liars and promises that all those things being hidden in the dark will be exposed. Every single hidden act will in due time come out into the light of day! I didn't know anything about this kind of state-sponsored trafficking activity until I moved here. Being honest is not welcomed where corruption is the norm... One day they will all stand in front of the True Judge, though! |
Background Details
There are many details that form a better comprehension of this entire "neighborhood" which again is a Narcotics & Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking operation. There are several key families that live here operating daily. They all drive different vehicles depending upon what illegal drug they're carrying, but I know their vehicles well by now. This is not a big place. I also know the Agents' and Freemasons' vehicles that live on both the Georgia and Florida side.
The first guy here that attempted to "befriend" me which I now know was an attempt at creating a "Handler" for me is from Nicaragua. He has 3 beautiful German Shepherds that he walks regularly and is with this cartel. He used to cook food for me and brought me tropical plants for my yard. He never smiled and was not very personable. When he helped me with some yard work one day, the lady representing the HOA came by and I watched him as he worked but didn't look up or even acknowledge her. I later found out he was working for her and the whole operation here. When I had car issues he kept telling me to take it to the guys who are part of the mafia family at the back of Georgia, the Thompson Thugs.
It was right around the time that our car keys/fob were stolen from inside our house that I discovered who this Nicaraguan guy really was, and wasn't a real "amigo" at all.
One day he stopped by while I was outside and I didn't say a word, just looked at him. The look said in every language... I know you are not my real friend and why you were trying to get close to me. He understood and acknowledged that I knew his secret. About that same time, the FBI/CIA (Deep State) Contractors moved in to the Adjacent Property HQ House that looks into our back yard/screened porch area.
I have video of him coming to my house and apologizing one day while a silver truck was parked outside the HQ Property watching the whole time. It was such a fake apology and it was apparent this was something he was "obligated" to do, as he is low on the totem pole of their mafia operation.
I am a no-drama woman, and if someone doesn't know how to treat me right I cut them off and out of my life. Life is too short to be mistreated by anyone. "Just move" one might suggest, and although that is a goal for one day it is still not the answer because I just moved here in 2018 and the blacklisting is permanent. It goes wherever I go and the slander about me and the fake dossier is shown to everyone so they can continue their covert activity unhindered. Blacklisting is Treason.
Also God sends me where Light is needed, so if I'm here there is a good reason. When God gives me the go ahead then we will move, but a not a day sooner. If you haven't heard of the Black Budget before these are the kinds of programs it pays for. They are "secret" covert military and Intel expenditures.
The following information on the program was written by Richard Lighthouse and more info can be found at
The first guy here that attempted to "befriend" me which I now know was an attempt at creating a "Handler" for me is from Nicaragua. He has 3 beautiful German Shepherds that he walks regularly and is with this cartel. He used to cook food for me and brought me tropical plants for my yard. He never smiled and was not very personable. When he helped me with some yard work one day, the lady representing the HOA came by and I watched him as he worked but didn't look up or even acknowledge her. I later found out he was working for her and the whole operation here. When I had car issues he kept telling me to take it to the guys who are part of the mafia family at the back of Georgia, the Thompson Thugs.
It was right around the time that our car keys/fob were stolen from inside our house that I discovered who this Nicaraguan guy really was, and wasn't a real "amigo" at all.
One day he stopped by while I was outside and I didn't say a word, just looked at him. The look said in every language... I know you are not my real friend and why you were trying to get close to me. He understood and acknowledged that I knew his secret. About that same time, the FBI/CIA (Deep State) Contractors moved in to the Adjacent Property HQ House that looks into our back yard/screened porch area.
I have video of him coming to my house and apologizing one day while a silver truck was parked outside the HQ Property watching the whole time. It was such a fake apology and it was apparent this was something he was "obligated" to do, as he is low on the totem pole of their mafia operation.
I am a no-drama woman, and if someone doesn't know how to treat me right I cut them off and out of my life. Life is too short to be mistreated by anyone. "Just move" one might suggest, and although that is a goal for one day it is still not the answer because I just moved here in 2018 and the blacklisting is permanent. It goes wherever I go and the slander about me and the fake dossier is shown to everyone so they can continue their covert activity unhindered. Blacklisting is Treason.
Also God sends me where Light is needed, so if I'm here there is a good reason. When God gives me the go ahead then we will move, but a not a day sooner. If you haven't heard of the Black Budget before these are the kinds of programs it pays for. They are "secret" covert military and Intel expenditures.
The following information on the program was written by Richard Lighthouse and more info can be found at
What is a Targeted Individual? A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to unwillingly participate in an experimental government torture program. This program was developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra project and is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire population, through intimidation, fear, and threats. Political activists, Labor Union leaders, Scientists, and Whistleblowers are some of the main targets of the program. However, some people are randomly chosen. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this psychological torture.
The FBI & DHS Fusion Centers run the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and break down the target. The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, and Neighborhood Watch. Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as "Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)," so that local police and ambulance can be instructed not to assist with their emergency calls, through, which is run by AT&T.
I am a United States Citizen of sound mind and of my own freewill sharing this information digitally for recorded documentation. Satan's kingdom of darkness has plenty of members... but they are powered by demons and blood rituals. The true Living God sees their deeds, their lies, and there will be a day of accountability for them.