Humans have been lied to about our true origins and born into a world-wide anti-Christ matrix system of trauma-based, mind control.
This is a Luciferian Society with human sacrifice still going on underground, hidden from public view. Some of it is not so hidden...
After the Plandemic/Scamdemic Psy-op (Military Psychological Operation) of 2020, in response to the truth of massive pedophilia and child/human trafficking among the billionaire/banking/nephilim class, politicians and all Big Club members throughout entertainment/sports/media... unaware people became familiar with (or at least had an introduction to) the level of evil pulling the strings of modern society.
My name is Katie... I am a follower of Christ and an independent investigative researcher and publisher.
I have been documenting and publishing my experiences and the truth about the covert COPS TI Program since 2019. Once the Holy Spirit showed me that all of the systemic avenues for reporting and investigating crimes were gatekeepers protecting crime, the publishing and documentation of the State-Sponsored "COVERT" activities in my life and at my home was the means I was provided to SHOWCASE this 'hidden' PROGRAM.
The state has laws in place to make it very difficult and illegal in some places to gather your own personal evidence of the no-touch torture program participants. They want to be sure only their installed gatekeeping agents handle all the 'investigating' and what warrants any investigation, thereby having the ability to smear, slander and cover-up whatever they want.
Every home I have lived in since the one I moved into during late 2007 and was there until September 2018, has had the exact same covert crime setup. Whether in a middle-class suburban neighborhood, a rural country home, a low-income city home or a mobile home park in an 'affluent' area... there are those installed in EVERY neighborhood as gatekeepers to protect the local organized crime. Anyone caught speaking up about their rights or reporting those who break laws are bullied. harassed, and lives ruined (to the extent that Holy God allows them to) by the Masonic / Eastern Star network including local coven members. Masons, politicians and cops blacklist anyone.
This documentation and reporting led me to discover far more than I ever wanted to know about how our modern society is actually run! If you tell God, "Here I am, send me," be prepared for just that. The STATE as it is known (modeled after Egyptian slavery nation-state) acts as an apparatus through which organized crime can be operated free of accountability.
The entire military-industrial complex with all those working for the government/state in whatever capacity are provided immunity/impunity for their participation in silencing and sacrificing those who dare speak up about this organized crime. Essentially, satanic mafia rule.
Raised by narcissist abusers and having divorced a narcissist abuser, there is always the possibility that they are involved in targeting me.
Beating a lying narcissist cop in court and shining my light living next door to a narcissist 'free'mason trafficker are more likely for what led to being blacklisted by satan's system.
God has had an ongoing theme throughout my life of me being abused by insecure humans used by the kingdom of darkness, but finding my value and inherant worth in Him regardless.... and therefore learning I have no need for external validation.
We who belong to Christ know that persecution is the cross we carry for simply existing in Christ during these days of evil and bloodshed.
I was saved by grace through Jesus Christ of Nazareth's death and resurrection in 1996 and was baptized in 2000.
I quickly became disillusioned with Church-ianity where there was mostly a social club, but no real Spiritual truth for the zeal and longing for God I had within my heart. (Later in life I did find church family that serve Christ in Spirit and Truth). The institution of Religion in general, has been used to control minds and limit consciousness for a very long time. I identify as a follower of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and not just a 'Christian' because so many claiming to be, do not adhere to Christ, or His Spirit's leading.
God had been teaching me truth as I spent time in nature, and through the life of Jesus Christ in scripture all along. I thirsted for the Living Waters! My Spirituality became intertwined with my Cherokee Native American heritage, Taoism, and Shamanism/Crystal Healing. God then called me back to set me straight once again... as any loving Father does. And set my feet back firmly on the solid Rock, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.
My relationship with Christ and thirst for Him - the Spirit of TRUTH - is number one. I have been shown so many false doctrines and lies coming from the very religion proclaiming on earth to represent the Creator. I was shown how many masons were installed in pulpits and zionist wolves teaching lies to Christians.
The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and light for our path (Psalm 119:105) in conjunction with The Holy Spirit's leadership.
I have chosen to take the narrow path, forsaking worldliness, it's trends, it's social norms, and any fear of what anyone other than the Creator thinks about me and my life.
God's Plans are the only ones worth pursuing!
[This website has many external links to webpages and websites that provide information I think is essential to others who are living through this TI Program Terrorism. I don't endorse all of the individuals and encourage you to do your own research and use discernment for each of these. I do not offer any medical or legal advice on this website.]
This is a Luciferian Society with human sacrifice still going on underground, hidden from public view. Some of it is not so hidden...
After the Plandemic/Scamdemic Psy-op (Military Psychological Operation) of 2020, in response to the truth of massive pedophilia and child/human trafficking among the billionaire/banking/nephilim class, politicians and all Big Club members throughout entertainment/sports/media... unaware people became familiar with (or at least had an introduction to) the level of evil pulling the strings of modern society.
My name is Katie... I am a follower of Christ and an independent investigative researcher and publisher.
I have been documenting and publishing my experiences and the truth about the covert COPS TI Program since 2019. Once the Holy Spirit showed me that all of the systemic avenues for reporting and investigating crimes were gatekeepers protecting crime, the publishing and documentation of the State-Sponsored "COVERT" activities in my life and at my home was the means I was provided to SHOWCASE this 'hidden' PROGRAM.
The state has laws in place to make it very difficult and illegal in some places to gather your own personal evidence of the no-touch torture program participants. They want to be sure only their installed gatekeeping agents handle all the 'investigating' and what warrants any investigation, thereby having the ability to smear, slander and cover-up whatever they want.
Every home I have lived in since the one I moved into during late 2007 and was there until September 2018, has had the exact same covert crime setup. Whether in a middle-class suburban neighborhood, a rural country home, a low-income city home or a mobile home park in an 'affluent' area... there are those installed in EVERY neighborhood as gatekeepers to protect the local organized crime. Anyone caught speaking up about their rights or reporting those who break laws are bullied. harassed, and lives ruined (to the extent that Holy God allows them to) by the Masonic / Eastern Star network including local coven members. Masons, politicians and cops blacklist anyone.
This documentation and reporting led me to discover far more than I ever wanted to know about how our modern society is actually run! If you tell God, "Here I am, send me," be prepared for just that. The STATE as it is known (modeled after Egyptian slavery nation-state) acts as an apparatus through which organized crime can be operated free of accountability.
The entire military-industrial complex with all those working for the government/state in whatever capacity are provided immunity/impunity for their participation in silencing and sacrificing those who dare speak up about this organized crime. Essentially, satanic mafia rule.
Raised by narcissist abusers and having divorced a narcissist abuser, there is always the possibility that they are involved in targeting me.
Beating a lying narcissist cop in court and shining my light living next door to a narcissist 'free'mason trafficker are more likely for what led to being blacklisted by satan's system.
God has had an ongoing theme throughout my life of me being abused by insecure humans used by the kingdom of darkness, but finding my value and inherant worth in Him regardless.... and therefore learning I have no need for external validation.
We who belong to Christ know that persecution is the cross we carry for simply existing in Christ during these days of evil and bloodshed.
I was saved by grace through Jesus Christ of Nazareth's death and resurrection in 1996 and was baptized in 2000.
I quickly became disillusioned with Church-ianity where there was mostly a social club, but no real Spiritual truth for the zeal and longing for God I had within my heart. (Later in life I did find church family that serve Christ in Spirit and Truth). The institution of Religion in general, has been used to control minds and limit consciousness for a very long time. I identify as a follower of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and not just a 'Christian' because so many claiming to be, do not adhere to Christ, or His Spirit's leading.
God had been teaching me truth as I spent time in nature, and through the life of Jesus Christ in scripture all along. I thirsted for the Living Waters! My Spirituality became intertwined with my Cherokee Native American heritage, Taoism, and Shamanism/Crystal Healing. God then called me back to set me straight once again... as any loving Father does. And set my feet back firmly on the solid Rock, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah.
My relationship with Christ and thirst for Him - the Spirit of TRUTH - is number one. I have been shown so many false doctrines and lies coming from the very religion proclaiming on earth to represent the Creator. I was shown how many masons were installed in pulpits and zionist wolves teaching lies to Christians.
The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and light for our path (Psalm 119:105) in conjunction with The Holy Spirit's leadership.
I have chosen to take the narrow path, forsaking worldliness, it's trends, it's social norms, and any fear of what anyone other than the Creator thinks about me and my life.
God's Plans are the only ones worth pursuing!
[This website has many external links to webpages and websites that provide information I think is essential to others who are living through this TI Program Terrorism. I don't endorse all of the individuals and encourage you to do your own research and use discernment for each of these. I do not offer any medical or legal advice on this website.]
Anti-Christ Matrix System on Earth
Covert targeting and organized bullying tactics began clearly in 2012-2016. Learning that my abuse began through a generational curse or someone having made a covenant with death (as Big Club members voluntarily do), I began breaking these curses, renouncing all of the witchcraft/coven attacks - along with their ritual sacrifices, and realized that I had been undergoing spiritual warfare very early on in a system that is built upon ABUSING CHILDREN.
By 2017, military contractors/agents had moved into the house adjacent from ours in SW Ohio, and they along with the freemason biker bar owner next door, tried intimidating me and my children (as a single/divorced mother) every time we came outside of our home. I have the details of each and every tactic used there. Vehicular stalking began heavily there in Fall of 2017 at the same time when all my friends started disappearing and betraying me after learning of my blacklisting. One had been poisoned.... was sick for weeks. I knew this was a big program orchestrated by very evil people.
Anonymously, I reached out on a few social media sites about what was happening to me, and the same day I messaged someone I resonated with I met a man who I still consider an Angel. He held space for me as I shared what was happening during weekly appointments and then monthly ones, sharing tools I could use physically and spiritually during the worst "dark night of the soul" I had ever experienced that lasted over 18 months, until I was finally able to move from that particular 'suburban' neighborhood.
God helped me get through the initial fear consciousness this program puts you into so that you feel unsafe and on high alert. This program is a form of satanic ritual abuse, as you are made a human sacrifice to the world's false god, Satan - still demanding blood sacrifices (the OT "god" of judaism) by the nephilim bloodlines... seed of cain.
This black budget domestic terrorism program intends for us to be put into complete fear consciousness... because fear hath torment and that's how Satan rules his spawn through fear, torture, torment, and violence.
The LOVE Christ has for us through His sacrifice is the real thing!
The big club mafia have their egos and material riches as satan's adherents, but do not know the Spirit of Truth as they chose the wide road leading to destruction.
I moved to Florida in a somewhat rural location in 2018, and targeting continued (in less overt ways) for up to a year. Then, the beautiful wooded lot adjacent from our house was cleared and a brand new home put there. Just like at my old residence, someone that had a lot of money to throw around (black budget operations) wanted to 'be my neighbor'.
I knew as soon as the lot sold it was Intel military agents - fusion center contractors, just like at the old house.
The lot right next to ours on the court was eventually cleared and another military contractor's "relative" set up a home in 2022.
My home cameras were in place getting all of the Targeting footage and Community-Based Agents involved when I started seeing Trafficking Trucks running at odd hours to the Georgia side of Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development. It wasn't long before I discovered that this neighborhood in Florida, with the back half in GA, was actually a federal transnational trafficking operation! That Quail Ridge PUD has blood on their hands... as evidence of adrenochrome production, among other narcotics are produced and trafficked.
We were told this was an "HOA" neighborhood and sent bills and threatened with collection when the whole thing is a cover. The trafficking (using old US Mail trucks) was reported to Federal DEA, State of Florida and both Counties. Intel Agents/Sub-Contractors and Freemasons began moving in, buying land nearby. I have documented systemic harassment and psy-ops (psychological operations) campaigns against me at our residence of with detailed videos and daily documentation.
I started a WordPress blog in March 2020 to detail the daily activity and targeting tactics in 2020 in the beginning, before what was happening was fully revealed to me. I hope to move a lot of this over to the blog here, but God is showing me that my focus should not be on the demonic nonsense, but on His power.
This led me into finding out how the CIA/Intel communities have been outed many times not just for drug trafficking, but also human trafficking!
These are major criminal cover-ups that Ted Gunderson exposed during his talks on satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Those who report the truth are silenced by these Satanists who work directly for the financiers of Humanity’s suffering, the synagogue of Satan. Truth is sadly much stranger than fiction.
Documenting the TRUTH for those of us who have been "selected" to be covertly and systematically ritually abused and "neutralized," warrants our TESTIMONY publicly.
I turned fully back (submitted my life) to Jesus Christ of Nazareth in 2020, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth.
I have been shown the key players, origin, and details of the entire program which goes by many names including:
I got to the place where I knew the who and the how of it all, and then God showed me the what and the why.
By 2017, military contractors/agents had moved into the house adjacent from ours in SW Ohio, and they along with the freemason biker bar owner next door, tried intimidating me and my children (as a single/divorced mother) every time we came outside of our home. I have the details of each and every tactic used there. Vehicular stalking began heavily there in Fall of 2017 at the same time when all my friends started disappearing and betraying me after learning of my blacklisting. One had been poisoned.... was sick for weeks. I knew this was a big program orchestrated by very evil people.
Anonymously, I reached out on a few social media sites about what was happening to me, and the same day I messaged someone I resonated with I met a man who I still consider an Angel. He held space for me as I shared what was happening during weekly appointments and then monthly ones, sharing tools I could use physically and spiritually during the worst "dark night of the soul" I had ever experienced that lasted over 18 months, until I was finally able to move from that particular 'suburban' neighborhood.
God helped me get through the initial fear consciousness this program puts you into so that you feel unsafe and on high alert. This program is a form of satanic ritual abuse, as you are made a human sacrifice to the world's false god, Satan - still demanding blood sacrifices (the OT "god" of judaism) by the nephilim bloodlines... seed of cain.
This black budget domestic terrorism program intends for us to be put into complete fear consciousness... because fear hath torment and that's how Satan rules his spawn through fear, torture, torment, and violence.
The LOVE Christ has for us through His sacrifice is the real thing!
The big club mafia have their egos and material riches as satan's adherents, but do not know the Spirit of Truth as they chose the wide road leading to destruction.
I moved to Florida in a somewhat rural location in 2018, and targeting continued (in less overt ways) for up to a year. Then, the beautiful wooded lot adjacent from our house was cleared and a brand new home put there. Just like at my old residence, someone that had a lot of money to throw around (black budget operations) wanted to 'be my neighbor'.
I knew as soon as the lot sold it was Intel military agents - fusion center contractors, just like at the old house.
The lot right next to ours on the court was eventually cleared and another military contractor's "relative" set up a home in 2022.
My home cameras were in place getting all of the Targeting footage and Community-Based Agents involved when I started seeing Trafficking Trucks running at odd hours to the Georgia side of Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development. It wasn't long before I discovered that this neighborhood in Florida, with the back half in GA, was actually a federal transnational trafficking operation! That Quail Ridge PUD has blood on their hands... as evidence of adrenochrome production, among other narcotics are produced and trafficked.
We were told this was an "HOA" neighborhood and sent bills and threatened with collection when the whole thing is a cover. The trafficking (using old US Mail trucks) was reported to Federal DEA, State of Florida and both Counties. Intel Agents/Sub-Contractors and Freemasons began moving in, buying land nearby. I have documented systemic harassment and psy-ops (psychological operations) campaigns against me at our residence of with detailed videos and daily documentation.
I started a WordPress blog in March 2020 to detail the daily activity and targeting tactics in 2020 in the beginning, before what was happening was fully revealed to me. I hope to move a lot of this over to the blog here, but God is showing me that my focus should not be on the demonic nonsense, but on His power.
This led me into finding out how the CIA/Intel communities have been outed many times not just for drug trafficking, but also human trafficking!
These are major criminal cover-ups that Ted Gunderson exposed during his talks on satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Those who report the truth are silenced by these Satanists who work directly for the financiers of Humanity’s suffering, the synagogue of Satan. Truth is sadly much stranger than fiction.
Documenting the TRUTH for those of us who have been "selected" to be covertly and systematically ritually abused and "neutralized," warrants our TESTIMONY publicly.
I turned fully back (submitted my life) to Jesus Christ of Nazareth in 2020, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth.
I have been shown the key players, origin, and details of the entire program which goes by many names including:
- Cointelpro (CIA/FBI)
- MKUltra (CIA/FBI)
- The White Glove Treatment (Freemasonry/Military)
- The Silent Dagger (Freemasonry/Military)
- The Slow Dagger (Freemasonry/Military)
- Zersetzung by Gestapo / Stasi "Community" Policing (All police departments/sheriffs/EMT/state reps/CBAs)
- Neighborhood Watch / Infragard (Covens/Fusion Center)
I got to the place where I knew the who and the how of it all, and then God showed me the what and the why.
Victory in Christ
Knowing the real reason for this no-touch torture has given me so much peace as I continue to choose the narrow path staying "sober and vigilant because the adversary is roaming about seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8)
The hatred directed at Targeted Individuals is in reality the spirit of satan/lucifer living in and working through those filled with the spirit of anti-Christ, lacking God's Holy Spirit. Satan/Osiris/Horus/Ba'al is a defeated foe. He has already lost the battle, dear ones!
Hold fast to your FAITH. The enemy's time is very short and is currently living on borrowed time.
When God calls me home I’ll be ready, but until then I’ll be standing in Christ’s power.
Targeted individuals are living out the persecution Christ said to be prepared for and to count it all joy, because we know that our affliction here is nothing compared to the glory which will be revealed at His coming with Holy Angel armies and the cloud of witnesses!
He sent us out as lambs among wolves... but will never leave our sides. Our faith will be perfected as we are afflicted/persecuted here on earth.
We will also be seeing the perps and minions coming against us made into our footstool in short order.
Now that I have the full picture of how this evil Program Hit works in every location, I am well-prepared for documentation and Holy Spirit warfare necessary at our new home in the future. The original county in Ohio where I began experiencing the organized harassment and terrorism by the community I lived in and in all places I traveled, had several sheriffs and a pest control truck waiting when I went up to purchase property in September 2023, in attempts to deter my decision perhaps lol? But, they ought to know by now who they are coming after.... and Who is my shield, buckler, and rearguard.
While the general rule of thumb is to keep your life as private as possible, in my case the wisdom from God was to publicly publish the harassment, bullying, and psy-op strategies employed against my life and at my home. Because satan's army uses COVERT methods as cowardly as he is, it was impressed upon me by the Holy Spirit to make their PRIVATE TERRORISM, PUBLIC INFORMATION. They seek to isolate, terrify, and destroy a targeted human being, so the opposite response is to boldly proclaim exactly what is going on, where we are located, and TESTIFY against all of those who are involved in carrying out his orders.
Any and all future organized terrorism at our New Ohio Home and in this community will be easily recognized and documented 6+ years into this systemic persecution. As always, the Sheriffs were there to remind me as I was purchasing home in the community that they would be "briefing" my new neighbors, in attempts to intimidate and instill fear. I plan to reflect the love and peace in my heart that Christ teaches, as I do everywhere I go. I will pray for all of my community that their eyes be opened to the truth and see any slander (before I've even moved in) for exactly what it is, deception. I like baking cookies and brownies for my neighbors and checking in on the elderly/handicapped, so going to be a joy to meet them from my perspective! Satan can only fool so many and for so long.... the tide is turning in favor of God's Truth even now. Human Trafficking can no longer stay hidden!!
This is a 'top-down' military hierarchical domestic terrorism program. Recent statistics I saw showed that 80% of people will take orders given by anyone recognized as an authority figure without question. Only 20% of people surveyed exhibited critical thinking skills that would morally/ethically question what actions they took, when ordered to do so. This 20% of human beings will change the world for the better and end this COPS No-Touch Torture treason. I am ready with website, cameras, and more importantly Jesus Christ of Nazareth, if there are attempts at further covert domestic terrorism at our new residence. Update: there are. See Nov/Dec 2023 documnetation.
Domestic Terrorism isn't anything new sadly, it just isn't going to get any media/press attention, as it's perpetrators OWN all of those mainstream outlets. However, there are many of us (out of the estimated 1.5 million TI's in America) publishing our own footage, testimonies, and experiences of this treasonous program.
The cowards in "high places" that order contract hits against us are targeting by proxy, so as to keep their hands from getting dirty, in their own psychotic thinking.
Their human sacrifice cult is no longer hidden. Their institutional house of cards - based on satan's sorcery - has fallen... and what threads are left are quickly unraveling, as human consciousness expands beyond the 'survival' stage the wicked have tried to keep people boxed into.
I am no one of consequence, but Christ Jesus of Nazareth living in me... the Holy Spirit of Truth, will finish everything He started... and is the One who fights all of my battles.
There is a day of reckoning on the way....
The hatred directed at Targeted Individuals is in reality the spirit of satan/lucifer living in and working through those filled with the spirit of anti-Christ, lacking God's Holy Spirit. Satan/Osiris/Horus/Ba'al is a defeated foe. He has already lost the battle, dear ones!
Hold fast to your FAITH. The enemy's time is very short and is currently living on borrowed time.
When God calls me home I’ll be ready, but until then I’ll be standing in Christ’s power.
Targeted individuals are living out the persecution Christ said to be prepared for and to count it all joy, because we know that our affliction here is nothing compared to the glory which will be revealed at His coming with Holy Angel armies and the cloud of witnesses!
He sent us out as lambs among wolves... but will never leave our sides. Our faith will be perfected as we are afflicted/persecuted here on earth.
We will also be seeing the perps and minions coming against us made into our footstool in short order.
Now that I have the full picture of how this evil Program Hit works in every location, I am well-prepared for documentation and Holy Spirit warfare necessary at our new home in the future. The original county in Ohio where I began experiencing the organized harassment and terrorism by the community I lived in and in all places I traveled, had several sheriffs and a pest control truck waiting when I went up to purchase property in September 2023, in attempts to deter my decision perhaps lol? But, they ought to know by now who they are coming after.... and Who is my shield, buckler, and rearguard.
While the general rule of thumb is to keep your life as private as possible, in my case the wisdom from God was to publicly publish the harassment, bullying, and psy-op strategies employed against my life and at my home. Because satan's army uses COVERT methods as cowardly as he is, it was impressed upon me by the Holy Spirit to make their PRIVATE TERRORISM, PUBLIC INFORMATION. They seek to isolate, terrify, and destroy a targeted human being, so the opposite response is to boldly proclaim exactly what is going on, where we are located, and TESTIFY against all of those who are involved in carrying out his orders.
Any and all future organized terrorism at our New Ohio Home and in this community will be easily recognized and documented 6+ years into this systemic persecution. As always, the Sheriffs were there to remind me as I was purchasing home in the community that they would be "briefing" my new neighbors, in attempts to intimidate and instill fear. I plan to reflect the love and peace in my heart that Christ teaches, as I do everywhere I go. I will pray for all of my community that their eyes be opened to the truth and see any slander (before I've even moved in) for exactly what it is, deception. I like baking cookies and brownies for my neighbors and checking in on the elderly/handicapped, so going to be a joy to meet them from my perspective! Satan can only fool so many and for so long.... the tide is turning in favor of God's Truth even now. Human Trafficking can no longer stay hidden!!
This is a 'top-down' military hierarchical domestic terrorism program. Recent statistics I saw showed that 80% of people will take orders given by anyone recognized as an authority figure without question. Only 20% of people surveyed exhibited critical thinking skills that would morally/ethically question what actions they took, when ordered to do so. This 20% of human beings will change the world for the better and end this COPS No-Touch Torture treason. I am ready with website, cameras, and more importantly Jesus Christ of Nazareth, if there are attempts at further covert domestic terrorism at our new residence. Update: there are. See Nov/Dec 2023 documnetation.
Domestic Terrorism isn't anything new sadly, it just isn't going to get any media/press attention, as it's perpetrators OWN all of those mainstream outlets. However, there are many of us (out of the estimated 1.5 million TI's in America) publishing our own footage, testimonies, and experiences of this treasonous program.
The cowards in "high places" that order contract hits against us are targeting by proxy, so as to keep their hands from getting dirty, in their own psychotic thinking.
Their human sacrifice cult is no longer hidden. Their institutional house of cards - based on satan's sorcery - has fallen... and what threads are left are quickly unraveling, as human consciousness expands beyond the 'survival' stage the wicked have tried to keep people boxed into.
I am no one of consequence, but Christ Jesus of Nazareth living in me... the Holy Spirit of Truth, will finish everything He started... and is the One who fights all of my battles.
There is a day of reckoning on the way....
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, and are the called according to his purpose."
~ Romans 8:28
And they shall fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you."
~ Jeremiah 1:19