Satanic Communists
If people don't know True History then they are living in a false paradigm. Those who have sought to shape human perception for their own maniacal, sadistic goals have left human consciousness in a state of trauma and fear, but many of us are here to FREE Souls from this prisoner realm where lies are taught from cradle to grave. Jesus Christ IS.
The deceivers of Humanity have been lying to the public about everything from our Human origins, to cosmology, to actual human history. Most of what people believe as common knowledge in this realm is fictitious created by the Jesuit/Khazarian Masonic Mafia rulers serving the fallen angels who are cannibals. It's quite disturbing to first learn of these things but you cannot "un-know" something once all the facts have been presented. My research began in 2000. So, for over 20 years now I have been delving into the intricacies of the deceit, the deceivers, and the effects on the society around us.
The web of lies has been slowly unraveling and we are nearing a tipping point, or critical mass, where these lies no longer hold any weight in the minds of the majority. This is akin to a dark pot being cracked so that Light begins to enter and soon there is enough Light to illuminate every part of the interior - where before it was enshrouded in darkness. This Light is the TRUTH!
The deceivers of Humanity have been lying to the public about everything from our Human origins, to cosmology, to actual human history. Most of what people believe as common knowledge in this realm is fictitious created by the Jesuit/Khazarian Masonic Mafia rulers serving the fallen angels who are cannibals. It's quite disturbing to first learn of these things but you cannot "un-know" something once all the facts have been presented. My research began in 2000. So, for over 20 years now I have been delving into the intricacies of the deceit, the deceivers, and the effects on the society around us.
The web of lies has been slowly unraveling and we are nearing a tipping point, or critical mass, where these lies no longer hold any weight in the minds of the majority. This is akin to a dark pot being cracked so that Light begins to enter and soon there is enough Light to illuminate every part of the interior - where before it was enshrouded in darkness. This Light is the TRUTH!
The Profiteers of Humanity's Suffering were expelled from every nation before this one, which is why they had to infiltrate from the inside. They are the OWNERs George Carlin was hinting about during his stand-up routine. They are the rulers and puppet-masters. But they are still powerless in comparison to the Creator, the Living God of All! |