HQ1 - Covert Domestic Terrorism Documentation
Due to the frequency and blatancy of the 'covert' domestic terrorism by Community-Based Agents (CBAs) at our home, there are now webpages to document activity for each one participating in this state-sponsored persecution program. The 'professionals' came in around April/May 2024 for training in covert methods, as their 'usual' community policing was something I have seen many times before and wasn't working.
I have documented everything from the beginning of moving in, as the sequence provides a great deal of evidence.
HQ1 is the home directly across the street from ours to the right of HQ2 - adjacent to our home. The teenagers that live there were trespassing through our lot already when we first arrived. They obviously weren't happy that someone moved in that is familiar with real estate laws in the state of Ohio.
The Sheriff Dept had already briefed all of my close neighbors with their slander, and faux dossier because domestic terrorism and covert harassment began as quickly as we arrived in November 2023. This HQ1 is the base for most assignments and location for the porch perp - who comes out on her porch to smoke cigarettes (fire is important to the COPS Program) and stare at her mobile device - when I am leaving or returning home. This is right out of the CBA Manual.
I am always kind and speak to her since she comes out coincidentally when I am in my driveway.
Their son and his wife/daughter live there and they have been doing 'dirty deeds done dirt cheap' all along, although they went from extremely overt to having to modify their behavior based on what the 'company' tells them to do. This behavior / assignment modification is very clear as seen from when I first arrived here to present day.
The first videos and images are from our move-in month of November 2023:
I have documented everything from the beginning of moving in, as the sequence provides a great deal of evidence.
HQ1 is the home directly across the street from ours to the right of HQ2 - adjacent to our home. The teenagers that live there were trespassing through our lot already when we first arrived. They obviously weren't happy that someone moved in that is familiar with real estate laws in the state of Ohio.
The Sheriff Dept had already briefed all of my close neighbors with their slander, and faux dossier because domestic terrorism and covert harassment began as quickly as we arrived in November 2023. This HQ1 is the base for most assignments and location for the porch perp - who comes out on her porch to smoke cigarettes (fire is important to the COPS Program) and stare at her mobile device - when I am leaving or returning home. This is right out of the CBA Manual.
I am always kind and speak to her since she comes out coincidentally when I am in my driveway.
Their son and his wife/daughter live there and they have been doing 'dirty deeds done dirt cheap' all along, although they went from extremely overt to having to modify their behavior based on what the 'company' tells them to do. This behavior / assignment modification is very clear as seen from when I first arrived here to present day.
The first videos and images are from our move-in month of November 2023: