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10:4 Good Buddy!!!
As a persecuted individual of a Contract Hit fraudulent terrorist watchlist "blacklisted" United States Citizen, I have studied their military intel strategies, tactics and psychological warfare for many years now.
This program is funded by your tax dollars btw, a lot of it coming out of the local FIRE department, which is rather telling, eh? In most regions the volunteer fire departments could handle anything that comes up, but this is THE STATE. And the Elect are the 'enemies' of the state because we are friends of God - the true Living Creator. The State thinks it is, and acts as, god. It demands your children for blood sacrifices (abortion / military service) and a portion of your income to persecute those who won't bow before it. Stealing? Killing? Destroying? Yep.. it all adds up.
Below is some documentation of the occult rituals (covert, that coincidentally happened at 10:04 or a variation such as 10:40-10:44-01:04 etc. In their kabalah mysticism occult practice of numerology the numbers can be in any order. Th purpose is to instill fear and abuse and dehumanize the 'target' that has been identified. One of God's Creations. A human being, so these are ongoing crimes against Humanity.
As a persecuted individual of a Contract Hit fraudulent terrorist watchlist "blacklisted" United States Citizen, I have studied their military intel strategies, tactics and psychological warfare for many years now.
This program is funded by your tax dollars btw, a lot of it coming out of the local FIRE department, which is rather telling, eh? In most regions the volunteer fire departments could handle anything that comes up, but this is THE STATE. And the Elect are the 'enemies' of the state because we are friends of God - the true Living Creator. The State thinks it is, and acts as, god. It demands your children for blood sacrifices (abortion / military service) and a portion of your income to persecute those who won't bow before it. Stealing? Killing? Destroying? Yep.. it all adds up.
Below is some documentation of the occult rituals (covert, that coincidentally happened at 10:04 or a variation such as 10:40-10:44-01:04 etc. In their kabalah mysticism occult practice of numerology the numbers can be in any order. Th purpose is to instill fear and abuse and dehumanize the 'target' that has been identified. One of God's Creations. A human being, so these are ongoing crimes against Humanity.